Newspaper Page Text
Z\k Clevclanfc Cotiric’
0 fatal Or < Lin of White County. G
'ftlitwtnM Vfm-kly **. Cl«v«d*tni (i*.
V. Davidson, Editor.
iw -me* At i:i«wl*n<t
CJ*.. hi* necond claws mail matter. |
Mcmhfli Ninth DUtrict Pr*»s Awoclalnn
« Georgia Frew
" National Edi*nruu
•* Fr«u ConiKitOi The WwW
Subscription. *F5» P el y0i "
in advance
In hit i>,ooo word message
congress Tuesday PwidentHoove.
dii-.cuBsed many important question
Pith, are eon front mg the nwtioi j
at this time.
The president gave much time '
subject of prohibition stating 1
th« of the
that the present enforcement
.‘icl was very uusaAisfactory
ig tiiat not only was viie ntiichin
i L but
ery for enforcement necessary,
t he citizen most realize and cooper¬
ate with his own teeiing of respon¬
sibility. depression
As to the sudden 1
buftnes^Mr. Hoover said that f
was due to over-optimism, but kfu ’ 1
he had instituted cooperation
of M«. ""
country and re-established, confi i
.deuce so that wages should remah j
the same and unemployment pre
vented. •
Other measures discussed by the ,
president were radio commission
farming improvement, post office
high waps. veterans,'Muscle .Shoal
immigration, regulation of electric
power, banking system and lax re
Cong rets plunged into businet.
Tmssdnv to carry out die measures
recommended by the president j .
Before taking up other business
sue rtUenuhing to settle the case <u j
Senator-elect Care who is said to ’
the 1926 '
have spent $ 785,000 in
primary. Aller this the tax re
daction measure will be taken up
Georges Clciuenceuu o! France
who tiled at his home in 1 aiis No*
513 . It is said of him, him, “he “he is Otv j
of the most forceful characters tin j
French nation has produced. lit
starved as a physician, editor, poll
.liciau, scholar, duelest, truce P rt '!
Mvief, He was the head of th
peace conference ^following tin
World war.
The “Tiger," as he was called
.was a member of no ^religious d. I
nomination and believed in and in
«#u«ted on the ^complete separatioi
ot-church and state.
amac cR. tertUBss •
State Tax Commissioner H. C
Nauruinfhe» announced some neu
rulings on the gross sales tax lot
.. He states baled cotton soli
within the stale are not taxed,
Some mamifacturmg concern
operating dining rooms 01 cafe
left as for convenience, these arc
Each automobile Male is taxable
•is well as resales, tbo’j commission¬
er announced.
Disaster relief given following the 1
West Indies hurricane which struck
I’jttu Rico, the Virgin. Islands and
Florid*, as wall as otlfer islands in tbs
Caribbean Sea. presented one of the
largest task* yet undertaken byt ft
American Red Cross. In Florida,
'Wher* 1,810 lives were lost, the Ked
Cross aided 41,286 persons. la Porto
it tea and the Virgin I*ianrts, where th?
loss of life was not so great, but when
the devastation was almost cemplsta.
she Red Crow aided 731^12 persons.
Destruction of the coffee plants wh*
SJ r r~S.u“«T M ftX’
By employing 67.002 natives to clear
*.b« osffoe-land, so that replantlna
would «o forward immediately, thus
providing work and wages iu.r thou¬
■‘•Jf all the unequal treaties are o*>
irevised and all -foreign troops >e
anoved front Chinese soil within three
w«ars, you may cut off my head,'' Gen.
•Ohlang Kai-shek, new President of
a bina, has announced -to his people.
ITiv -world wishes Chitujg jtood luck,
amd at The x a me time remembers that
a -cihiBese -general .now and then
jests his head before he hag a chtiflee
iv snake good hit sroauea.
L@«al N@ws
We will have no issue Jan. 3
J 93°
Mr. Ed Carpenter spent a few 1
days this week w parents cm
Mossy Creek.
Mr. Buford Davidson, who is
employed in Detroit, returned oa a
visit Saturday to parents, Er. and
Mrs. G. W. Davidson.
The thermometer registered 10
above Saturday morning.
White County Bank bought the j
Carpenter place at Sheriff sale
The other property was
titled before salt,
Mr. F, G. Jones M s returned
home after a visit to his brother in j j
J Mrs. J. H. Cantrell spent Mon
day m Cleveland. Site says Bur¬
ton lake 's very beautiful now.
Miss joncai Nelms, of Com
merce, is visiting her sisrer, Mrs
fas I’, Davidson, this week.
Sol Jarrett, colorep, of Mossy
Creek district, died Sunday of
“UncleBenton”Trotter is spend
"* ”" k W ‘"' h ” “•
J'ostnvister Alex Davidson and
son, Tom, spent Monday in At
Mrs, Anna Kenimer has closed
[)U| . | wdg<5 , liu j KOne gone to Atlan
ttt until around April tst.
Mr. Charlie Stevens has moved
into the Dr. Neal bungalow.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Warwick, ol
Colo , arrived in Cleveland Mon¬
day night to visit relatives.
Mr. J. L. Cushy and family
nave moved to Habeishain, La,
Mr. Ilarve Uolesnnn, of Shoal
Creek district, died Tuesday night
of heart trouble.
Judge A, I,. Dorsey received a
letter from Cob Stun Tate inform*
mg him in response to a letter that
the road from Cleveland to to \ii
coochee was placed on the state
system of highways on Nov. 7 .,but
she county officials must secure a
do ft. rigid of way.
Emory Dorsey, colored, entered
^ ( . _| ottesi > home Monday night
; n tl j runilen C ondition|*ami las
(own on the floor, Membets oi
he family t{iw him and noiiffec
•tHeei's who lodged him in jni
where he still is.
Mfg. E. Soutiigid, of Atlanta,
-pent .Sunday with her brother,
Mr. George Davidson arrived al
mine last Friday night on a visit
lej* cmpbjyAd on the If. F I
•i. It. He was accompanied by
\lr. Marcelle Heratage, of Macon,
aim i r also employed by flig same
Misses jv-bie and Addle David
on spent the weekend with Imme-
1 oiks.
Mi*r Edna Heritage, secretary
Riverside, spent the weekend at
he home of Mrs. Alex Davidson.
Mr. YirgihGlover •continues to
m prove.
A New York news report says
hat the I. C. Penny Co, mu;
form a merger with Sears, Roe
& Co.
The Empire Construction Co,
ave finished their work of wiring
Cleveland and we will have elec
i icily when details withMr. Tink¬
are arranged.
Mr. Roy Power is visiting re¬ j
Mr*. \Y. A. Jackson is in a seri¬
condition frotp a lal.i -she re
~ «** *« »»** *<**•! as*ist
'beriff lackson went to her
nice ;iini fell .i 1 ui jjrwk/ jiis let’
am ibove the e.l.xiw, five rJwi'iH
lioiitjf very well.
The greatest water power on earr n j
is women's fears.
How big does a sailtish have to get j
get to become a yawl?
Americanism; Becoming infuriated,
at a politician for acting tike a noli- 1
White Coirtiry.'
;,H whom it urftyfeMteerti:
■ii. 8. Mil [nr nan! ,h 0. Miller having
proper form, applied to me for per
merit letter of administration on the
ate of Mia. J. M. Miller, late of said
" nty - Tl,|g is ,0 cite * n and si,, « u, *>'
Me creditors and next of kin of Mrs. J
AC- Miller to he and appear at my office
within the time allowed law atul show
.•arise, if any they can, why permanent
lutministration should not he granted to
K H Miller and J. C. Miller on Mrs. J.
31. -Miller’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 2nd day oft)ec4tnl.»«r, 1929 .
A. L* Dorsey, Ordinary.
Heoi-gut. White County.
To ail whom it may concern :
K. K. Jackson, having in proper form
applied to me for permanent lettem of
administration oe the estate of Mi s. L.
A " f*< kson, iate of said county. This is
to cite ah and singular the creditors anti
Next to kin of Mrs. L. A. jacks*>n to be
and appear «t my office wituin the* time
allowed by law anil show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administration
should not be granted to F. K. Jackson
on Mrs. L. A. Jackson's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa¬
ture this 2nd day of December ih2i).
A. L. Dorsey. Ordinary.
tfeavgia. White Cimnty.
Will lit Bold before the court home*
itnoi- in the Town of Clevelatul on the
first Tuesday, it*JO, between the leu*!
hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash the following property to wit:
One planer and all machinery upper
Uitnlng thereto, su«tMV» tielis and etc.
with a planer and machinery at¬
tached therein. One boiler engine and
all epuipment that go with a pjaner of
like kind, etc., complete- Now located
on 1 lie punperty of Io N, Hears and on
tiie spur t|-Hnt of the Gainesville, ,t
yorth western railroad and being locatwi
iu two sheds <m said property owuep by
said L. 8 . 8 e»r». -Said projierty levied
upon as the propertiC of Johnson Lnm ,
her Co. tu satisfy a distress warrant for j
rent, issued from dm J. J’. C-jiU'J of the
Hfilst, district G. M , in favor of L, N.
Sewrs Against the said Johnson Liunhtn
Co. This llir 4th day of Do.cernliej 192i*.
W. b. Allison
Iteputy (Siiariff White County, Georgia.
She— Does kfiii'fp
hubby T <sis»> -»*
He—tea. He says she writes him
from Palm Beach whether she needs
money or not.
® L Mixture
The orstory folk* let 3llp
I* flUed with verbal tricks
Tou scarce know which t* statesman¬
And which Is polities.
One Better
Oh} Horse—Remember how the au¬
tomobiles, when fhey came into prpmi
ence. laughed at us for {Hiking along?
Buggy— Yep, but them was 4 #D 0 F
Old Horse—Now it’s a ease of the
airplanes laughing at the automobiles.
Inspector leapqntining class)—Name
an extinct aulntal.
Small Boy—Please, sir. Tommy.
Inspector—But Tommy isn't an ex¬
tinct artknal.
Sinai} Boy—Yes, sir. fie was oor
cat, but th# dog got hold of him.
A* Adv«rti»«d
The Renter—Say, you, you told me
the room you rented to me commanded
a line view and I find it opens cm a
Light she ft.
The Agent—That’# right. The
kcrapleigh eoiiple live across the shaft
and they pur up gome of the best.
He—Miss Mary, It's impossible to¬
me to tell you what I think of you
jib*—How glad I am to hear that-
lax Collector’* Notice
Third and last round
Dec. yth
Blue Ridge at J. II. Jarrard’sStore
j 9 a m.
Robinson M ill 9 -.3° •'> in.
\V. N. Turner’s Store m.
' J im Palmer’s Mill 11 130 a. in.
i SiioalCreekLawground rj : 8 o p. m.
! Astnnore’s Store 1 : to p. tn.
. U F Chumb!ers store > p.m.
! I*. D. >V hitfieid Store 3 p. in.
, Hulsey,s Bros. Store 3 :Ho p. m.
j Meldenn Station 4 p. rn.
Dec. 10 th.
j. II. Stovall’s Store to a, m.
Leaf P. I J. 1 / a. m.
A. B. Tomlin - Store J 2 : 3 <> p. in
B;trrett’s Mill 1 p. m.
i,. H. Alexander’s Store 2 130 p.m.
U'. J. Presley Store 3
W, F. Hulsey » Mill 3 : 30 }). m.
it. F. Wofford Store 4 p. m
Dee. 1 21 ti
Leonard Hood’s Store 14 a. 111 .
Sautee P. O. 1 o a. in.
jNacoochee Station ji a. rn.
Helen 12 noon
Roberistown 2 p. tn.
Asbestos Slatiijn 4 p. in.
Cleveland Dec. 17 . tM, 19 and 2 o.
Books close Dec. 20 th and execu
lions will l>e issued.
S L. Brown, T. C.
7 Headquarters for
XAcdem Gifts
jhat last for ijears
From far and wide has
been gathered at our retail
store a host of Electrical
Gifts appropriate for
Electric ranges, percolators,
irons, toasters, waffle irons,
wai ming pads, electric heal:
ers, vacuum cleaners} mid
decorative lamps (if strih*
mg beauty.
Something for everyone on
your list !
Christmas Terms on
Electric Ranges and
Refrigerators . . , .
FREE with each range an
18-piece *et of Viko Mumi
mtm Ware especially de
sigm-d for Electric Cookery.
'Terms: $0 down, 24 months
to pay,
GE Refrigerators—SHI down,
balance in 24 months.
Visit our nearest store
right away. Make your se¬
lections NOW !
Geo ,GIA
IOWEB. co 12 r any
A C-itiren Wherever Wp Serve
>'A Russian nnist is to go to Africa
to paijit heayiiful Bedouirj girl* vvbfi
never lint lie.'’ The best practice will
itiill for a si aid sandpapering before
OPP', v! »{,' the paint. —
A ipjustlocnaire in Rochester ask*
whether it zifher is n musical ingtrit
nient or- a disease, Jt is something
you scratch, iliongh that hardly an¬
swers the question.
Some letters of Benjamin Franklin
have just been sold at auction for jvO.
<Kk>. Not so much ! Many a letter ol
a gay old sport lias brought that in
the private market 1
Just to show yviia.i the typesetter
can do in a big moment one in Al¬
berta. Canada, refers to the central
Sgure in a film epic of the high seal
as a “swashbuckling aero.”
I Georgia Man Honored
By Woodman of World
R. G. Plunkett, fanner city at
torney of Macon, has been elected
Watchman of the Woodmen of the
World Life Insurance Association,
with headqu^ers at Omaha, Ne
braska. Fraser. President
of the Woodmen, in commenting
on the election of Mr. Plunkett to
Watchman of the association said:
It was a real pleasure to have
Sovereign Plunkett elected to
such a high position in our -treat
organization. Sovereign
r.elt. a loyal representative of
Georgia, has been of great aid in
pushing forward the Woodmen of
the World to greater heights. He
is faithful and efficient. Also his;
election is recognition of the leva: j
support of the State of Gvorgm to
our Order."
Mr, Plunkett, a graduate ot the
College of Lew at Mercer Univer¬
sity, served as city attorney of
Macon from 1917 to tC21. He
was bom September 10. lSSl. ini
Macon. Georgia end here he has!
resided smee birth.
As a member and Officer ot the
Magnolia Camp of the Woodmen
of the World in Macon, Mr. Plun
kett has built an enviable reputa
tion as a fraternal worker,
ing for a number of yeais as
Camp Auditor and as a delegate
to national conventions. In 1925
at the Macon convention the -
flee of Head Couiwntl of Georgia
was conferred upon him.
Plunkett is Widely known in
and socie.’. activities not only
Macon but throughout the State:
of Georgia.
The Woodmen 0 / the World is
the wealthiest fraternal insurance ’
association in the nation with !
more than one hundred million j
dollars invested in government
and municipal bonds. Part of this ;
sum is Invested in bonds of
Georgia municipalities. The Wood
men of the World is known world
wide for Iteing 104 Der cent
Two of the largest enterprises !
that have placed the Woodmen of j
progressive the World in Fraternal the j fore-ranfe Insurance ‘
Societies, prominent and are mad the t War it nationally Manorial- |
Hospital at Ban Antoni\ Texas
Cultivate The Habit Of
A “Salad A
Dirtf tor, Horn* Ecortotoici He p:,,
H. J. Htiot Company ' | j
The salad h*Wt h growing
Amerma. W« )»««. mU. «»t^
able for J^oit iuUUn
luncheon ,a J ; >m ' s ,ur orpopper ,b « «'«■. simph: ®* salads j
oi grueut for the dwnec »iom. 1
ami tiie fancier salads ti>r dessert
or as jrurty refreshments. Be-',
sides being attractive in appear -
ance and appealing to th? *ppes
(He. salads supply iu ,,wr
I he minerals and vgtaguins so
necessity tor
~, ,__...,.::n-- ; , . ' ”E5 ‘ ~.’”""p‘nm‘j 'T
W44”? ‘ , J r‘
'33?» 131.13}? > gfl- '! A:
, .
_ "r
,- ‘ i xx:
i is“ “'0' C T . f} k 1 I. '/ ‘
p:*—x ;
I 4:21“ *~> \\\W 5») w ’ W i
5 V42“ I, *‘r _. 1’“ ;/' ll y:
W} i m?’ ' 43. . .. w A g
: K 35%;: H " , .§*- w ,M “ ‘V / f I i
‘ r v . E
it is irttie woodef, then, that 1
wlicn we women meet, dew salad
rennes are oiren the topic of dis I
mission. rnsxii.n Thev They are .« a subyvet o(
genuine intercut to usf
Here are a few vtcipe* foV
easily prepared attracWve salads,
which von will enjoy usui^:
Mock Salman Salad —
2 -urs rarrota own-syi}- *r»tto4 ot
xi-ouw#: \/% c\tp. cbenwd' KaxiUh
wslnuta: -wp v ttflcj niivv,
rh-mnwl: I m-er nyi, II-.-r eWoo ‘ 1
rablmpooc r-rwnd twe »4 rtOtoti
eherrned: H HH , \t rssa
well jeneor.yd **<•# Jtwsia*.
of Mix lettuce. thogonghly Garnish dnd serve in ne.ta
with slices of
stuffed olii e Tiiis titakt's % doh
ctous, -andwith JeaBhful spread. sa'#d, g|«A a
Kidney Bean Salad -
i run? Based Red Kidney D wj—; J
-UO eeterv. -ut tn pi««* cur r-.r rat.
ha*«; 2 lyctu sajtefc ; U
♦wupooa «glk
r 1 ADVERTISING is like liniment. I %( 1
cant be applied effectively with a
powder puff. It needs rubbing in
And the harder the rubbing the better
the results.
RUB IT IN HARD—Increase your acvertis
ing—put in the sales pressure—create enthusi ¬
asm and enrgy arid optimism throughout your
organisation—arid watch the progrss you make
Georgia man who was appointed
t« hkh c fSce in W. O. VV.
---— — —----------———
and the Radio Station WOW at
the national headquarters build
lug in Omaha,
The hosphai is an outgrowth of
a yj e dream of P.evident Fraser,
Dunng its five y jars ol existence
y, h a;; improve! lit h.-r.-fh more
two thousand paihnts. The
hospital is the shot, pkr-e of San.
Antonio and repretents an invest
mert of more than nrtr.iliion doL
]| ccnrirfs of 210 ocrea ot;"
(aad. completely equipped h.qs-.
pitai. nurres' hcuie. and ui.ihy
other buFdings. It hs a free satax
torium for tubercular members
of the society. Operation cost
are paid from a special UespiUi
fund, witho-.t port to the menus
Ti c Radio Stul.uu WOW wa,
bunt and officially Inaugurated by
the Woodmen of the World ifl
April. 1822. at an expense of *5Q„
d00. Since then thousands hats#
fee, 11 invested to ntr.k this euter
suceci.f ul. Th • tistiou’
feuasts a church coohrcgation of
redio listeners estimated at a half -
miiUon. Church servlet',', are eon
over th- ar *v«ey Sunday
Hut kidney Ivear.s in strainer i/i-Ji
pour ool, boiitng water over tfc.-cp
C n.-.i -,vitn celery, i-adia
R*H»h, am! Kilt. with.
C risp lettuce. Gan.lsb with sHeeft
- hard cooked
egg or dish uF
Serve with whole-wheat
bre)M j wvAvicYits.
Wuettroon Salad- - Mash a.
fVaebage ( v*ekage ©£ o£ Philadelphia, erean*
Moisten with Mayonnaise:
with Spread half a -am-eii
this mixture, rover with
half oi pear. Lip whole
thus formed in ground t«*'
varoon, -rutui-st tio pr, par*
roll stale macaroons pries
hr}. Serve-in aest of crisp LtUu'c-.
CJwrnlsh with spoonful of May.m
Basse Dressing and a inaraacimi-x
cherry-. Peaches may be ptcfiireal
same manner-.
P»ruma twd Pea?*! iSith-r Salad
TKis ij 4 favuMte salad with
g'Ts'T' cMfdre r\. ' V Peel * b.-.t-s-ai. n;-i—--as. qu* ie,
ve If long ir c >, (St. ^pTcarl half
Wo*H pearmt butter S'u.t cover with
ether layer. C«t tsvnanas into
thiTds and arrange os b ds of let
tuce. Gartiuh with stwgnifu! of
Country Club Salad-- C<y z o 7 -4
hoiled or baked hstn into n-slj
dice and add etjuaf amount of
Toed celery. Mraster wftii rr>ay
r-nnaive dressing. Ghi’-l thorough
!'• -I'd sr-e.-w in b“dt of lettuce;
garniah with slice* of stuffed