Newspaper Page Text
V 1L. XXX 11 . Xo.
Just from the Mountains.
Mr. Eugene Elliott is now visit
iny[ re latives and triends litre.
We have known the ShoalCreek
scribe iur rpiite awhile and we
Iter er i iroei hull i he done us a
favor uni'v- Tiie First time we aver
saw mil was when lie passed
H,rough driving .1 little mule to a
buggy on his wav from Sail moon
twin a sbesms mines. lie then re
sided ) miles north of Dahlonega
and i) ui a a.-bestos mine on his
* M \ Hi.
Mr. Mark Mallieson, the game
war.all nf YY’idiv. w a- down tld
way r ecvi^lv putting up notices
no the ;u-o()!e not to shoot
leer ['here is not much
r ll anv of our voung I11111
lets w c r T‘ to cu>me across one there
wouif be such a fright it would be
bard t 0 toil which could run the
fustei —the hunter or the deer.
Some of our numerous 'riends
UVe been advising us to go to
Lirida this waller v\ here the C/U
w uni suit our clothes. But
such u wonderful country
Iter The boom is over and
panic on baud now. Be¬
there is il ; kind ot Hy
there art those miserable
tgaU i> which are very fond of a
;t dr
wife looked back and turn
a pillow of s lit, and now
ivs hits ot wives do the do
the same thing and \ urn into a
An Idaho man has just been re
married to a woman from whom
fie had been uivotced 3 ° years be
fore. It. takes some iwen yj years
•to discover when they are well off.
Bill Coker -ay- the sun tan style
bt i a burning question all
summer and fall and now
Ti lore’s being an endurance con
in the air in the dance halls,
ag poies and in the swimming
i, but Asbestos is now in the
t oi a whittling contest which
reate m by a red hot finish.
Onlv : ek ago the Sunny
apped in tee but this
at y break tbe blue birds
like on an April
fas! time moves on.
ll short time nee l h>
were- ringing, T,
11 mt ms long, Fin
ikons have been crowing for
last few niglrts telling of tin
:ral event which will soon br
The record for i 9 2 9 wib
ii clo¬ id can never be lived
ir. T some it has brought
dness ><-, while to others sorro a .
tber time has been kind l«
and therefore Christinas
be an event o! thankfulness
ad cheer
y tram. The safest. Most com
Most reliable. Costs less.
uire of Ticket Agents regarding
atly reduced fares for short trips,
- .--.i
y Your Subscription Now
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests ot White County
By A Writer Mueli Flat
Well, mighty good friends, we
don't live where we do now tor we
done gone and moved, you see it is
sorter this wav : We picked out a
verv nice house, one of these here
sort of houses these here sort of
houses that has door shutters and
glass windows and door steps and
a front porch and a left and you
get in that or loft by stepping on a
board a little higher than the floor
and then stepping on another board
higher than the first one and so on,
and that thing you climb to get in
to the loft is what folks call stair
steps. Oh! golly its a bumping
big house. Nothing lacking about
except lightning rods and and |un
her rods. But that’s all right it
hasn’t been thundering or lightning
since we’ve been there, and we
couldn't have used them if we had
had them. W ell, anyway we got
six tire places and no wood, and
there has been some awful cold
weather right here lately. Even
the house cat came near freezing,
and would have frozen if we had
not had some forethought about
him. YVe noticed he had four
pods of red pepper with the ends
cut off and was using them for
boots. Some smart cat, eh? And
besides all this, we noticed Mr.
Frank EardtiV, of Cleveland, com¬
ing through Clermont the other day
m Ills way to Augusta. Think
Frank was going farther south to
find some air that was thawed to
put in truck tires. U'e noticed one
fellow passing through that had
pumped up his casing with frozen
air and tiie rubber bad all worn off
and had solid ice wheels. Now,
-Dine people may think that not a
lie but it is. ll there happens to
come any sort of weather any ways
.non we will try to report in oui
next issue.
YVe “writ*’ last week but some
now or other we failed to have one
if those here kind er things what
you put letters in and lick a ilap ol
a thing and mash it “down against
the other part of the little paper
:>ag and then stick a little red pic¬
ture up m the upper right hand
corner, and they say then that
Uncle Sam says: “Here boys
take this thing, if [you can make
out what that is scribbled on I lie
back there, and carry to where it
where it says, and it is none ol
.our darn business what’s m there.
Make it snappy. Hear!
Say folks, you know a fellow
mce in a while happens to see
-ome good old reliable friends that
he hasn’t seen for some time. Well,
it makes him have some sort ol
feelings lie has not had for some
time, and you know he can hardly
keep from saying something about
seeing them. Well, that is the
way we are feeling now. Soon
Tuesday morning cars from Cleve¬
land began to pass our “hangout.”
j Among those who were passing
! .ve*spoke to our Editor fas. I'.
> |, Td ,„ rd „„ d
j Col. A. H. Henderson, while in
j another car was Col. C. H. Kd
j wards. Naturally it is besr for
| lawyers to ride in different cars, as
j ( heir briefs might get mixed. Well,
sir, all those fellows were very
nice and none of them didn't tin
ker with us in the least except Mr.
Tinker himself tinkered k iong
enough to stop and trade some
with us, so everything went off
verv nice. Now there were other
Cleveland folks passing but we
failed to get to speak to ail of
t hem.
Well,here’s hoping that the poor
if the country that is silently en¬
during the sleepless nights vvo’ying
over unpaid debis and tlie remorse
that is imbeded in the very life and
exisiance <>i thousands ol our Fatli
eis and Mothers who groan under
Mr. T, W. Fate, of, Lula,: xv
in this section Saturday. ..J
Before the recent cold
of the friends of Uncle Bill F.urke
and his aged wife made
happy by cutting and hawling
them several big {,loads of worn 1
Oil Saturday several persons
t-red this years crop of corp lor Air
John Knnadity, who has been sick.
Deeds of dinkness are never
golten by the rules in heaven,
\Vell, we have paid our taxe-,
but how the people do grumble
about them being so high. M
ging the finances of a county can
be nicely illustrated by the mar
riage of a young man whom we
will call Head, and who hasn’t
dollar when he marries. The next
thing he knows twins make then,
then it is not uncommon for trip
lets to be horned, and the ^ ^
visits again with quadruples. Just
it few years and Mr. Head has ten
children to look after. The oldest
son must have an automobile; the
t wins must each have an airplane
:he triplets must have a sewing
machine each, for they a/o girls;
the quadruples must each enjoy ' u
good , tune ■ and , make , some debts. j it.
Mr. Head knows it requires inonev
for all this, but he is a sorry anu.a
ger of business and lie drags along
anyway. A county is created by
law from undeveloped territory.
officers elected, some through in
tluence of the jug; and others by
popularity. T hey lake charge ol
the offices and not a dollar in the
county’s treasury. A road must In
built here and a bridge yonder, a
court house erected, a jail co'fti
uienced, the court expenses paid
ind no money to do anything with
A tux levy is myde on tin- inhabi¬
tants and a cry is set up ; “It’s loo
high, it’s too high.” ()f course
some officers of some counties ntakt
mistakes and the people suffer.
Moral: If a man can’t .success¬
fully manage bis home finances In
can’t manage a Counties finances
to a success.
Subscribe For 'Iho Courier
the fact that they can never mens
ure up to the standard that 1- ex¬
pected of them in regard to then
obligation* they owe then chi Hirer
Just ihink one minute of a litth
fellow who lias the utmost confi¬
dence in his father, mother or
parents living in hopestfull of glee,
great things he expects, not only
expects them, but just knows they
are forthcoming. The., picture . he j
poor 1 parent 1 who must nip in Hie
bud the aspirations of the hopefu. .
youth by laying t “Dear UnUl. ■
Papa ; 1 or Mama, as ihe case mav bo. j [
lias and , ■ debt. , , , Yes,
no money in
here’s hoping that all such may be j
blessed , . , with ■ , , health ... at , , least, , and, :
that the one and only one that
cares for tlie poor may iook ovei
tliem in pity while they are being
scorned by the high-chins.
Luck to all the readers, corres
poiideuts, Editer and Stall.
Miss Whiteside Becomes Bride Oi
Felix Stovall
J An interesting marriage of
Thanksgiving season was that
j Miss Margaret Glen
| daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kimberly W iiiteside, and
i Church Sun-ail, son of Mr.
Stovall, of Cleveland, Ga.
‘ceremony was quietly solemnized
,c Calvary Episcopal Church
morning at 9 o’clock with
the rector. Rev. Clarence Stuart
'F' a ..m, officiating,
j Die Thanksgiving f,irorde decorations of
ft ' nis ‘ J 11 !>•*«<ty
j >'» the taking of the vow
Flu-re were no attendants or music,
li e bride and groom entered the
church together and speaking the
vows before a small company ol
relatives and intimate friends. The
j bride wore a dark blue crepe en
(-etnble with egg shell blouse and a
j small blue lelt hat. Her corsage
was of sweetheart rose buds and
Mr. and Mrs. Si avail left im¬
mediate]) by motor for Florida,
.vhere '.hey will tour llie state. Up
j 1 '" L " " 1 " ' 1k ta ^ L res i
j d 1 1,1 **-> l,csv ‘ dt ,dl<l Dec. 15.
I ] Fwo brothers of toe groom, H Mosers
! " 1 -Y ,im ^ hdip Kiovail. ol >Syl
! /m ’ were here lor ’ he marfi “K**
The bride is a graduate of the
Asheville Aigli School and Teach
:fs Training School at Cullowhee
ilid has been a teacher the past
war in the Asheville Schools. Mr.
Stovall was graduated from Slate
College of Georgia at Clarkesville,
and is connected in busines at
Y\ aync.sville.
Tuesday Dff<*. 17.
1 will sell at auction one mule,
t'odiler, lops,ha)' and shucks, farm
ng tools ami various household
II, F. Miles.
Blue Creek I ),s'rid.
Him* Ridjfe Dots
Rev. Hubeil Turner filled bis
tppivird merit at Antioch church
as! Sunday. YY’o wish the young
nan good luck. Mr. Turner tells
ne that two of his brothers are in
mm Ohio.
Some of tiie farmers here have
nsi cotton owing io the covg'inued
Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, of
Chicopee, spent last week end he e
vviih Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr
and Mrs. W, C. Miller.
YY’e arc glad to hear t hat Rev,
VI. C. Allen located at the satin.
place. ^
Mrs. F. ,M. Shuler, of Colo.,
writes that the recent cold sped
was jo below zero. \\ ell Mary,
we felt the same snap.
S i) the election held it) the Town
of Cleveland Dec. xill), !Cj2C) it
was a tin for \ I a v or and no election
to this office.
It is therefore ordered that an
e!ectj(>n wij| be heJd said towll
Qn Weduesd;lv , DcC . l8 . , 9 2 9 for
, electing , a Mayor. ,,
purpose or
J ,, )js declio „ wlll be lle d U ndei
^ a[ y„ vernlnK , lu
holding :, , of such . elections,
Tlle wM b ° °ff' H ’ d nt 9
o'clock and close v. vf A l » dock, east j
” rl _* 1 " u j
J 21 h day ol Dec. ^ 1929.
D. G. Head, Mayor.
Advertising is !i»e oii that iubn
cutes the machinery 'd bustuc'j?*.
mm .1 nor great mused}- is
A distinguished dietitian makes the
eniphatie assertion that stt this very
moment—even ns we loll carelessly in
the sun, more than one million Amer¬
ican women are overweight. They are
pouring' libations to .Juno and Hebe
rather than Venus or Diana. Doubt¬
less 1 his is something to invite ap¬
prehension and alarm. U'e hate to
think oC our loved ones in terms of
the hay settles or the stockyards, but;
nevertheless there doesn't seem to be
any grave warrant for worry. The
youngsters appear to he built along
race horse lines and are trim and
(rig. Anyhow, we decline to accept
any dictum concerning womanly
weights, says the Los Angeles Times.
Let: it he construed that a matron is
no heavier than her heart. There
has always been a niche in man's
temple of love for a plump ami bux¬
om woman.
in New York a court recently or
tiered that a man he placed under
observation In a hospital because it
Is suspected that he is suffering from
“a mental trouble.” From the
paper accounts one gels the impres¬
sion that litis belief is based upon
two facts: The man is a poet, and
"lie thinks that the world owes him
a living'." In regard to the latter no
lion some distineilon would have to
be made between theory and
says the linllimore Sun. If the man
simply reasons that the world ought
to owe him a living, that is indicative
of just a dream,v add Innocent ideal¬
ism. J3ut if after 34 years on earth
lie actually believes he still has some
chance of collecting'it—on Ids own
terms -why then we should say that
lie is suffering from a really major
Midshipman Chappie has passed the i
haml-over-hnnd rope-climbing lost, and
therefore is allowed to represent the 1
Academy as a heavyweight boxer, a
role for which lie is admirably [itied.
And the news draws attention to this
fair test of lit ness, says the Balti¬
more Sun. The heavy nthelete with j
mighty muscles does not win out j
abend of iho little fellow by mere j
size, for be has, say, 195 pounds to
lift as against the .UO of the other, i
(lie Ami wish one can itmt imagine this practice how general could be is j
extended to other fields—if, for ex- ••
ample, the classroom examinations j
might be adjusted to tiie mental !
tif til A* ig| llilmri
i ( (HJj
Let us bill before you let your contract for m
I electric bouse wiring. <V*A i
i We use only the best of material. All work p
guaranteed to pass inspection. Work done v&>
I bv first class electrician. I
'Ye also handle a complete line of electrical I
I 1 Store. fixtures. Some on display nex( I). G.Head's H
1 Littlefield & Beck
<»>> Give us a call j,)
Pay Your Mription )iow
j Printing
j is the master key of out civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
’ It well worth the
is very highest
))^ efforts of its craftsmen. .
\u The Cleveland Courier
(?< Commercial Printing of Every Description
Subscribe For The Courier
Tiie chief end of man Is to make
both ends meet
Strangely enough, it’s when you are
done up that you feel undone.
Queer how a thing ceases to be a
luxury after you can afford it.
Many a man is so exclusive that he
isn't even on speaking terms with his
There’s plenty of room at the top,
even on the justly celebrated stool of
Every man realizes that he must
die, but he always puts it off till the
last miuiite.
Sins of omission are more popular
than sins of commission, inasmuch as
they involve less effort
J It’s all right to lay treasures In
heaven but It; is just hs well to carry
a little burglary insurance.
Heaping coals of fire on your en*
emy’s head doesn't necessarily make
him resort to sackcloth and ashes.
There’s nothing new about skepti¬
cism. The weather prophet, for In¬
stance Inis been sneered at ever since
the days of Noah.
More than half of the known ele¬
ments are metals—about fifty In all.
Cubic measurements of the General
Motors building, Detroit, are 20,411,000
Last year Canadian railways car¬
ried 32,087,358 more passengers than
in 1920.
The first insurance policy was issued
on .Tune IS, 1583, on the fife of one
William Gibbons.
Some parrots hang on trees in
bundles by their bills or feet and
some perch as other birds do.
We are never nearer death than
when we sneeze—the act causes u
momentary convulsion of the brain.
It has been estimated that tbe water
power available to develop electric
energy in Canada totals 32,075,998
horse power, of which only 4,550,219
horse power are under turbine installa¬