Newspaper Page Text
Zbc Cleveland Courier
Official Organ of White County Go
c r »it<lmft«Ml Weekly *t Cleveland <’».
.1 v^. 1 ’. Daviuson, Editor.
Ku'ered hi ilic Po*i >flic« a* :in,i
(in.. Hr* .-‘la-IK 1 c!hBM lllllU - -Hf ■
Member Ninth District tnt- A».v.-.!mon
** Georgia Pfesa
*• National iGlitorial
“ Pre*» Congress Of Tf*® ^ofW
•Suosoriptioii, *1.50 1 1 ‘
in u ivance
Patrick 1, Hurley, of OkUthotna,
was named by President Hoover
l ist Friday as secretary of war,
succceding/tbe late James W.Goml
lie has been serving in this capac.
tty since the death of Mr. Good
lad month.
This selection gives the southern
stilted a a cabinet cuuinei ^member. } 11 lis is
selection for the post had been ex.
peeled as ^the president approved
of his services in Mr. Good s place
and also lie wished to give
south a cabinet member.
Air. Jlurlay was born in
Choctaw nation, Indian territority
He i» a Raritan Catholic. He i>
ttii cabinet members m years.
ss. 5 tx_-.-_
It has been announced that
Georgia Power Company and
alHliated companies will S pend|l6 f . m Georgia u. 1930.
This is not only the largest amount
at money ever spent by lliis com
jinny m one year, but is the
amount ever spent by any one
ei prise for new construction
his state.
The company spites that tile
aim uot spending the large
-of money so much for the
tries w [deli have grown in
in the .past years but they
planning lor the industrial growth
winch they are confident the
holds for our state.
The Courier hopes that the
-er company will see lit to use some
of tide money iu developing it’s in¬
terests m White county,
*. . ..............
Friends throughout’ the nation
mourn :jlie death of
ruff which occurred Saturday
.morning at an Atlanta hospital.
He lias been connected with
newspapers all over the country
.olid »u all his travels made friends
who never foroot him. His native
-state wits Alabama but he is as
known throughout Georgia,having
served iu connection with the At¬
lanta Georgian, Constitution and
Journal, He was a sport writer
ior the Atlanta Journal when lie
died, having been connected with
Hint newspaper for toe past two
William S. \ are, of Penn,, lias
been denied the right to sit iu the
l L S. Senate, being chat ged with
the expenditure ol . ,
fraud and *700,
000 tn Ins primary race tor senate.
jo,epti R. Grumiy has been ap
pointed by ihe Governor ot 1 enu.,
»-i till ihe vacancy, and his coniir
jnalion tn the senate is quesiiomtbn
Luiid For Salt*.
8 5 ' ),nle from ,he Ci, V 01
Athens. Ga.. has good
iiuiise u 1 ui lo acres /.>i bot*om i-inu, I
and good market •. anu , .
»s near a
good schools and colleges. Would
-nt it. See
T. j. McDonald,
Lievc and. Ga
Land For Stilt*. !
just outside tlie incorporate .
Tnwits of Cleveland, Ga., one 17 :
a.cte lot and one 40 acre lot. Th«
6 nee is light. We ire to gv
electric lights soon and every im
Lirovement makes property advanct
in price. Now is the time to buy
land. For particulars see.
T. J. McDonald.
Town lax Notice.
A11 property tax in the Town
of Cleveland is due on or before
Dec. 20, 1929- Fi las wni iil be
itiued thereafter.
J. P, Saxon, Clerk
ZaCgzil Advertisements
eni-gi-t, White C-mmy.
all whom it may catwvrtt:
& • Miliar ami .}. r. Millt-r having’
-r-i-er to. m.Mpplieil to me for pt-r
j*ii ftneut h-ti >;i of administration on the
ot Mrs. J. M . Miller, late of said
unl un ^; y T,lifl ^ t0 ^ ^ a,,d ^ ngn,w ‘
tl * e cre<lifort! Tl !tn ' 1 "ext of kin of Mrs. J.
Mi . Miller to lm and appear at my office
within the time allowed law and show
ise, if any they can, why
ad ministration should not he granted to
j & **■ a,,d C ’ Mil,er 0,1 M ''*- J
j W|tu Witney - my my hand hand and and official official ahrnafnr.. signature
j thin 2nd day of December, may.
j A. L, Dorsey, Ordinary,
Georgia, ' While County.
To all whom it may concern:
K. it. Jackson, having in proper form
applied to me for permanent lettem oi
; administration oe the estate of Mrs. [.
!: j to v -.^ cite k all ?;’ ami n :. ! ; u gfnguhir ?_ o !? i '! the a ' ,m creditors ‘ y ;. rhh anti u
| ! and appear ll > kin of at Mrs. office L A. within Jackson the t„ time l
j my
aHoW( „ i |jy , aw Hn(1 show , f ft||j
! tbey can, why permanedt adminiHtration
j should not be granted to l. R. Jackson
! on Mrs. L, A. •Jack.-ion’s estate.
Witness my band amt official sigiui
ture this 3tt<! day of December
A. L, Porsey,Ordinary.
Georgia, White County.
Will hr sold before tin court house
door in tit-' Town of i.'levrland '*>«
cash the following properly t» wit:
Oae phuiei'and all machinery upper
j taining with thereto, plam-r »u<:h and as machinery belts and etc.
h at
^‘ed thereto. One boiler engine and
j j ljk< . ^ ^ J(
on a,„ ps ,, ty „fL. S. Sears and mi
p JB epur tract of the Gainesville A
] j Northwestern ntilrpud and being located
h‘ tw‘. she-.s 0.1 said .......... ->wr.ep by
said said h. h. S. >S, Hears. Hears Sait! property fevitai
upon as the pn-pi'j t.C -if Johnson Luni- j
bey Co, to satiafy distress warrant for '
yept issued I'rpin 1 h 0 J. P. O-urj of the
8ti)f-t, district G M., ip fay nr of J,, H.
Hears against the saiil Juhnspp buiubpr
Co, This th- Jtli -lay ol I)ecembe.i lU'Jh.
3V.L. Allison
Deputy HhSrijf White County, Georgia,
**tty Your SuliHcriptloil Now
.... ...... ........,
j N () I I < I]
j I will make* you special prices'
on wiring your house for electricit;
All material guaranteed to be first
class. All work done by expert
/[. \\ . Moore,
B--x 14 (>
Dahiouega, Ga.
Drowned Out
“You have ceased to show a sar¬
castic wit.”
.“What’s the good of a sarcastic wit,” ;
said Miss Cayenne, “when everybody 1
is listening to the big hoy who plays I
u ukulele?”—Washington Star.
Reward of Greatness
“Why do you persist in politics?” !
“For several reasons," answered j
Senator Sorghum. "One of them is
the special privilege enjoyed by a -
government official in parking his mo¬
tor cur.”—Washington Star.
“Why does he always speak of his
daughter as ‘Umbrella?’”'
“Because when she leaves the house
with some one it’s hard to tell when
she’ll ever get back to it again.”
Friend— I’ve heard your husband
walks in his sleep at night.
Wifie—Don’t you believe it, my
dear—he never comes home till dawn
Thinking and Speaking
The plot is growing thicker.
Men wonder, as they wait.
If they'd solve problems quicker
By shortening debate.
What Every Telegrapher Knows
Vick—You say you don't know what
love is?
Resinoi—Why, ot course 1 do It’s
the tenth word in a telegram.
A Lucky Father
“Do your children go in for this
wild, modern life?"
“No: they cause us no more worry
t! an bills that have been paid do.”
L@ea 11 News
Hall t»«d . I^P**
Dept. Sheriff et
Fnrkfc of Lunipkin, had ;
a coid but successful trip last
morning between i intt.' and ^» d
5 o’clock. - They - went out
. bond . tor .
Davis district took a $500 '
Ullie Seabolt and brought in the '
$4,000'hot Franklin Alabama car
i,e is charged with having in his
possession. 1 hen went up nit-,
- ,
\ ahoolu district and arrested uuu
carried off Charlie Anderson,
charged with some violation of law
The deputy returned the
! night with a U. S. official and
carried Oliie down and lodged him
m llall j-dl, having made a federal
tase from it. Both officers r, ' luru
led on Wednesday night again and
would have attested Oilie’s father,
j but he is . under bond 1 already 1 a and . , j
j both both can can be be tried tried together together, 11)c
Dahiouega Nugget,
yj r Robert Cooley and two
- c j.jtcljeri, of Atlanta, spent last
weekend with parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. John Cooley
j The Woman’s Missionary Society
’ will meet at the home of Mrs
I Bible study questions : Ruth 267
J ,rou b 1 2 9 , ’•
! Mrs. J. IN Cooley received word
! Sund-jy t|iat her nephew, Marvin
Mimh, dted of hgan trouble. 1 hn.s
j day sue received a telpgrajp stating
chut iier brother, Air, JSish
| had blood poison in one foot and
that amputation was necessary. He
j . is m . a critical . ■ , condition, , , ..
' We will not publish 4 pea per
j J ; iu. 3, 1930.
‘ r ' "k r| . ^ usct coiUiotres to
; >'»Pr*«ve trtendtly.
Mr. B F. Alien, of New IIol
j land, was in this section Saturday,
| Mf and Mrs> p e |j x Stovall,
VVayneeville, spent Sunday night
with i)is si8lef( Mrs , R (j. Allison.
Mi, Grady Henley spent several
days this week h u Atlanta.
j Cleveland will get light? now
J just us soon as the meters can be
installed. No $50 eook-up or ser
vice charge will be gought tor. Mr.
linker is now collecting Ins wir¬
ing bills. Your rale will be made
by the Georgia Public ServieeCom
nissiou. The regular rate is Hi
plus tlie amount of current you
use during the mouth. The rural
rate it- .classified in three rales 1 ,75c
$1 ai.d ¥1.50, based 011 the number
-f customer per ipjle, plus $r and
tie amount of current used. Thai
means that me highest rural rate is
oily if-’.50 plus tlie current you use
Mr. H. C. Tinker carried Messrs
I J, 11. ’l’elford, A. H. Henderson
uid Jas. P. Davidson to Allutitu
Fuesday to confer with Mr. Barr,
it the Georgiy Power Company,
• regarding ' lhe ¥30 service charge,
tnd tlie re nil is stated elsewhere. ,
Mr. \V. L, Allison lias gone to
Harlan, Kn.. fur Burch \\ estmore
land for wife whipping.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Telford :it
ended the wedding in Gainesville
Dec J ol Miss Lollie Ellis Xew
,011 to Mr. David Brantley Burns.
Miss Clara Cantrell, student ol
UeMie Tift, arrived at home Sun
tiii\ ior ihe , holulitvs. . ,• .
Born to Dr. and Alts. T. J. Me
Donald, a girl, Wednesday night.
Christmas is only a short tiim
->ff, so you had better mail youi
jilts early ii ' an want them f,
reach their destination in tune.
Mayor D. G. Head and Col. A.
II. Henderson tied for Mayor o'
Cleveland tor 1930 in the electibi
held Wednesday. The vote being
A iu Hover "ill he held
next \\ ednesday. i’he following
were elected counciiinen ; C. F.
Head, Robt. Keninier, G. D. War¬
wick and E v’. Hefner. Come
out next Wednesd-y and vole your
choice fat Mayor.
I will buy seed cotton in am
quantity and wiii pay Cash
D. C. Rack,
I'.'iv ( oiloctor's Notice
Third and last round /
Dec. yih
1 Blue Ridge it J. 1J. JarrardNStore
y a. m.
Robinson M y '30 ft. tn.
W. X. Turner’s Store l a. m.
J ' 111 Palmer’s Miil 11 130 a. tn,
SiioalCreekLi wground i2:ffop,m.
! Ashmore's Store 1:30 p. m.
F. Chumbiers Store 2 130 p.m
I ! P ’ D ’ ^hi'fieid «muiem Store more 3 3 p.m. p
: Hulsey,s Bros. Store 3 :.’lo p.m.
j Meldean Station j p. m.
] )ec IO| |,
j J- IL Stovulr ' Slore 10 •». ni.
i Deal P. O. 1 1 a. in.
I A. B. Tomlin’s Store 12 130 p. m.
j Barrett’s Alexander',’ Mill i p. , n
I u a. s lwe > .. ;o p.,„
\V. Presley Store 3
\\ . J'. Hulsey s Mill 3 130 (). m
B. F. W-tff-trd Store j p. m
Dee. 1 it 11
Leonard Hood’s Si ore <> it m,
Santee P. <). to -. in,
Nacoochee Station 11 1. m.
Helen 12 noon
Robert stow n ■> p. m,
I Asbestos Statioti ) p. m,
j Cleveland Dec. 17. iS, ami do.
close Dec. 20th and ext-cu
lions will be issued.
! S. L. Brown, F. C.
t ' 2 .- ," xffi.‘ W"’Iéfl¢2 2, 3.; #51:: “ME!" ya" ”5'31? ' r: ‘3’ ‘ [3% ’ ‘ 1'
‘ -' ' ' 2 ’5‘ "' ". ' 3252:? 4f.”".";,22¢151-"3., 9222?"? “V.
3,333.. ' 5..., 2:2»; .q, “i. "
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" .
1’ -, ‘ g. mgr-92...?“ K._nlr3/ 5,» , -425 7,-- -m3 .
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fi‘& . .112” M 2 2.2"- 52.2“ 3' “xi’ywgff23 ,,;.,,‘392 2.35.5] V. 334' 2- «4.3: ‘1”, ‘ ‘,
P r d T‘ .‘E ~'. \ .
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«A . .2 3- ”a; . qt} n4 .1 ‘.'. “n is 2
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".536 .
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' : H2- .- 2, ‘ “£2263 ‘.f 9,252,
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2"- ,
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J. “”53“”
WH AT grace and beauty an
electric percolator or an elec¬
tric urn set adds to a dinner
or party the careful hostess
has prepared !
What a splendid suggestion
for a Christmas Gift!
If not one of these—-then an
electric toaster waffle iron or
table stove. Perhaps an elec¬
tric iron.
FREE — with each e left r i c
range purchased before Christ¬
mas, an 18-piece set of Vika
Aluminum Ware.-Range terras:
$ii down, 2! month:, to pay bal¬
Visit our store tomorrow Don’t
delay in selecting your Gifts
trical. Special prices, liberal terms!
Geojlgia A;
A Citizen Wherever We St rve
“1 warn a smallei size shoe,
haughtily declared the dame,
"Well, lady,” said the weary c!*t|<
“tiring in 11 smaller size foot and l’h
gladly put a smaller size shoe on it.
The Distinction
Johnny—Ba, what’s the different
between a statesman and a politician’
I’a—A statesman, my son, is a puli
tlcian who has got what he wanted
“Why do the girls call that young
man skirt?” asked her mother.
“Because there's so little to him,’
explained her daughter.
She Does
“What has become of May me?"
“Ssh. She is now Maybeile.”
"1 always said that girl would make
name for herself.”
Some-Sardines !
i- .'t/i other in- 1 1
the brewing trade
admitted. Look at t
the pretzel industry!
come that the ever p< ula
lias felt the ioss of
Avars ago the track 1
million cases of sarclin
greatest outlet for the
use as a tairst inert-aser. T-.duv,
this so-called !-ar trade has di:;u-
peareci and the little fishes are boiled
in oil only to the tune of two mil¬
lion cases a year.
Fewer But Better
But what the dinners have lost in
quantity, they have made up in
quality. Eastern tanners, especially,
in order to compete with California
and foreign canners see to it that
their little i::h are perfectly matched,
are of the best quality and arc
packed in fine grades of sauce or
oil. While oil still constitutes the
most popular method of putting up I
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human 9;
I USii wt i I'M ' M 4 / rr\ * ? - .
TTr-HE gigantic s
Up is atte'-pong t
the mysteries <
tiidiing tin tags to
moil, caught as the.'
Out to sea, and off
for any salmon so
returns in Iron, hv<
The ol Ret t-» i
StifiHuii actually rt
birthplaces after h
expedition:-: out Id s
I t is well know
are born in fresh
fed hv springs or
of glaciers. Then
travel u-hvii
appear, AVI,,-y
knows, but, v ht-o fn
at c mo>:-, oed 1 u o -
of tin' ‘irr-r, wIn¬
born, and Marr hoc
to spawn tine di v .
Apricots for Desserts
HEN you cast around
your mind for a new dessert,
why not include the aristo¬
cratic apricot in your survey? fi r
the apricot is capable of as man
uses as the peach and is less often
used only because its capabilities
are less familiar.
All Year Use
Of course, the fresh apricot can’t
be bought all year around, but the
canned fruit, which is put up in
factories near the orchards when
the golden apricot is meltingly ripe,
can he obtained any time. Some
recipes which are new and have
heen tested by’ a trained dietitian
are here given. Don’t they sound
Apricot Cranberry Tarts'. Cook
together until creamy and rather
thick the following ingredients:
one cup of canned cranberry’ sauce,
Pay Your Subscription
he sardines, mustard sance and
tomato sauce are coming to the fore.
Women have totmd that an un¬
opened can of sardines car. he heated
for liuetn or-twenty minutes in boil¬
ing water, opened and tlie hot tish
turned out and served to the great
delight ft the diners. Sardines iu
a -an e are especially desirable for
this purpose. Tomato sauce or
mustard sauce combines well with
mushed sardines and picklis for the
sandwiches which generally accom
pe-iiy us on our spring outings,
While the sardines in the sauces
make pleasant variations, the sar
-lines in oil remain the* standby’. For
instance, tb- y may he drained and
Arranged cabbage tastefully salad. over A potato salad
or with minced strip of toast
covertd beets mixed
with salad dressing, and then topped
by a couple of the little fishes makes
a novel and delicious canape which
can be served as the first course of
a dinner.*
her- v-.'.-.h a wait _ them an
tahe up their positions at
- r'os of these, rivers and
-ml con the salmon when
• e in the finest condition.
slake Marvelous Food
tvrv. ■ ■>' mi m ■ . ry, the saf
' marvc'o-is u-r-d fish. Here
cijK. ior ciiiiicd .-i.-liTj.-n which
n tested and foupd tooth
: Foi
of sa non, two
ix tabie
1- oven, a I.. tor jut
r.e cup of apricot pulp (made by
T? .eg apricots through a sieve
f"ur teaspoons of sugar mixed
with one teaspoon of flour. Cool
: fi put in previously-, aked tart,
shells. Top with whipped cream.
1 his makes ten to twelve tarts
Peach and Apricot FiUma: Whip
ne cup of cream, and add six ta¬
blespoons of confectioner’s peaches' sugar.
Cut one-half cup of canned
ne-haT cup of canned apricots and
r-c-hah cup of candied cherries
mto small pieces and drain well.
Fold into the whipped cream. Use
e filling m cream putts, between
layers of cake or as a garnish on a
simple cornstarch or vice pttdding,
to lend variety to tapioca and
cornstarch puddings for the chil¬
dren. put an apricot half in the bot¬
tom of the individual mold and fit!
with the pudding; top with another
apricot half.*