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Cbc Cleveland Courier
Ofleetest Organ of White County. Ga
I'tiMtaneM Wi-pkly a* Cl«vfcJ*Dtl <»»..
,1 AS. I*. 1. Davidson, OAVIUOVS, Editor*
- —.-------Y F»«’ »««■•= “ ' ' "''I
Kuiareil *t in.
hh second class mail ina‘ «i.
Member Ninth District Pres* Associainn !
“ Georgia Pre»*
“ National Editorial !
•* Pres* Congress Of The World
Sunscription, 11.50 per year
in advance
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
Will lie wold before the court, bouse
door in siiid county on tbe first Tuesday
m February 1930, next, within the legal'
hours of sale to Iheliighest bidder for
iui ,h die following described property to
Two certain town bus in the Town of
Kubartatown Georgia, on which
residence of li. F. Caudell was located
and where the said B. F. Caudell lived
on tiie 3rd day of A/u-il i933. Said
property levied on as tiie property of 13.
F. Caudell to satisfy an execution iag.ied
from the Superio, Court of Haiil County
1 7th day of April 102» against it. K.
Caudell and John JtobiuaOH and iu favoi
of Albert Wilbanks.
Also a} the. saint! time and iplace will
be sold oil the same terms the following
property to wit:
The mineral interest, only in part ol
<>l of land number 14 in the Fourth lauti
district of said county any bounded
the north by the lands ol J. S. Nix,
the east, by the lands o! .J. IS. Nix, on
south by lot of land number to in sttiu
first district and on tbe nest by lot
land No. 35 in said first district and In
iug twenty-nine and one-half (39 1-3)
acres in tile southwest corner of sai
lot No. “f4 and lining the, same land
deeded to A . II. Henderson, Sr., by J.
S. Nix, which deed is of record in the
Clerk’s rdiiee of said county.
Said above described land levied
to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa issued by B. 1..
Brown, Tax Collector of said county,
against Palmer St McClure for slate ami
county taxes for 1939.
W. A. Juukeon, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
Hy virtue of an order of the Court o!
Ordinary <>•' said county will be sold at
public outcry on the first Tuesday in
February nySO, at the court house in
said county, between the usual hours of
sill the following real estate situated
m White county to wit: i
Fart of lot of land No. ISO In the 3rd
laud district of said county, containing
300 acres, more nr less, and Known as
the John 11.' London home place amt
being owned by John 11. London al, the
time of bis death and being the same
laud set apart to his widow , Mrs. Geor¬
gia London, as a year's support by order
of the Court of Ordinary, which order is
of record in book of Year’s .Support “J!''
page 30. This the 7th day of u gnu an
L’lisha London, Admr.
Mrs, Georgia London.
-C, I*,. Rountree, ol the. state
and fish board, stated Mon¬
day that his support of Peter E
1 nitty as state game and fish com¬
missioner was the result of the ad¬
vice of counsel that C. E. Gregory
had not been legally elected to that
In his statement Mr, Rountree
said that at (lie May meeting Dr
J. K. Hardin and D. E. Finley,
who had been appointed as In
successor, both claimed the right
to lake part. They both voted for
•Mr. Arnow as chairman and Mr.
Twitty as game and fish coinnns
■sioaer and Mr. Byrd and Mr. I'm
lex voted for Byrd as chairman and
•Mr. Gregory as commissioner.
In the meantime, Mr, Finley's
appointment,had|bccn rejected ami
Rountree’s appointment confirmed
by the senate, so ;he voted xxttl
Mr. Arnow and Dr. Hardin. M,.
Rountree Mated that later m tta
y cat the misunderstanding arose
ogam and he submitted it to tin
ablest lawyers in the state foi ;
settlement’ as to who was the Jaw
fui member of the board in *\|
They ;iv
decided that Dr. JFu-i-n h
a legal right u
to vote at tl,M mee’
nig and Finley did not. I llla
case Mr. Gregory had never beet
elected and Mr. Twitty ,» the iega
Judge J. W. H. Duderwo
asks U s to thank the good ur
* ut
tan who brought him meat and
2 oi aloes.
L®eaS N®w§
Messrs Rob!. Kenimer and E.
have been t.a
vuilllllillic •mu V,. *' j
and C. E. Head sanitary
for the Town of Cleve
during 1930.
Mr. J, S. Wingo, Chevrolet
Motor Co. representative, was iti
Wednesday on business.
Mr. Charlie Carroll accepted a
position of assistant cashier oi
Baldwin Bank Jan. t.
Mr. George Davidson returnee
last week to Detroit alter a visit to
honiefolks. He was accompanied
by Marcelle Herritige.
Mr. H. I,. Dorsey spent a fev.
Jor Economical Transportation
t v/
- Chevrolet uniioiuiees
Today, Chevrolet presents the improvements which contribute gauge; heavier and stronger rear
Greatest Chevrolet in Chevrolet to comfort, performance, endur¬ axle; new Fisher non-glare wind¬
History—a smoother, faster, ance and safety! shield ; larger tires—
better Six—with beautiful new An improved six-cylinder valve- —these are typical of the many
bodies y Fisher. in-head motor, with its capacity improvements which male this
Basically, it is the same sturdy, increased to 50 horsepower; four car the Greatest Chevrolet in
substar ial Six which won such Delco-Lovejoy hydraulic shock Chevrolet History.
tremen ous popularity in 1929. absorbers; fully-enclosed in¬ But most impressive of all—this
But it •- a greater car iu every ternal-expanding weather-proof smoother', faster, better Six has
way—for there are scores of vital brakes; a new dash gasoline been made available —
- at greatly reduced prices!
During 1929, more than a million three hundred thousand let is sharing these savings with the public. No written de*
persons boi gh t six-cylinder Chevrolets. This enormous vol¬ scription can do justice to the extra value and quality provided
ume has made possib le many savings in the Chevrolet factories in this new car. Visit your Chevrolet dealer— see this car—
—and, in coping with its long-established policy, Chevro¬ ride in it— and judge for yourself its sensational value.
The s 495 The ’565 The *595
ROADSTER........... . COUPE........... SEDAN DELIVERY.....
The $ 495 The *625 The LIGHT *365
The $ 525 The ’625 The s 520
SPORT ROADSTER... ... CLUB SEDAN..... ....... 1V 2 TON CHASSIS......
COACH............... The ..’565 SEDAN The ........... ’675 CHASSIS The 1V 2 TON WITH CAB... $ 625
All prices/, o. b. factory, Flint, Michigan
Ays during tile Belid^vs wills bis
>lr, l fms. A. D.ividsdn has ac*
cepted a position an Atlanta with
1 ■■■<■. Amiestte Company,
Miss Jessie Davidson spent New
rear's day with hontefolks.
Mrs I,. G. Neal and children
■spent a lew days last week in At
ant a.
Dr. L. G Neal and The
attended tiie dedication of Yaarab
1 temple new Mosque in Atlanta
ast week.
, D
’ aV ; d r * Pent
week with parents . in Commerce.
Rev. Jesse Warwick, of Atlanta
spent a lew days last week with
his fathci Mr I) \ Warwick
Mrs. U . E. Allison has been j
quite sick since Christmas \vi;h flu j
! Lost Office Inspector Kemper !
j was iu White county last week.
j \j rs Maude Norton, of Bishop,
spent a few days here last week !
Cleveland High School opened
Monday with a good attendance.
**Uncie Bill” \
Cornell, of
j Robertstown, was in townMonday
/Miss Gladys McAfee returned to
(Atlanta j Sunday.
: j
Mr. George Erwin McAfee | e f t
Sunday for Augusta where lie will
be employed by C. M. Lyle Con*;
' siruciion Cr
J ;
^ j ^ j Warwick re-j
j Aimed turned to to their their home home in iu Matiy.noo-j Man/.ano- j
| in, Colo., after a visit to relatives !
i here. Mrs. II. C. Warwick re-
ttimed with them
; e Henna " Trotter lias
been elected mar,hal of Cleveland.
Sebastain Lopez lias moved to
J. '.V. House’s place.
\[ r ± ]] in jni W u w k ’ e it *t •
few days this week with her son.
Ernest Crane has moved into the
cheese factory house.
C’tinton Faulkner moved Wed¬
iiro tiie rooms vacated by
Charlie Carroll.
Mr. Mood Griffin, of Cermon. 1
wa* in town Wednesday on bus,,
ness. j
Mr. Albert Freeman lias gone to '
Newton, Newton, N. N. C. C. Mr. Lon Sheinut
has moved into that house on the
1 'ii re farm.
Mr. F. A. Allison, of Clermont,
Thursday with his son. Bill.
Mr. Wells has rented the build*
& 0CCl T ied b v Craue ’ s Gara K e -
has moved info the Cleve
ant * ' Jtira ^ e buudiag.
Mr ” M:ul:dene Frasier retumed
Atlieii- after ,t visit to relatives*
Clarence Cooley moved into the
Warwick house last week.
Charles Davidson spent a few
in Atlanta last week.
Bill Aliison carried a Mr. Reece
the state s.uiitorium at Milledge*
last week.
Mr. G, I). Adams, of Atlanta,
in town ,ast week,
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