Newspaper Page Text
VOL. NYX1I. No. - 2 r>
.Just from the Mountains.
According to Dncle 1 tsper. they
have some poor land in Blue Ridge
tgo. There is some os ihe same
kind here. Von can hear the peas
grunting when they go to sprout.
Mr. W'iiford Ash has moved to
the John Mappin pisvee and has
been elected teacher at Yonah for
the next scholastic year. Mr.Map
pin wa- sent over from England to
superintend a gold mine on Dukes
Creek. lie came here with the in
tent ion of paying ¥'2 per day hut
somebody told him be could get .
1 "b° r at 75 cents. When the 1 tr
mers Alliance came mlo power he ;
pat up a store but was too honest
to make it pay. Some sold him >
cider which was watered stock.
Some of our rural folks scaled ;
the heights of old Yrnmh mountain
There is at the home of Mr.
IF,hop a little girl t.j years o’d.
deaf and dumb and perfectly help-,
le-s and looks to he about the si/.c
of a list* year old child Chaiify
begins at home. Here is a good
chance for our home missi-omtries
to lend a helping hand. Help those
about vour door first and then let
your I earl go out to the benighted
little Chinese. A cow long from
home lias terrible long horns.\\ lien
s* me gtic aim, they sound a from
pet. so the world may look on.
touch of nature makes the whole
world akin, \\ ho can look upon
dependent humanity without sym¬
Some of our farmejs are begtn
tiutg to plant corn.
You ertst a small pebble into the
great ocean which makes a little
wave. This wave never stops.
When it strikes the other shore it
comes back anil thus it is always in
motion. You speak a harsh word,
the sound goes and then returns as
an echo, and thus reechoes on and
on through the ages. So it is with
the influence o! your life. Youi
will live after you pass out, though
tt may be very simple. The life
otto lives tins some influence on
somebody. In the great economy
of nature nothing is lost. Like
produces like.
Canton, Georgia, .laniiai'y 7th, ilttfO
To The People of-tue Ninth Congression¬
al District Of Georgia:
I hereby annouiiee my eamlidaey tor
(he office nf Representative for the
Ninth Congressional Distrii:t ot Georgia
in the next Congress of the t n itodStates
subject Lithe ue.tioli of the Democratic
Pi unary t 1 - tm held 1 a September next.
if a, corded this high honor, I plei g<
you Hu active, energetir. and faithful
representation, to the utmost ,,t my
X earnestly solicit your support,
•Jno. S. Wood
is by train. The safest. Most
fortable. Most reliable. Costs
Inquire of Ticket Agents
greatly reduced fares for short
- (!) vV. Allen Plumbing Co. ‘f
I 6ainesvi!!e f Ga. I
for C! I
♦V f!) i
I And SaVe Money 'V (!)
1 See s
a. i
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests o t White County
Mr. V. K.. Garrish Las moved
the cot too* to Jim Keith’s
in this d-.strict.
Mr. and Mrs. John K.mad.tV.
spending a lew days neat
haver returned.
Messrs M arlowStatoti and\ tiling
accompanied by three
la r Simmons, Garland
15rown and Vred Holman stopped
with us last Sunday and gave u
son)e vocal and string music. All
,,'f t | lt>e gentlemen Dut one are in
^j ie matrimonial race and we wish
11 ,e w success.
Miss( T ft Rondu Belie West.Agnes
. md Mynk , Lt ,wis visited
^ ^ R .e uienct . of Uie Si.oalCn-ek
Su||Jjiy evellllt g.
Mr. Grar.t Martin, of Clermont,
iias located in ihis section.
The discovery of planet ,
a new |
by a Kansas bov. Clyde Tombaugh j
4 billion miles from the sun makes!
the young man famous, ami we j
piedict will some d av lie the equal j
if Uvrsclfel. This discovery tai j
surpasses a game of football.
To how many people will tills
quotation apply :
-‘Tie always said he would retire
When he had made thousand clear
And so he toiled into the dusk
From day to day from year to year
At last he put ledgers up
And laid his stock reports aside,
Hut whjn he started out to live
He found he had already died.
It !::>.■■* abuur 70 .years of laird liv
a in know how/
V, ars do not 'make the man, nor
1 ,'k ill them, tile hoy.
\Vbet 1 li v vr start north. east
out it. we ntt "ail West” tit last.
\,i ore can do everything, but most
.1 us ran do more l'tuiu wo do, and
i’.o ii boiler.
.Many of us are so busy making goad
,-s,,tut ions that we never find time to
any them nlit.
Put t■ -r the stop signals on the Americans would run them
o’hv- to deatfi.
Tim fellow who proffers you n -bar
uaiii and dee -1 nves St is tor your own
..die, will bear watching.
Haying one is sorry for wind's hap
pened. does not entitle that one to
::rr)i mi committing Hie same offense.
When commercialism develops to ,
point where it spreads links, concrete j
oxer tim velvet of the golf we
shall indeed be lost.—Grace K. llall, in
tin* Portland Oregonian.
The on!y f time some men work is
when they are laboring under a misap¬
Following his arrest a beggar was
found to have three wives. Cause and
‘‘I don't mind having Tings ori my
fingers.’” lie said,'ns be limped from
J the dance, “hut hang mo if i can
stand ‘belles on my toes!”’
Mr. and Mrs. Alfrfed Stovall and
and Mrs. G. W. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stovall
Mr, and Mrs. Virgil Lovell and
of Clarkesville, spent
weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. )eiinie Cannon ami daugh¬
Ethel, spent .Saturday in
lies v i lie.
Mr. and Mrs, GroverMiles spent
with Mr. ami Mrs. F. W
Miss Carrie Loti Cash, of Leo,
the weekend with hoillefolks
Rev 1 Joiner Thomas visited Mr
Banks and family Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. R. I). McCollum
1 Sunday with relatives near
• ■ ‘D •
Several from here attended tlie
at Cleveland Sunday iilter
_ |
Tit ous; fluids*
Qeorgia Women
Notv Cook
Before this sale of YVesl
ingliouse Electric Ranges
ends—Saturday, April 19th
—hundreds more will have
taken the path that leads
to more leisure hours,
cl ca n e r kit c It ens, and
tastier foods,
$ 5 down
24 Months to Pay
You pay only $5 down, the
balance in 24 months. In i
addition there’s a $20.00 '
allowance for your old stave
and prices have been great¬
ly reduced on all models for
t his sale.
S>03r wllj 0 *W
C 00 lC. a ' 2 B'l 0 'V’e
M. ^Sjyr VW &M.&M A f *1* f *
Geobj GIA
A Citizen Wherever We Serve
Denial Notice,
Ollice in old l^armers Si Mer¬
chant,- Bank Bldg. Ml patronage
appreciated. Will accept old gold
and bridges as cash on
work, or will pay cash for old
scrap gold.
T. f. McDonald, Dentist.
Advertising is the oil that iubri
cates the machinery of business.
Ed Dunlap May Run For Governor.
The appjoaohing meeting of the
state democratic executive commit¬
tee in Atlanta today has intensified
interest in the forthcoming politi¬
cal Gossip in the capitol
corrtdots and hotel lobbies on the
of this meeting naturally cen
in the situation respecting the
) governorship.
.Among the interesting develop¬
ments of the past week appears to
be a concerted movement on the
part of a considerable group ol
World war veterans to draw Ed¬
gar 15. Dunlap, of Gainesville,iuto
he race for governor.
’ Ed Dunlap, although compara¬
tively a young man, has a host of
‘friends throughout Georgia
are urging him to announce . hiv
candidacy. His distinguished Xvai
record overseas as an officer in the
ciynbat eighty-second division
vitfi which be participated in the
major engagements of war, u> well
is his long identity with veteran
and political activities, makes him
an interesting factor. The extent
of Iris potential strength is already
jni/./,ling the politicians,
Dim lap was state Commander of
the American Legion several years
ago and nt that time added greatly
o his' 4 ate-wide acquaintance. His
extensive business and family cuti
yecticms* according to hi- friends,
Wjpulp..bring to his support many
influential backers if he decides to
i the contest.
He iuis jotig been recogui/.ed is
■d Sender of the bin' in his home con
gtessiomd district, where lie bus
been*pi*ift;iuted in much important
J u addition to his professional
work he has operated for many
years in Barrow county one ot
largest plantations in that Section.
Mis farming interests represent
most approved scientific methods
anil this fact identifies him inli
rtately will) the agricultural ele¬
ments nt the state in a unique way.
Dunlap is u graduate of the state
university at Athens and counts
scores of friends among the alumni
of that institution, lie is a promi¬
nent Mason and Shriner and is
active in local church circles as
well as among the Hotary Cmbs ol
the state because ol Ins prominence
in that civic movement.
For many years he Ims served as
i civilian adviser to the secretary
of war on civilian training camps.
Mr, Dunlap now serves as one of
lit; trustees of the five million dol
htr r.egion endowment fund, and i
active in administering that great
rust for the benefit of wounded
md disabled war vetetans.
A son of the late Samuel C.
Dunlap, long a leading ciU/en ol
North Georgia, and Knifed State.
Marshal under Grover Cleveland,
this scion ot a disungu'-hed (>eor
gia family may be said to have
oeen cradled ill the principles ot
democracy. In the last presiden
tial campaign Dunlap ebuir
man uf tlie Ai At ,Smilii Smith congTt’ssiu.'ti
committee aiul pruveti mi eftecti \c
■mblic speaker and campaigner.
T n counectiuii with the. ruinot
concerning his present situation, it
.'.is been poiute.d out that Georgia
uis not kept pace with other stute
iit according political preferment
to veteran# of the last war..
This is urged in his favor, es
peciallp where the field of camli
dates is so large.
Further developments in conec
tion with this movement are ex¬
pected soon, and are awaited with
lively interest on the part ol those
who are keeping in touch with the
existing unique situation.
‘Tlorv tittle things change,” observed
tbe cynic, in a discussion of modern
fashion. “At one time women wanted
to qualify for the ballot, now they look
as though they were qualifying for the
r ADVERTISING is like liniment. I 1
cant be applied effectively with a
powder puff. It needs rubbing in
And the harder the rubbing-the better
the results.
RUB IT IN HARD—Increase your advertis¬
ing —put in the sales pressure — create enthusi¬
asm and enrgy and optimism throughout your
organization—-and watch the progrss you make
Fay Your Subscription Now
$ Printing 1
is the master key ot our civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highest
^ \\^ efforts of its craftsmen.
|\ The Cleveland Courier
1 ('ommcrcial Priming of Every Description
^ # # # 0 2 2 2 ^ ^ ^
» ,
Loans mid,Disci math _____ . .'US, Sill, SI
i.Vitilii-atf's nfTudi-titi-dfmp.s unci
Bonds mid Stocks owned. ... •100,00
Bunking House and Lot 3 , 0215 .Oh
mid Fixtures
Reid Kstate. _ •Z.i'dh.Kl
CaHh in v,ul!t anlou,ltfi ,hMS
from approved Reserve
Amenta ................ .. 13. 11 ) 1 ) .^4
(..•hefltR fur Cluiu inj;' »n<I Uih*
from otlc*r lifinkK 1044
(*hhIi 1 ttifiif? „____ _____ 174 30
Ovri’(lr.iflH(Sl' huy) ... . . 400.05
Of hrj lit; -* dllfit'S.......... 380.0;
Total.. ___121,320,87
j IVrsonally-appeared before the uiub-rsigned, an officer uuthi>ri»e<I te kdiuioiatrr
aatlis in Hftid I'ounlj I . i>. (Mammy wlio. on oath, Haya that he is the 1,'aehierof
the White Oouidy Bunk, mid that the abave and foregoing report of tbe condition
of said bank is true and correct. F. (5. MAUNHV, Caaliier.
Sworn to and subficTibeil before me, this Nth day of Apr. 1930,
O. 0 . HEAD, N. F.
We the underpinned direct ,is of said t'link, do eertify that we have read said re¬
port, and llmt the .-time is true ami correct, HCeording to The best of our information,
knowledge and belief, and llmt the above signature ot tbe cashier nf said batik is
the true and genuine signutine of Unit, attie.ev.
This pttj ilay of Apr. Ju.'I) A. 11. Henderson, ,lr.,B. L. Brown, 11 ilectors
i l Nf. SA»h Or hELiia, ..OlATED Ai IlaLEN^ GA,, AT THE
Loans avid Discounts ______ 40,771.42 Capital Stock . ... .. 15.000. 00
‘{iUikuDi, Unufte Juui ...... 3.!l'i‘j.71 Surplus Fund 10 . 000 . 00
i.Virnitun! ami Fixtures 1,174 /0. Undivided Profits_____ 5,t>9(t .44
other Real Kstate 3.001 87 Cashier's Llieeka_____________ 10.92
..... _
vault and amounts due Demaud Deposits.. ____ 25.173 115
fVtfiii A j»] *i*« * v*d i Rvflwvtt Time Certifieates of deposit 30,384 38
A^r**iittf. ____ ..... - 2 ). t
w , ; „|,. u rt 8t ifaoj 174.8U.
Res-ain-es 9 . 7 b
Total. .70,265.8)) Total .?0,e«5.69
piu'Homdly a|i|H .-ired la-fore the mid,-reigned, an olfieer autboriamt to iaiodni»tcr
<>a ,ti,s in said eontily Chile. VV . White who, on oath, sava that h» if* the Caabiet- of
the Bank of Ib-h-n. and that tin- ahoy.- and foregoing report of tin* eooditinn ot *&i \
and t
bank is trim <*wr,t. CHAR. W. WHITE, LVuddei-.
Swm 11 to mid suliscrilied la-fore me, this sib day of Ap*-.. 1930.
Ai-ispah Allison, N. State at Large.
\y e< tim tuale-signed directors ot said bunk, do certify that we have nirefuti
roaii report, and that the same is tm» a»i «-,„rr-.;t. a.a:o«n,ig to rhft beat etou
jnfoi-timii' o. kn wledge and )>elief, arid that the (dim e siguaf me of the cashier oS
said bank is the true and ge.nuim signature of that officer.
1 'l’ins 8 th day ol Jan.. 193fi, C. N. MaDof. W. 1. Hood, Dirsetot*.
i Capital Stock . . .............. 15 , 00 b. 00
! Lridivide.d Fronts___________ 3,008.82
Cashier's CltucJu____2. _____ 908.04
| Demand Deposits____________ 40,104.93
Time Certificates of I»epoSif-- 57,528.58
I Bills Bay-able 5,000.00
Total.. .181,3*0,07