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Cleveland C ;c«via
^r -_i~u* ~~i ■—. —
Organ oj Whitt C #*«0 •
r^Tnwi We-hl} »* dM •>«*»■' <*»•
,l A s. P. Davidson, KVoiiior. •
ire<i M toe t'»»" ,<ttt i\> iCltbV^iAfld
!'/».. ns won*! <•,!»»» »«if' i sti'o*i.
Mumwr Nlmh G;or«i» Dirtnet fret* P»e«* Aa^ACinr.
*• N» ions) MSumal
* Pus Coiit^ 11 Of Tilt ’ittwU
Subscription, *1.50 per Y*»r
in advance
Cl,e Atlanta Journal reproduced
the eloquent funeral address of tri¬
bute to Judge Joseph E. Bottle, of
Miiledgeviile.. by Titos. W. Hard¬
wick. former gover and L . S'.
Henator, Mr. Hardwick was a close
friend of .Mr. Pottle and the fine
tribute he paid flint h i' (fftracturi
uttentton througuout the state.
Mr. Hardwick stated that lie had
known fudge Pottle as the solici¬
tor-general pf Ocnuilgee judicial
circuit, as an able lawyer, as ;■
soldier in the Spanish-Americ&n
war, as it devoted husband, indnl
ociit father, and affectionate broth
,-r; but that the finest praise lie
mid give him was :
‘•Thou? who knew him best,
loved him most.”
Among oilier tributes he paid
hint he said;
foe Pottle was as gentle as a
child, as modest as it woman, ant
yet a# brave as a lion. Opened
h mded and warm hearted, hi
generous nature knew no guile and
slooped lo no deceit.”
--acv ~z ■ zxszzzrzz'-'^.rtrsuxz. 1 '•'*
l!y means of a new automatit
carbon recorder the front page oi
the San Francisco Bulletin was#re¬
produced in a New York radii
jaborutorv just throe hours after b
Jett the press.
Title recorder was developed by
4 '.has, J. Voting, son of the chair
man of the General Electric. Co.
The transmitter was developed by
Dr, E. F‘. W. AlcxatiderYcn,
Mrs, Ruth Hanna MoConntck.
of'Illinois, defeated Senator Chits
,S Deneen for IT, S. Senate in tlu
recent primary election. Deneet
has been a political power in III,.
riois for 31 years and Mrs, McCor
truck is the first woman to b<
honored m such ;t way by a
poldtcal party. Her tnnjo,■«»> *>l
350,00 hat, never been equalled by
any republican candidate for
tor in Illinois, it is said,
Mrs. McCormick’s late lt> - ani ^
was defeated six years ago
She attributes her success ^' ei
opposition America joining ... tin
world court.
Tim governor iu«s arranged u
borrow .$2,500,000 to pay public
school teacliers of Georgia. The
niotiev will be available April >5.
Tins loan will leaveji .000,000 slili
clue the schools. This may avoid
the necessity ot an extra session 0!
Hu- legislature.
The loan for the schools ends the
borrowing power ot the governor
lor this year. Just how the finan¬
cial problems of the colleges
be met is not vet known.
Mr, .and Mrs, SiD- Woodall, oi
Ado, spent Saturday night a'nd
S m dav with Mrs. Woodall’s inolit
v. Mis. M . T. I^orsey, and family
Messis 1 ’. S. and A s a Dorsey, ol
W tule C’eek district, carried
of boys and girls to Neel Gap
Ms: Saturday.
Weil, folks next Sunday i*
preaching at Mossv Creek. Hop*
a large crowd will attend. Out
preacher is doing fuse.
Mr. J. M. Adams it now spend
fog a frtv days in White county.
Mr. Tom Dorsey has been -eii
otxsiy ill for a few days this week,
but is a httSe belter now.
J.onOvn.—A popular era > r tlo-.v
t of freak -tmes Iras led English
' borrtcutturbrtg into orgy of e\
p-riatent. Due grower has aue<-ood
4-1 in tlexeloidug green, pink, orange
1 1 & ixilot and -eleotric-blue tuUjja,
Local .News
Head viGted | ■
Mr* V. E lt , t . f
M <•». . Hue .. tleau.i
, 11 s. esxr 1). ant; *
< nec ur ia-l in'll*’. i
M i s, R.iy Miller returned
,s wm-k 'tier spending -everal ,
iys will) parents m Maysviiie.
Mr. }<>hn Turner died at his
nome in Lumpkin county Monday
morning of carbuncle on his spine.
Mr. I. \V. Henderson was ill ■ i
ist week wiiii llu. I
Mr. Totn and Misses Addie and j
1 e“sie Davidson spent the weekend
with parents.
Mr. ] ick R ivan left Monday for
Veterans hospital at L ake Cm v,
Fla. lie was accompanied lo At-,
Guta by Mr. Grady Henley.
Mr. j. W. E I wards, mechanic I
d W»lIN garage, lias moved into
me of Dr. T, j, McDonald’s houses
Mr. C. R. Alien, of Gainesville,
,vns in town on business Tuesday.
Ass’t L. h. Attorney John M.
| John son. of Atlanta, was in town
Mr, Marvin Trotter, ol Atlanta.
. .pent the weaken with parents.
Dr. T. J. McDonttid \ isiteii
Jefferson last: week.
Mr. Sherwood Anderson, the
atnotts novelist, is visiting tlie
freer'’ts at Helen.
A new stor) begins this week in
fbc Courier, ]f is a good one.
Sf.ead it regularly.
Next week is Court. Don't for¬
get to come in our office and renew
vour subscription to The Courier.
The faculty of Cleveland High
school recently presented Mr. j
v . CuitreU with i gold Elgin
watch for his untireiuging and
vainuble^service he rendered the
Mr. T. V. Cant 1 ell, clerk of the
■ounty commissioners, informs The
Courier Chat the, comini^mcters
v.icied at their lust meeting to abtd-
1 '*5 the road tux fot 1930 and to ex
; P eni ^ ItJoo per month on the roads,
I’hey will use live machinery wlieu*
they can. Phe work will be done
. by the Mate gas t.tx W L
j receives.
J The Sunday School room at the
Methodist church will be ready for
; rse [Sunday.
j j» ost (yfTiee Department ha?
sU8pended Kobt . >S , Johnson for
i three mouths on charges made
j kooAvn bv Inspector Hoddinott.
effective .*v..-,;. „ April .inni ii* ttj \\ i|] 1 .tin Alli
: .on. substitute on R will carry
j Route 5 during that period
The Woman’s Missionary Socle
ix- will met at the borne ol .Nit'.
Robt. Kenimer M edt.csdav at ter- I
1,oon > A l ,nl l6l!l “ 3 o'Dock. ;
Mrs. Hubert McDonald and |
children, who have been spending
: 4 jc winter months in .Atlanta, arc
at home for the summer.
Human life is a mission, of
which the anti is service, the “law
i.icritice, the strength fellowship j
with God Jdi- hop Wcscotl.
Mrs, Mattie Sutton returned
'mine last week
I'he Trustees of Gievcland High
School have reelected t'rot. A ' W .
V-l: superinLendent for -another
. nil at a -Marx of j.t.Si)0, Fiiei
tve set tlu* salaries ol the jrruin¬
ner grade teachers at $50 pet
uonth and elected -Mrs. Parks Belt
■ad Mis- Kula ilui-ey. They wilt
vtve only live {eachers it, the gram
net grades, where there are now
■1 ven, and have cut out tire j uni tot
l'ins will be a saving of around
5171x1. a year.
W e wish lo thank our neighbors
aid friends for then kindness doi¬
ng the sickness and death of our
father and grandfather. Max God's
richest blessings abide w th them
ti wavs.
Mr. and ,\frj,. H, i. Chambers
and Children.
Pay Vour Subscription
Advertisements I
■u't'iii. White County. j
i,. JJor ltiiHii, emHitior, vs. J ( . v
|>i iueipal ami M. R. Kt-ed. ami O.
Hope, Kf .unty, lion residi-nts of said
n..y 1 .. ■ i'l-t"!mgs: . T"ii are hereby , , jf
i.ol t.• bn aiiit appear. personally or
« tt<,l n..y »r the next term of the
court to Ic held iii and for wnid
m , y rm th ,. ^ A|>rJI<
i;a), to show eauw. if any they have.!
iiy judgement should not he rendered
gainst them for t ha a mount of reeogni
mre forfeitured as aforesaid as ill de¬
mit 'hereof the court will proceed as tfi
iisl.iee shall appertain. Witness the
i 1 on. 1. 11. Sutton, Judge of said court,
iliis * WtU day at' Mai e.h, man.
W. If, i 1 uleey, <'. S, .
iciirgia, White. County. |
Will b.i Bold before the ilmtrt }nm««
door in said minify on the fiiHt Tuesday
11 May, l'.i;!u, within the legal hnitiB of
1 . 1 c to the highest bidder for cash the!
•'•'flowing des.-rihod dropertr to ait;
Thirty acres of land Metre or less off of
lot of land No. an in tire Second haiirf
b’tdrict of said county and lining thirty
im es more or less of Raid lot and being
1 he waiue land add fully described in a.
dead from F. M. ti.Nix to Floyd Nix,
which deed in recorded in the Clerk's
slid county in r e,.,.„d deeds j
book -If” page. 70 to which deed refer
■nee is made for description of Raid land
The above land levied on as the pro
oerty of Floyd Nix to satisfy a Tax Vi Fa
-sued tiy ,S. I,. Jirown, Tax Collector of
aid county agaiiist.F. J. Nix for RtaUi I
and county taxes for the year (t* 2 fl.
, l( levy tfi ren as required by law.
Also at the game time and place and!
>U the name terms will bi odd the f,,l- i
owing property to wit:
All ot lot of hind No. lift hi the first
•mlrkt of .-aid county rtgiuiinhig 2 .TO I
acres more or Ires. Said land levied, on {
- tlx- property ol' 11. K. Reeves, Jr,, to j
atiefy a tax ti tit isetted by S, L. Brown, j
i'ax Collector of said county, against the
ml H. K. Hi’ivi-, Jr., for ,-laie and
■ nuitj (.axes bo the year 1029,
Also at thr Rante time nnd plane and
•n the -aiix- In me will br sold tins fol
iwing Due •trip described of laud property seventy to yards wi;; wide! j
ol even length jiriOR.-i the PDtiir side oil
"t. of land No. Tfi in the lit.-I land die-j
: l irt of said county containing sixteen i
,-rr. • mm <- or lepa. Said property .1 to led |
on fta ttix juoj.rtly i t John !>. Fai kn to
satisfy a tax ti fa issue?) by S. 1 .. brown,
1 ax Collector of said county agsinstjolin
1J. i'uils-r for state and county taxes for
(lle ycftv Notice oflevy given uf
1 lie law directs.
Also at the same time and place and
, n the same terms will lie sold the fill
iovviug desei-llmd real estate to wit:
-Mi Hint tran or pan-d „f land com |
, in d |u. Shoal t'rrek dial,let of said J
1 ■ounty and »t the n. >\ corner of this!
n,, ' t alui hm- rnttirtwg uoya-ds, next, with south Neelftj
e thwwv to;
v ditch, thence ,,p ............ the acres! b,
finning corner, containing al*nuv8
■t ’ land ' more b-rs. Said
or pvopcitV
■vied nn as the property of Mrs. F. K,
ijviieu In satisfy a tax execution issued
■> S. 1 . Drown, i’ax JCuJJerlor of said
ounty, for state and comity taxes for
! ho year ill 29 .
Also at. the Bam*; time ainl phvtM? aiui
011 llx- name t-i ins will be sold t,lie foi |
' ovbig property to wit; j
i 1 All While that comity, portion know or part of tlx* the. railroad R. K.j j
n a
‘ aidcli . Whiti ,-ounty, known ,ia the ratlroan j
runs from Oheetirtee, (la., to n c) - j
‘‘"ad, **11.. togetlua with rails and pig-in 1
"T "UJ along: said railroad that is located 1
White county, Georgia. Ttie' proper¬
ly lioftiih describe. 1 being (Jpg pxrtiou of
■ dd railroad that runs through > s hcml
e>'k district ol said White innuUyjGeot'
■■' Slid property levied on as tile prn
pvt'.' ot the Piedmont Corporation ti
■ aislj a tax execution issued bv ft, ],
"own, l ax Collector of said county, foi I
. .ate and county taxes for the year Ulgu, !
Also at. the same time and place and on J
ihe same terms will be sotd the following
lea,-rilied teal estate lo wit:
! arts ot lots ot Jand numbers amt
17 in thej-grond land district of said!
• .unity. ^containing l.'at acres of land:
more oi less and bounded as follow-.-1
ominenying at the big road running Rohettai !
vrth the old roue neat the R,
i.mse; them-e down the ri.lg-e t., a cm-'
! itional corner, tlienee west to a condi.
>md coiner of the C. C. Early land;
’ ranee south to a rock corner on theoviy- i
Mil line; them.e west to original at eof
aer ot lot number ? , thence southeast to ;
■ pine tree corner; them t n rturost to!
'.e original line ; thene e the origin*) !
;oe to the Pig road, the beginniug Cor- !
uer, and generally known as the K. |
■ ioberts home place in Sli-ial Creek cl-,.-,
t let of said comity. Said property levied i
a h-s the property of R. Roberts to satis
fy an execution issued from the Cite!
unit ot Cleveland, Git., in favor ot
Vliite County Hank and against . 1 F. j
ioberts and W. H. Roberts, -prinvij>ais, j
Hoi E. Roberta; ftecii. ity.
Alsou; th, same time ami place ami *
■i the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing 1 described lends fo win All of j
: ol land No. is in t ae tir.-t iuii i die-J
let of said county, con ainirg 2Ti»i.cres
. ■! 1 iv r irs-. except Tc- xsues otj
said :, lx):,;: east fi, in the top otTcal :
which .>0 acres heretofore sold ;
ami deeded to Young O’Kelley by J.
Winkier, leaving on this tract 2 till
of land more or less. Sail!‘ 1 -
levied on n. tlx- property of A. 1,.
and R, S. Johnson to satisfy a
court Fi Fa issued from the
court of said county against A.
JJorsey and K. S. .Johnson aim in
of White (,'onnty Hank.
This April iltli. IU 3 O.
W. A. Jackson, Shsiitf. i
Gtsii'gia. White County.
In the Court of Ordinary.
White County Bank having made ap¬
tv me fur letters of adtninmtra-
1 ion upon 1 he estate of W . If. C. Alley,
1'te of sAtdJcuunty, tlecessed. Notice is I
her eby g i ven that- said application nil!
be beard Ktj;the regular term *uf
COUrt OTI M«y. next,
^, Ordinaly.
0! Tile (WBWSMp illd MmfeWB
Published weekly at Cleveland, fin., for
Apr.. 1930.1 Rditor, J Managing Kditor,
and llusineaR Mattager, J. P, Davidson,
Publisher, .1. I* ,Davidson.
Owner, Alex. Davidson.
Known bondhofder*.. mortgagees, . r .._ ...... and
„ tW w , t . In . itv hlJ J f)el . M . hot, olding ling 1 1 jier ,a-r rent rent
or more of total Amount of bonds, niort
gages, or other securities : None.
(Signet!) Jar, P. D^t u>«o.v.
Sworn to awl *ui<«ertl»e<l before me this
10 th day of April. iSllfo.
J. IV. if. USDEK WOOD. N. V.
White County, Georgia.
Her ways are way* of pleasantness
ami all her paths arc peac$
Leniith of days is in tier rijrht hand;
and in her left hand riches and honor.
Happy 1s* the man that fmclrl h wis¬
dom, and the mart that gtrtlHlt under
S1 , e ] B , , rftp of iife , 0 nj( , m Ul|(t
lay hold upon her: and hupp.v Is every
one that retaineth her.
For the merchandise of if Is better |
tl»n Sftxin thn tdierenf, inerctiMBdise of silver, and the j
than tine gold.
Wisdom f» tlie principal Ihing; j
therefore get wisdom; snd with #11
thj gelling get understanding.
for Economical Transportation
x wise
to choose
There is one sore way to get greater no other car costs less for service.
value In a low-priced car today—
choose a Six! Because of its modern engineering,
This greater value is instantly Chevrolet also assures a high re¬
obvious when drive Chevrolet sale value.
Six. you a
You notice first of all its Chevrolet gives yoti fully-enclosed,
greater smoothness. There is no weather-proof, 4-wheel brakes; a
tremor in the steering wheel—no modern fuel system—with the
rattle in the floor boards—no rumble gasoline tank mounted in the rear;
or drumming in the body. four long semi-elliptic springs,
In addition to the finer perform- mounted lengthwise in the direc¬
am* of its six-cylinder motor, the tion of car travel. It gives you
new Chevrolet gives you truly beautiful Fisher bodies built of
remarkable economy. combination hard wood-and-steel.
Its It gives you a heavy, rigidly-braced
the six-cylinder smoothness saves channel-steel frame. And’ it gives
entire car from the strain and you a full ball bearing steering
wear of vibration. This, of course, mechanism.
lowers the cost of maintenance and Before decide
assures a longer-lasting longer- you on ami any car in the
satisfying automobile. t low-price Chevrolet field, see drive the
From the standpoint of Six. The more thor
Chevrolet operating oughly you investigate, the more
expense, is equally eco¬ certain you are to conclude that
nomical. No other automobile con¬ it s wise to choose a Six—for value,
sumes less gasoline and oil. Noother for performance and for eco¬
shows a lower expense for t ires. And nomical transportation! . . .
ROADSTER OR PHAETON The Cnacji or Coupe . . S56S The Light Delivery Chassis SJtS
The Spore Roadster .. 555 The Sedan Delivery $<*}
* 495 The The 7 The he {6 Sport Chip Sedan Special Wire Sit Coupe dan Sedan Wheels ..... Standard . . . 675 625 725 The The The P\Ton i*A Roadster (Pick-up Ton Chassis Chassis Delivery Box ........ withCab Extra) ... . . 520 623 44 Q
t. o. b. factory, Mint, Mtclii&an All prices f.o. b- factory, Flint. Michigan
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Subscribe For The Courier
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