Newspaper Page Text
Cleveland) Ciouria
Organ of White C runty. Go
Published Wcekiy *' Clev jlaml <»h.
,Jvs. I*. Davidson, Editor.
Bn*.*red *t thu P«»«» tlticm »1 Clevslanii
Ok., hk *«i:nnd class mail ntw
M trailer Ninth District Pre»» AewtcUlna
“ Gtorgia Pres*
“ National Editmial
* * Pre*» Congre** 0( the World
Subscriptiot, *1.50 per year
in advance
The Democratic state executive
committee which met last 1* rida>
at the Henry Grady hotel in At¬
lanta was marked by harmony.
Macon was selected for the state
convention to be held October 3 d
there was not a ruuover, primary
October 17 if there was.
Robert Humphreys, of Swains
boro, proposed that every candi¬
date be Required to furnish an affi¬
davit that lie bad riot supported
supported a candidate of any Other
party for two years but this was
quickly put out. by a vote of 63 to
4 against the amendment. Efforts
to bar candidates who voted tor
Hoover in the last presidents
election were also cut short.
The closing date for candidates
to qualify was »et at June 3.
essaaaasS tstBarssss^tesxs^xstxx^sxxacissssssss
Richard 13 . Russell, Jr., of Win¬
der, speaker of the house of repre
seutative*. has announced that die
is a candidate for governor olGeor
In announcing, he states among
other things liiut he is in lor a re¬
version of the tax system, of a nine
months school system thoughoui
the state, reduction of the price ot
school books, construction of a
Canal from the Atlantic to the Gull
prompt payment of school teachers
and Confederate pensioners.
Lord Dewar, who died last Fri¬
day, famous epigrammist and d is
tiller of whiskey, a bacheler, had
this to say at one of lus speeches :
“A man should tell his wife
everything that lie is sure site will
find out.”
Fast Friday Governor Hardman
issued a call for an extra session ot
the general assembly of Georgia on
May 1 at 10 A. M., for the pur¬
pose of relieving the financial situa
lion ot the state.
The governor stated that the ex
cess over appropriation for 1930
can be met by amending the gross
income tax so as to exempt only
$3,000 and by enforcing the cigai
and cigarette tax, It is undersioot
that lie also wishes to add a tax 01
luxuries and let preseut ollicer lutii
<lie it. He declares that it is neces¬
sary to call an extra session to set
tie the state’s finances and is in liwt
with wh it other states are doing,
lie asked that every citizen inter¬
ested in the state cooperate with
him and the general assembly to
“maintain the honor and take cate
of the interests of the state."
Carl N. Guess, of Stome Moun
tain, is a candidate for secretary ol
Reports are being circulated that
Lid Rivers is arousing considerable
support in South Georgia in be
hall ot his candidacy for governor.
It looks now like* there will be
several candidates for state execu¬
tive, and no doubt they all will tr\ j
to make the people believe they
will exert such able leadership that
will bring them prosperity o\ei
uighl. Rut they Can’t fool the peo¬
ple s» easily. Mark our |vvord, 1;
is going to lake a big caiiber U
lead the Georgia legislature.
Merging of banks, power com
pnmes and railroads may not be
tile best thing for the country, bui
it is sure to come.
The railroads are now- ready t»
■begin spending a half billion dol¬
lars, provided they aie not pro¬
hibited by legislation now before
The Hoykiu income tax bill has
been upheld by tire state supreme
L©ca 2 Mews
$fts. G 1 I)ver and Mr. VV 13 . i
ot Union county,
by judge Dorsey last I* ri-j
% |
Thirteen thousand rainbow trout
brought into White county
Friday for propagation in the
Messrs H. M. and Luther
and Dr. Carnes, of At
anta, were visitors in White coun¬
since our last issue.
Mr. VaugJmllead returned 'home
Pittsburgh Saturday, where
has been for a tew months.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Newt Hul¬
sey, a boy, Saturday.
Mrs, C. j. Wellborn and child
on, of Gainesville, spent the
weekend with her sister, Mrs. L.
r. Neal.
Mr. and Mr,. M A. Allison, of !
Lawreuceville, spent a few days ;
with relatives in White county
dnee our last Issue.
Mr. T. W. Tate, of Lula, was
in town Monday.
iflr. J. A. Ccok has accepted a
position with the County road force :
Mr. L. O. l’rice, ot Athens,)
.pent Wednesday night with his j
brother, K. S.
The street lights have been in
-lailed in Cleveland and will soon j
be turned on.
Mrs. Gordon Abernathy died
Tuesday after a lingering illness
and buried at Mt. Pleasant
Mr. Frank Nix returned home
Capt, and Mrs. McNeill, ot
Riverside, were in town Saturday.;
‘‘Uncle Tom” Hanie was in out
office Tuesday and stated that lie
will likely offer lor reelect ion.
Rev. R. W. Allison, of Dacutfi,
was in town Wednesday.
Mr. Douglas Stephens, of At¬
lanta, is spending a few days at
Kenimer Lodge.
Mr. C. C James, state game
warden, wits in town Wednesday,
Mr. R. 13 . Miller, who has re¬
cently accepted a position utCedar
town in a dairy, was in townTues
Mr. John \\ . \\ right, age 64 ,
j (Hed of he , irt dropsy Friday, Apri
,, ( at his home in Easley. S. L.
j ! ile waii ruigeii White county
., ul moved t0 E asi | ey a few years
j Edgar l>, Dunlap, of Gainesville,
Hatesth.U he wiil not n foi
rovet nor.
Mrs. Joseph A, Sharp has been
named temporary |head ot Young ;
i larris College.
fhe population of Cleveland is
.jyN, as compared with 339 in the :
cesus report of 19^0. The popula
i ion of Shoal Creek district is 1 71, ;
us compared with 543 m 1990,
There are now 9S farms there.
"Foret};- .. ;;..u” is often used foi
irregular vi-hmieor corps of fort-igt
sympathizers raised by states at war
often hv smaller states lighting foi !
independence. The term
Legion’’ is colloquially hut incorrectly
ippUed today to the Regimental Ktran
gers in the French service, which are j
composed of adventurous spirits of ah
nations, nml which have been era i
Ployed in many arduous colonial earn !
Theories About Sleep
has been asserted that a man |
must sleep or be poisoned by his own ;
toxius, but some authorities deny that j
steep is protective. One theory is that
waste products accumulate in the
blood during the day and produce a
toxin that induces sleep. The oldest
idea is that sleep restores the nervous
system, and undoubtedly it is the nat¬
ural sequel to expenditure of energy.
Take Time for Courtesy
There are not many things that so
clearly reveal a fineness of soul a
does politeness. It is a grace of rare
charm, and is not likely to he too much
praised by us. The increase of cour¬
teous demeanor and address iu the
business world in the last quarter of n
century has been much iu evidence.
Life is not so short hut there is al¬
ways time for courtesy.
\our Subscription .Now
White County.
L. G, Hardman, governor, vs. J. ii.
Allen, piincijial and M. H. R«cii jiml <’
Hope, soem ily, non residents of saiil
Greetings: You »r<* hereby re
to be and appear, personally <u
by attorney at the next term of tlie
court to be held in and for said
011 the second Monday in April,
i#80, to show cause, if arty they have,
vhy judgement should not be rendered
igaiiist them for the amount of recogni¬
zance forfeitured as aforesaid as in de¬
fault ' hereof the court will proceed as to
shall appertain. Witness the
lion. 1. U. Sutton, Judge of said court,
diis 1 9th day of March, 1930.
W. H, Hulsey, (J. S. C.
Georgia, White County.
Will be Hold before the court house
door in said county on the lirst Tuesday
in May, 1030, within the legal hours of
-ale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described droperty to wit;
Thirty Stores of land more or less off of
iot of land No. 99 ill the Second Land
district of said county and being thirty
acres more, or le,.s of said lot and being
the same land and fully described in a
dead from K. M, G.Nix to Floyd Nix,
which deed is recorded in the Clerk’s
office of said county in record deeds
book -'it” page 70 to which deed refer
cnee is made for description of said land
The above land levied on as the pro- j
perty of Floyd Nix to satisfy a Tax FI Fa i
• ssued by S. L. brown, Tax Collector of I
said county against K. J. Nix for state)
ami county taxes for the year i929.
Notice of levy given as required by lavv.
Also at the same time and plac e and I
ori the same terms will he sold the fol- j
owing property to wit:
All of lot of land No. 99 in the first ;
district of said county containing 99t) j
acres more or less. 8 aid land levied on j
as the property of R. K. Reeves, Jr,, to
satisfy a tax ti fa issued by 8 , L. Brown, j
fax Collector of said county, against the
aid R. K. Reeve 1 -, Jr., for state and'
c ounty taxes for the year 1929.
Also at the same time- ami place am!
111 the same terms will he Mold the fob ;
.owing described property to wit:
One atrip of land seventy yards wide
it 1 veo length anions ibe entile side of'
i.rict ot, of of land said No. county 55 in the containing first laud sixteen) dis- j
acres more or less. Said property levied !
on as the property of John B. Barker to
satisfy a tax ti fa issued by 8 . L. Brown,
t ax Collector of said county agaiustJohu
ti. Barker for slate and county taxes for
| the year 1999 , Notice of levy given ns
! die law directs.
Also at the surile l ime and place and
.11 the same terms will be sold tile fol
owing described real estate to wit;
All that tract or parcel of laud com
mem-.iag at the »•«*. e’*ruor|N*t>l*l}owisu’s
land (in .Shoal Creek distiict of
county and at the a. e. corner of
traet and running west with Ne*i«
Bojviie's fine 1 to ya' ils, thenca south to
lie creek, teence east down the creek to
t ililcli, thence uji the ditch to the be
j ginning corner, containing about 3 acres
I land more or less. Said property
| evie.d on as the. property of Mrs, F. K.
j McGee to satisfy a lax execution issued
oy S. L. Brown, Tax Jt'uHeclor of said
; county, for state and county taxes
the year 1929.^
Alsu si the samv time ami place mut
'ii I in* same t-i iiis will he sold the fo|.
-owing property to yvil ;
All that portion or part of the railroad j
in White county, known as the R, R. :
u White county, known as the railroad -
which runs from I'hestatce. Ga., to Cler- ■
omit, Ga.. together with rails and right
if way along said railroad that is located ,
in White county, Georgia. The proper
ty herein described being that portion of;
-aid railroad that runs through Shoal i
Creek district of said \V hits county Jieor
gia. Said property levied on as the pro¬
perty ol the Piedmont Corporation to
-utist'y a tax execution issued by 8 . L.
Brown, Tux Collector of said county, for
state and county taxes for the year 1999.
Also at tire same time and place and on
die same terms will be sold the following j
Inscribed real estate to wit:
Parts of lots of laud numbers S, 7 H'OJ i
t 7 i„ thejseeoud .land distrim ot said !
eount-y, containing 1.10 acies of laud' I
no re or less and bounded as follows ;
, ommem u . ^ at ,Ue ***« • r "*'} , , um,lu i
’ «
with Hit* old roat* near the E. Huberts
house; thence down the vid^e to a con- j
litional corner, thence west to a coudi- j
tumai corner ot‘the C. C. Early land; ;
dance south to a rock corner on thoorig
iual line; thence west to original at cor
ier of lot number 1 , thence -muttieast to:
1 pine tree corner; thence 11 rthcast to
the original line; thence the original
due to the. big road, the Beginning cor-I
aer. aud generally known as the K.
toberts home place in Sima! Creek dis.
'.rid of said county. Said property levied ;
11 as the property of K. Roberts to satis
y an execution issued from the City
’ of Cleveland. Ga., in favor of
Vliite County Bank ami against J. F. .
Cherts hi id W. H. Roberts, principals,
and E. Rebel ts ; seen, it y .
Also at the same lime and place and;
on tin’ same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described lrnds to wit: All of;
: t of )«n<i No. IS iu the first land dis¬
trict of-aid county, containing 950acres
of land more ,*r less-, except JO.acres 08
Slid i-'t lying east from the tup ot'Tcal
mountain, which oil acres heretofore sold .
off and deeded to Young O'Kelley by J»^
II. Winkler, leaving on this traet 9IKVj
acres of land more or less. Said proper¬
ly levied 011 as the property of A. L.
Dorsey and R. 8 . Johnson to satisfy a
Superior court Ki Fa issued from the
Superior court of said county against A.
L. Dorsey aud R. 8 . Johnson and in
favor of White County Hank,
This April 9th, 19jO.
W. A . Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County.
In the Court of Ordinary.
White County Bank having made ap-j j
plication to me for letters of adminislra
tion upon the estate of W. If. C. Alley, i
late of said county, deceased. Notice is!
hereby given that said application will;
be heard at the regular term of said
court on the lirs' Monday in May. next.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Statement Ot The Ownership end Managemen!
Published weekly at Cleveland. Ga., for
Apr.. 1930. Editor, Managing Editor, I
and Business Manager, J, P. Davidson, t
Publisher, J. P. Davidson.
Owner, Alex. Davidson.
Known bondholders, mortgagees, and j
other security holders, holding 1 per cent I
or more of total amount of bonds, omi t- J
gage*, or other securities: None.
(Signed) Jas. P. Davidson.
Sworn to and subscriber! before me this
10th day of April, Mbit).
White County, Georgia'.
Hu*|*r Knows No Kitioa
A hungry poop!* listen* not to rea¬
son, uor cum <or Justice, nur Is beut
by »uy Fwyw.—S«ieca.
Ravaalcd by tk* Eya
The cotHitcuauee i* the portrait of
the soul, and the eyes mark Its lu
t eul loir*. —Cicero.
University’* Position
A university should he a pit e* of;
light, of liberty, and of learning.— j
A contemporary has hml correapon
deace concerning the worst nightmares
Its readers have enpeiienced. We j
might mention that the worst one we )
cgti remember was when we felt the
pillow slip and the bed spread.—De j
trolt News.
Jbr Economical Traniftrlmtiem
It’s wise
to choose a SIX!
It i« wiw to choose a six-cylinder
motor—the only way to get six-cylin¬
der smoothness. Six-cylinder
smoothness takes out vibration and
roughness. This saves motor, chassis,
body, passengers, and driver.
The Chevrolet is a six. Yet it sells at a
price that anyone can afford to pay.
And it lasts longer, because of fine
materials, oversize parts and a big,
smooth, 54-horsepower six-cylinder
engine that always “takes it easy.”
With all its six-cylinder smoothness
and power the New Chevrolet Six
saves gasoline and oil, through
modern efficiency—overhead valves
—high compression power—latest
carburetor—long-wearing pistons—
crankcase ventilation—air cleaner.
Thus Chevrolet brings truly modern
transportation within reach of all
who can afford any car. Chevrolet
economy also means sincerity in
manufacture. To illustrate:
Chevrolet valves are adjustable—to
save replacing. Chevrolet molded
brake lining greatly reduces brake up¬
keep. The rear axle inspection plate
on the Chevrolet means accessibility.
such evidence that true
economy conies from ad¬
vancement and refine¬
ment. There are four
extra-long, chronie-va
nadium springs controlled
The Coupe .......... .$565
The Coach .......... . 565
The Sport Roadster. . 555
The Sport Coupe . 655
The Club Sedan.,.. . 625
The Sedan .......... . 675
o. Flint, Mich.
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
Subscribe For The Courier
This is the
"Make Sure"
of Fertilizing Cotton
/”\UT of all the experimental work and farm
V-r tests with cotton fertilisers daring the past
50 years, there has developed this one method,
safe and sure for cotton from North Carolina to
Texas. It meets every need of the crop for plant
food; reduces every risk; is economical; and guar¬
antees you maximum return on your fertiliser
investment. And it’s so simple—
At Planting Tima (Jbr one acre )
50 to 100 lbs. Chilean Nitrate ol Soda.
25 to 75 lbs. muriate ot potash.
300 to 400 lbs. superphosphate. potash;
This gives you enough phosphate and
the Chilean Nitrate gives the crop the best pos¬
sible start and encourages maximum growth
during early spring.
30 to 40 Days After Planting (for one acre)
150 to 200 lbs. Chilean Nitrate of Soda side
dressing. and resistance
This gives the crop greater vigor bolls aud
to pests and disease; makes bigger
carries more of them through to earlier matur¬
ity; increases yields and improves quality.
That’s all there is to it I The important part of
the recipe is the nitrogen. Chilean Nitrate can
make a good fertilizer out of a poor one; will
make a good fertiliser betttr. A little Chilean
Nitrate at planting time and plenty of it later as
side-dressing just about takes the gamble out of
cotton farming.
If you cannot find out whether yonr planting¬
time fertilizer contains Chilean Nitrate; the way
to make sure is to buy fertilizer low in nitrogen
and mix Chilean Nitrate with it at the rate of ZOO
to 400 lbs. per ton. In this way you are certain of
enough of the best nitrogen under your crop.
Special FREE Book
Our new illustrated book “How to Fertilize Your
Crops” gives full instructions. Free. Ask for book
No. 1 or tear out this ad and mail it with your
name and address on the margin.
Nitrate Chilean
of Soda
917 Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
In replying , plettse refer to ad No. 63
•rrt see* VNB&- n*T ktsest
by hydraulic shock absorbers. They
are mounted lengthwise, in the direc¬
tion of car t ravel, with self-adjusting
spring shackles to maintain quiet.
Modern low suspension and extra
wheelbase give the Chevrolet Six
good proportions. The front view is
distinguished by the honeycomb
radiator. The gasoline tank is at the
rear for safety and finer appearance.
Chevrolet beauty instantly says
“Body by Fisher’’—style, quiet, safety
—Fisher composite steel-and-wood
construction—non-glare windshield
—adjustable driver’s seat—deeper
cushions—greater leg room—clearer
vision—finer fabrics and fitments.
There is just as much extra value
throughout. BY ANY STANDARD
the Chevrolet Six is the wisest choice
in the low-price field ... with its six
cylinder valve-in-head motor . . .
with full scientific equipment . . .
with Body by Fisher . . . with four
long semi-elliptic springs, long
wheelbase, low suspension, rear
mounted gasoline tank, honeycomb
radiator and all the other features of
this day and age.
The Special Sedan
(6 wire wheels standard)... . $725
The Light Delivery Chassis... . 365
The Sedan Delivery ........... . 365
The 1 / 2 'Ton Chassis ......... . 52*
lVi-Ton Chassis with Cab . 625
Roadster Delivery (pick-up box extra).. 444
See your nearest Chev¬
rolet dealer today and
drive this six. Ten min¬
utes at the wheel will
show you what a differ¬
ence six cylinders make.