Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
VOL. XXXII, No. -2‘i
Just from tlie Mountains.
Mr, and Mrs. Bascoinb West¬
moreland, of Cleveland, were out
this way Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dock Adams and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Jillstrap spent
a day with relatives down in Jack
son county recently.
Mr. Oscar Cook and Iris hands
were working out this wayMofday
on the highway.
The farmers of this section are
planting a larger acreage than
usual. this means it the seasons
are suitable there will be a greater
harvest. April lias been very dry
this time. Four years ago was
dry spring and better ciops were
made that year than usual. Sever
ai years ago it was dry and a
low came along and told that there
would be nothing made and there
was going to be a famine. It be¬
gun to rain the next day and rain¬
ed for two months. You never
heard of a total crop failure inGear
gin yet.
Sc, they have had another
failure in Gainesville. There
to be too many banks. 1'hey
give as the cause frozen assets
credits. But oil the? real Cause
gambling in the future cotton
ket and having been sheared
Wall Street and high living in
tlupper age. Who suffers most
a crisis like this? The widow
her mite. The honest toiler
has tried to lay by something for
rainy day and the helpless
who are crying for bread and a
but behold they give them a
It is now getting time they
sending some missionaries /over
China to study her banking
They may be a little slavv there
her banks never fail. If these
keep on failing the toilers will
turn to the ‘-sock ley” system
our good old grandfathers.
lion. John N. Holder, of
son, has announced lor
His entry makes six in the race.
Mr. Holder has many
triends in White county who
do their best for him here.
Judgo John ). Barker, of N.
vvas rejected by the senate lor jus
tice of the ( . S. Supreme Court.
Thos, E. Atkins, president
the State Banking Company,
Gainesville, committed suicide
the night of.May i by firing a shot
gun charge through his chest.
bank did not open Friday and
urday out of respect to him and
Monday the state banking
meat assumed charge of the
An ex-service men’s rally
be he'd in the court house
esville Monday night, May 12,
8 -.30. The motion picture :
ing On” will be shown. J. G.
Bloodworth will be there. AH
seivice men and their wives
aSrtSS ~ ' raj
I (
Allen Plumbing Co. 1
Gainesville, Ga. :*F f
See Fs And Save Money
i m
About sixty relatives and friends
of the McCollum family met last
Saturday at the old Anderson
cemetery and cleaned it oft and at
i2 o'clock spread a delicious dinner
nearby Mr. G. W.McCollum’s saw
mill, which everyone enjoyed im¬
mensely. Those present that do
not reside in tire county were: Mr.
and Mrs. Dan McCollum and fam¬
ily, of Gainesville; Mr, Ben Mc¬
Collum, of Franklin, N. C. : Mr.
and Mrs. \V, M. Barker and family
of Clnrlcesville; Mr- and Mrs. J.N.
Smith, of Cornelia, and Mrs. Ada
s^,j r i e y^ 0 f near Clarkesviile. They
wjll (mve anot her reunion on the
^ Slm day in June, iySi, at Mr.
McCollum’s home, which
we hope will be much larger and
^ eller than tlie past ope,
! Miss Ad “ bhel,JUU .... ,s ™ ,t,u « “ er
' ister ' Airs ' Kdgar Sms.h, in Cor
uelia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McCollum,
i are spending a few days with their
son, Mr. Andrew McCollum, in
j Cleveland, Teun,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stovall and
j cliildieu spent Sunday atlernooi;
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J iin Stovall.
Mr. Claude Tatum is spending a
few days with his cousin, Mr. El¬
bert Barker, at Clarkesviile.
Mr. and .Mrs. Atkins, of Helen,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ash and Mi.
and Mrs. Steve Ash were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. ShelmiU
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Ruby O’Kelley and Mary
London spent Sunday alternoon
with Misses Mary Lee and Ruth
Tatum The youug folks are proud
‘o know Miss London is able to be
in tlieit midst, again.
Mr. T. If. Stovall’s family made
him happy last Sunday by sur¬
prising him with a delightful birth
day dinner. Only tt.e children and
a few close friends were present,
which made about twenty guestsjin
ill. We do not knowMr. Stovall’s
xact age but we do know every
uody i, just as young as they feel
and we hope Mr. Stovall will have
nany more happy birthdays.
A mce m-rooin dwelling, new
j roof and paint job; suitable loi
! ■milliner borne, boarding or „coui
•louse. Home ot Mrs. M. R
j \Vikle, Robertstown, Ga.
j Communicate with
i Bike Hutchins,
j Stalhum, Ga.
We wish to thank the many
iriends for their kindnesses during
1 be illness and death of our dnugli
■er, Catherine. May God’s richest
blessings be with each of you.
Husband, Father and Mother.
Blue Ridge Dots
Rev. George Vandiver and Mr.
Ralph Adams, of Robertstown,
visited their son-in laws. Messrs
Albert and Coy Jarrard, and ac¬
companied them to Town Creek to
a foot washing,something they had
never seen before Sunday. v
Mr. James Winkler and daugh¬
ter and son, Garnie.and wife, Were
visiting among the Tombs' of tjie
City Sunday. of the Dead at Mt. Bleasi^it Jjs
* ^
Several from this Town-'Cl^elf section alter¬ i||t
ed preaching at
Sundny. ♦ *
Much planting hasi been
during the past few days.
Miss Naomi Lance Ts iB ,;i&vffHs
writing. * * ...
T'he Epworth League^,%Jt, >? s * Mp Mp pjE
Bleasant is doing line-;
J. W. Ltmsford', Jr., lookdut on |
Yonah mountain, is liMjt*at. seaso'r/ ybine
vs the fire season, rojr ]he >s
1 ver. " %'
Miss Clara Mitlar visited h*fne
folks last Sunday,
JN render—electric addition to the services light and we
power and other utility services—
everything we have is back of
building up this state. And all
of these communities, these
towns and rural places, get the
benefit of it. That is why we
advertise them; that is why we
maintain a department to help
locate industries here in Georgia;
that is why we take part in every¬
thing that has as its object help¬
ing to build up the places where
this Company renders service.
That is why J eay this Company
is A Citizen Wherever We Serve,
selfishly so, more interested In the
building up of the territory wher¬
ever its lines run than anyone
else can be.
Our Job
as well as more INDUSTRIES
OINCE the recent announcement of the on Georgia’s prosperity, and so much
Georgia Power Company Profitable of Georgia’s wealth comes from the soil,
Farming Award, some folks have it would be strange if we did not wish to
asked—Why is the Georgia Power Com¬ do everything we can to help make Georgia
pany interested in farming? What has a farms more prosperous—now more so than
public utility to do with agriculture? ever, since the expansion of our service into
Community development is a part of our new sections recently has so greatly in¬
job. Above is reproduced one of the adver¬ creased the number of our customers de¬
tisements we publish in magazines of pendent entirely or almost entirely on
national circulation in an effort to induce wealth that comes from the farms.
pew industries to locate in Georgia. New in¬ It’s a simple business proposition with
dustries in Georgia mean new customers to us. All of our business is done in Georgia,
buy our power, greater wealth for Georgia, and almost the only way we can hope to
greater opportunities for us to sell our prod¬ promote our business is by promoting the.
uct. So we promote Georgia’s industrial welfare and prosperity of our customers
growth in any way we can. in Georgia. We wish to help make Geor¬
Promoting Geor¬ gia farms more pros
gia’s agriculture is
likewise our job, and
for the same reasons.
Our business success
depends so greatly
Next Sunday is preaching day at
Mossy Creek. We are going to
have a Mother’s Day program be¬
fore preaching.
Miss Clara Davidson has now
returned to White County after
spending some time in Texas.
Mr. J. M Adams, of Lula,spent
a few days this week at his old
home place.
Miss Pauline Dorsey and .Miss
Irne lhmie spent one night last
week with Mrs. Iloyt Crane, of
Miss Winifred Dorsey is spend¬
ing the weekend in Cleveland with
her sister.
Mr. \Y. A. Dorsey and family
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs.
Dorsey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. O’Kelley, on Shoal Creek,
Mr. M. A. Stover bought? a new
Chevrolet last week.
Advertising is the oil that iubri
cates the machinery of business.
Second Quarterly Conference
The second Quartly
for Cleveland charge will be
at Nacoochee Methodist church
Third Sunday, May 18.
ing at 11 130 A, M,, after which
lunch will be served at the church.
The (Quarterly conference will
he hi in the afternoon.
The conference year is half gone
and there remains much work to be
done yet, but if every member of
the charge will cooperate creditable
reports can be made this year.
B. W. Kilpatrick.
Male Help Wanted.
Reliable man 25 to 50 to sell
Watkins Broducts to established
customers in White and Rabun
Counties. Average earnings |4o.
to $50 a week. Only small capital
and suitable car necessary. Liber¬
al credit extended to those who
qualify. Write W. R. Burnell,
Dept. 436, The J, R, Watkins
Company, Memphis, Term,
Reliable man to succeed Mr. G.
W. Boole, as Ruwleigh Dealer in
White Co Surety contract re*
qnired. Everything furnighed ex¬
cept car. A splendid opportunity
to step into a permanent and pro¬
fitable business. Good profits for
hustlers. Address The VV. T.
Raw leigh Company, District M 2-
13, Memphis, Term.
Dental Notice.
Office in old Farmers & Mer¬
chants Bank Bldg. All patronage
appreciated. Will accept old gold
crowns and bridges as cash on
work, or will pay cash for old
scrap gold.
T. J. McDonald, Dentist,
We have installed a new outfit
for charging all kinds of batteries.
Your patronage will be appreciated
Cleveland Chevrolet Co.