Newspaper Page Text
Sbc Glcvctanfr Courier
O[fetal Organ of Whitt Count) , <7,?
, U'dmuttii Weekly M Oieveltuiil <•*.
,1as. I 1 - Davidson, 1'xHior.
*’> tin; I'ltd »fti«* “< Cleveland
(ia.. «e mmuM'I uliiHB mail »«' er.
Mem bei Ninth District Frees Associ*W
“ Georgia Press
“ National Kduoriai
* Pk§« Congres* Of Ibe World
tiu^riptimu * 1.50 per year
in advance
The IJ. S. Chamber of Com¬
merce recommended that t* j e
Federal farm board's principal
powers be abolished and it be fpv
an power only to disseminate m
formation. I he resolution con¬
tended that instead of aiding the
farmer in providing funds for co¬
operative marketing the board was
hindering the individual and was
deemed unfair.
The preliminary census ot At¬
lanta reveals the population to be
353 , 108 , and Fulton county 3 12 '"
Assistant Secretary of the Treas¬
ury, Lovvman, predicts a nation
wide drive lor seizure of contunierb
bodies and corks used in the mini
uiactureol, when offered for sale
loathe unlawful manufacture ol
liquor and home-brew. Officials ,
state that if it is found that these I
things may be seized that the pro-,
iiibitiou bureau would have another ■
moans by which to fight the bool
logger who sells home-brew. Efforts
have not been made to stop the
making of brew in private homes
except where it is sold.
Governor Franklin U.Roosevelt,
of New York,is spending his vaca¬
tion at Warm Springs, Ga.
Oauioi), Georgia, January 7tl>, illSJO
To The People of tue Ninth Congression¬
al District Of Georgia
l hereby announce my candidacy for
the other of Representative for the
Ninth Congressional District of Georgia
la the next Congress of the UnitedStates
subject to the action of the Democratic
Primary to be held in September next.
If accorded this high honor, i pin gc
you an active, euergetin and faithful
representation, to the utmost of my
1 earnestly solicit your support.
Jno. 8. Wood
3» 231‘ ‘ .3 33,7134»: 1251:; ‘5?" "35:51?“ 1:1 wan: u
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* 1
r I 'HERE are six glasses and
JL pitcher all of the same ex¬
quisite design. The glass is
blown glass, very thin, very dear, of
*hc fashionable piak color. The v hole
act is unusually graceful in shape.
All you have n> Jo to get this lovely
water set is to ask your grocer for
*' Octagon" every rime you buy laun¬
dry soap, soap powder, scouring
.deanscr, toiler soap for the wash basin,
floating soap for (he bath, and cgips
for your washer. Then save the cou¬
pons you get. You need 100 coupons
to get this premium, sc least 10 of
wbic-h must be from Octagon Soap
■life %' BtY FOR
, pfAGOfi gROCh' i-a» -afea _
Preseat coupous to agent below on or before September 30, 1930
Local Mows
The Woman’s M is -.onarybociety ;
meet with Mrs. B. W. Kil¬
pat rick at iter h on W ednesday
'day i.|
We arc requested lo announce
t hat I he Rev. Frank .Morris String
Hand will be ai Belt - M il Sunday
tfternoon. May it. Those that
compose the band are: Rev.Frank
Morris, his sister, and two
lers, one 7 years and me jo years.
Everybody invited that likes real
. ( . (| j ,,,usir
The Mari to: Car j) iviff have u
representative at 1 he Rost Office
Tuesday abut 11 A. M. to take
applicants for Unit branch of ser¬
Mr. Charlie McAfee, of Wyiarn,
Ala,, son ot the late Captain VY .
II. McAfee, died April 30.
Mr. and Mrs, (' 11 . Nelms and
soil, Frank, of Commerce, Spent
night last week with Air, ,1
Mrs. Jus. 1 ‘. L>uviil-oii. :
Dr. and Airs, J.. G. Neal |H j
children had dinner will) Col, and 1
Mrs. l oin Candler, ol Hluirsville,
Mrs. Lillie Farmer uui children j
visited tier liusbun I, John, who is j
111 I he Forsyth County chain gang.
Mr. Ernest Henderson, of At
luntn, spent the weekend with
nc|e T<)|11 .> IIanj( , j , , j
he , 3 Hub S l...p !
, ^,, ,, r
. C, A. Allen win operaiedjon : 1
hernia Gnmcxvtlle , . ... VY.ednes-: ,
ior in
iluy and is doing lint:. ■;
Mr. \V. A. Carlisle, of Gaines- '
ville, died \V cdnesday.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Saxon, a boy, Thursday morning,
Morse Bros, cut their hist logs
Misses Glum Henderson !UIC *
Jewell l’vtty attended (! 1 and!) peta
in Atlanta during the weekend.
Mr. U. F. Aleen. of New HoU
land, vvas in town W ednesday.
Mr. |. (i. Payne, oi Alliens,was
in town on business Tuesday.
Mr. George Btilgin will leave
sometime this week lor Shady Dale
to operate u dairy.
Ray Your Su!>sfrij»(ion
To get this premium, you must hare
at least
10 Coupons
from o.ctagok
Cctagon '* V N‘ \ Njt*;/- ’
Powder ^DWDEI*
'The other 90 can
he from any of E COUPON 0*1 3
the Octagon Soap USOFPRiK
Products shown
Legal Advertisements
Georgia. White County.
The undendgnod, as
• It- leijiiH non euni teslanientii annexe of
|h<> Emh ,„ of h p Stephens, deceased,
by virtue of an order front the Court of
Ordinary of Kuhon County, Gt oigia,
will sell at publ ic outcry on the firstTues
day in June, 1930 at the court house in
u’hite County, between the hours of 10
A. M. and 4 P. M. to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described lai d r
“All that tract or parrel of land lying
and being in White County, Georgia, and
known as the .South half of land lot No,
In fhe 4th ,| istl . ict „ f SJtid County of
White, the saitl half containing one
hundred twenty-live (125) acres more or
' e8s > riwhi lot being purchased by William
! II. McAfee from Prancis Logan in the
j year l858 and the North half deeded to
j Thomas McAfee by William H. McAfee
I on the 6 th <lay of August, 13®1, and
deeded by W. H. McAfee to W. W. Mc¬
Afee, December 1st, i905. recorded Sep
j tembe; 4th, 1908, in book M. page 450-
151, White County Record*; also
All that t'-act, or parcel of laud situated,
lying ami being it. White County, Geor
gta. and being an undivided one-half
R-3) interest in lot of land number
thirty-six irt the First ( 1 st) District of
said White County, . said . . lot , ,
350 ’HiH acre* ’iid'eu tnora imii' 1 / or ir less, being I the same
conveyed to W. W. McAfee by llenry H.
Stephens. July Hlh. 1 .I 0 H, recorded Sep
temtier 4 1 li 1908, in Book At, page j49-
450, White County records; also |
being The billowing 3rd parcel District of land,lying and j
in the of said White (
County and being a pait of lot of land
No. ltll and bounded as follows: Com
mtmeing at, a conditional rock corner on
the original East and West, line of said
•lot on the South, thence Northeast a
straight line to a conditional stone cor¬
ner near tbo Crack bank East and be¬
low the mill at a rock corner mails by Z.
I'. Logan and Tom lurner, thence a
straight line due North conditional line, j
across the creek and on to the original
lin " N ‘ ,, th line, thence West the
original line to J. M, Ginger'd corner,
iheitee nearly , South , a conditional .... line ,. to
a stone corner, thenar up the meek a' the
'*%« «'f the hill a conditional line along
where the path now runs to a stone cor
ner, thence , along , jiidt . below , , the dum , to .
ih* Held, so a* to leave a road, or give a
madway and the right to keep and main
uin said dam with room to work cm tlu;
,ame, thence a straight line back to the
"rigmal West boundary line of said lot,
! hence South to the original corner (SW
corner), thenceKast the original line to
beginning conditional eornanalso
That parcel of land lying and belli gill
part of land lot No. DJI in the iird .'and
District of originally Habersham, no*
White County,Georgia,containing eighty
(80) gi.Ti'S, more or !«*«», nnd bopqded ns
follow*: Commencing o« the original
line on the Soglli aids of *»jd lot op a
conditional rock corpey, rinining tlfftnise
due North 92 chains and 19 links to a
conditional chestnut stake (turner, same
being Smith side of lot 180 on the
■dde of » id lot No. 161, running
1 die original West i 4 chains and (j
to a conditional rock corner on said
inal line, riuming tin nee due South
1 2 ciutins to a conditional rock corner
T. 11. Turner’s saw mi)l, running
South went lid chains to ft
; rock corner on the original line on
So-ith side ot suid lot No. 161 , same
ing theNorlh side of lot No. 192,
thence. East on the original liue 38
anil 9 links to a conditional rock
lhe same being 1 he beginning e-nier
point and joined on the North by
of Mrs. Sarah Ash, on t|je East by
of T. 11. Turner, oil f|)c Sogth by
1 <>f T. D.'Turner, and on ihe West
lands if L. T. Stephens."
SaL! sale will be for cash,
j This May 5th, IhJd.
H- M. Slcjihens
Douglas Stephens.
As Administrators tie bopis M p n
! testapiento annexo ot the Estate of L. 1"
Stephens, deceased,
j James C. Ditiis, Atty
I d ‘27 Atlanta 'Trust Co. Bldg,
Atlanta, Ga.
(Georgia, White County.
* Will be gold before the court
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in June, 1938 within the legal hours
sale to the highest bidder for cash the
tollowing desci ihed real property to
AII that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in White County, Geoigia, and he
ing part of lot of land No. In .5 i n t| n
third land district of said county,
tabling 60 acres of land, more or less,
and bounded on the uopth by tlie
known as the Calhoun property, 011 the
east by the Clark property, on the south
by the Yonah Orchard Company’s lands
and on the west by sai.d Calhoun proper¬
ty and known as the Charlie Chambers
old home place near Union Grove School
j house.
Said property levied on as the proper
i ty of tV. 8 .Thurmond to satisfy a Superi
>r Court ti fa issued from the Superioi
Court of White Couuty.Georgia, in lavoi
of The Bank of Helen and against W .8
This the lith day of May lhjO.
W. A. Jackson, .sheriff.
Georgia. Whi e County.
Will be sold before the court lions
d 'Or ot said county on Hie first Tuesday
111 June 1930, next, within the legal I I
hours of sale to ihe highest bidder fin
cash, the following described property to
wit: AII that tract or parcel of land de
scribed as follows; Commencing at a
point on the Cleveland arid Dahloriega
roati near the l'csidenee of Dr. T. .). .Mc¬
Donald where the road leads by the old
G. S. Kytle barn leaves said Cleveland
and Dahlonega road, thence south with
said road passing said G. S, Kytle barn
to an old road, thence west with said old
road to the old line ofPoilySmith proper¬
ty, thence north with said Tolly Smith
property to the said Cleveland and Dah
lonega road, theuce east with said Cleve¬
land audDahlonega road tothe liegiiming
point, containing about three (3) acres ot
land more or less. Said property levied
on as the property of Mrs. K.J. Nix to
satisfy a tax execution issued bv S. L.
Brown, 'l'ax Collector, for state and
county taxes for the year 1923.
Also at the same time ami place and
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described property to wit:
All that trai t lr parcel of ht’.id de¬
scribed a< follows: Commencing at a
point where the LomJsviHeCamp Ground
road leaves the state highway west of
Hoy Head bridge on said highway.thence
noith with said Lomlsvilie campground
road to the liue of S, L. Brown property,
thence west with said 8 b. Brown prop¬
erty 7 O yards.thence in a southern direc¬
tion a straight line to a point 7 O yards
west of the starting point on said high¬
way, thence east with said highway to
the beginning point, containing about
one acre of land more or less, ia-vied on
as the property of W. W. (Jiiiim to satis-!
fy a la * ti fa issued by 8 . !,. Brown, Tax
Collector, for state and county taxes for
the year 1929.
Also at the same time and place and
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described property lo wit; All
of lot of land Number eiglitv-four in the j
second land district of aid county, con¬
taining 25 O acres of (ami more or less,
and formerly known as Itenj. llobcrtson
place aud now known as the A, L. Scott
farm in said county. Levied on as the
property of A, L_ Scott to satisfy a
Superior Court ti fa issued from rbe
Superior Court of Kanni 11 County, Geor¬
gia, in favor of Joen Naglich and again¬
st A L Scott and M. 11. Staffer,
Also at the same time and [fface and on
the same boms, will be sold the following
property to wit: All that tract or parcel
of land described as follows: Beginning
at a point just 50 feet northwest of the
house on said property known as Hie
red house formerly occupied by W, H.
Bell, theme north 20(1 yards, thence
south 200 yards, thence east 200 yards,
thence west to the beginning or Hart inn
Jkr ftmalxl rnxyomln
H&ir 4 ? V*
j A demount ion tells
\ why it’s wise
! yon
j : to ehoose a six
! Everywhere, buyers are agreeing springs—the four Lovejoy hydraulic
“It's wise to choose a Six." And if shock absorbers— the weatherproof
you want to know why, get a dem¬ 4-wheel brakes— and the sturdy
onstration of the Chevrolet Six. hardwood-and-steel construction
Learn what amazing difference of the luxurious Fisher bodies.
two more cylinders make—in It will take only a few minutes to
I :
smoothness, in silence, in flexi¬ confirm all the reasons why it is wise
; bility and in comfort. to choose a Chevrolet Six. So come
j in today. See
! And learn what t nr» it. .And investi¬
: a difference all ROADSTER or phaeton gate Chevro
i The Coach or Coupe S$b5 j The Club Sedan $625 let’s
| of Chevrolet’s l Th * Sedan .. * 67 5 easy
The Sport Roadster tS 5 S The Special Sedan $725 payment plan
, other modern The Sport Coupe $t»55 j (6 wire wheels standard)
features make Trucks: Light Delivery Chassis. S36S; The Sedan —one of the
Delivery, I5V5; JH ion Chassis. SS20; / Vj Ton most liberal in
Chassis with Cab, S62S; Roadster Delivery (Tick-up
— the four Jong bos esrro). $440 - the automotive
|emj -elliptic industry.
j j
! Cleveland Chevrolet Company
point, containing six acres of land more
or less. Said property letied on as the
property of Southland In vestment Com¬
pany to satisfy a tax n fa issued by S. I..
Brown, Tax Collector, for state and
county ^taxes for the year 1929.
Also at the same time and place and
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described prorerty to wit: All
that tract nr parcel of land known gener¬
ally as the Vick Allen tract containing
seven acres of land more or less and
hounded on the south by land- of W H.
Hulsey and on the north and east by the
8 . K. Cox and the A. N. Jackson lands
ank being in the third land district of
said county. Said land levied on as the
property of /ick Alh-n to satisfy a tax
ti fa issued by S. L. Brown, 'l'ax Collec¬
tor, for state and county taxes for the
year 1939.
Also at the same time and place and on
the same terms will he sold the
ing property to wit: All that tract, or
parcel of land described as follows:
Commencing at a point where this prop¬
erty corners with the H, A. Jarrard prop¬
erty on Die east side of tbeCleveland and
Nacoocliee public road near the resi
deiiceofW.H- Hulsey, thence nearly
east with the line "t the said Jarrard
property to a settlement road, thence
nearly north with said road to tne forks '
ot the road, thence a little S. \V. leading !
toward W, Hulsey’s to the line of the
VV H. Hulsey property, them e south
with the line of W. II. Hulsey land to
the corner of said Hulsey property,
thence with said Hulsey line to (he said
Cleveland and* Nacoocliee rord , thence
south with said Cleveland and Nacoo
cheeToad to th“ beginning point, con¬
about three acres of land more
less. Levied on as the property of
Miss Muriel Bulgin to satisfy a tax ti fa
issued by S. L. Brown, 'l'ax Collector,
foa state and county taxes tor the yea r
I'.ltly. Vhis May 71 h 19 :i(l,
W A. Jackson, Sheritt
Under and by virture of the power of
contained in a certain security deed to
Citizens and Southern Bank made by
Guaranty Trust Corporation onDecom-
15. 1924 . and recorded May 5, 192,5 in
Book U, pages 288 to 290 of the records of
White County, Georgia, the undersigned.
Citizens & Southern National Bank,
in title of the Citizens ami
Bank, will sell at public outcry to
the highest bidder for rash, before the
bouse door in the town of Cleveland,
County of White, within the legal
of sale, on the first Tuesday in June,
i9jo. the following described property, to-
All that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the second district of White Coun¬
ty. Georgia, parts of lots of land Numbers
82 and 82 , containing 250 acres, more or
let*, and bounded as follows; On the North
by lands of Rustin Jackson, on the East by
lands known as the Mrs, Lou C. Edwards
homeplace and the lands ofMra.M. L.Allen,
on the Hovth by the lands <rf Mrs. Edwards
and the old Williams homeplace, and on
the West by lands of the old Morris home
place and lands of James and Linsev Jack
son, located about two and one-half miles
East of Cleveland, Georgia, on the Cleve¬
land and Clarkesville public road, aod is
the same laud conveyed to W. O, Power
by deed of W. K Power of date February
3 , iplh, and of record in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of White Coun¬
ty, Georgia, in 1 >eed Book K, pags 236 ! for
the purpose of paying the indebtness se¬
cured try said security deed, to,wit: the
principal note ot $ 50 , 000.00 dated Deeem
ber 9, 192a and due January 15 . DDj. to¬
gether with interest on said note as there¬
in provided and the expenses of this sale;
the said nroperty having been conveyed to
The Citizens anp Southern Bank, predeces¬
sor ot the undersigned, in the deed above
described as security for the note herein
set out, and defah in tha payment of said
note due January 15 . 1925 having occurred
and continued to this date. A conveyance
will be executed to the purchaser at such
sale as authorized in said security deed.
This the 6 th day of May, lq 30
The Citizeus and Southern National Bank*
J. I>. Brad well. Attorney,
Athens, Georgia.
Georgia, White County.
'To all whom it may concern:
J. E. Miller and Mrs, Blanche Jarrard as
administrators of J. M Miller, deceased,
having applied lo me by petition for leavte
to sell the real estate of said deceased.Thla.
is to notify the creditors and kindred that
said application will be passed upon at the
June term, DI 30 . of the Court of Ordinary
of said county, and that unless cause is
shown to the contrary said leave will be
granted- This ;th, day ot May 1930 .
A. L. tioreay.
< b-dinary. White County, Georgia
Whste Court of Ordinary May 5 th, 19jit
The appraisers upan application of Mrs,
E. Roberts, widow of E. Roberts, ror a
twelve month’s support for herself having
their return. All persona concerned hereby
are cited to show cause, if any they have,
at. the next regular June term of this court
why saul application should not be granted
A. U. Dorsey, Ordinary