Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXX 11, No. 33
.fust from the Mountains.
Messrs Havne and Walter Sims,
of Helen, were down this way
Sunday and were accompanied
home by Mrs C. A. Knott.
If you can learn the farmer to
play golf and base ball the crops
acreage will be cut down.
John Smith says about the time
business had began to grow bettei
those long dresses and derby bats
had to come back in style leaving
him to hold the bag.
They are going ahead with their
power line, but it now looks like
they will not have lights by the 6th
of June in Helen. The lightning
bugs are still doing business at the
same old stand and the mocking
all , night ... long . by
birds are surging
their liehts. \o one knows just
wiiy and how these bugs make
their light. If these power trusts
\vpuld give light as cheap as it
given in Canada all would have
plenty of light.
An airplane passed over one day
last week, but they will never grow
very popular with some of the rural
people unless they fly ; /ery close
to the earth so they can keep one
foot on the ground while riding.
This airplane may be trying fo
locate a kiss o phone line tor the
old maids of Osvltown and the old
bachelors of Skunk Holler. They
will all sign an easement for this
The flies .and candidates are
•'growing very 1 *numerous here but
by the iSth of June there will be a
silence hy one part. All Cpu’t be
elected—there will be some lelt out
in the heat. As a rule some of our
best people never reach their poli
tical ambitions while on the other
liand some get it to the holy of
holies by a trick o» pull. 1 Here is
not enough strawberry pie for alt.
In most ot our cities all the candi
dates have their pictures in the
newspupers. It would be a
idea for our male candidates to
visit a beauty parlor and then have
their pictures taken. Then send
them to Bro. Davidson so he Can
have a picture and comic sectioq in
The Courier next week. If you
can have your picture to flatter
you the female voters will cry over
it and will be sure to vote for you.
Advice is very cheap and you
not take it unless you want to
The nights are very cool and dry
now but when they grow warmer
there will be some rain.
These cool nights are tough on
little cotton for some of it is dying.
It now looks like there will be
about sixteen running for governor
by the September primary.
Clarkesville, Georgia.
May 26, 1930.
To the Voters of the NorihenstcrnClecuit:
I hereby announce roy candidacy for
re-election to the office of Solicitor Gen¬
eral subject to tiie September Primary,
and earnestly ask your support.
Thanking- you in advance, I am,
Yours very truly,
m X*Jj
8 I
8 Allen Plumbing Go. I
1 8 Gainesville, Ga. >!♦/
M | the deming m a ter system 8
g See Is And Save Money 8
1 &<
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
The 'voung people enjoyed a
! musical Saturday night at Mrs.
Julia Holman’s,
| Miss Willie Nell West on heriyth
: birthday entertained her friends
with a candy drawing.
William Russell Tow is the name
0 f p 0 y that was left by the stork
lt the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Tow last week. The stork
laughed as he lightened his load of
babies by eleven pounds and prss
ed on to tiie next house,
Miss Mary Blackwell and Mil
dred Dorsey were the guests of
their cousin, Miss AguesstO'Kelley
Horned to Mr. and Mrs. Dan
[ J ;l j ineri a boy, Sunday.
1 here , when the , Sab- . ,
was a time
j ^ reRarded lmt tl ,at
wns ,
time and people have nearly passed
to oblivion.
At the present there lire seven
teen candidates for Tax Collector,
sixteen Mr’s, and one Miss. M e
figure if tiie vote is about equally
divided that too will elect someone
Let the good people of White coun¬
ty think over the situation and vote
their best judgment uninfluenced
in any way, except to make a choice
that will reflect honor upon them
and the country. Fellow citizens,
we ask you to give this question a
serious thought and for once in
life, if no more, make a choice that
you will be proud of.
Mr. Grover and James 13 . Sim¬
mons and their families, of Helen,
visited Mr. Ora Simmons Sunday.
- *
Several from this section attend
ed the Children’s Day at Alt Pleas
ant Sunday.
an( j Mrs. Marvin Satterfield
, md liu j e son spellL Saturday night
, u) j Sunday with parents, .Mr. and
M rs. John M, Allen .
Mr. and Mrs. Clareeee VVrigld,
of Gainesville, spent Saturday
night and Sunday with t lieir sis¬
ter, Mrs, Marion Jackson.
Sunday School and prayer meet¬
j ing at Mt. View is progressing
j nicely. Everybody invited to
come and take part.
Miss Annie Rose Thomas, of tlie
i Cluett-I’eabody & Co., Atlanta, is
-•pending her vacation with home
We are having some cool weath¬
er at present which makes it very
b id on cotton.
We are glad to learn that Miss
j Hester Ferguson is improving.
Mr. Aaron Nix died one day last
1 week and was buried at Town
Advertising is the oil that lubn
cates tiie machinery of business.
Subscribe For Tbe Courier
Mr. J, II. Stovall and family
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Church
in Atlanta last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, II. Smith and
Miss Pauline Smith, of Cornelia,
spent Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Griff Allison and
children, of Leaf, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Millard Freeman Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. llomer Thomas,
Clermont, Mrs. Frank Tatum and
children and Mrs. II. A. Tatum, of
Cornelia, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Tatun Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Whitworth
and children, of Fainesville, are
visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Satterfield,
of Atlanta, and Mr. and MrsFrank
Thurmond spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Curtis.
A large crowd enjoyed the sing¬
ing at Btae Creek Sunday night
and reported some fine singing
even if Rev. J. L. Sisk and sons
were unable to he with us. We
hope to have another good singing
in tiie near future.
ill up Ridge Dots
Rev A. C. Cantrell and daugh¬
ter, of Symrtia, were up this way
last Sunday evening at Mt.I’ieusaiit
cemery and Neei Gap.
Several from here here attended
Childjen’s Day at Chattahoochee
last Sunday.
Miss Naomi Lance is- quite ill of
Born to Mr. and Mrs. FloydCor
bin a fine son, June 2.
Misses Grace and Mary Winkler
spent last Saturday night with
their cousins at Etris.
Prof. C. C. Lunsford is at home
again from 'Townsend, Ga., wnere
lie taught last term.
We are glad to hear of an abun¬
dant grain crop in this section.
Business before pleasure.
........ ...... - .......... a
Schedule of Neel Gap Hus Line, successor to the Queen City
Line, from Gainesville, Ga., to Murphy. N. C„ and II. F. Trot¬
ter Line from Guinesville, Ga„ to Itlaiisville, Ga,, effective
Monday, June 9th, 1990. (
Read Down
I’. M A. M. P. M. P. M.
4 :oo IO :oo Lv Gainesville Av 12 :;jo 5 - o0
I :* 5 to :25 Clermont ■*' 12 :oo 4 : 35
■1 : 45 l ° : 45 Cleveland “ it 130 A.M. 4 :15
5 : 3 ° i i :3o “ Neel Gap “ 10 145 A. M 3 : 35
5 :, 5 CT it: 15 “ Bluirsville “ CT 9 :00 A. M. 2 :o0
6 :oo 11 12 Ar Murphy Lv “ 8:00 A. M. i :o 0
Read IJp
Additional trips between Cleveland and Gainesville
A. M. P. M.
7 : 3 ° Lv Cleveland Av 6:45
8 :y> Av Gainesville Lv 6 :oo
Furniture Sale
Commencing June 9th
We offer our entire stock of new furniture at a
reduction of 25c on the dollar
First to come will be the first served
Only on strictly CASH basis
Most everything from a Cradle to a Coffin
This Sale closes June 14th
C. F. Sutton, Prop,
On Sunday morning, May 25, in
Waliiallu, S. C., occured the mar¬
riage of Miss Joneal Nelms of this
place and Mr. Paul Frank Mauney,
of Cleveland. Mr. Shirley, clerk
of the county court, officiating.
Mrs. Mauney is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nelms. She
is a lovely girl of the brunette type,
whose sunshiny nature has won for
her numbers of friends among the
young and old.
Mr. Mauney, whose home is in
Cleveland, is associated with his
father in the wholesale grocery
business. He is a young man of
splendid business ability and is
popular socially as well.
After a stay of severul days in
Atlanta and a visit to various
points in the southern portion of
the state Mr. and Mrs.Mauney will
return to Cleveland and begin
keeping house.
Their friends here and elsewhere
join in congratulations and best
wishes for a happy voyage through
life.—Commerce News.
To the Voters of White County:
Raving liven aolicited by thousands of
citizens of the Ninth district by letter,
personal solicitation and otherwise to al¬
low the use of my name in the forth¬
coming primary election to succeed my¬
self in Congress, 1 have decided to yield
to their wishes. Many have expressed
the opinion that iny services are especial¬
ly needed by the people, during the next
term, and as they have been good enough
to honor and trust me in the past, andjjas
they have presented the matter in the
light of a public duty, |I would be un¬
grateful uot to respond- to their express¬
ed wishes now. The pride of my life is
in doing what the people want me to do
and it will be a labor of love to me in
working for them. As I have the assur¬
ance of my friends that my name will be
placed upon the ticket in each county in
the district, I trust I may receive a large
majority of the votes cast in every coun¬
ty at the primary election to be ‘held on
September 10.
May 26, 1980.
To the voters of White county :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector to till the
unexpired term of J. H. Campbell, sub¬
ject to the. special election to be held on
June 18.
I will not be able to make a personal
canvass to seek your vote and influence
because all of my time will be needed in
my crop, and I do not wish to detain
each of you bom laboring in your crops
where 1 realize you will be busily en¬
gaged. 'Therefore, if 1 fail to see you
please accept this as my personal ap¬
peal for your vote and influence, which
will be highly appreciated,
Walter & Robinson.
Subscribe For The Courier
To the Voters of White county:
I announce myself a candidate for the
office of Tax Collector of White County to
fill the unexpired term of J. H, Campbell,
subject to the special election to be field
June iti by the Ordinary.
1 will greatly appreciate your vote and
influence in behalf of my candidacy.
T. H. Turner.
To the Voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for Tax Collector of White County for the
unexpired term of J. If. Campbell, subject
to the special election to be held by tiie
Ordinary on June 18.
1 feel that 1 am competent to fill tiie of¬
fice in an efficient manner, therefore your
vote and influence will be greatly appreci¬
Ross L. Mize.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector to till the unexpired
term of J. If. Campbell, resigned.
If 1 am elected 1 promise to till the office
to the very heft of my ability, and 1 will
appreciate the support of the voters jn the
coming election. This the Kith day of
May, 1930.
Ed Trotter.
To the voters of White county
This is notice to the citizens of White
county that. I am a candidate for Tax
Collector to till the unexpired term of J.
H, Campbell, resigned, eubject to the
special election to be held on the 18th of
June, i980.
I will greatly appreciate the support of
the voters as possible, and if I am elect¬
ed, 1 promise the best service that is
possible for me to render.
V. S. Nicholson.
To the voters of White county:
I am a candidate for Tax Collector to
fill the unexpued-term of ,J. H. Camp
hell, resigned.
As one of his bondsmen I will take
care of his shortage to the county, as far
as the commissioners of the present
term will permit, after deducting my
actual expense.
If the people will elect me I will pledge
myself to redeem the county from the
loss incurred.
J. A. Pal liter
To the voters of White county:
1 hereby announce myself for TnxCol
lector of White county to till the unex
pire.d term of J. II. Campbell, subject
to a special election to tie held June 18.
1 would appreciate your vote and in¬
fluence. 1 have went day and night dur¬
ing flu and now tiiis is the only time
every asked for support, so 1 will thank
my friends to do all they can on June 18,
Dr. W. R. Bulgin.
To the voters of White County :
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector to till the Campbell, sub¬
ject to the sdecial election to lie held on
June 18.
I promise a faithful performance of
tiie duties of the office if elected. Your
uote and influence in behalf of my can
didaoy will be greatly appreciated.
George E. Allen.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector of While
county to fill the unexpired term of J.IX
Campbell, subject to a special election to
be held in said county on June 18, 1930.
My experience as a bookkeeper and
assistant cashier of The Rank of Helen
for the past nine years is evidence ofimy
qualification to till the office in an effi¬
cient and businesslike manner.
1 will appreciate the Support of the
voters iu the coming election, and if
elected. I promise to till the office to the
very best of mv skill and ability.
Miss Arispah Allison.
We have installed a new outfit
for charging all kinds of batteries.
Your patronage will be appreciated
Cleveland Chevrolet Co.
The Sanitary Committee of the
Town of Cleveland earnestly de¬
that every citizen exert
civic pride, as well as a
means of health preservation, to
clean all their outbuild¬
ings and toilets before an inspec¬
tion is imperative.
Sanitary Com. Town of Cleveland
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector of White county to till
the unexpired term of d. 11. Campbell,
I have paid taxes in White county for
twenty-three years, and it would be a
pleasure for me to serve the county aw
Tax Collector for this term.”
If 1 am elected 1 will do my best to All
tiie office in tiie right wav. I will appre¬
ciate the support of all the voters in the
coming election.
This May 26th, 1930.
G. W. Anderson,
To the voters of White county:
i hereby announce inyself a candidate
for Tax Collector of White county to fill
the unexpired term of J. H. Campbell,
resign ed.
I will not be able to see all the voters,
so I trust that you will accept this as a
personal visit and that you will favor nto
with your votejand influence which will
he greatly appreciated.
E. C, Hefner.
To the voters ofVJhite county, Ladies and
I hereby announce inyself a candidate
for Tax Collector to till the unexpired
term of J. H. Campbell, subject to the
special election to be held June 18.
If elected. 1 promise to till the office to
the best of my ability. Your vote and in¬
fluence will be greatly appreciated.
J. P. Saxon.
To the voters of White county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector to till the unexpired
term ot J. Ii. Campbell, subject to the
special election to be held June 18.
On account of my physical condition at
the. present I will mot be able to canvass
the county and sea the voters in person,
therefore 1 trust you will accept this as
my personal appeal for your vote and in¬
fluence which will be greatly appreciated
\V, A. (Bill) Russell.
To the Voters of White county:
I hereby announce mysel, a candidate
for Tax Collector to fill the unexpireb
term of J. H. Campbell, subject to the
Special election to he held June 18.
It will he impossible for me to make a.
personal visit to all the voters due to all
of my time being needed in my crop,
therefore 1 trust you will accept this as
my personal appeal for your vote amt
influence, which I assure you will be ap¬
preciated very much.
Barney Hooper.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for the offie of Tax Collector of White
county, subject to the special election to
lie neld June 1H.
I will appreciate the support of all the
voters, and if elected, will promise to
discharge the duties of the office in an
efficient and businesslike manner.
S. L. Brown.
To the voters of White county:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Collector to fill the unexpired
term of J. H. H. Campbell, subject to
the special election to he held June 18.
It will be impossible for me to be able
to canvass the county and see the voters
due to the physical condition of my
grandfather, so Intrust you will take this
as my personal appeal for your vote and
influence, which will be appreciated.
Clarence Cooley.
To the voters of White county:
I do hereby announce myself a (candi¬
date for Tax Collector to till the unex¬
pired term of Jamie Campbell, and will
appreciate all votes that are cast for me
tbe 18th day of June. If elected, I
will discharge my duty as Tax Collector
to iuw and the best of my
Elbert L. Kattaday.