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Ube (TlcvclanD Courier
O/juial Organ of Whitt Count) . Go
rtthitftbed Weekly At UleveJitud
Jah. P. Davidson, Editor.
Rn’orwl »t tr»e Tor at Cleveland
tta., xh *«eond Glass mail manar.
Member Ninth District Press A*sociai*n
“ Georgia Press 44
14 National Kdisorial
* Pres» CongreM Of The World
Subscription, *1.50 per year
in advance
The entry list for the state house
offices closed Tuesday with the
largest number ot candidates quali¬
fying in a number of years. One
of the latest entries is that of for¬
mer Governor John M. Slaton to
oppose Senator Win. J. Harris
whose $500 fee was paid by Thos
VV. Hardwick.
President Hoover vetoded the
Spanish- American war veterans
bill, but it was ouerridden by the
house and and senate by the the
largest vote in in years.
At a recent meeting of a medical
society in Pennsylvania the use oi
tobacco was given as the principal
cause of mouth cancer. Dr Joseph
Colt Bloodgood, ofjohns Hopkins,
stated that there is now no ques¬
tion that the continued use of
tobaccoa i.J any form is the cause
of most cases oj cancer of the
mouth, but that much ot this couid
be avoided by cleanliness of tlie
mouth and teeth. Dr. Bloodgood
says further that no treatment for
mouth cancer is safe where the use
of tobaccoa is continued.
After the passage of the Spanish
war veterans bill the World war
veterans bill, which eui|« for thirty
times more from the treasury, is to
be considered. It is expected that
that the president will veto the bill
a,ince it culls for more than the
treasury i: able to provide for. A
recent storyf in the Atlanta Consti¬
tution by Mark Sullivan states that
even ibe president’s veto cannot
koep congress from helping the
veterans w hen some of the senators
and all the house members are out
for re-election.
Gordon S. Chapman has 'with¬
drawn from the governor’s race
leaving Hon. John N. Holder, Ed
Rivers, jus. A. Perry, Richard 11 .
Russell,Jr., and George Carswell
tight it out. J. j. brown is in the
race for commissioner of agricul
tkre opposing Eugene Taltnadge.
If the Georgia Public Service
Commission is in reality serving
the people they .should immediate¬
ly demand the Georgia Power Co.
to lower their rates in Cleveland.
Certainly we should be given the
«tttne rate as Dahlonegu.
Maybe Chairman Perry will tell
«s why we are unjustly discriminat¬
ed against the rates of town that
started with the standard rate in
bis speeches for governor. But
want he have a lot of explaining to
Mr. Gug Clopton, former editor
of the Gainesville Herald and later
The Eagle, died Tuesday.
Mr.Clopton was very able news¬
paperman, but due to bis physical
condition he was forced to abandon
the ardurous labors several years
ago. He married a sistetr of the
iute Col. H. H. Dean,
Subscribe For The Courier
The White County Democratic
Executive Cootmittee set the fol.
lowing assessments at their meet¬
ing Saturday : Solicitor General
$25. Judge $36. Congress *25 and
Represent at i ve *15. In case no
candidate for Representative re¬
ceives a majority of the votes cast
a runover will be held, which date
will be set by the.committee when
Che consolidation of votes are made
A. H Henderson was elected chair¬
man and J. E.Henderson secretary
J’ay Youx Siitmcriptuui Now
L®<cal Mews
The Woman’s with Miss MissionarySocie.y Ella Quinn |
meet -
afternoon, .. June , inh,
4 o’clock.
Mrs, Mr- M. M I 1.. Allen Alien is is very very ill tit. *t*r Her
of friends hope hope 1 lor lor her her a
speedy recovery.
Hon. Jus, C. Davis, attorney,
and Messrs Jll. M,, Douglas and 1
Luther Stephens, of Atlanta, and
Mr. Street, of Stone Mountain,
were in town on business Tuesday.
Mr. Berry Henderson, of the
Georgia Power Company, Athens,
was in town Tuesday.
Messrs Donald Hulsey and Joe
Telford, of thh University ofGeor
gia, spent the weekend with home
Messrs J. B. R, Barrett and B.
E. Trotter have taken over the
Trotter bus line to Gainesville and
the Queen City from Gainesville
to Murphy, which will become ef¬
fective Monday. You will see
1 heir schedule elsewhere in this
"Uncle Fate” Seabolt, of Lump¬
kin county, died last Friday ot
dropsy and wan buried at Pisgah
Saturday. He was the father ol
Coleman Seabolt.
Mr. II. D. Wiley left Thursday
to visit his daughter in Memphis.
The Public Service Commission
held the order in abeyance ot dis¬
continuing the passenger service
on the G. & N. W.
Judge J. D. Brad well,of Athens,
was in town Tuesday on business.
Postmaster A- S. Hardy and
Assistant Postmaster XewtJBrewer,
if Gainesville, were in town Tues
Jay on business
Miss Lois Henderson, who re¬
cently graduated from Bessie Tift,
Forsyth, is at home.
Mr. Clarence Ralmour is vis.ting
Hon. and Mrs. Hal M, Stanley,
commissioner of commerce and
tabor, Atlanta, were in Cleveland
last Friday on business.
Miss Sibyl Pool and brother,
Robert, of Lake Worth, Fla., are
visiting the Wylatn’s
We are requested to announce
that there will be preaching ser¬
vices at Crescent HU! Sunday
night at 8 P. M •
Mr. John Brown and Miss Ger¬
trude O’Neal, of Mossy Creek,
were married Sunday by Judge A.
L, Dorsey,
Miss Annie Belle Hooper, ot
Gainesville, is visiting her aunt.
Mrs. Clinton Faulkner.
Miss Lillian Miller, of Maysville,
,s the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ray
The Colored Children's Day will
be held Sunday.
Mr. J. B. R. Barrett lias sold
the Cleveland Telephone Company
to Mr. II. C. Tinker. v
Miss Sallte Davieson is spend¬
ing this week in Atlanta.
Misses less,e and Atiffie and
Pom Davidson, of Atlanta, spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, VVylam, of Lake
\V ortii, I' la., and daughter, arrived
in Cleveland last week la spend
the summer- They are occupying
the house across the street from
Col. Thos. K. Underwood.
George Anderson, <jtie of the
candidates for Tax Collector, says
tie has plenty of squares on his cot¬
The Council voted at their meet¬ I
ing Monday night voted not to 1
employ the services of a marshal ■
for the next few months,
Mr. Waller Kane, of Atlanta, I
spent the weekend in Cleveland.
Miss Carrie Thurmond, of At¬
lanta, spent tire weekend with
Miss Fannie Odotn and Mr.
jerry Finley, of Atlanta, were the
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Davidson Sunday.
Georgia, White County.
The undersigned, as administrators
0 ,^^ wlh"
onm ’ G( orffi:l , wi „ Hel , a ' ’
(m the first uesday i„ July 1930 , at ‘he
court house door in said county between
"‘edegal hours of sale to the highest bid
j j h the following described lands
t0 wi[ . ‘
i rant No. J.
Parts of lots of land Nos. 37 and 60 in
the second land district, of White county,
Georgia, containing 35 acres of land more
or less, and bounded as follows: On ‘the
north by the lands of I)r. W. R. Bulgin,
pie east by the Jackson property, on the
south by the property of Jackson and Skel
ton and on the west by Skhlton and Jarrard
am! fully described in two deeds as
One deed from J. D. Ash to J, M. Miller
dated April 30 th, Dirt), and recorded in
record of deeds, Book ‘•R”» page 300
Clerk’s office White county, Georgia, and
one deed from John Turner to J. M. Miller
deted April 27th, I. 9 I 2 , and recorded in
deed book “Q”, page 375 6 , Clerk’s office
White county, Georgia, Thih property is
located about 1 mile northeast of Cleveland
and has about 5 acres of cleared land, bal
•ince in woodland.
1 raet No. %.
hart of lot of land No. 33 in the second
land district of White county, Georgia,cor.
taming BO acres of land more or less, and
bounded as follows: Commencing on a
rock on the original east line of said lot,
thence in a southwesterly direction to a
rock corner on the south line of said lot,
thence east with said line to the
corner, thence east with snip line to a rock
corner the beginning point and being the
same laud described in a deed from M. >S.
Puller to J. M. Miller dated December 22 ,
10*2, and recorded in deed book "V”, page
113 , Clerk’s office White county, Georgia
This place has about lo acres open for
cultivation with a small house and bai n On
the same.
Tract No. 3 .
Part of lot of land No. I 03 in the second
land district of White county, Georgia,con¬
taining I 80 acres of land more or less, and
being the south side of said lot bounded a>
follows: Beginning on the east original
line at a hickory corner and running west
to a rack corner near the fence,thence West¬
ward by A persjgpnpn tree near the creek to
a small pine tree near the road in the old
field, thence west to a oak sapling, thence
northwest to three white oak saplings,
thence a Htiaight line to a sweet gum near
the fence, thence westward to a white oak
tree near a small branch, thence west to
■ he original line, thence south the original
line to a .red oak stake, thence east the
origipaj pi/e tp a post oak stake, thence
north the original lipe to the beginning
cornet, and being s»u|e land described
m a deed from I.. C. Cofilpy et 3130 J. M.
Miller, dated March 2 nd, 18 H 7 , and record¬
ed in deed book •*J", page 3 ”S, Clerk's of¬
fice White county, Georgia. There is on
diis propestv aft room house with outbuild¬
ings, also a 4 room house. There is about
75 acres of good bwttop) and upland in
cultivation on this place and is located
about 5 miles south of Cleveland and with¬
in about 2 miles of the Gainesville ACleve
land state highway. This is a tine farm.
Tract No. 3
This being the property in the Town
of Cleveland, Georgia, owned by J. M.
Miller at the time of his death and being
die property upon which the dwelling is
located and being )(> acres of land more
or less, described as follows: Beginning
on the Cleveland amt Itlairstille highway
and running east the street via W. A.
lackson's until it crosses the Gainesville
A North western railroad track, thence
north with the right of way of said rail¬
road to vylpirp it strikes the lands of J. B.
K Bartett. thence sia,st along said J. B,R.
Barrett linp (,o the L ink of Mrs. R. H.
Barrett, thence east along said Mrs, It
it. Barrett line to the road, thence south
with said road toVhere it trikes the it.
l’rotter property, thence south with said
13. Tr<?tjer property to the branch at «
rock between Ups property and the
P'^Tv of'R A, Janani. thence is a
westerly direction with said Jarrard line
to where it st rikes the J ail property ot
White county, thence west with said Jail
property line to theCleveland andBlairs
ville highway, Jbegc.e mirth with said
highway to the beginuing pajnt, includ
ln g u n q, e i Hm i j n sa j,| Boundary except j
the right of wry of the Gainesville X
Northwestern railroad which runs thru
said property. Thera is located on this
property, hoofing the Cleveland and
Blairsville highway , a ting s room dwel -
:ng with outhouses and burn, a liue pas¬
ture and 7 or s acres under cultivation,
and located within lOO yards of Mt.
Youaji Ijaptist church and within a few
hundred , v w<L oi Cleveland High School
An ideal place. 'figs ”nijersigned ad
ministrators reserve the right to witii
draw any or all of said land trout sale if
they deem tee bids insufficient in
amounts 91 for any other reason that
they deem good,
ills. Blanche Jarrard afid J. ft. Miller.
Administrators of J. M, Miller, deceased
Georgia. White County.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
July next, at public outcry at the court
houye in said county, within the legal
hours to the highest bidder for cash, cer¬
tain property ot syhich tne following is a
complete description : One Hundred and 1
tiventy-tive acres of lain! iu< re or 1
<>ff of i..t <.r jumi No. tw in the jm dis¬
trict of White county, Georgia. and ba¬
the north half of said lot and fully
(k'Ri’.ribsd as follows: Commencing at
’ he 'or,ginkl corner and run
ntng ,-ast the or ltfI nal Itne o the north
east corner, thence sooth the east line ot
, aaj( , , ol t0 a f;oriflitiooil! 8atne he
e (;0rnfi( , ll<!twt , 0I , th „ Hon „,
j an<1 lh j 8 proper y. thence a conditional
lme ,, to , a conditional 1 corner on w« -at orig
i inal line, thence north to the beginning
I corner. Also part of lot of land No. 72
ir. the 4th district, of said county anil lic
’ ing all that portion of said lot lying west
j of Town Creek and being 8 acres more
j or less. Also part of lot. of land No. (it
in the 1st district of said county eontain
■ ing tA acres and known as the potato
j patch. The whole of said tract contain
I ing 154 of land more or less, and being
the place whereon A. ,J. Btanee! now
j lives. Said land levied on as‘.he proper
ty of A. J. Stance! to satisfy an execution
from rhe Superior Court • >f White count,:
j Georgia, in favor of The Bank of Helen
I and against A , .1. Stance!. Said land in
possession of A. J. Stancel. Writ ton
j notice of levy given ns required by law
AJg „ at the Ham( . tira * H „ d
| Uiesftinel(s) , wU! ^ ^ U|t . fi>)
JoWT , J# , l>ro j >ei . ty of tl) , f„i|., w j nfi
| in a (template description: All tbat tract
j j yr parcel of land designa'ed as the Booth
east half of the. W , ii. C. Alley farm in
j Nucooehee Valley, same lying’ southeast
of the agreed line is as follows; Begin
niog at Sautee Post Office and running
in a north westerly direction to the mid
die of the road, thence .southeast .'hi yards
to an iron pin, thence in a westerly direr
tiou 10 yards, thence thru the middle ot
the crib to the south end thereof, thence
along the fence fit) feet, thence a north
westerly course about 85 yards to a store
corner in the road, thence to the top ot
the bill across the bridge, thence a
straight line to lots Nos. 8.7, Nti and tub jn
the 3rd district of White county, Georgia
i’bis line established and agreed lo \V.
0. and Carlton Alley and being the C. Alley fain
and containing 230 acres of land more 01
leas, and being that portion of said
C. Alley farm now owned byW. C. Alley
Said land levied on as the property ol
vV. 0. Alley to satisfy an execution is¬
sued from the Superior Court of White
county in favor of The Bank of Helen
and against W. 0. Alley, et a!. Said ti fa
having been transferred to (1. A. Vandi¬
ver and Dr. H. K.Phillips. Said proper¬
ty being in possession of W. C. Alley,
Written notice given as required By law
Also at the same time and place and on
the game terms will Be sold the following
described property to wit: All tint tract
ir parcel of land lying in White county .
Georgia, and being in the 4lh land lis
trict thereof ami bounded as follows:
Beginning on the north at U>iyu Greek,
thence up the ridge to the tup of tin
same to a Spanish oak tree, thence in it
northwesterly direction a ’conditional
line to a rock corner on L. !,. AdkinV
line, thence to a white pine, thence near¬
ly a south direction to the corner, thence
to Hie original line, thence east the origi¬
nal lint to the point on the branch, ex¬
cept that, portion sold off to Theo Rubin*
son and Barry Turner, them e following
the old fence row to Town Creek, thencr
up the creek to the beginning corner,
•ontaining about 130 acres and being the
same land described in a deed fromjames
11. Stance! and Delbert Stancel. Said
land levied on as the property ol D;l
liert Stancel and James Stancel to satis¬
fy an execration from the Superior couv,
of White county, Georgia, in favor oi
fhe Bank of Helen ami against Delbert
tnd James Stancel ami said land. Writ¬
ten notice given as required by law.
Also at the same time ami place ami
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described property : A one-fif¬
teenth undivided interest in the follow¬
ing lands: Part, of lot No. (57 lying on
the east side of Town Creek, except that
part ot said lot known <(s the dower ot
lane Dover, excepting one aete on the
east side of said creek lying south of and
adjoining the mill of J. J. Logan hereto¬
fore sold to J. J. Logan. Also part of lot
of land No, tiff lying on tile east side of
Pown Creek, commencing at the east
corners of lots t56 and 1(5 and running
south with the line titi to a conditional
liue running westward!: through saiil
lot along road of old White and Union
Turnpike Co. where said road crosses
Town Creek, thence up said creek in a
icrthern direction to line of lot No. 7.
thence east with said line to beginning
corner. Also cast half of lot No. SO,con¬
taining one hundred and twents-five j
acres of land more or less. Said ll ” j
divided by a conditional line as agreei
upon by and between Lewis Allison and
B. J. Beech which conditional line begins
at an agreed coi ner on the south original j
line of lot No. SO and running in* north-;
ern direction on the west snG of Flog. 1
Pond branch to the north original line.
All the aboye described land lying and |
being in the. 4th land district of White
county and known as the Lewis Allison
place. This one-fifteenth interest is tb. j
interest in said land going to Dillard A I- !
lison as an heir at law of his mother,Mrs
Lewis AJlisoi). Said land levied on as
the property of said Dillard Allison b
satisfy an execution issued t'-vun the
Superior court of White county, Georgia
in favor of E. E. Abernathy and against
Dillard Allison. Mrs. Dillard Allison and
the me-lift ceil th interest aforesaid.
yfotiee of levy given tenant in posscs
s ion, L wis Allison, as required by lay.
Also at the same time and place and.on
the same terms tin- following described
property: A one-half undivided interest
in part of lot of land No, 103 in the third
district of said comity, which land is
fuHv described in a deed from J, A.
Owenby and Ida J. Owenby to \V. H.
Pieaee ami Hu by Pierce by deed dated
December 27tb, 1904 and recorded in the
Clerk's Office of said county in record
deeds book “W”, page 229, to which ref
eretice is made for description herein ad
vertised. Said property levied on as the
property of Mrs. Rriby Pierce to satisfy a
tax execution issued by .S. L. Brown,Tax
Collector of said county, against, the said
Mrs. Roby Pierce for state and county
Saxes for the year 1929.
Algo at 1 lie samo time and ) lace and on
the same terras will be gold the following
described lands to wit: Parts of lots of
land numbers '1 and 3 in the fourth dis
trict of said county, containing forty ( 40 )
acres of land more or less. Said land
hilly described in a deed from R. R. Par
due to M . R, Sealer by deed da ted Decern
tier 23 . i'.tp.t and recorded in the Clerk's
office of said county in record of deeds
hook "T ' page 10. Said property levied
on as the property of M. B. tfesi^U' to
satisfy a Superior court ti fa issued from
theRuperioi: court of Fannin county,
Georgia, against A. L. Scott, and *2kl. B.
Sesler in favor of John Naglieb.
AJsn at the same time and place and on
the same terms will tie sold the following
described property to wit: Parts of lots
of land numbers 7, band i7 in the second
district of said county, containing 15(1
acres more or less, and described as fol
lows: ( ominencing at tin- big road run
ning with the old road near K. Roberts
house, thence down the ridge to a corner, thence west to a conditioti
al corner of (' G. Early land, thence
south to a rock corner on the original
tine, thence west to original line, thence
west to original corner oflotNo. 7,tlienee
south to a rock corner, thence southeast
to a pine tree corner, thentc northeast to
the original liue, theiiee the original
to the hi g rood at the beginning corner,
and known as the E Roberts place in
Shoal Creek district of said county.
property levied on as the property of K J
Roberts to satisfy a ti fa issued from the I
City court of Cleveland, Georgia, against j
I P. Roberts and \V 11. Roberts, prin¬
cipals and K. Roberts security, in favor
of While County Bank, This June 4 th.
W. A, Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County,
V\ ill be sold at the court house
ioor i :j said county on the first
Tuesday in July, 1930, within the
egul hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, to wit, all that cet
'uin tract of land containing fifteen |
teres, more or less, in White Cout- j
ty, Georgia, being a part of lot ot
and No 61, District 1. Towns
Creek District, the same being
bounded on the north by the land
if Theo Robinson, on the east b\
lands of \\ . M. Turner, on the
south by lands of I. M. Wilkins,
m the west by lands of A. M Ash. !
with improvements thereon, levied
in us the proper y of A. M. Ash. j
notice of in levy possession, given /\. said M. land Ash. j
tenant levi j
ed Ash on as Satisfy the property execution of A. issued M.j
to an
on the 20th day of January, 1930,
from the United States District
Court of the favor'"of" Northern District 'lifted ol (
Georgia, in the l
States against A. J. -• (Jack) .-i Stan- 1
sel, princioni,
surety 1 his t..e :S;h day ot May.
Louis II Crawford.
United States Marshal
Georgia. White County.
To all to whom it may concern :
A. C. Cantrell having in proper
form applied to me tor permanent
letters of administration on the
estate of S. C. Cantrell, late of
said county, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next of j
kin of 8. C. Cantrell to be and up- '
pear at my office within the time' if)
allowed by law, and show cause,
my they can, why permanent ad¬
ministration should not be granted
A. C. Cantrell on S. C. Can
estate. Witness my hand
md official signature this 2nd du\
of June, 1930.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County,
All creditors of the estates of I
,, -
' Muier ,. , 1UU , * and . J- M. Mil
' er> late ot said county and j
both deceased, are hereby notified
to render in their demands to tlu
undersigned, acSflnJine to law a,1<1 and j
ill persons indebted to the est.res
of J. M. Miller and Mrs, :
Miller are required to make
mediate payment to the undersign-j
ed. This 3rd dap of June 1980
Mrs. Blanche Jarrard and J. p
Miller, Administrators of the estate
of J. M. Miller and the estate of
Mrs, J, M. Miller, both deceased. j
To the Voters of theNortheastern Circuit
I am a candidate for Solicitor General,
subject to the Democratic Primary:
The work I have done in the conduct
of this office is an open hook for your
consideration. Many good citizens who
did not vote for me before have been
kind enough to sa\ that this work should
tie rewarded by my election to the office
j itself, and for these expressions of sup
| port I am very grateful. I have worked
hard for promotion in life, and a chance
I is all I ask.
Your thoughtful consideration of the
j above and your active support will be
deeply appreciated. And if elected. I
j pledge my best efforts in your service,
1 trying to do equal and impartial justice
''' ,l ^
; Sinew 11
i > y"ii 8 .
J Eenjon.
j The registrars have completed
I , he l,St ■ , r f ,he , eCU,i
j ' VOlt for ^ lax Collector, , ° r S P eieC *
A young man who is coining in¬
j to his 2 i*>t year can register and
1 j mve Ins name placed 011 the list
| of ;»
woman whose name is not on the
voters list. Women are required
to pay poll tax only for the years
they register an 1 vote, according to
m opinion of Chief JusticeRussell.
All due taxes must be paid on or
before. June 18. The registrars
have attached the names of ail de
Unquent tax payers to t lie voters
list. You can pay them to F. G.
viauney beginning early in the
week. You should not wait until
iBtii to pay your taxes, be
cause it may cause you considerable
\ () I I ( E
Notice is hereby given that the
i5 ‘““ k , IldeU . ls cloM "K uo its al ‘
Gins itltd goiti^r into voluntary
l his is notice to all depositors of
the Bank ot Helen to withdraw
their deposits and to- all creditors,
to present their claims for payment
The Rank of Helen.
By Chus. W. W liite, Cashier
Fay Your Subscription Now
Gafiiun, Georgia,. January 7th, iUj#>
To The People of tue Ninth Oongressuiu
il District Of Georgia:
1 Hereby announce ray candidacy for
the office of Representative for the
Ninth Congressional District of Georgia
in the next Congress of the UnitedStates
subject to the action ot the Democratic
Primary to tie held in September next.
If accorded this high .honor, 1 plet ge
you an active, energetic and faithful
representation, to the utmost «of my
I earnestly solicit your support-.
Juu, B. Wood
U ell, folks next Sunday is
P reucl,io f? ^ ;, y at Mossy Creak.
We have put off the Childen’s
Day at Mossy Creek until the and
Sunday in July.
Mr. Rose Hante, of Atlanta,
spent last \\ edpesday night with
parents on Mossy Creek.
Mrs. Hoyt Crane, of Cleveland,
spent last Sunday \v:th her mother,
Mrs. \\ . d . Dor ey.
Neal, the little son of Mr. and
and Mrs- Grover Dorsey, has been
very ill, but is improving.
Georgia, White County.
Notice is hereby given that a
vacancy now exists in the office of
lax Collector of said comity by
of the resignation of f. JJ
Notice is further given to the
and voters of said county
tin re will be held insuidcoun
that there will be held in said
on the pSth day of June,
. 3 special election for the pur,
of filling the y cancy caused
the resignation of the said J.H.
in accordance with an
passed and placed on the
of the Court of Ordinary
said county on this day. This
* ^'V'r A. L. °rw!l.’. Dorsey, Ordinary.
\\ lute County, Georgia.
*‘‘ 1 ‘ political announcements
be paid in advance,