Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXII, No. 44
.lust from the .Mountains.
Several of our people attended
cumpmeeting at Mossy Creek.
Ail are now preparing for Loads
vilie cumpnieeting which will be
on hand very soon.
Mr. Comer Jackson and Mr.
Walters, of Hightower Gap, pass¬
ed this way on this way up to
Maccasin Creek,
Mr. Jim Westmoreland, accom¬
panied by brothers and sisters and
Miss Fain, had a watermelon
cutting out here Sunday.
The people have quit using their
wagons ‘or the tires will not stay
on the wheels
There seems to be several in the
race lor governor. Any of them
will make a good one for it is the
legislature and the senate that con¬
trols an> way. The voice ot the
people still rules.
Something seems to be the mat¬
ter with the golden corn. John
Smith has a little patch over in the
skunk holler, which is about as
large as your shirt tail, I his
ground, according to the last geo¬
logical survey, was 1 o feet below
sea level and infested by crawfish,
lie is banking very heavy on tliis
patch and if the dry weather pre
vails lie is hoping to sell it at an
enormous price. He and his son
and their wives are hoping to cor¬
ner on the corn market. In fact
they think they have they world
by the tail and a down hill pull.
They are citizens where they serve
In days past the churches would
agree to meet and pray tor rain
which generally came in due time.
What is needed just now is more
faith, The woman prayed for the
mountain to be moved. I he next
morning when she arose the moun¬
tain was still standing there. She
said just as he expected. She
needed more faith. Along time
ago there hadn’t been any rain in
three years. All seemed to be
doomed to staruvation. After all
things had failed they called on
old Elijah. He reached up by
faith and pulled down a great rain.
Then ail creation satisfied their
Protracted meeting is running at
Center Grove this week. Every¬
body invited to come and help
make it. a meeting long to be re¬
membered. |
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dorsey,of
Gainesville, spent the weekend
with homefolks.
Miss Lucy Mae Iluut is at home
now after spending several week
in Atlanta.
Mr. IS. II. Miller visited his
brother. Mr. J. F. Miller, during
the past week.
Rev. Claude Haynes and hi
wife’s mother, passed through this
section Sai urday.
Mr. Frank Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Herscnel Evans and son, Wood
row, visited their parents during
the weekend and attended canin
Mi.-s Dora Elia Kilpatrick, of
Cleveland, was a visitors of Miss
Melvina Miller Friday.
Mr. Floyd Dorsey, of Detroit,
and sister visited their sister, Mrs,
Charlie Hamilton, some last week.
Don’t forget Sunday School at
Bethel next Sunday. Everybody
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Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests o i White County
At this writing a little ohiid of
Mrs. Oilie McGhee is serious with
typhoid fever.
Lester West has been suffering
with a sore foot from the effects ol
dew poison.
Mr Gus Evans has a seriously
sprained ankle.
Several of the Shoal Creek peo¬
ple attended Mossy Creek camp¬
Mrs. Glen Spencer contemplates
moving from this disliict in the
near future.
Mr. Dan Palmer, of Marietta,
spent awhile with us last Sunday.
Miss Ella Anderson is on a visit
to Atlanta and Marietta.
Mr. Garnet Nin has moved to
Cleveland and will drive the school
Some relatives residing in Texas
of Mr. Frank Hunt, of this district
are visiting him.
Hon. EliWeluint once represent¬
ed Lumpkin county in the General
Assemlqy of Georgia,while talking
with us he said that he belonged to
the old “Know Nothing” party,
and that foreigners hud uo love tot
America. The laws restricting
linmigiation proves the statement
of Mr. Wehullt to be a live ques¬
tion till this day. Wehunt was of
Dutch decent and many jokes have
been told on him, but in this day
of education many of our legislu
tors, governors and educators, who
peimit the finances of the state to
get into such a deplorable condition
evidently belong to a new “Know
Nothing and Don’t flare Party.”
Methodist News.
T'lie Third Quarterly conference
for Cleveland Charge will be held
it Mt. Pleasant church next Sun¬
day Aug. 2q. Rev. II. C. Emory
will preach at 11 o'clock. Dinner
will be served after the preaching
and quarterly conference will be
held in the afternoon. It is less
than three months until tlieAnnual
Conference meets and there is much
yet to be done. Not half of the
Hastor’s salary has been paid,
nothing on our Missionary claims
or Conference collections. If every
member will do his or her best we
cun pay Pastor’s salary in full.Let’s
do it.
YVe are happy to report that we
have had goed revivals at Cleve¬
land, Nacoochee, Chattahoochee,
nid Mt. Pleasant, and a good
meeting at Mossy Creek Camp¬
ground, which c’osed last Sunday
Loudsville campmeeting begins
Tuesday night, Aug. 2 fi. Rev. J.
B Smith, of Duhlonega, and Rev.
YV. H. Veneable, of Logansvilie,
vvill be the preachers. Let’s pray
for a great meeting at this historic
old campground.
Bro. Smith will do the preaching
for us at Mossy Creek revival
which begins First Sunday night
in September.
Our revival services will begin
at Zion church Fifth Sunday night
in August, Bro. Girley, of Brook-
1011 , will do tile preaching.
A meeting was held in the court
house last Friday to discuss plans
for the organization of a canning
factory in Cleveland which wa>
called by Mr. W. T. Moore, oi
Atlant. Col. C. H. Edwards was
elected chairman and YYj, 4'.
Brewster, of Gainesville, secretary.
A more completely story will ap¬
pear in our next issue.
“Uncle Tom” Ilanie” is grow¬
ing some nice sugar beets on his
farm on Mossy Creek.
Mrs. Zimmerman, ofSouth Caro¬
lina, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J.
11. Stovall at present.
Mr. Philip McCollum has re¬
turned home after a few days visit
with relatives m Cornelia.
Miss Anna Stovall spent last
peek with relatives in North Caro¬
Mr, Homer Tatum is visiting re¬
latives in Ciarkesviiie at present.
Miss Odell Whitworth has re¬
turned home after a week’s visit
relatives at Gainesville,
Mr. and Mrs, Steve Reece, of
Anderson, S. C., are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Shelnutt.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lot bridge find
son, Fulton, of Texas, are spend¬
ing several weeks with Mrs.George
McCollu m.
Messrs Dewey and PhilipStovall,
of N. C., visited homefolks Sun¬
Several from here attended
campmeeting at Mossy Creek and
also the Habersham—Rabun Re¬
union at Bethlehem church near
Ciarkesviiie last Sunday.
fur '•» 'nftrlutn>m
Announcing a new
production record
2 9 000 9 0@0 Chevrolet Sixes now om the road
Since January, 1919, Chevrolet has produced and
sold over 2,000,CCO six-cylinder automobiles—
nearly five times as many as any other manu¬
facturer has ever huilt in an equal length of time.
These 2,000,000 buyers have chosen Chevrolet
because it offers many desirable qualities not ob¬
tainable in any other car so low in price —
— the smoothness, silence and flexibility of a mod¬
ern six-cylinder engine—the comfort and roada¬
bility of a modern, full-length chassis—and the
style, safety and distinction of bodies by Fisher.
Yet, despite these fine car advantages, the Chev¬
rolet Six is unusually economical, its gas, oil,
tire arid upkeep economy is unsurpassed. And
Modern production method i. assure hi£h quality
Sport Roadster $515 Club .Sedan $025 ROADSTER PHAETON Sedan Delivery .. $595 IV, Ton Chassis . 1520
Loach $5«u •Sedwn $075 n ns Light Delivery With Cab.......$625
Coupe “ Chassis.......$365
$505 Special Sedan $085 Roadster £52
Sport Coupe $615 (6 wire wheels standard Delivery $440
on Special Sedan) (.Pick-up box extra) equipment extra
Cleveland Chevrolet Company
L©©aE N®w§
Mrs. J. W. Marion, of Colum¬
bia, S, C., formerly of Cleveland,
tor a short time last Saturday,
Mr. Chas. T. White, of R. F. 1) ‘
No. i, sent us a cotton bloom
which opened last Friday. This is
the first to come m our office.
Former Governor Slaton spoke
in Cleveland Monday afternoon to
a fine audience.
Editor II. H. Dyer, of the Roys
ton Record, was in town Monday
for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, of
Columbus, are visiting relatives
here this week.
Mr. Walter Kane, of Atlanta,
spent the weekend at Keniiner
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Black, of At¬
lanta, spent the weekend with Mr.
Black’s parents near Asbestos.
Judge A. L. Dorsey requests us
to state that his announcement will
appear in our next issue and that it
will include a portion of the issues
he is making for representative on.
j js , rr ~rr . ~jr—ir~ , ■ . 1 ~ s as
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Learn for yourself why two million buyers have
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50-horsepower six-cylinder motor . . . 48-pound
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safety gasoline tank in the rear . . . non-glare VV
windshield . . . and, for your protection, a new
and liberal service policy.
Mr, Lester Black, of Atlanta,
spent the weekend with relatives
in White county.
lion. C. B. Allen, editor of the
Moultria Observer,, Inis been made
manager of the campaign of Joint
N. Holder.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Nelms, of
Commerce, visited Editor andMrs.
Jas P. Davidson Tuesday.
Mr. Lewis Turner, formerly of
Cleveland, was in Cleveland Tues¬
day afternoon.
Mr. Frank Cantrell, of Colo., is
on a visit, to parents, Mr- and Mis.
J. F. Cantrell.
Mr. J. P. Saxon is able to be
out after being housed-up for a
week with luiy fever and asthma.
Mr. Berry Henderson, of Athens
is visiting his father, Col. A. 11.
Mr. Frank Nichols, of Pennn.,
is visiting his wife, Miss Anna, at
Kenimer Lodge.
Mr. Frank Nelms returned to
his home in Commerce Wednesday
after a visit with his sister, Mrs.
Jas. P. Davidson.
Mr. Charlie Allen’s condition
remains critical.
Miss Eula Barrett wits elected
teacher to fill the place of Mis-
Vera Keith.
Mr. Frank Carroll, the efficient
and faithful rural carrier on Rural
Route No. i, has been very ill for
the past week, hut is improving
some now.
Revival services are now in pro¬
gress at the Baptist church. Dr.
Chas W. Henderson is doing the
Two Rabun County convicts are
at large in the upper part, of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson,
Postmaster Alexander Davidson
anp Mrs. J. C. Alien spent Wed¬
nesday night in Asheville with
their brother, Mr. P. R. Davidson,
who returned with them Thursday.
Judge 1. II. Sutton was inCleve
hmd Thursday and drew a jury
that will set on the case of quo
warranto issued against Miss
Arispah Allison by T. B. Hooper.
The trial will be held in Cleveland
Saturday, August 30 .
The home of Frasier Miller was
totatlly destroyed by fire early
Sunday morning. Only a few
hings were saved. Insurance
covers the total loss.
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