Newspaper Page Text
TIE ALLY, a strong pipe is no
X\ joke. The next time you at¬
tend a Legion or a lodge meeting
or a banquet, let the mild fra¬
grance of Sir Walter’s favorite
smoking mixture precede you and
assure a cordial reception. Sir
Walter works mild magic with
strong pipes—it’s uniformly well
aged, mellow and biteless and
noticeably milder It burns freely
and evenly, and it’s cool and sweet
down to tbc last flake in the bowl.
its Yyt — and milder
Millions of people don't mind how
far they are from New York.
It’s dangerous to let the simpl¬
est head cold hang on; and it’s so
unnecessary! Lax-ana (double
strength) contains the best cold
medicines known to medical science
together with effective laxatives
which bring overnight relief from
head colds, and colds of a more
serious nature that make you feel
dizzy, weak and “achy.” Take
Lax-ana before you go to bed and
wake up feeling fine. Costs less
per dose; does more per dose.
Your money back if it doesn’t help
you. Now sold at all drug stores.
Has Your Back
Given Out ?
A Bad Back May Warn of
Disordered Kidneys.
If miserable with backache,
bladder irritations and getting
up at night, don’t take chances!
Help your kidneys at the first
sign of disorder. Use Doan’s Pills.
Successful for more than 50
years. Endorsed by hundreds
of thousands of grateful users.
Get Doan’s today. Sold by deal¬
ers everywhere.
. , Doan’s Pills
TKr'*/// 7/QA diuretic FOR
First dose soothes XJthes GUAR* GUAR- r’n* in « -f/1 ^ ^ W /
atanth. Relief f tC*/
druggists At all Syi-wp
Nothing like this specialist’s
salve, CarboiL Instantly stops
pain Heals overnight. Get
CarboLl from druggist End
trouble in 24 hours. Amaimgl
Quickest relief ever known.
Christmas Things to
Buy or Make at Home
Trays for Yuletide Gifts
Trays are registering as especially
“smart” Yuletide gifts In current hol¬
iday displays. Of the making of at¬
tractive trays, there seems to be no end
this season. Like everything else in
interior decoration trays have gone
English to a great extent, depicting
quaint stage-coach themes, and color¬
ful hunting scenes. Contrasting these
are exquisite effects which are French
in their dainty rococeo design and an¬
tique-lacquered flower colorings.
Q <t V
Amusing Hearthstone Brushes
Perhaps it is a hint on Santa’s part
to keep the hearthstone spic and
span for his coming. Anyway, his
pack contains an unusual variety of
amusing lireplace brushes this year.
They are extremely decorative, too,
for the spirit of the times is for the
humblest utilitarian article to be or
namental to the ’nth degree as well
as useful.
D 0 O
Fern Garden for Christmas
For Christmas-givlng miniature fern
(actually growing) gardens are the
“big idea” this year. The thought was
inspired by the lilliputian Japanese
gardens which have ever been an ob¬
ject of admiration. The one pictured
is only about 14 inches long. You can
buy the wooden framework (outline
sketch in upper corner). Removable
zinc flower box or pan fits in the top.
You can have the fun of painting it
yourself to give it the appearance of
a terraced rockery, using for the pur¬
pose sealing wax dissolved In alcohol
which gives a handsome lacquered
effect. Tiny plants and ferns are
planted in the galvanized box in mossy
soil. A gayly painted toy bridge and
doll-like figures add to the landscape.
Made-of-Ribbon Gifts
Basket-woven ribbon fancywork Is
again in fashion. There’s going to be
many a “Merry Christmas” card tied
to everything from sachets to hand¬
kerchief and glove cases, pillows,
dresser mats, and even large cases to
hold the “nightie” made of ribbon, as
the picture shows. Nothing so ex¬
presses heart-to-heart sentiment as the
“I-made-it-myself” gift.
improved Uniform International
Sunday School
' Lesson f
(By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D-. Mem¬
ber of Faculty, Moody Bible Institute
of Chicago.)
((£). 1930, Western Newspaper Union.)
Lesson for November 16
LESSON TEXT—Matthew 8:5-13
GOLDEN TEXT—And they shall
come from the east, and from the west,
and from the north, and from the
south, and shall sit down In the king¬
dom of God.
lieved Jesus.
lieved Jesus.
TOPIC—Being Fair to Other Races. TOP¬
IC —Overcoming Racial Prejudice.
I. Who the Centurion Was (v. 5).
His name is not given. His title
was derived from the word meaning
"a hundred.” He was, tlierefore, olli
cially the commander of a hundred
men. “The ordinary duties of a cen¬
turion were to drill his men, inspect
their arms, food, and clothing, and to
command them in tiie camp and in the
II. The Centurion's Need (vv. 5, 6).
He had a very dear servant who was
greviously afflicted with the palsy, and
at the point of death (Luke 7:2). This
slave was highly valued for tills char¬
acter and ability. We are not told in
this account ns to whether the cen¬
turion had employed doctors. In all
probability they lmd been employed
and were unable to give help. The
centurion had, no doubt, heard of the
wonderful power of Jesus to heal.
Therefore, he came to him as the only
one who could help.
III. The Centurion's Request (vv. 5,6).
It was that Christ would come and
heal his servant (Luke 7:3). From
the account in Luke we learn that the
centurion first sent the leaders of the
Jews. Being a Gentile, he doubtless
believed that lie could best secure the
attention and consideration of Jesus
through the mediation of the Jews.
The centurion was of good report
among tiie Jews. The leaders who
were sent testified to the good repu¬
tation which he bore in tiie com¬
munity. They especially mentioned
his benevolent deeds to the Jews.
IV. The Centurion’s Humility
(vv. 7, 8).
As Jesus was nearing the centurion's
house the friends were sent to say to
him that he was unworthy for him to
come under his roof, but because the
case of ids servant was so grave, he
brushed aside all difficulties and per¬
sonally appealed for help. Jesus is
pleased when men realize their utter
helplessness and appeal to him for
V. The Centurion’s Faith (vv. 8-16).
In spite of his unwortldness he com¬
mitted his case to the Lord. He be¬
lieved that if Jesus would hut speak
the word, his servant would be
heated. It is most interesting to note
his philosophy of authority. He said,
"I am a man under authority, having
soldiers under me, and I say to this
man, ‘Go,’ and he goelh, and to an¬
other, ‘Come.’ and lie cometh, and to
my servant, ‘Do this,' and he doeth It.”
He believed that disease was under
control, that Christ could order it
about just as he ordered his soldiers
about. By faith Ue saw Christ as com¬
pletely in authority over tiie most vio¬
lent malady as he himself was in con¬
trol over the soldiers under him. His
faith was so unusual that Christ mar¬
veled at it. He did not marvel in the
sense of being surprised at it. but mar¬
veled at Its intelligence. His faith
was based upon tiie true philosophy
of the universe; namely, that the uni¬
verse Is based upon a law and Jesus
Christ Is the Director and Controller
of that law. So greatly was Christ
pleased with his faith that he de¬
clared that it exceeded anything found
among the Jews, that many Gentiles
would have a place In the kingdom to
the exclusion of many Jew's.
VI. Christ’s Wonderful Power (v. 13).
He said to the centurion, “I will
come and heal him” (v. 7). Note his
perfect confidence In himself. He did
not say, “I will come and see what I
can do,” but “will heal him.” He
knew that ail power was given unto
him by the Father. He did not need
to go and touch the centurion’s slave,
but needed only to speak the word,
and It was done. He could heal from
miles away as well as when in the
presence of a sick person. How won¬
derful is the power of the Lord Jesus
Christ! Itet ns trust him at all times
and under all circumstances.
Success in Christian Work
Our success in Christian work de¬
pends on onr own spiritual life. We
can never bring a sou! nearer Christ
than we are ourselves.—Presbyte¬
Jesus With Us
Jesus is more likely to be with us
In our prayer meetings if we are quite
anxious to he with Him In our social
Oil Is Needed
“A lamp that’s going out doesn’t need
a match—It needs more oil.—Mission¬
ary Worker.
He Is Risen
He is risen, 1 am risen to him, why
then, should I cleave unto the dust?—
C. H. Spurgeon.
£jO toYbur Dealer
Hi T ........
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Show 5 You the
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Standard American
reertr hnmt:
If your dealer hasn't this knife in stock, send his ever had for $L, return the knife and your money
name and a dollar. The knife will be mailed at will be refunded. Address: Remington Cutlery
once. If you don’t think this is the biggest value you Works, 951 Barnum Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn.
© 1930 R.A.Co. REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, Inc. 4043
Huge Zoo for Germany
Soon to Materialize
The Ilagenheck park, long con¬
templated in Berlin, is in less Ilian
two years to become an accomplished
fact. The sile chosen is an excel¬
lent one; the park will occupy over
420,000 square yards. It will lie only
some ten miles from Berlin. Herr
Ilagenheck proposes to work on the
lines of other famous parks which
serve not only as zoological gardens,
hut as recreation grounds for the
)eople. F.very description of bird
nnd beast will tie specially selected
for the new undertaking, where they
will lie able to enjoy some sem¬
blance of liberty and stretch their
legs and wings without the hindrance
of the ordinary zoological garden.
Swiftest, Easiest Way
to End Bilious Spell
When you neglect those first
symptoms of constipation — bad
breath, coated tongue, listlessness,
the whole system soon suffers. Ap¬
petite lags. Digestion slows up. You
become headachy, dizzy, bilious.
It’s easy to correct sluggish bowel
action! Take a candy Ca sea ret to¬
night. See how quickly—anil pleas¬
antly—the bowels are activated.
All the souring waste is gently pro¬
pelled from tiie system. Regular and
complete bowel action Is restored.
Cascarets are made from pure
cascara, a substance which doctors
agree actually strengthens bowel
muscles. All drug stores have Cas¬
carets. 10c.
Reaching a Decision
Jane—Why did you decide to mar¬
ry Billy instead of Jim?
Philippa-—I found .1 loved Billy
best.. You see, he proposed.
There are those who get their own
rrav because they look like they
ought to have it.
Quick Relief!
Fob rashes, eczema and all forms of itching, burning, dis¬
figuring skin irritations. Bathe with (uticura Soap and
hot water, dry, and anoint with Cuticura Ointment.
Relief comes at once and healing soon follows. Cluticura
Preparations are essential to every household.
Soap 25e. Ointment 26c. and 60c. Talcum 26c.
Proprietors: Potter Drag * Chemical Corporation, Malden, Man.
Cuticura Ointment
Control Temper
Do you lose your temper easily?
When you do, are you usually
ushamed later that you allowed an
other person or some untoward in
cident to so arouse vou? That is tiie
when buying Aspirin
be sure if is genuine
Bayer Aspirin
Know what you are taking to relieve that pain, cold,
headache, sore throat. Aspirin is not only effective, it is
always safe.
The tablet stamped with the Bayer cross is reliable*
always the same—brings prompt relief safely—does not
depress the heart.
Don’t take chances; get the genuine product identified
by the name BAYER on the package and the word
GENUINE printed in red.
“Keep your eye on your object in
life, my boy.”
“X do my best, dad. I call on
Dorothy every night.”
Good steady income can be yours by
acting: as territory manager in your
section selling TOM THUMB MINIA¬
If you have executive and sales abil¬
ity for securing and handling sub¬
agents on a strictly commission basis
this is your opportunity.
Write or wire Mil. BALFOUR.
Chattanooga - -- -- -- - Tenn.
Removes Dandruff-Stops Hair Falling
Imparts Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
60c and $1.00 at Druggists.
Hiacox Chem. Wke.. Fatchogue.N.Y.
FLORESTON SHAMPOO — Ideal for use in
hair ■XMjnfirtjoiiwithParker’BHairBalsam.Makes soft and fluffy. 60 by mail drug¬ the
cents or at
gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N.Y.
YOUR NAME on 8t r “ 25c
Each additional line 16c.
Puro Rubber Stamp Co., Erie. Penna.
More pep. Smoother motor. Installed^ In 3
minutes by anyipne. $1 complete. Spinner,
Box 716, Los Angeles, California.
With valuable Information. Send $1.00
post office money order to JOE T.AT
KOWSKI, Box 619-w s. Providence. R. I.
OATS, COWPEAS. Choice Coker Strain
Fulghums 77%c: new bags, f. o. b. Orange¬
burg. Write for prices on cowpeaa and soy¬
beans. Shuler & Smoak. Orangeburg. S. C.
Men, Women. $3.36 starts you in business.
Make $33 or more per week. Write for
sample, 1728 Venice BlvdL.Los Angeles,Calif.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 46-1930.
experience of most of us, says Dr.
Alfred Adler, the psychiatrist, who
is quoted in tiie Golden Book Mag
azine. “We can only interpret a had
temper as a sign of an inferiority
complex," tie says.