Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXX111. Xo. 12
Just from the Mountains.
Christmas passed bv very qiiie'
lv. Once and awhile vou
hear and old shot gun away off .
The- fine cakes, the pies, tlte or
anges, the grapefruit, the custards
and tiie candv lias vanished, and
now we have returned to cornbred
aiuljsv rup.
A copy of ••Her 1 ‘loppler” print
ed by J.olifi L. Edwards. |of At Inn
ta, was received sometime ago
Dr. R. M. Denton, Greeley.
Colo., Colo., spent the
here. That city, was maned for
Horace Greeley, who published the
New York Tribune, (wli^ii said ot
the secee.ding states: “VV itv ward.
si-ters, go in peace, ' Out there:
on the prairies they cut an triga*
tion ditch. Then they had a land
sale. The three auctioneers stood,
on the band wagon and all talked
at the same time and all punning
toward tl»e ground. The laud went
like hot cakes at a muster ground.
Cine man brought f*vvo So >cro
tracks. Planted a crop hut the
water never did get there and it
dried up, for water will not go up
lull. That fall he was standing on
Ins land with an empty sack undo
11is arm and thinking what 1.0 do
a heifer yearling and the man told
him he would give him an ,so acre
track for the yearling. bin they
traded. Hut the fellow couldn't
neither read nor write and lie put
off two 80 ucte tracts on.
You have heard that sheep can
live all winter out in 1 lie Rockies
without water. I uey can il there
is snow for them to lick.
Mr. Elisha Thurmond is going
move over ner Clarkesville.
The Holiness people held a
rug at Mr. Gw- Freeman home last
Friday night.
litre Christmas.
Bv G. O. Atonee
ami good wishes to you in starting
off in 1931.
Business may be dead in some
localities. But we know some
fellows who come to Cleveltyud
nearly every day ; so as long as
folks make paper from'pulp wood,
those boys are going to shoot
poles to them. Why bless youi
soul, they have pines up there llud
they have never cut yet that wouk;
make good beet pulp.
We were in a large tn.anufactur
jug establishment ‘not long since
and asked for a job They said
they couldn’t hire anybody because
they could not sell their products,
because people Jcotild not buy a
they hud no money for they had no
jobs and nobody could hire them,
Gosh', who started this little game
game anyhow r
There is plenty to eat, but those
that huuget do not have it. There
Tli^re is plenty of money, bui those
that need it not, use it.
Well, here’s hoping that this will
be a year that black Cat- will nr.
longer be black ; that rabbits wik
stay on their side of the road until
everybody get- by : and that cotton
would go up to 1 > cents, and then
jump tori, and that automobiles
could learn that they have nearly as
m tuv brains as some of their
They say tiiere is luck in licsure.
aie- uuud.
^ubsuribe For l he Courier
Dev •-'tad v,he Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
White County Bai; Defunct
Oij Monday niorniu: . Jbn-. 119,
1930. some of the dn 11 of tin
directoas o) \\ in; ■ ( ‘ ;
| meet at lbs bank i-oi.■ : 1 njioi
| ing'hour, A with Ax-Ayi
j F. C. Mauney. atm ; V« a diort
; consult tnon .a..-- ■ ■- uont
| door that the bans v. r !; i iht
j hands oi 1 he Su p’ . .1 - ! > i i i .
1 C! " reile A * W
' ,iU 1,1 it. ot Gatues
| v ille, is now ms kin : a diligent
; audit, which w A \ > i interest to
j every depositoi . M 1 \\ belched is
I 1 very tine and com; letent young
| , man, and will be dei lilted lo - : \ u
ill t he informal ion be C; i n 10 tin:
lit . pusU , iti will c:i 11 at
j tllil the bank K amt 1 see. , him al mice.
The Editor talked 0 Hon. A
1 !). Mobley, Supl. of Banks, OVKl
telephone Friday and be told Us
I hat as soon a ■ : no as Hit is 1 loin
pleted, which will pn,b j ibly be
sometime next week, not ices will
be sent to each depo si tor to Hh
seen hie for iuAi mat no 1 about t he
batik 's coiulil ion and < oi her in a; Iters
d'seds-i:d, toget in-r :. b out, the ; 4 >
pointmeut ot a ln|au:.-.i • ag ;enl.
It is hoped that l.e depos it or*
will demand the up; JO 11 itment of a
competent and ho. ntan
liquidating ngenl.
Heveral things lias ci< me out.
but we ijre wiibhoioi tlieiii 1111
til the audit is ni:ute. pul: 1 j .
Grids'.- til p | ^ -
Well, the old y Al is r .,st and
gone and a new one ha? , come to
take us place atul m; ,1 ivv Diund
resolutions have, been 1;jade only t<>
1 be broken, but -im - tha i w a to be
expected we hope n e r y body, bad a
Merry Christnta-'- •all uppy X -w
Mr. and Mrs Jo- ! Vv Oi ml, of ilia
.vassee, were tin ;;a- >f Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Fie- in m Su rid a y.
Mr. and M - K . M c ( ;bl 'em
and Mr. and .Mi-.. 1. ie McCol
urn visited rel' .-11 L C'lnelia
luring the hoi days.
Mr. and Mr-. Febx i to vail, of
W ;iv nesviiie, X . H ., nt a few
days Isst week wit ii (Jr, and Mrs,
j. 11. Stovall.
I The many relatives a 1 id friends
ot Mrs. To] R ;ck. 0 j nines; ille,
were saddened to leal m of ho
j .death that occurred t. 1st mas eve.
She will id w ay- nr 1 ..•rnii.-red as
1 loving and dcVni wife and
{ not her a kin<l ;uni c Hnl neigh
i >>r.
Messrs Georgr a nd Clarence
vloore. ot i Hcc.oa, ar pending a
j esv days with Inend re.
j The 111a ny 1 riemJs 1! re!at-i-yes
>f Mr,. W. M. Rai ' of Clarkes
' with
•ille, deeply *y’upai: . , her
11 the In-s of lit r ; - n ^ two goods
miles and lurjae am
t till that was dc-'i: d by fire
j luring the holidays, j he e.'.’UM: is
j .nknovvn.
Mr. Rani McCol m pent a few
lays last week in .\t u n i
Mrs. Joe Reece, i uinesvdie.
me one day hcsi wet with Mr.
j 11 d Mrs. A. T. \\ hi
j Holcomb Bros. GO.
j GOOD 11 A KM )V 1 !>s,
j See for your f>J <3 -w poiols.
j us
viides ami wings reduced
trices. We have a ; \iHH 1 line
j of aluminum an d enameled
wuse, holts, nails ; au< ! wasders
! See our dishes bt for 0 {) U V j |]£
j cement, lime and i
\V e sell for cash a n V* •>' oil 10rless
-----UTMli ■
Subscribe For The C ourier
Nncooohw and Sau,ee N<ivv ^
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grill? have
gone to Black Mountain, X. C.,
where they will make their future
Miss Bradley, of S. C-, has re¬
turned to the Geo. Williams Home
Koht. Hoggins, who is inGuines
\ lie under the care of the doctors
it the Downey Hospital,as improv
Mrs. C. W. (.lakes is visiting
daughters in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Marsh and
daugliteis, of Gainesville, spent
h 1 inns will) Mr. and Mrs, J.l{.
in-den and family.
Mr-, Chus. Kinsey,who has been
i ru ic illy ill is improving.
Mr. Tliomas Lumsden and
dan Miter, of Gainesville, were
.■cent visitors with relatives here
Mis. W. A. Sosebee is quite ill
. 1 this writing.
Dr. II. K. Phillips, of Buford,
- : ml one day last week “with Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman Alley.
Ni;. and Mrs; Carlton Alley
:event visitors to see Mrs.
-v on Mossy Creek, who is : n very
. id condition with a broken hip
ud ankle,
Mi-s Artie Clark left Dec. 27th
.’oi 1‘lieobns, Ya.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark and
m-.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A ber¬
et hv. of .Robertstown. were re¬
cent visitors to Mr. and Mrs. j. L.
Mr. U. W. (Luatlebatim returned
> Winder alter spending ten days
o the N alley.
Miss Lillian Cason spent Tues
;av with Mrs. T. V. Cantrell . in
■ ,'leveland.
Mr. Jim Westmoreland, of Siy
ia. X. C., is visiting homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs- Marvin Chambers
:ivo moved to the Hudson Ilnll.
Mi-ses Mary and Susan Glen
id Bonnie Eon Minis!), ofTiillutali
Austria! School, spent the lioli
.1. with homefolks,
Mrs. J. M. Sosebee is critically
.: ;t to - .', writing with pneumonia.
Miss Louis Wauchope and Mr . |
ieii.-iiaw, of Gainesville, were I
’ dims ol Mr. and Mrs. Quattle-j
■ oim and Miss Cason Christmas |
■ : 1 y -
Mi-s Susie Lumsden has been in
n for the past week wit it flu, but
Mr. J. L. Clark was a recent
, isitor 111 Rubertstoivn,
Misses Sarah and Ruth Alley
in Christmas holidays with their
notheis, Mr-. Katie Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cannon
rive moved to the Valley from
1 line. Ga,
Hr. and and Mrs. II. A. Jarrard
mu d Mr. and Mrs. A. J. jarrard
he past weekend.
The Rost Office, E. B. Head’s
ton , If. A. J a jr. 1 rd’s store and
h.e re ideuce of Jr. B. R. Barrett
vei'e huglari/.ed W ednesday night.
Only a small loss at each place
The infant born to Mr. and Mrs.
r am Ranine on buried in Clove
nd cemetery on the following day
'1 vo Hew high school
lit ing’Miss Walker's and Mis*
i- p ace i.11 Cjoveland High
.hoo 1 the, having r£ i*hied.
Dr At A. and [jr. Jesse Meeks
•were coiled to tiie bed.-ide of Mrs.
R. E. Fuadue Thursday night.
Pay Your .Subscription Nuw
Georgians Gratified
At Choice of Marble
For New House OiTic
Atlanta Journal Bureau r
Hotel Raleigh
Ily Harllee Branch
Washington. 1 ) C., Dec, 22 . — j
Members of the Georgia delegation I
were delighted to learn- t hat Geor- i
gia marble is to be exclusively em
ployed in .he construction of the
icw house office building and that
it had been selected over Veiim.nt
other marbles which were it i
competition with it.
Tile Georgia congressmen give;
their coMeage, Congressman Thus :
M. Bell, much of the credit for the
selection ol Georgia mat hie and j
point out that he has been most
active in iusistieg that Georgia
marble and Georgia granite be u,-cii
n more public buildings. Con ¬
gressman ilelf was able to enlist the
active interest of Ids friend, Con¬
gressman John Garner, the |Demo
r it tic leader, and others influential
„ [|uJ , etting of cnillr:iCt4 .
C-ougressinan Bell took the posi
lion that Georgia marble and gum
ice. was the equal >d any to bv
found any where in the world am
superior to many marbles and giun¬
ites, and that the government i
should use more southern material
in its public buildings than ;it
been doing heretofore.
Eight hundred thousand dolla,.
wotth ot Georgia marble, tarnish¬
ed by the Georgia Marble ( un¬
patty, of l ate, (i t., wilt be used in j
tiie new house office buikiinff.
Bluo Rirlgt* Dots
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Taylor, of j
Roswell, spent the holidays with I
mother, Mrs. Wf" M. Satin held. I
I'he two Misses Lance’s have!
bought the J, If, Jarrard place j
iiere on )7 Branch. Their father!
and brother will live with them. .
Mr. Ii A. Satterfield gave us a |
treat during the holidays.
Mr. George Davidson and Miss I
Nell Nix took our photograph,,, j
Mr. jess Adams is moving to 1
one of the Wiiite Brothers tenant;
houses here.
Mr. Luther Lance, of \oung;
Harris, spent Sunday night with
fits daughter, Mrs. i . S. Allen,
State of Georgi.
By 11 is Excellency L G. Hardman.
Atlanta, December x5.
.Whe'ens, official information has
been received at fltis Duparttnent
that on the 17th day of November, '
1930 a liltle eleven year old go¬
wns raped and ill aided in W Liti
County by
who escaped, and is now fugitive'
from justice: and
Whereas, Tlie maglignity of the
crime and the promotion of justice
required that said
Unknown party
>e brought, to trial for the offense
with which lie s;ands charged, it i
p.rdered, ThatMU c Secretary ol
K ate record and is»ue a procianut •
u , )n offering a reward of One Hun
Dollars for the apprehension j
delivery of the said ,f nknown
party to the Sheriff ofWInte Can
ty, with evidence sufficient to con-i
L. G.. Hiudvruin, Governor. j
By the Governor .
Mattie 11 . Carrington.
Secretary Executive Department
| P r I n 1.111 g
% % is the master key of civilization,
I the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
I efforts It; is well of its -worth craftsmen. the very highest
f % The Cleveland Courier
Commercial Printing of Every Description
Pis lost Sac fiflption New
w lip i § -
j m , 1 1 :
. ■■ ■ M
"-m: ifif
^ LA
T,|- | : .1
: : A<---
liiiiiiiinros Miiilins-'. Ur J 1 ’*■ -1 Hhotles. Oiredor, Medical Arts
l.a tiro at.oriv-. I’liiliid'-lpliia, iv in -or. -diedt-vd seicntlflc instrument
known a, » ret'i arionn o-r, in labor. -y o : to detormine the efleets
of tiie new rpiirk-1 riH/.iiu' proe, anon fresh traits frozen for year
round ('uisninpt.ion Testa in who tn-sli ? or, 01 poflelies frozen last
niitun 1 urn .-mt,loved, show that Mi- fruit lias retained ail of Ms
flavor, nut rit Iv,■ values, mineral .Its. oxiflizinp enzymes and other
In-mi.-al ronstiiuents Dr. Rhode:,' lindim;' are expected to prove of
major iniporcture in charting the rapid devetopiuejit. of the frozen
fruit industry.
At dSio National! AuFomobISe Sliows
Chevrolet wins
first place
for the foi& 3 *tli time
1 trbt place at the National Automobile Shows—
a position granted on t he tsis of annual sales
volume —is again awarded : .* Chevrolet. This is
Mie fourth consecutive tin that Chevrolet has
won this honor. And the r cason lies in its great
value—as exemplified by t< lay's Chevrolet Six.
» fow " rices «
Roadster, $175; Sport Roads I with rutnldc scat, $195;
< 'oaeli or Standard Fiir-Witii!i- Coupe,$515; t'hacton,
?5l<J;-Standai>I Coti|Ki, $555; S - • Coupe (rut !dv scat),
>575; Standard Sedan, t?i>'I3; ii Sudan, - ' S' 1 . Special
equipment extra. I’tices f. «• 1>. I Hut, Michigan.