Newspaper Page Text
Gf«c Cleveland Coiuricr
O’ tat Organ of White County, (in
v ,t,li8hwl Weekly *?. OS«v<*l ina <*»
J A>. P. Davidson, Jfdibnr.
F, »t the !*•>«• Gl«v**!and
i».. h» second rIhss mail wiaUvr.
' lemlwi Ninth OiMrie* Pr«s* Aa«ocial«n
14 Georgia Pre^*
«* National Editorial
Pren* Congress Of The World
Subscription, * 1.50 per year
in advance
There is sure to be a controversy
in the general assembly over the
qu -lion of using road funds for
paving other debts of the state It
is irelieved Governor Hardman is
in invor of this plan "While Richard
B. Russell, Jr., speaker of the
Ii, use, and govern’or-cipct, declares
he will fight such a measure.
The following tax ^measures will
be presented to the General As¬
sembly ;
i. A bill to create a State Tax
Commission to col'ect all special
and general t axes.
An amendment to the Boy¬
kin statutory income tax act gmssed
bv the last General Assembly to
ii„ icase the revenue from this
measure. !
An amendment to the gen¬
eral sales tax reducing the amount
ot exemptions.
A bill to provide for the col¬
ic all of state taxes quarterly in -
sir id nf annually.
A bid to in ike the general
sal , tax a permanent measure,
(j A regrouping of the general
tax act for the purpose of clarifying
ceiMin sections and paragraphs.
Hired E. Sloan, president of
General Motors, and an
it-.g industrialist, is optimistic
tin.* future of industry in general
tl i ughout the world which will
h- n with the ( oiled Stutes. Mr.
Sh in declares tli tit it is useless to
try to fool people into looking to a
pros pert y which does not exist,
tli it it will take time for business
to pick up, lyrD that lie
that by spring there will be a de
tided rise in business activity.
Marshal Joseph J off re, French
hr vo of the Marne, and known as
the World war suvior of Paris,died
ft.mmhty after an illness of short
duration. He had been
secretly to u hospital for treatment
on his left foot caused front an in¬
fected artery. His left leg was
(imputed, but gangrene set up and
be died si.oii afterward. AllFrance
mourns the death of "Papajoffre,”
as lie was called.
The peace of the world itilxht he
.assured if the great powers could tie
L. pt from comparing each other.
•'Tuns oil is now being produced In
til's country.” We still think elbow
v ise would he more practical.
‘Tornstnlks treated hy the now
process make an exceptionally strong
p: ,i'r." Or would husky he the word?
Tiie politician who claims he has
One reason Slmkespenre is always
1 epuiar is because people like to go
t« ihe theater to hear their favorite
mb quotations.
Hack in the old home town there
v ot least one man who was so
v .ihless that he wasn’t even asked
to feign petitions.
" A film producer is planning a build
in ; of 5i stories in New Toth.” As
a; h the films, however, they wilt alt
be built on one plot.
Who can remember the old fash-j
b i-d winter when a boy could skate
0> .n to the store almost any day tor j
« sack of pastry flour? !
ne wives tire merely Incxpetf i
.or ii, and others are like the young
■31 . . n who ordered a ton of chestnut j
free from worm holes.
•Anyway,” muttered tlie Old Crab.
an may -till take n chew now
it: ' then without feeling that be
;s: ,'d first ofter It to a lady.” i
__ •
y 0 nave wondered whether an en
jtr t couldn't get through one consider of those
t ing marathons with a |
a: saving Of words by drawling.
Dora thinks it would have been
tpw ward being tlie Venus de Mlio,
w : : po place for nn engagement ring, i
,u to flisten the fraternity pin. I
Lo<ea! N@ws
Gordon Abernothy’s fttiier
and brother-in-law, of At
Dutit, come up on Chri*trou« day
md took Gordon and his children
back with them.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Watson and
children, of Gadsden, Ala , spent
the holidays with Mr, and Mrs.
VV. f. Stovall at the Valley.
Mrs. C. H Nelms',of CutnWrce.
spent a few days during the holi¬
days with her daughters, Mrs. Jas.
l\ Davidson and Mrs. PauJMaunev
Hon C S. Barrett was in town
during the holidays.
• Mr. and Mrs. 11 . H.
and children and Miss Polly Hen¬
derson, of Lafayette. Ga.,
'the holidays with parents in Cleve
land and Nacoochec
Mr. and Mrs. J, A, Cook spent
t day or two with relatives in
Bla irsville.
Mr. Ii. D. Wiley visited hi, son
m Florida during the Holidays .(0
Messrs George Davidson.
eelle Heritage and Sam Allison
tirued to Detroit Jan. xst, arriving
• here Saturday morning,
Messrs Pollack mid Wells, of
Atlanta, spent one day in. White |
county during the holidays turkey •
imting i
The family of Mr. H. L. Dorsey
moved to I.ive Oak, Flu., Dec. ,G•
Mr. Linton Nix, of Gill, Coin..
a visiting relatives.
The Editor desires to expaess j
iur appreciation to Mr. and .Mrs.;
vV. ). Wyhttn for their rerttenitier
ihce to us Christmas.
Judge A. L. Dorsey |was called
,o the bedside of lbs son-in-law in
Atlanta, who was very Jill.
Mr. ‘AVilltam Allison
‘Uncle John ’ Ja.ckson back
i It is, week. j
. y.
Born to Mr. arid Mr. Ailison.of
Clermont, during the holidays,
a boy,
/oiln Cox was here for a lew
J days thifi week. |
Mr. Frank ffeuimer, ot Gaines
ilie, spent a few days during the
uist week with his sister, Mrs. J.
j I. Teiford.
j There will b,e ap election for
trustees of Cleveland High School
j Jan. |y.
Mr. John Allison made bond a
*500. bond last Saturday to appear
as a state witness in the case;
of Mamie Clayton and Bill Yates.
Miss Beulah Fuller, duuglitei of
Dr. and Mrs. J. II. I tiller, of At¬
lanta, and a former teacher in
Cleveland High School, was
married to William Calvin Smith, i
of Atlanta, on Christmas minting.
The ceremony was performed at
Ler home by her father, who L)
of Calvary Baptist church
Miss Mary Lou Nix has been elect
rd to fiii her' vacancy.
Bud Suggs lias moved into Dr.
r .«• »«'*«»“•* ft- t—ft
vacated between the sun's oy >
johnny Edwards.
Mr, \Y. T. Ravati, of Perry,Fia., j
was in town this week.
Mr. Harry Graves, supt. of mails
uul Mr. Jonttson, manager of
mails at |the Terminal, were in,
mill Wednesday. There is a
good probability that better mail
service will ue given to Atlanta.
Mr. Arvil Turner, aged 15 years
l 1110s . eider son of Mr, and Mrs.
f\ \V. j urner. of Chestatee dis
Lumpkin county, died ot
oneutnoma Dec. ^ 1 -t. Arvii had
many triend* in Cleveland who
, v ,:ie grieved at iii. .je.uli.
Mr. Char ie Kinsey, a*, inmate
twaiting to be carried to the Svate
rv'v.itoriusri .v. Mitledgev i i ie, die-ci
ednesday in tail.
l” ate feeuator J. i>. R. Barretl
1 rui Representative 1. j. finme
.vent to Atlanta f yesday ;o be at
duties in live extraordinary
sesssiou ot the legisiatun*.
Mr. A. PiUmer brought brougtst .a iwcc
iec* of mica ?n cut oiFIce r ue day
this week, which , »e found in
White county.
J)U. GftACE ^YIwftLfthftL,
M. D; Weil ii n
doctor’, Wan of •••. :.un;,t codin'
ued use drat tic trgatives.
1 'Ten year-; medic pract i ;e haft
convinced me that j sorn uiTer
ing from funci i jl li!y m
dieted by i mty
f(iU „ v dif , ( .
chrr „. ;i or co list i p.a fion,
acidity, ga-. ■ishrngf ftict-p,
nervoust >ft autl toxic
headache-, c .. Id tun the fre
queen use ot <- 1 mt . salts, oils or
oll,er dr ‘ lMj ' '■
!lv - d ‘ M h
•-\l ter uh i r,'. •; action of
Sargon and Sat • ft Mass pills
i n a great nmiv cn - 1. feel free to
>; , y j ... i form.ula as
uniform I v Hi- v Sargon treat¬
ment tot the tli- ird,mentioned
above. J have -aam . .in:iless cases
„f wonderful re.-ulh- i- an the ii -
- Sargon, and I Cam i r it a real
privilege to nv iUii/ia d this re.
narkable nesv (realmcut,"
Ih. Kirki ni't i- ■ r '-Hicnt of A:-.
aula, lla.
,F. II. it. RARliKTI Vh tti.
Advertising is the oil that nh -
cates the tnacliinerv of Itusiuess.
p i v 1U
f ADVERTIS: ! IG is like liniment. !<*
k cant be appl d effectively with a
powder puff. It needs rubbing in
And the harck :• the rubbing the better
the results.
RUB IT IH HARD-' -.crease your nevertis
ing—put in the sales pr •. sure—create enthusi¬
asm and enrgy and opti: asm throughout your
organization- and watcl the progrss you make
Unloading f r* *' car arid? nlcrir v r ..... .*3 *.• ? y ......' ‘- x .)-. z C,- 5 CA’r’l‘\ I
Baptist Orj>!v s’ : ■. -33 • a ••. prr.cnI jl have
been received i
The Georgia 1 3 r. pclat Orphar ftp s's- ... IL \ •. id* is ihe only
Baptist in.-; 11 < ft. n of if' 4 * ]- : n,j \r fte : ftfts. 1. many other
institutions i ; ft ..ft- s v ” ,.Lhe?’ liLo sources of
income, Led spend exit sok _ . -ft- ft: v..: ftm i of l i; >>r.yia
Baptist peo; ’ .
More than ree hundred cl k r- : fts u eoetion of the
State arc L i, t fhcri Diif' caret' ’ ft; r . 'Tii:? ’florae shares in
the contribu. . ... . . causo. but such
receipts have 1 . jen wholly ir: s ft.-.:- ft:c past several
years, and ; n t sent appeal is ft'; Isieufteas; to the Baptists
pi Georgia .for dc 'nations of ihe. "A ft.. . s."; ft'cu such as flour, i
jmeal. meat, lard , syrup, prods as. 1 c her m< rche.ndise and
f«*ed stuff. la u:. l, anything tl: . . : t:o u.s i around the aver
age home.
Car load ftei nents, such 'eftured rve. are assembled
;a the"various I . p'ftA Arsoc-iat the car Lvftng moved about
to different poir. s. so that J! eft ■:r. : may have a part. When
jjJled, ihe car ft.- shipped to H villa, L:e railroads allowing
special rates. A comnviuc-s fre: • ssae.psftuu i ' super
vises the Mntk o f assembling : L?ading s.h'.fti; -.
Too few such & ecn received at Ilapsville in
recent yen it.
AO Georgia Bapti is i;ave I: -:D - a o ; port unity to serve in
a practical v-r.v ft- a greai v ;. .i : h uraa nita tag cause,
Every Rapl.s. . siAty Sehce'. i< a. on the second Sun
ft.ay in He- . ’ . r. wft] r; a '. e. for the 0 rphnns
at Hapeviila. V.'here a church J . • no Stir day School, tbs offer*
ing will be made cn the tire. r-y. »r me-. ft.jg day in December.
i V/ ii- - r, Fa! ct ... a sifts
I hoanr nf Isabelle Kberbnrdt. the
J>e* a.-ii aisi h vsiio lived min.i’c the
AhiIk Car ntany years, a monument
•- r - t,*(i iri Paris. The d.nn. hi or
t>. I-'ivtiH) .S'.lilier in Africa, Miss hlier
li.'qii: became enamored of the life of
‘.be Arab and disguising herself as
fine of them, lived on the desert for
years under the same of Si-Nlolianv
. d without her nationality or sex
bid nif suspected.
Unfair Action
T' '• f•■•••,11 .e is variously
•' "’< •' r iiTiifiii definition given
by A. J. Montgomery of the A A. A.
that “as non yenemlly applied, the
1’ (, P s'liuda iPiph.-s ail attempt:
■■ > 1 ! i .•* -e f * tU* ilie I'i j,rcss 1 ’«.» 5 c <4 1 in ft order /»t L /?t:»t' In n> ornate ,’i‘ian fa
:hlic sentiment. in favor of a cause,
licie at the same time svi'kiar to
* -at s atin relevant facts that would
1 <■ ■'('> >;.. y to be.a, a sound and fair
j augment **
Makes Gas Innocuous ,
It wus slated recently that Dr. ,T.
■ Frazer ot .lolms Hojakiiis uui
• iiv lias uiinnuneed the ibsi’ioorv*'"
■- a catalyst that wilt rr.iiv. i-|
n monoxide ca- tuissiue m. i’ it fu
la’i' carbon dioxide. The citt
• ; i ' .v of this cal.illa -r hi s,;hl ru tmvo ;
riving cu demount rat oil under >> vm-a»'y of j
• conditions and in innfincd
“■ 1 ! 'cs, tiie (Kiuiviilcut of cl,„(..(! xa- i
Denmark Lures Tour' t
Fioiiiujirk, “The f.iimi of Sea,”
: <>in' nf: tlie sniaHf'st of ttic northern
aisc 1 h 111 is of J-,ui’(t[a>. but its ifcorriiiiii
al I'oslt iori, its (■xtonsivo const lino
■ it is almost-ciifroitiiilcd li.v water—
vs in vi corut inf; ciinialc. and its an
' 'cut iibstorii al traditions coiiplcd
‘Bi o iirocrcssire modernity, make
i one of the most attractive of all
ihe destinations of the tourist in Ku
His Occupation Gone
The chantyman is mi more. He was
tin; chorister of the old packet siiip.
o *’inry tile lines, of Hie charities ami
H o crew joined in Hu, chorus, per
rming their tasks as they sung,
i ticin vyere pnihny V Uidbis*
• aiiffs, sctiiiur and fnriiny sail, pump
. tiie ship out. Sunil* were intended
• licy ifir* the nmn widie k'dthtg up
a* HMclior,
Neat “Comeback**
It is a rule in Hritairfs house of
lomnioii.s ilmt must be nij
rressod ii8 “Ih nci'ahlt- ji 'in!.i-i - ' A
•main M. !■. s\ iu> was f’aHoil to order
■*r niltlross'm?? the hoes** incorrectly
>l out of i( hy Miyinc, "1 niucfi regret
hat l cnllni you cnileni«-n.
; V eii. Christmas is and
i over
guess everybody enjoyed
I inas and have -made their New
| Year’s resolutions.
J Mr. Linton Nix. of Coin., is
j. °' u , ^ in White count visiting
! relatives.
I Mr - J e * se Black. who spent _ a
! few days with hornefolks, has re
turned to his school,
Mr. and Mrs. Lon SUelnut gave
the young people i cotton picking
Dne night last week,
Mr. Guy Allen returned Sunday
from a few days vssit with rft
brother in Greenville. S. C.
Misses Bertha and Mamie Tnr
ner spent Sunday on Tesmtfee.
Mr. Herman Alien plans an
moving to Clarkesville in a few
Mrs. J. Q. Thomas in on the
sick list this week with week with
i severe cold.
U e hope .The Editor and bis
main readers had a Merry Christ¬
mas and i Happy New Year.
Mr, Archie Adams and Mis
Pruitt were united in marriage Iasi
S u m i a v.
Robertstown News
Miss'Jessie Kimsei returned to
South Georgia to her school alter
-pending the holiday- with tier
parents, Mi. and Mr-. (), 1 ! Knn
Miss Mary Curtis has returned
home alter an extended vi~it to
Miss Rebecca Johnson in Jackson¬
ville, Fia.
Mrs, -A. G. Mickel entertained
at bridge tor tlie- school gtris in
nonor ot Mi-- Ann Miller, who
was at home Iron) Anderson Col¬
lege. Anderson, S. C. Miss Loi
Sliavis won high score prize and
Miss O.tue Vandiver the consoia- j
tion. Deligetful refreshmeptc «ers|
served after the game. i
Mr. Hov Gouk Ih home from
Philadelphia, Peuna., for the hoti-i
Mr. Chariie Byers has returned
from Dawson, Ga.
The Fain twins. Annie and Min
nie, have gone back school at
Tallulah Fills.
Kev. I , J,, Rutland delivered
■ wo. very titpyly tnd intercMing
-crtfion* Church." ,Sunday at Chattahoochee
M. E.
Mis- Elsie Y-uniivf-r iml Nia
gie Adams spent Chrixtinas with
their sister. Mrs. Albert Jarr.ird.
Miss Anita Lunsford, our pri
iitarv teacher, has returned to re
sutne duties at the
We understand Mr.Ed
‘Vouli. the government road build
er in this section, will return to
Robert>dowti about Ifnrclt i^t to
build u road to the Hab*r»lutm j
countv , line bv lmon church. ' Lhis
All l 8 ,ve employment to many men ;
vho need and will he a great
benefit t*> tlie County and connntin
1 lie wedding bee- have been j
tinging loud on Shoal Creek since j
ihe iast i-»ue of i'lie Courier. Miss !
Luiaii Anderson and Mr. Grant :
Martin was married Sunday bv j
Frank Morris. ;i r.d Mr, M. ;
GtUstrap and Miss Harriet I
vVhite, of Lumpkin county, was;
some days ago bv Ordinary I j
B. Townsend, of D .hionega", I
Gi.istr.p I- one of the be-t car
in White county.
A 'O Mr. Dora Barnes, of Shoal
Lumpkin, and M i - - I.eoirt j
were murned Sunday, !
Mine the finnncial institutions'
breaking the ihatrimon al in-i
of Shoal Creek are;
If any one wants t,.!
get the matrimonial collar j
their neck all they have toj
is to migrate to Shoal ,Creek,
Legal Advertisements
GeorjLft . White County. ■—
To (tli whom it niay concern:
Mrs. Dell* Palmer liavinp applied to
me for administration with the wilt
annexed, on the estate of P. S. Dorsey,
deceased, this is to cite ail persons in¬
terested to hi-and appear at tlie Febru¬
ary tea-in, 1981 of the Court of Ordinal >
of said county to show cause, if they can,
why letters, of administration with the
will annexed should not be granted to
•aid Mrs. Deli* Palmer qp said estate.
Hi is the rUi day of January. i!)31,
W. if Hulsey.
Clerk of the Superior Court of White
County, presiding- in Court of Ordinary.
Georgia. White County:
By virtue oi'an order of tire Court of
Ordinary said county will he sold be¬
fore the court house door *t public out
■ 'ly lor casii on the fiiat. Taewirty in
Hebruary next, ioetween the lt*^*! hours
at sale ttie fojlowing real estate to w it :
Two acres of land out of Lot of land
—hi the second district in the Town of
Cleveland. Ga., adjoining (be lands of
i.narlie HeU'i on tlie east, ain] <o» tlie
West by Frank (, on the south >>y
Mi-s l.illie Alien, mi tlie north by the
old Dahlotiega ami Cleveland road, lie
mg CUI tt*'Ut anil Til! feet nark, eolith I n -
'Mg two acres. Jatiuary kill. 1M31.
II. W. Cash.
Guardian <*t the pe.r-oo and property irf
berman, Lucille and Lrnest Alien.
Jem-jfia, White Uotmly.
Io the Superior Court of said county:
1 in* petition of C. b. Heaii and \V A.
Whitmire, of said-county, shows to the
I^nirt tlie following fact.-:
Petitioners desire to la* ineorjsorafed!
under the name of Whitmire & Head for
the period of twenty jears wii hthe rigiu
in renew sniil charter at the expiration of
-aid corporation is pecuniary gain and
to curry on and tnainlitiu a general mer
onantile business in the Town nf Cieve
land, Georgia, and to buy and sell goods.,
■■vaies and morr.httndi.-e, cotton and corn,
-iid other articles that may tie deiti! in
iy the said corporation, and to uiake
cnitrsels. liorrow nionoy, loan money,,
to sue and lie sued, and do Huy and * 1 !,
actR that may i,e necessaiy In ‘lie opera
ion of said lin-ine--.
I’lie pi incipal place of said loisine.a*
will tie in trie Town of Cleveland, in -u.itl
„ f vvtlk(j .
... 5t< ... stock . of . saul .. corporation
» 2
s haJl be. 5lo*000.0() hi general m^rolian
^ ■ i'.to shares of M00.00 each.
>00 , of tlie capital stock is paid i».
i‘etui*•tiers desire that said corporatior.,
uity have 'he rig-lit t<. elect a Hoard of
nirei tors by a vote of its stockholders.
mil t*. elect a President. Vice President
md Secretary and Treasurer by -*id
Board of Directors and to have trad make
ali proper nui necoKary by-laws. l uLsv
regulations that are nc«ess*rv *0.3
'»T V l“*. proper for »Le ciwi-yiug on **
h 'siiress, and *k>o to have and o-<- »
\\ t!G.rclt»rp» \uHiticiVierft tilt*, t kift t Ht*it
in thf* <■'fjjvp ot- tht* i-’^erk of the
^*T^ ri '‘ r r ° l, H* a*'>i pj^y that aftes tlu
'‘ Ha,K " iM! ;,lv, ‘ rlis, “ l h * *» w
turn the court by pr y><-r order grunt tiiW
petitian. ^
Fred Ltliner,
Attoa-ney tin Fvtitiotieis
(die ! Oil: c. this 1 day of .bin.-Lull.
«. Ii, Hulsey.
Clerk Superior Court,
Ueorgia, White Coutiiy.
Oifiw* <f LTri-k of tbs Sn|wri(>r ('••ntVol
Ahtte County, iierehv certify that the
, ' oin “-“d correct
uve & II ,r “ e ropy of the
:vpplu-4itv*u for charter as the s-.wuic su>. 1
p<‘WS of Dh* III tbm otlire.
This day of j» n . BWl.
W. IL rfuleey.
Clerk of Superior Court
One q-room bungalow, vvirc-ii for
lights, good well water at back
Also one business room on pub*
lie square. Apply to
f. J. McDonald.
A I^tdie- risi Elgin watch, with
mesb baud - °" Christmas eve.
Retun> lo The Courier office and
reward of SfoO
Mi— lus-ic VV hiiinire.
' T'.' _
------- - -—‘ *
Your Subscription Now
by train. The safest. Most*cofr
Most reliable. Costs ie 7 s.
of Ticket Agents regarding
reduced RAILWAY fares for short*trips SYSTEM