Newspaper Page Text
Dev:, tea to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Just from (he Mountains.
Mr. Lester Stovall, of Cleveland
was out this was Sunday,
Nearly ali tile coriespoiiden -
sent in news last week.
tgili is here and looks very much,
like last year. I'l’.e New \ eat
resolutions have deen made and it
is a long lane that aiever turns. The
water is cold enough to make vou
scream and it is no time to
the cream. All things are on the
change, lor tomorrow may bn r
more snow. \\ inter is alright il
we are ready to look it in the face
It there is plenty of wood in the
shed, meal in the sack, Hour i n t he
barrel, meat in the box and lard
the pantry you can s>t by the fire
and hear it tell its story, Cold
w .rather makes us enjoy the warm
.-['ring when it comes.
A man told u> Christmas that on
ti e Fourt it ot July he went up So
t! . foothills of the Rock mountains
yv aere he gathered snow in otn
band and strawberries in the other
Air. Robert Cavender, who was
reared in tlie hills o! Lumpkin, and
and lias spent some time in the
mountains ot White, now writes
that be is back in Idaho where be
is very well satisfied
Hard times has not hit the West
like it has the South. Work is
pi iitifui and wages very good out
there. Hut it takes more a> lira
on out there. Those northern
w ilds sure do blow out there mm
freeze the ground eight feet deep.
From November until April is an
idle time.
The weather prophet may have
a d zea or more snow- in store for
The old fashioned doctor rode a
horse, gave lus. medicine surd usual¬
ly stayed for dinner.
White county has lost, the cheesi
factory, the acid plant, the Helen
band mill, the Bank ot Helen, the
Farmers A Merchants Bank, the
Kell tun High School, the White
County Bank and the U. X N. W
R iilroad seems to he about reaby to
go now. i'iiis all looks mighty
gloomy for the County. Pirn peo¬
ple should get-together and keep
the White County Bank and the
railroad il they can. W hen the
Clarkesvitle bank tailed a tew ye n
ago, all the stockholders and de¬
positors agreed to let their stock
and deposits stay for live years t<
keep it going.
Two occupants of the county
jai! nltempted to make their e-capr
here last week by burning tlreii
way out of the jab. Tl.-v had
burned a urge hole in the wail or,
one side of tire building before the
jai.or discovered what was taking
place. They were carried to Af
far la bv SheritT Jones and placet
in rise l'u It on county -Nor tt
(jeorgia News.
Day Your Subscription .Now
IV Oil! Cl »i i c k > from our l.aicben
R( is ami R ■’ck «* foii 5 : a- $~ (J
i or,. ; ¥i ->o. Whit e la-gbo-iis jot
.■jtr. ;no )j!6< ), IOC >o ¥ f to We d>
ruaoin hate hind
T. 11 . Coter Seei i Co. andflatcliert
23 w. U s. -fling! ; ■ -ti S' , Go inn
v i>. G t. Pinna - NT
is by train. The safest. Most^com
fortable. Most reliable. Costs less.
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
grtatly reduced fares for short*trips.
Day Your Subscription No
M.-s, If. A. An';, i. wot e...
visiting ear. an.. Mr-. 1 lUlI “
i preset i.
Mr. uni M> ! in,' A. Lins.
jj. C1 VVI -m t 1 . '■■■ s V.r ,n '.
Mis. J. ii. She: tnt; ' .. \
Mrs, Alfred Slot ••. y. ,.
Pauline McConnell, ( arl Whit
worth and Marvin Mei o mi
Utiles.’ Sunday afteri >n wifli Mr, Grover
i Mr. Claude Tailin' ret timed
home alter a few via isit with
; lend-- Toco
i t at >.t.
; Mr Arti-ur ha,1 the |
! mi»forruno ot i: s hoi . s 1
| ua i afull v burn, week while |
bunding a .
| yj r ;nu j yj, Dan Mt Solium i
j had as t heir guest s Sun ,1 r.aiui 1
M i s. 1 rhnMi Colhim a M Mi . 1 • rank I
McCollum, of Lavouia, 1 M r. |
nil M.1S. Price iSU’C n ail'd 1
family, of Ciarkesv;iie.
Ddue Ridge Dots
Mr, Lewis La .store! moveci I
‘ 'Dad Jackson ti West mi nister, j
S C., the ii i st of 1 1 week. I
Mr. 11 . A. 1 Uert Id as be : i;
very ill, but i ovv i
! While visiting her c H few nights
I ago Mr. Tate L ila 'c, of Voting
Harris, rt turned to finti his home
jjai-ui only few 1
lii'.-t royec a vtfr y
housei idU l \ ’unnslue l s Yvcsv- saveci
\\ c an sorry to Se trn t fiat 1. ncle
John W. Allen is cr ificailv iii. He i
IS nb.
['LSNA I'LL V A 1 u:\ NEWS !
Mr. IL fa Scars ha inuYed to the
Glover fa ini on Tcsi atet*,.
Mr. Jo hti Robin-: o “o' " «t bllsi- i
ies- u tii to Helen owe day Iasi
•vee k.
Mr, He AUc-t has moved Io
Clarkcsvi Ik* yy t . vv ish them much
tiCCt*s>S II, their new home.
Mr. an 1 Mr-. Get ■’ XV: k 1* guvf
the vuiiiiL [)•••> pie a c •a miy dr a. w m d
“•ie night last week.
Mrs. G \V. ' a> is very ill
it this vvi i t i n g.
Mr. Ge m* YV ike 1 i ;s moved to
Glue Cti
Mr. C II i 1 r i s
j .ectioi
Mr, L
Charles, m;
Clermont S dill
Mr. Job \\ i
moved to ti d Mr.
.Miss Ai
■ riled to
rending t
Holcomb Bros. Howe. Bo.
(,OOI) If A!
Set* us for y <tn
if it*.- jiiifl wing i(*(*fi
>ri(*(*n. Vv o i'itjvi IJnki
of aluniinuui u tmnvft
. 'lie. bolls. t;a trfi
Sec our dishes U c biivin^
•cuiciif, Him* and ■. ijiioer
A c st*ii lor ca.--.‘i tuio sen iorless
1 be ini Ie vunr •
Nr . mi ! At v*. i - • -
did and above the ho
:y Dr.
poisoiK pro
Garden Suggestions For January
B, )V s and g iris in rural Georgia
get only half enough fruits and
vegetables to provide tor their
needs. Flat) now so your
.-fa'Given will not he included
anung these unfortunate ones.
^ 've a real garde,,, and encourage
v our children to have one of their
ovv n.
Some things that should be ut
reuded to now are :
I Put a heavy application ol
. v. ure over the whole garden,
2 . Repair the fence. If your
•hi garden i- filled with disease,
once in a new place, cover it
manure, and break it as soon as
i hi can.
3. Provide drainage. If neees
n v cut ditches so water will not
un across or stand on the garden.
p Repair hot-beds and cold
ames, and disinfect them with a
uvutrated solution ot blue-stirne.
s. Mulch the strawberries with
pi nr! si i a vv,
ii Set strawberries and black
trr ies if you Inivc none.
Start an asparagus bed.
Select a place free of nut and Ber¬
nina grass. Plow deeply and sub
ill until a furrow a toot deep is
made. Put three inches of rotten
..inure in the bottom, and liberal)
one high grade commercial fertil
•r, throw in two inches of sui
a . soli, and set strong one-year
clowns on this. Space the as
-ragtts a 1-2 by 2 1-2 feet. Take
:.are to spread the roots in their
turn! posiiions,cover three inches
. i-[), and. as plants grow, gradual
* fid in the furrow.
8, Plant eiiglish peas, lettuce,
oac.h, carrots, onions, cabbage,
unrips, and mustard.
A New Year’s resolution With
iod 0111 Nature helping me, this
■ ii my garden shall Ire made to
apply its share of food needed by
uy family. ’
R. IL 11 ughes,
Ass’t, County Agent.
The schoooi at Woodlavvn is
■ tie sing nicely under the care
.Miss Lucille Griffin as principal
ol Mr, Iioyt Trnelove and Mi-s
Mine Griffin its assistants.
.Messrs ';\V. C. Uolcomh and
• ndrevv Hooper made a business
tip to Atlanta iast week
Mrs. Gewin (Garland, who has
:ii trick tor sometime, is slowly
qirnv i ng.
Mr. Howard Dorsey, who bus
"ii in the army for several years,
.amt fast week with his father,
i r. D, L. Dorsey, returned to
■ mp Saturday.
Your correspondent made <i
•. -ines- trip to Demurest Saturday
BO Day Stilt*.
A : o-'d assortment of genera)
•r i b.mdisc, consist tog of clotii of
i],i-til kinds. Remnant rolls.
- and boy’s shirt.-. Men’s ami
! v- nveralis. Men s and Ladles
n.iervvare i.idies mil Misses hat
o : .. - - - mm.iil ot l.oiery, some)
e- ,.nd many other things !•
not a- to mention. All rcduc
.. i [,■. i ; tv,,oi io to a3 per cent
, min ami see goods ami get pr'Ces
One 4-room bungalow, wired for
•/hi*, good well water at back
Ai-o one business room on pub
C square. Apply to
T. ). McDonald.
Dor The Courier
I v; x . : ;■: x xxxxixxmi
( u ,. P r inti n g | #
W %
‘ \\\ NS^ %
v y\ is the ma sr lay of our civilization,
AW * means tlrn ugli which we have %
\)\ s- bi-.ved ihwwson arid industry. <A
X well :i ii L .o very highest
■“ 1
'Xv efforts of its craftsmen.
w <T
^ ran J HE Clevel ao Courier (v
1 • ^ w Commercial Printi:- . .•/ 1:ray Description 1
- k'
I f 1 '■!ij is like ItnimenL I
"S cant be a;:.: j d'fcc.ijvsly with
powier r I- n,>: ;Is rubbing in
j the h,tr, .; ta: rubbing the better
the results.
j RLTc IF IN HARD— savertis
':-y ;e your
tng put in the sales ; .—create enthusi¬
asm and enrgy and op) '::;i throughout your
■or/anm.Limi—and waif :hc - gras you make
■ i-,, *
i - S %
Ev«8*y filing v? t
you want or need
m major
esi a eai*
TIL. more you see of the ? v Ford, lire more you
realize that it brings ydu everything yon want or
«wl in a motor ear. . . . And aSait unusually
low price.
Its substantial beauty r f ; line and color is ap
parent v, a .*dance. Long, ■ uuinuons service em¬
phasizes the value of ks siav ' restyof design and the
G-.;.qualify that has bee;: bniil into every part.
h- he new LV.i'd « rwler ; , quickly and it will
do 5l) to 63 miles an kovr. G i> ,*.•;< easy-riding car
because of its s pecially dm .red spriegs and four
Hondaille double-act ing 1/ Iran He shock absorh
ers. ft has f ully enclosed vn;-.-. • ol brakes and
the added safety of ■*; In Ger-proof glass
windshield* Operation ;**v - ecp costs are low
and it has the staminu an;) reiiahility that mean
thousands of miles of time .. i mj Ted service.
See die nearest dealer Lave him give you
a demonstration i hie in d new Ford. Check up
every point that goes to m he a good automobile
and you will know il is a v. ;;e far above the price.
Tn ." Netf* Fopo
XLJrou Sloan
. ~i*.
Ah r-LF
t© * 66 ©
F. O. Ii. Detroit, plus freight find d> fiv-r y. Pumpers nod spa re tire extra
tit small nut. You can purchase} a l -d on economics.I terms through
th» Authorized Ford Finance Plant of the Universal Credit Company*
G ft
It Memorial To Dr. Sharp.
I Throughout Georgia mid tl...
South friends of the- lateDr. Joseph
A. Sharp and of Young llarn •
College w ill be interested in pLi
'or a bronze statue of that bdoven
••■ducat or, to be placed on the cam
pus of the institution he so nob; .
served. A conference, hold today
between lead ng alumni and the
eminent sculptor. Augustus Luke
man, is expected to result i.n‘ a
well-defined procedure.
man, it is dxjdaincvL was a
personal friend ol L)i. Sharp and
was it,e first contributor :<> an t o
lovvnment fund raised by
tlttmni a few year years goin by.
rite mountain life of northern
Georgia will bear witness for long
teneiations to the great hear t anil mind ot the man
1st a quarter of a century presided
•■•wr Young Harris Cobogv:. Hi
most beautiful memorial is in the
■work he did, in the light lie
in the spirits tie touched to fine
i •sues. But it is well that thosi
who knew him best should rear
statue on the scene ot his
abors, Il will be not oitly a tril -
an* of art to a splendid character,
.hi t also an inspiration to every |
outh who looks upon it and a re j
murder to the world of how
Georgian gave himself that other*
might have life and might lu-e i;
uore abundantly.— AtlantaJnurua
msm .... : .-r;..... a--—
........ -..—
Why Not Advertise Every Wed?
(The. only way tv pear-ileud busi
;||t*s caii be revived, or a live bn>i
■-R'kej.t alive, is by" co.ntihUpus
iii these days arid litryes, evei v
business is facing the keenest sort
of competition, and only those con¬
who bring to their help the
mighty power ot advertising keep
ahead in the race for business.
Success in business means using
up-to-date business methods;.
A sufficient volume of business b
necessary to bring success Advei
tising increases volume.
Continuous advertising turns
readers into buyers, and makes
buyers buy more,
Trut h is a correct si airmen! of a
reality, purpo-e or fact exactly as it
exists and never otherwi-e. That i
why continuous advertiser' be
neve tn truth in advertising. Then
-*rvice or gooes will always s' and
hie light of truth. They know it,
md tell it through the printed page
1’eopfe who patronize cotiliniioi 1
advertisers always get the best at
the [n ice.
Continuous advertising is an in¬
fallible proof of quality.
The constant demand lor weli
advertised merchandise, i- the p;■ -oi
bat they have stood every* i n —
Jackson Herald,
Wanted Custom Hutching.
loo to 4 9p eggs, 3 r 2 ; 300 t
moo, 3 cent¬ er we v, io hat cl)
’ lives. Setting day s '1 ue-dny
ilid Saturday each week. \ 1-;
. r hatchery located in our - c
. IL Gofer Seed Co audit-, -a
, \\ . \\ islungtmi hr., C; .lie.
a .ie, tin. Rhone 8/9
Cleveland Circuit Appointments
ChattairOoChee 1st Sumlav I 1
M. and 7 ]’. M.. Mossy Creek
.fad Sunday I 1 A, M ami 7 P.M. ; ;
/ on 2 'J Sunday 3 P. M.: Naco>
c ee 3rd Sunday ji A. M. ;mil T
M.; Loudsville 3rd Sumtay
P M. ; Cleveland 4th Sunday 11
A. M. and 7 P M. and at Mt
Pleasant 3 P. M.
T. L. Rutland, Pasfor.
Subscribe For the Courier*
fPi.'IC- yu *1 IX