Newspaper Page Text
Just from the Mountains.
Mr. anil Mrs. Claude Sims have
movod to' ^Cleveland. Thev will
be misled in this settlement.
. v^Vless'riCOscat Turner and Jessie
Tusv passed up this way going tn
their work on Bean Creek.
Messrs Frank Black and OUict
Turner are now running; their saw'
mill on Bean Creek.
Messrs Fred Freeman and Will
Blalock are now working at the
saw mill. see mittiv tilings aiLjl
vertised. Cine man was <«l<t told t«J to i
send them one dollar and the>"J
would ’send him a cure for red m>se.-|
ile'was told to drink some moref
xtigtir liquor and it would turn blue
Another inftu" was sent some ciga-.j
rettes, They told him after he liadl'J
smoked.tjjeiit they would send
Lis coffin..; - |J
Ground hog day will soon
here again, and soon after Vatentind will!
come (Georgia Day, St.
Dav and soon atter Washington’s
birthday on the 2 j>
They used to plant their gardens
on the i-Uhwf Feb. As times now
are it behooves us all to have an !
early .garden. You have often
heard that a good garden is hoif of )'
Mr. \Y. 1. Stovall, at Suutee.i
was passing by tin- way last Tues¬
day. t
The weather for the last two
months bus been very unfavorable
for outdoor work. It t« to be hop¬
ed that February will bring some
The school at Youah is going
vveil under the supervision of .Mr.
\\ iifmd Ash ruvd Miss Louise Ed*
■w a fils.
Methodist News.
The Methodist Woman <= Mis
-kuittfy Society held their regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. Tel¬
ford Wednesday afternoon at 3 PM
The program theme: •‘The
Lordaliip of Christ Recognized and
Acknowledged” was interestingly
given. Bible lessons by Mrs. Ed
wards, Bible lesson and prayer by !
Mrs, Rutland. The visits of Jesus j
w ; th Johanniut nnd Zitccheus bv
Miss Ida Aiiison and Mrs. Telford, j
.Stewardship and -Missions by Mrs, ;
Whitmire, Stewardship and Frop- j '
erty by Mr-.JlIead.
The society was glad to enroll s
Mrs. Bob Johnson s* a new ment- !
j, cr _
At the close of tile meeting Mrs.I
Liford served delicious refresh-.
mints. Mrs. Reynolds assisting)
her. The 4 th of Feb. meeting will j
be with .Mrs. 11. -V Jarrard. ;
Mrs. H. A. Jarrard. !
| 1
Holcomb Bros. Hdwe. Go. j
.See us for your plow point*. :
slides and wings at reduced j
prices. >Ve have a good
of uiutnintun and enameled j
waie. bolts, nails and washersj‘ ji
See our dishes before buying
cement, lime and lumber
>V e sell for cash and sell for less
lY.v Your Subscription Nus
s by train. The safest. Mogt*com
Eo-'table. Most reliable. Costs less.
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
freatly reduced fares for short*trips.
l»u\ Your Subscription Nov*
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests a White County
Mr. Philip Stovall, of Sylvia,N
visited Iwiueioik» iu.-t Friday.
Misses Eva Bowen and Rosa
ot New Bridge, spent
with Miss Pauline
Mr, and Mrs. Marvin
to their home at i lender
N. C., last week atter
days visit with relatives here.
Mr. Grover Miles gave the
folks a party Saturday night
was greatly enjoyed by aii
Several ot the citizens have al¬
received their summon to at¬
We noticed E ditor 1 > ividson has
Assistant Editor in the person
a son, named James P. David
"-J r - We wish the little fellow
» ucce8s in »*'«*■ N! W
a * hwa >' be »> ade bn ^" bv “ Il0M
lnends a “ d u ''7 ^ eat out of
spoon when he goes to
ML* Bertha Sargent and Miss
dhe Mae Cooley, two teachers
* t,w Shoal Creek Sci,ooi ' s P enl
[* w Mrs. ***** Josie olK ‘ evu Simmons "" l K l:,s and ' wt the ‘ t;k
Mrs. Dora McCarter is differing
with an injured knee.
Mr. John Kinaday had a wood
last week.
Mr. Chester West contemplates
to Chicago next month,
We have been studying some.
e looked at our old cows nose
saw it was dry, then we felt
our dog’s nose and it was cold
back at the cow’s nose tve
big drops of water on it,
that we owned some
stock. Maybe that is one reason
the County has 'lost so much
stock. Perhaps it was
And then to think that uui
country people fails to diieet
an enterprise is re
Noah and 1 1 i- family were a suit
people to commence the in
of the world with after
and saving them for this
was theii salvation. Every
then people have had a fain
that, they would be saved for
And so jit turns out
people who die will be saved
inhabit a place. This is
a select people—the
were permitted to inhabit the
of Canaan—they were saved
that purpose.
I’eojiie have always died hut
he resurrected-—brought to iifi
wj |i live again and inhabit a
and that will be salvation—
for that purpose. Trie planet
hey will inhabit will he tliis earth,
over and made a ne.v earth,
for saved people with
bodies to inhabit. Those
” acce T* J esus vvitb lbe ‘ r heart
haved b 3' Hi m tor the purpose
inhabiting a new earth
* r ,,ew bodies. i hose who «e-,
l M J esus UR dieir Kuier should.
*' 1 th e'ci.urch and the object oi
church members is a new
) u,lli •* hoirit; the new earth
is our view of salvation.
Four short burner oil sieve.
new and only used a few
Perfect condition.
Mrs. Fat Allison,
Cleveland, Ga.. Route* J
For I he C ourier
Wtll, H rained and mud. 1 j
makes us think of a story we otic,
heard of the elephant and the aub
bit. f
Mr. Linton Xiv returned toGplo.
after spending a few days will,
relatives m While county.
Mr. Wilburn Cordell is visiting
iier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, J.
W. Robinson.
Mr. Charlie Robinson "1-wearing
a broad smile. You need notask j
whv as he is happy over-the arriv.
of a plow bov at his home.
Mrs. G. W, Thomas departed
ibis life (an. j y at the age of jr(>)
years. Her remains were laid to;
rest in Tesnatee cemetery Saturday !
She leaves to tnourn her death six I
children and eleven grandchildren
and other relatives and friends,
‘'Uncle Joint' Allen is ill at this
writing. I ■
Mr. Tom ARxander has moved
j to the W. H. Bell farm. j
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jarrard. is 1
visiting Mr and .Mrs. Torn War- j
w j c k.
| J ®
j Jan, 24
1 Beginning Sat rcay,
This it; a real sale villi prices cnl to the
1 hone. We have disc:;^at*<led profits aito
i getlier. We have to tjuich winter mer
; i ehamlise on our sheivt s and we just don’t
mean to earrv them over. We are §;oiii£ to
pass them out. regards ss of cost ami give
our customers the bauctit of the slaughter.
Gome early, as gocils at these prices
can’t last.
* 30 . all Men wool and suit, Boys Clothing * 19 $,) 25 Blau double blin hots yets SHOES
25 11 15 2 .U 5 1.50
18 “ 10 1,25 ” ■' ■75 Yes. wr have cut the price otl
12 50 “ “ 11 j shoe* too,
Baby blankets - j gc
15 “ 9 Sfar Brand Shoes with
j 2.50 Boy s 11 “ 7 111 l>rices cut to (in bone
__ S4 heavy work shoes S3.25
Mens and Boys Pants 3.50 *• ” '• 2.75
*3-75 ’ 95 c woolen lire?.- " "V 65 i> c yc | Also 3.25...... Ladies oxfords. Laditie^ 2.50
Men’ll dress punts -
; 5°
375 ...... 2 -75 : 2 ^ Sateen, id! coin 15 i straps, Mens oxfords and
Boys “ *•75 i 10 v ds good S^c Childrens shoes.
3 50 Men’s “ ‘7b ; 361 n outing T 5 Frier e*U <tn every pair
______ _______ j <• lax! color prints 1 s
sweaters HOI >E Underwear
.jig wool sweaters 53-5° :
3 2 Ladies Full FdiDofletl Hu--: h.«>'
Childjen’s “ I 2 D.W Mt . , lH!:u v uiuierware •9°
2 . -
‘ (5nc lot of Mens, Womens and Silk 'nose .-5 '' J 1 Ciiildrens •* “
Childrens -we.aters, priced from ytc
thrown in soc Mens liose -35
•f 1 tu $2 ill one lot at Men's ” -TO
75c 2 sc
Don’t miss this great price-cutting sale
Terms of Se '.es GASH
(,ramF Jury Feb. Term 19:1!
L. C. Glaze
T P. Brewer
I). F. White
I". B. Hooper
A. Vaudtvei
’aimer, Sr.
L. Kinaday
joi.u W. Nix
Walter Dorsey
I. P. Kv ms
1>. McCollum !
M. Edwards
A. Nix
). A, Dorsey •
v'. L. York J
j, E. Denton
L Vandiver ;
F. Wolford j
\\ . Freeman
B. Simmons
L. Hood
1. Warwick
L. 1 loleman
\V . Soseliee
A. Williams. |r
L. Jlamiiton
• L. Helton
1 ■ M hi e
■- ■---—... . — — . ....
[CHICK *1.50 A YKa h IX AD¥4$Ctt
! i ■ ■. m
- <■ .
» t • t .
, • operation of tlii’s railrbrid
‘ '‘Dire depends on tire, co<xpwa-t.i*n
11 tc.eiis it, communities it seives
I'll iS f ;»1 i I'd; ad is e<s 4 ;nti'iiJto the industrial development o.f y<».u t
DominnUiui: v. '•
, es-entiai to and u’n the lowest ■, . r
- ■ 1 • secure ret poMrbte tc^oa
" 11 ■ 1 1 i 11.1 ralos when ill commod'itie.s are considered.
'"*• I ivm highway 1 nicks for hauling the faj-gti
1 ” 1 ' ;i "It - -' 1 111 J■ : 1 '- 1 1 1 i !, s atm rely on the rui'rond to hsnja.1 tew
'a*' euue producing commodities.
’ k taw iy : roi as continue to -kim the cream live t.rifiJsi si^'-ail
• : " 1 ' ls 1 u : ,M d we do not helievo it will be possible to co-Wjjaoe to
! pm -it a in i.icli longer.
L r uli'ortd f.ic.iptiest lie average cost of bandit tig til! coot*
will m.iteriolly increase.
. ‘ . :nr mu-t either hoar .tliis increased cost or strsp pr-odosiMig
'• -••ie.- tli ;t an now hauled by the railroad on low ftad{j£>t MtMh
D"s ran mil spends huge aim- for wages and xopplictt »t yott,U
ommunil) am! pay a substantial part of your taxes.
' ■ i 1 ciiizens to help save this railroad by giv-ing oil
heir business, ' . ■ .
( t . A. Austin and Sidney Smith.