Newspaper Page Text
; Giber District Pre
“ (fSOTUV-i '
“ National
Pf^fiS Congress Qi Ii«« Vvor-<i
J5u , cription, 1 «t yem
in advance
he cost of extraordinary «c»fcion
of he legislature has nl ■My civ:
o $ 35,000 up to last 1 ' rii.-iy.
•'he State Highway Department
soon let sohlntet tor tl> bridgi
the Chattahoochee river, nee
G ’sville. rVi'O a crtnttact wth
bs ;t for a bridge over the creel
at Beil’s mill. When thesess
b yes are coiiteuip H* **
vv be let for the unfiuial'od- por
t i <)f the higwat 1 ruin Cleveland
to , hit ties vil'e.
this issue will b loniid an ad
VI tseatedt (, f Ute G, “• a, \V. R
R winch is self expfotial try.
ot jail rood .hits I. of ines
t : :i> U: value to every c I'izett it
V : te county, and it is lloped that
tin all will demon:-! rate their up
P iittion by giving whatever
jbu Hess they may have to i!.
1 tw can we expect to go for
ttv 4 without (he railroadr Cat.
VV i ■ ] ope to gut new enterprise
Co into otir county when vvt
In ;• no railroad ? Then, let it
sst; port the railroad.
R. li. Hughes,
Ass’t. County Agent.
Two milk cows; both f;- -h since
<Cbtmltiias. Will sell either. Set
Me.ll Dean,
f Leo, G a
£S£“"£*"r • . ; "™ rSSS
'i o- Ayr,tor ‘
t ti tnte general it;.), a I 'til-ing ha; -
rnyforuted tt eertaiit g. ono 1 ;-' V v'd
■n a coffin nail Into t (bcoill lit/
e. . . . The ivb bats lid- is mi
id as to need a c«otit!iier. mid how
'f cracked the clttiri h may he, i;
«■ .wet’s this plumose.—-John A.nilri'tv
Boxwood M.gU* Syn -lie
'.oxwood was especi;:ily i nsecfated
b. (he Greeks to Pluto, the
o nil evergreen Brea, ns la ‘lug aym*
l> ■ of the life which continues
t iftigb the winter in the ir.i 'I'tml re
g- ns and in the other world.
Woman’# Genrrctis A c t
'be funums Kelson fmt ise wns
led and restored by Mrs . George
P Ion Blow, blip nr nit* it i tie of tit"
tt i beautiful pia-s in Vo irtia',
m >n site dk'd left it tu t { die trust.
o, tt to till who care to •,. i t .
Long “Ml A”
1 o?t since is:.:!, the m -be 1 ,slcot<'*h
pt - sed for till' lira! T.ottdii n pril’d(»<j
'• aw of Tasmania was uml j U
d pap^r baski'l dur . • n t 'civrftnt'c
'hi eorrcsuotwlerco nt the Urltiah j
tel revcmia ofiice.
What Wou?d B»* I ;
of evtiert atlvi.-cs F.e ib'ica riling
’ of 11 equipment hi
wi t h the plgvor
l ; OOllfidi'DCe, T’i:;£ v = ’ IV' ittec
: v v of Us down to a b :g : nd tbe
l* (or current chib dues -Ari.niisfis
r to.
Good Reason
' •though as big and as att vn? us the
•p* entsn who had sr.-ode I 'dm, the
?*»' with the e!oae-en>iqv.i i hair ttiu)
I ■ >' face nllc'ved h ! *»* rlf to he
dIhhI tcwfird Mio p •: .’ion.
ore hart been the ttsua 1 crowd in
ip. ! ,u ipatlon of n si r- n, !> nt it had
ed away when t! ■ , •tvr there
,W nothing doitii; i; • Te police
n ' mlmittwl It vvn > tlu> \ ' • x ar
' r. be h.-pl made for nutuv U ii;K.
isn’t liko yon to BO , t tj ,vLx t jr'
be ■'marked, “Whitt's tab. n all the
, gp r oltt of you:
«' prisoner sighed. *‘U\ c got my
be. clothes on.”
Determining Mental Aar
it ai age is most i; u rat el j
:h. 1 upon the Individu a Terman
•r. test of intelligence. •• pit iki k
Ss- to have a mental a of ter
•2' for example, v! -n • o pa ssos
ti. tests on the Tern;',:: V > a si ate
V? it has been fotm : iro pn$s#V
by majority of connal t- ai-voarold
Ch en. Terman defii •< ■- -ratal a ac
lows: “By a ghon n • -:* J a::€
V ■ .v-.iii that (i: v j:■*'-• of l ‘■'>
t. : '"iy as Is po-'S!" -'.'-i in *ho aver
C; : -ii<l of corresponding ehroBoIojr i
■ Attot Kli/. t” Cleveleland. colo,,
, seriously ill,
Mr and Mrs. Henry Davidson,
ho have made their home in L't
vette, Ga|, the for past few years,
oved back to Cleveland hint
Yi Jay. • t
BtllAilioson carried llenryLloyd j
the V eteruns Bureau Monday.
Senator j. B. R. Barrett spent
e weeekend at home,
Co). C. II. Edwards made a
oinesness trip to Atlanta this
Walter Palmer made bod
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fd
Aider wood, u girl, Friday,, whose
ame is Norris Hylvia, i
, ssns Henderson a»p MajorDor
«y ,na£ ^ e H business Dip to Can-,
.on, Ga., one day last week to seej
Judge Jno. E. Wood.
Mr. Ross Mijie h.-ts purchased the 1
•ue Ridge Cafe Iponin Mr. A. C.
:.,idy and has moved if into Dr,
fcDonald's denial oHice.
Mrs. C- R. Nix fell day !
St week and broke her arm.
Mr. John \V . Alien, aged ti<i
•f old age after an illness of several
l; i>s. died ^ijyesduy, lie was
aried at ies.tjut.ett Wednesday
ilernoou. •
Mrs. C. E. Nix one day lti*D
c.-ekettd and broke Ijor arm.
Deputy Sheriff*, of llali county,
crit to Asheville, N. C., hist
veek {and brought back Londie;
utnphries, Lance Humphries, who |
,.e charged with the theft of the:
ar of C. C. Glover, of Gaines*
lie. Upon arrival in Asheville,
y found the men had clothing:
aid to hove been taken from j
tilt’s store in Rloirsviile during a |
. -cent buglatly. While ep rpute :
,ack they stopped at Clermont!
nd a merchant tnere identified the!
i-ercoat. One man was wearing
h" suit another had oh atid sotne
oilier clothes found in the machine.!
The same men are also suspected
• ihe buglorv of the Post Office.!
B. Hcod’s store, H.A Jarrard’C
'. are and the residence of J. B. R.
iarrett was seed early next morn
a » after the robbery in a barn by
ritijsen of Cleveland,
151 ut* UiiigH |)< 4'6
i Untiling pulpwood is the urdfir
the da\ here now.
The Adair mill will soon be
idy for grinding.
Rev. Steve \liiler visited his! i
'i'.Iren about Ciermont Monday, j
Every tree moral agent can use
own judgment. However in!
multitude of counsel there i«:
Never mind the winter blast j
,,miter sun will sun will shine at j
30 Day Sale.
A good assortment of genera!.
chandise, consisting of cloth of
vretu kinds. Remnant rolls,
n’s and Bay's shirts. .Men’s ttnd,
■s overalls, Men’* and Ladies':
. .a ware. Ladies and Misses hats
■ii assortment of hosiery, some ■
sand many other tlrngs to
■.minus to mention. All redtre- ■
n price from to to zy per cent,
tie atni see goods and get pr'ces
n. y ri’RNKi*
•’•!!> of ti.c human lungs present
:.t ' 2 .. t•<* square feet of »Jr-ahs«>rl>
.. surface. :
ie tiid.* nt a single u-lialc has
’ 1 -O.i pairs of (mota, f’f. pairs of
t-s lies ies large t|tinn< 1 u*s> of
> hvlli’ic sh.iestrings, etc.
housefly sounds the note F in
e.hUii ta* an* its wings vibrate
times a second. The honey hoe
'ds A nii!. 4iu vib::. ;i ts a second.
\ nibheri/t* ] fab’Tv uriuIoI for woiti r
’ooforists lias i»oan invented to pnv a
■. ibelr drosys sleeves fron^nnti*
\ 'A v. j
■ - - 1 . ::r, s
SmC 1 r-■ . ■. cl ■••'Co. Vv : • * _ i !
yt crnuii.
f- f M
¥ A
V ■K
;.c *
“For three or four years 1 . suTfv :
<-d from sluggist liver and
: ,, tion . M y .kin was sallow.
, ;(( j no an) bition or desire to
j was nervous vll(i d . /<ay>
severe headaches and o -uB.i
“It is nothing short 'of
«blc tfie way Aargon and
oft Mass Pills relieved me to
' rouMe «. 1 «m now .imply
bbng over w.fl, new energy an,
vitality. 4 d«» not believe it
_ j,le for .*i.v *>:-«* suffuiing as \
„ llikepilu , H . of : - i;ir g 4tl wt
. e j n g greatly hentdliileJ.
v’annenherg over at it ' K. 8
~t,. New \ ork Ci'y.
.1. I!. If. HAUIflXI Aienf.
Advtrtising is the oil that
ate , , !l8 machinery of buoitiess
p rv j t
_______ _ ___________
I r.i' c*r»o Jury, ltd). ID.}!
'•• A Uison, (.. i.
Columbus N x Alex Davitbon, \
^ ,)r k- H- JI. Hunt, (
Dorsey, S. M. Cantsp, j. N,
-°ck, J. S. Adam*, B. C.
L' Henry Hunt, C.
.x'ewff. Steye j.,ewi-.. C. P.
r ’ J - ^ ■ Httisey, \V . L- Bdrk]VV
^ ^ hite, Dun Hunt, Boyij
J• H. M. Smith, I D. \\ e- 1 ,
' sttnliyer. J. 1 - Curtis, C.
1 'eeman,*, Jj.
f it*cU., J. J. Allison, I. W . W e*t
orelartd, Jot'e Dunlin, S. N
'hick, Cbas, Nix, \ , C. Bristol
1 '• b >. Harkins, G. U . Davidson.
------------ 1 -™
-...... - —
lubscribe l or I lit* Courier
C‘.'-in **: Sujiftrstition
Hm ft I'i-s ill shan'Meti where
•;i iifitMi f«o fires U’l/ett one ta
< <»\ e e i fie i: 11 -lu'll '• rupg When
*«!•< uHtHn iH'Ufie tvtts buill it
i : e « !«•» 1 ; v' ;•> pli j (•*•( ! tn its tower.
it* SeJHe vVeehs «ft T this clock he
:ri tn s*rik). Hk- lunii'S tiu-re were
"> too If any fites.
flu Oiivn-se S: id it was because
... Hre-pi-} iliouclit that every tinic
d * 1 * « l s: riit'li there ivas a fire un
Dineed. so Ih-» eouhl rest without
* p*TJ,^. AH Hk*m* things seem ridic
’•A!S Id us but are very it - * the
V arVi E»r|y Day# .
An dfi it’ll piil'iislR iJ in file < hrjg
n A'lvoi-.tin -b t s: At the heiiin
t r of the Ni.rwdoentti century the
o-mtM'iciHJ HHMrop<his of the United
ini’s' o.rnpicd only ilie lower end
.Mattfiat inn fslaiul, wliat J s now hip
\vu k bein^ still made of spiioious
ions and eounrrv estates, inelndinc
*» little viH.iuo ><f Harh-ru, The ac
1 1 nit’Hsn »■; itM'ji ’ < of j I:;* rity proper
Lt'-oo ns iiirot' ml!, s in length
fr<»rT: the fiaUery fo Fourioentii
' r>. one end a ha«f i;.i - < in width
J eight in ids in rirenmference.”
Dr.Tte of S!fcnc®
Sa.vs Curly e. "b.:.>nr.- , s of ctemlfy.
i bought " ill not work except in si
K'O. Ellen, e, the ::n:.!t empire of
higher than the stars, deep
r than the kit e : >m or : sHetti’e
the great silent tacit! A country
inis none or tew n: ill.'-? is in a
d way. It is- ji; e a iiirest that has
' roots, which has all turned to
and hough-, w : i a must - -e',
ither and he no forest.'
Famous Scottish Regiment
The tartan of H e 111 c ; -k Wnt.-h is
military, in 1725. w on Gene
d Wade v::> s, tit tn S- eliaud to
the HiLhtansis, ,v;-^
the six i-oiepetii.-s o ,-.\-sici t .-„
’opt a uniform tare,:;, i ,is was of
dark color. ;;;. ■ . ,se ,.
Of the Black B: !e 1 ~TtJ
se six eoinpatib-v were e. s ’ e
regiment, ami the !-B; -y of the I
Watch Logan.
Hiiitking Department
Presents Corfdition Of
While County
i __^_
At a meeting of the
tml depositors of White Countv
auk . that
was called by the Sup-t.
; Banks, whice was held in tite
ourt house Wednesday afternoon,
vivid, illuminating and pains
' thing expiantltiidtt of the eondi
,( > !l of tin- batik was forcefully
presented by Mr. GoUen. of
tanking Department. A table jhe
ad on a hoard at this meeting is
tcUidedeti in this article.
, ,v , b ‘* """ fi . ,ni not
iicitTStand Cl t_‘TSt 11 ti (i (his I hu t table 'iliit* tborough]v, t hnmtwfl'.L*
0 we ,-idvise ton to take it and
onsuit some of your friends
t'-e able to explain it to you clearly
1 tie item of deficit under assets
one yon should stud'), and if not i
understood, get someone familiar!
ritii bank statemeents or btisi- j
css affairs to inform \oir. j
Lite bank will first p-tv
"Ded collections, which are drafts j
a commodifies, etc., or notes *ent and! I
• this bank for col'eetiou
•'ere paid, before depositors. it is;
’-■a necessary to remember that;
;li payubte i* tnouey borrowed by;
a- bank from other banks jn |
which note* of practically twice!
te amount is held as collateral for
ic amount they ate bound.
Contracted obligations are
hud-tier'« Check and will not be j
aid until depositors arc paid in;
.til. I
Mr. (»-■ -i'll stated that the Stipt,
1 Ranks will notify each stock-'
holder after he has reviewed thej
audit, mid will then make the u-. ,
wsinent. which must he paid it
•flirty 'lays. ,
Tite item of | liscrepetic v, undot *
ssets, is considered, judging from
. r. GolseliL explain,it inn, will bi
fade good by the bonding Compattr .
Mi. I . V. Cantrell was elected ;
mt'i man and Mr. |. 11. Telford!
rcretarv of that meeting.
An advisory committee was!
fecled by the stockholders and de- l
asitors to assit the Lpyptifiating
gent, A(p. Adiims, in tile trnnv.
:tion of various affairs of the bank
ho are : Messrs'!', V, Cantrell, j
itxunder Havidson ;tt-ti I R, R, |
air "tt, i
Mi. A daunt will be ready in the.
• mk In assist anyone in giving;
• cm the mformaliou they desire. I
M f, Golseti stated that nothing 1
■would he held in secret, but every -1
•ing open, and ttiyone intetested
n the bank could obtain all the
format ion. You c -n now ask!
*r. Ad.ttttx anything and be wi ] •
avc it |ct you, according to the
• atettten of Mr. t jolsen .
-ash at httm] .s^7udHJ
sb Items
t>rtlde*Sh and Dunbtbd'jo!
‘positval with other bank* f..7U4.S5 I
v * * i drafts l,4otVi*J
voLfliless and Doubtful
•VJn.iN 4 | !
* H. Bomls owned SS. Sja by bank 40 51 |
a us A—
orthless and Doubtful I
lia,S;"> | ,Hp i
j t^.SHH .57 i
(»unty ‘bool Orders Warrant* a,j«4.tks ] *
a.twi. is
ai Kstate u/ipf.D 1
; >rtti'irss amf I>nubtful
j it and lixtuivs !. 5;0 4 X 1 i
• .rn in* ‘
io ta iation *J,4*J.7.7h
1 1.115 :•«
‘duel io in value?,
55,S; ;
Ki3;:.ifh! it::
1 . 1 .Mill rn ks
• i-ejnitteil roll -I ions su.;,>s n
■ ■ I e p,isitors ; 7 . 547 . 2 r,
i pay able 22.7Xl.t5*J
at raided I fbpgat ion 4.1 s 5.57
dial Sto. k 15.000.tM) ;
TAB I S3. 102.6 r
The governnient reports h deoroas,
5 per eein in Ihe pig crotc The
tt) itt the sandwich, which has here
fore been opmiue. nitty become trans
"Ac insatiable desire for change is
t ’ in every woman." says a nou n
w Y,>rk jurist. We've heard 'ha'
clt-t got-s into tier f sl.;;OuS
.•s-kt’U after it.
“Roacfi" mnJ "Street*"
Tlit English word '.'riiud"
enters from the old English
compounded froru a verb meaflinj
ride a horse, while oar word
conies front the Latin strata, a
way, one of those streets of
fully isUtrj! matched UittiC'JIt stones which the
e ru traveler utay *Ol! see, with
' rut* made by the chariot wheels of
vanished citizens, in Pompeii and
culaneum—New York Times.
‘ Where 'Coon Make* Home
Home to the raccoon B n
tree. usually an cun. Tito "coon
ters by an opening In one of the
bmhs or high up in the trunk.
1 bellow sometimes extends down to
roots, and when the tree is felled,
aninntls antniteis are are found found in in the the stump stump at at
level of the ground. Three or four
tllP tlie rrilv roly FiFVItt poly animals tmimalt a/imalimA* soruetlme*
together in the same tree.
Englhh Oelicecjr
Clotted cream is what is knowa
Devrmsltfre cream in England. It
made hy taking rich milk, placing It
a vessel and heating it to 175
Fahrenheit. This will cause Hie
to rise to the surface, where tt can
skimmed off. In England this t* sold
in smol! earthenware jars, and fs con
sidered a great delicacy, to !>e served
with fruit or cereal.
“F»«t" M»il Carrying
The famous ‘'rainy express' h
hshed in IS6U to carry mflil hetwa*en
•St. Joseph. Mi>„ and California, re
uni red ki* riders and between 400 ami
iVio horses The uuiekest trip ever
mad# was the dispatching of f’re*i
dent Lire oti)’* inaugural address over
the route to Sacramento, Calif the
1 ,-toO miles being covered itt 7 flays
and 17 hours.
1 he B*d In History
Generally speaking, ihe biggest beds
were made in Fiightml during the
Etizabcrhau pel!-nt. when earvetj. out
ws» favored, and gome of tli« yttruc
lures were imnieti*.'. in France and
Italy walnut was the preferred mate¬
rial until the Kfbptre period, wlic.n ma¬
hogany beds came loto use Iron
lied* were first used ui the Eighteenth
“Tree-Planting Mr. Adam*”
The American Forestry ass*,elation
says that John Quincy Adams, sixth
n President, , Wax gtvkr, < (hi* nickname 1m
cause (BUM' he )»#• nrgeti nrCcg,,} j| it# la planting nlunMrur of i*f for
ests in order to grow naval a»j>pite».
tn 182S what might he called G>#
forc«t experiment ttatim, ip Arnurlea
wa» esiabiishvd ink g aims tff live
oaks were jdgutfid
Gathering Life’* Joy
The joy of life comes Ixt Sts by¬
product*. The mar. seeking fame is a
surrv Hmn, if hig #y«* at# closeiv
on Ills oh.ioctUe tbnt he cauiiut see
the thtega by the wayside. The mites
w# walk or ride are avenues of ad¬
venture If we have the w(l to sec It
____ .
Early U.« of Shellae j
Rvfejence* to lac are, Jrty found tn t
Stiaakrtt literature, ft times it !
w(t» used as a d.v«. ftlny In 77 X. D. I j
wrote of iac juw, known iQ India and
other t&iatoru coimtriee, SheHnf «« n
varnish has known in the t
from Tery early times, *
AUib'i | j
the iTesidopt, Congress *
right to legislate on certain sub
Gates of Thought
The gates of thought—how sbr*
and late they discover them*,or##:
Vet when they appear, tv® wc that
they were always there, always
open......Ralph Waldo Emerson.
:---------------- ——
M.nute Measurement j
A decibel is; o(. arbitrary atilt used j
measuring otinnt# Qua util te^ of |
.oi the spectafly engineered tele
elrcutt* over which radio pro ;
are transmitted from station to
All Fr*m Same Root
The surname)- ;.m«h in rreland,
in SeufiSDii. f,ef:„rr In Rritantiy,
or I.ifferr# In France F»hei
Schmidt in Germ. ay. are »'!
of our English -Smith.''
"Ha who teifa of h's rovii Tm-r;t- ’
|lt Do. the -age »* Chinatown, ]
re real * tbxt ue has n, e-o-en suttt
successful in life to e rap toy
Home of Windsor Choir
The Windsor ch-.tii was first ttraniv -
in the town of High Wy- !
England. The town la still j
engaged in il,e tnanufae
of chairs.
The Signal
“There ousnt to he b land distress
equivalent to the S. O. S. at
observes * correspondent. There
O. U.
Deadly Mia# Ga*
Anematnp Is a ga* formed by an
of firedamp in a eos! mine.
is a mixture of nitrogen and carbon
Pigeoa N#t Tre# Bird
Figeous Umd in trees wind* li«*v c«i*
find bu-lditg* ox utke, meji places
Wkicit tc afit,
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
To all winun it may coTtreiii:
Mrs. Pella Palmer, having fapjdied •.,
me for administration with the will
annexed, on the estate of I’. S. Dorsey,
deceased, this is to cite all persons in¬
terested to l.e and appear at the Febru¬
ary term. J93i of the Court of Ordinary
"f said county to show cause, iflhey can,
why letters of administration with the
will annexed should not be granted to
said ill*, lie|la Palmer on said estate.
! This the ;tb day of January. i931.
W. H. Hulsey.
J Clerk of the -Superior Court of While
j County, presiding in Court of Ordinary.
i ---—-----_.....
! Georgia. White County.
rj virtue of or<i*r of Hit* Court
an __if
Ordinary , ...... . ...., , , r
of said county will he sold be¬
fore the court house d.oir at public out
cry for cash on the tiist T.iesday ii.
February next, between the legal houie
of sale the following real cstate, to wit.
Two acre* of land out of Lot of land No.
—in the second district in the Town of
Cleveland. Ga.. adjoining the lands of
Charlie Head on the cast, and on the
ae*t by Frank <, on the south by
Miss Biliie Allen, mi the north by the"
old Oahioneca and Cleveland road, (ic¬
ing BIO ft out and -I2h iVet hack, contain
ing two v-r-K. January f-th, l!<31.
H. W. Cash,
Guardian o| tin- pers--n and i-n.|ierty ,,r
Uei inan. laicilie and Ernest Alien.
Geoigia. White ( ouot-y.
I’d the Superior Court of said county
f R he petitieu-d l,’. E. Head and Vr 4
Whitmire, of said county, shows to th«
o-urt the following facts:
Petitioners desire to be jo. orpomted
under the name of Whitmire ,v Head for
tne period of twi nty vare with tile right
to reTiewJsaiti charter at the expiration ,,f
tune. 1 he object of said corporation is
pcchniary gain anti to r .arr } “ on and
inainlaiu a general m.-rehantilc business
indie I ow ii of t leveland, Georgia, am
l<i buy and sell goods, wares and mer
cfmndise.'cotjoii and corn ami other ar
tich'S that uiav be dealt in liy the said:
corporation, and to make contracts, hoi
row UV'ltoy. •....... loan money * to sue aim and be- r.**■
sued, and do „ m l ail ,h« that
m necessary In the operation of
I he putwipai place of said tmsiiu-ss
W,1J ,b « Town of Cleveland, in said,
county nt H hits.
I nc capital stock of said corpoifUior*
Hl.all he SJo.IKKDW ill treoeral merchao
disc, divided Info shares of S 100.00 each,
and tlmv -1,-sire to begin bnsiness who;'
MHI- of the capital Stock is paid in.
D-tfinotiw desire that said coipa.ratioii
r ^ M 'V'™ * ^ °*
1 s .y a , ..te .,t stock holders.
‘" rt ' t ‘ , J' ,n “ r y *«»i Ti-eaanrer by said
i.iiard of Directors and jo have nud umk.e
t!l proper rnd necesary by-laws, rule
.n.1 regulations that are nceessHrv i*i
la-proper for the curryiitjf cl. at
h "Hness, and also to have ami VJw
tminum fu-ai.
! ins ,u \ertmeo in qiiired bylaw
>'«* bj prefer onkr gnvnUI.ia
Fred Tairieer.
Attorney for Petit ton t>r«
Fi!.-! in ofti.-e. tins ‘J d»> of Jan. ltiji.
*• H. Hulsey.
Clerk Superior Ccnirt.
Georgia, White County.
Office <.f ) !*') k ..f the SupeiintCourt of
County, hereby certify that the
is true and correct copy of ihe
l'l'l'c*linn for charter the sanu. aj.
uf Hie in this office.
This 2 day of Jan . iy.-IB
W. H, ffslsey.
Cl rk of superior Coiitx
r ^GarryT"
Another Reminder
Tiie poor think that if thev
wealth they would be happy; th# rict.
differently, for with more .-are*.
there Is less happiness. - W\ ci*?
Home Companion.
^ 03C y Guy
\oh He* uiuiisut t-he
wonderful carriage trsture gave Y .> U *
rejoined rt-e hifsbanff tvi„, r , *-,p =
nsked him te buy u --ar.—INUiflud
Ah. iff
Jnd 1 Motto* says ibis wod wTf fe>'
easy to run if alt the s«*n ( Ki y S
sir’s grow up £o be #s >B »arl as triieit
fond parents exfrn t. - WashiugPKa
h'tsr. ‘
Rad Flag Signified War
it. *he Roman empire rim red rt-i;
signified war, and v.- ,-n disydaved et
fhe capitol was a eat I t< «- the asaem
nf the ntliim-y for active «#,-» U*e
lncreating Rad! u *
t-ife Is lived hi Vgg •. eiretes thest
The mil.! »-.■ walked in the
ia.vs of free leave -mi,, >tiirty or
s Home iYnitpsnii.-n.
Salting Peanut* i n Shell
Pvaiitiis iii.y be s •'red in ta» ihell
toakiue ic a 10 p$r ,-^-nt y-it *^.
Wic-rc roasilug.