Newspaper Page Text
Cbc Cletclattfc Conrtct'
O'TuvU Organ of IVhiU Count) , Ga
,-n»>li*hw'l Weekly *’ t;i*v« j
| |
.)xn. I’. Davidson". Editor.
timered at tn« !W
Ha., ai* clue* until tax- or.
Me*nUyt Kintii Dittrki Pm Asuocioien
“ Georgia Pfes»
<* NafioaJii Kdicorial
Prftwi Conjf*** 0 ^ The WorW
Subsitription, 11 .n(> year
in advance
The. year 1931 will be the besi !
farming year that tne UnitedSwues .
has known for a decade, dtemrec i
Roger W. Babson, who has been
traveling around the Middle West
studying the agricultural situation
•■Tbe farmer was almost the first
victim to g<> into the business hos¬
pital.’^ Mr. Babson says in - lu>
Country Home, “aud he^ will be
lh<*. first one to come out.
E. Marvin Underwood, of At¬
lanta, was nominated by President
lloover Saturday to be sederul
judge of the Northern District ot
Georgia, made vacant by the eleva¬
tion ot Judge Sibley to the Fifth
District Court of Appeal, thus
enjoying for the second time in his
Fie Presidential appointment to a
high place in the nation.
He was a strong supporter of
President Hoover in 19^8
Pope Pius XI was heard for the
first time Thursday morning over
radio in r world-wide hookup. The
occasion was was the dedication of
tin- Vatican new short wave station
The Georgia Supreme Coutt rul¬
ed a gamut the Georgia Power Co,
in two cases handed dowuMouday,
«ne involving a reduction ot rates
sought by the Georgia Public Ser¬
vice Commission and the other af
facting street, railway service in
In the reduction of rates the case
was for the Power Co. to show
cause why they should »ol revise
tr.eir rates lliroughbut the state to
the level fixed in Cor dele where,
r-lmy made drastic reductions to
meet competton of the Crisp Couu
lv Power Company.
This should interest the Mayor
and Counciitnen of Cleveland and
Cicrmoul, because the rale exacted
aroni customers here are outrageous
I he legislating will in all proba
|>i!itv sdtle on discounting the
la! of the W. ,V A. railroad fur a
peiiod of years to raise the
deficit, if anything at all is done.
Hie extra session bar already
cam over 1 1 On 000
• 4 —-^- q— — — — -^7 —- —-jsm
i‘ii< court-martial of Major
General Stnedley L). Butler wax
tnddenly called off by Secretars
Adams when it was made known
that the teuriess Marine officer had
ttpoiogiieed lor his indiscreet »c
marks made t about Premier Mus
tolini, of Italy. The hit ate De¬
partment also m.iue un apology.
Secretary Adams reprimanded
But ler.
An editorial appeared in The
tie .-giaii Wednesday afternoon
trial was very heartening uews.en
t it led : ."We m Start Upward” in
winch they point to positive x sigus
thai business is on the upgrade.
Tnere seems to be no question
about iff it when you study the
xtock market, expressions of big
businessmen and industrialists and
X*ii 1 New York hankers are de¬
cidedly more optimistic about the
st m and that gradual betterment
as i-sured.
Me need now more than ever
tr ) . finance some measure of
teifi gent and courageous leadership
•>-* i,,t the coneuv w I travel
t'- ' directkin.
TermwBwrt W***” Oid
■vmaiteut waving xvss known
■ ie- is the time «f Aero, accord '
: 'o historians, who credit * tavsr.
of the etuperor with hating
inHitti <txi<erimrnt Ny reui.itme*'
-- vveor,* In * hot Roman bath her
in euria sw are;i packed will.
L®«! Now.
A pounding was given tiie IGi
pantry by a number t»l
on Thursday night ol ia v
week. The Sadies of Helen UlU aiu.
R.ubctUtowu gave a generous 1 mm
and two quilts to the par
sonage recently. VVe are informed
by the Pastor and family that ah
these gifts are much appreciated.
YY r F. Allen, of 931 E- 14th St..
Jacksonville, Fla,, is very ill with
flu at present.
Rev. arid Airs, li. VV . Allison,ol
Dar.tliii. Ga., visited relatives in
cQ jMl vveek ,
Mr. Wm. Cooley was elected ,
Marshal of Cleveland Friday night
Col. Chauncey Middlebrooks, of
Atlanta, attended court here last
Bill Allison and Isaac
carried Toy Savage, Pete Wesl
morel and and Kim Grtfhm
Rabun county chain gangSatutday
judge A. L, Dorsey visited
lauta this week.
Truman \\ tlfians . ,
Mr. is employ
ed by C’eveland Chevrolet , ,,
puny as mechanic.
Col. B. P. JGuiliard, of Gaines¬
ville, spent Tuesday in Cleveland
on business.
Mrs. G. C. Adams and
ler. Miss Kittie, arrived in
land Sunday .and are with Mr,
Adams at D. G/Head’s,
Mr. L. R. Merritt spent a day
two in Atlanta this week.
Sheriff Jones and Col, lorn
Candler, of Bl.irsville, were in
town on business Wednesday.
Mr, Sam McLurkin, ot Chester,
S, c., formerly with the
Annesite Company here, spent
Wednesday night with Dr. t ami
Mrs, L, G. Neal.
Mr. Mark Matheson, of Helen,
deputy sheriff and deputy game
warden, died Saturday
from a self-inflicted bullet while
a room of home,
The Editor i- the recipient of a
large turnip from Mr. Kd Craven
Kt, wbicii weighed 5 lbs and 302s.
We wish to as-iire Mr. Craven it
was enjoyed very much,
Mr, Clarence Barrett is suffering
from a wound on his shin inflicted
ny u cow kicking him.
Our State Board of Health says that
.n.aiaria is one of the oiitstaudtriy proh¬
ms of pur stale 'I'h* control of
moaiiuitoes. of eiiurce, is one of the
method* that i» foremost, ainj 10 ef till* esmtroJ alt a tap ding water
must Iw drained nr treated JUralntur
pond* im the beat itnu# lo <i<j. We
. iso tiavf mapy moettttjt-oe* ivatebtn*
iron) neglected containers of water,
eve troughs, old mint in our rubbish
heaps and hollow tree*. >f9TW open
a can can at at your your home nouw without wimwuv punchittr iiumumF
iiote in the the end eud opposite opposite to to the the one one
opened . .....a Pestroy nasi,-r»v every nlnr.e place where where
1 he eggs can be deposited and hatched
1,1 considering control of this
disease we must also thipk of the in
dividual who has the disease nr who
■ ns tiftd it and is a carrier, that Js,
haa the parasite yet in his blood and
•; tiitteu by the malaria -carrying mo»
ouito will give the disease to the in
ividual next bitten. The moaqutto
uBt get the malaria from such bn
,au being. This theory haring been
'rored. we must do our best to see
ih .it each individual Is made non-in
< tiouf.
Quinine i* ft specifli ,01 q will sure
ho disease as well a# prevent it.
Our State Board of Health recoin
nd* the following *t*n<l»rd quinine
utn»<*nt for malaria:
Take Iv grain* of Quiains Sulphate
y mouth i times a day for three day*
non take 10 grains by mouth every
nuht just before supper for 8 week*
2 '-oars old—l grains S time* a day
f, v ’3 days, then 2 grain*, daily for
s \ve«lDi.
3 year* old-3 grain* S times a day
•r 3 days, then 3 grains daily for *
w vets.
5 to 10 years old —5 grains 3 times
a day tor S dsy*. then 5 grams dally
r S -seek* .
10 v.Mira or older—Same a* a ,a!t
• ;, 1 '.rouidn’r find out what was
C’ *sjs»tig rny stoinuch trouble. I bad
t hree X-rays made and was put
|.]j e[s i JU t suffered just the same. 1
was habitually const i pared and m>
j head ached something awful. Mus
Icuhir rheumatism was .di througt.
iiny back and shoulders ana 1111 1 lutd
i C lose lots . of , time . from work.
! ‘ Since taking S;w'i»'>n, and S ir
j goo Pills, my srotnacl: trouble is
over and I’m am the job every day
Meeting fine. Fm never
ami the rheumuti-m and all my
other troubles have
! I’ve gained five pound- ami feel
| stronger than ! have in years.”
L iit* itbeve sutuunent whs in ade b)
jClirts. . Mobley, i 6-2 Campbell |
! St.. N II. At la'll til, n employee i
f tile N. C. <Y St- Rv. for 2;
i ear=.
J J. It. It. HAULM:I I Agent.
j ! Slot Machines Halted
Itidictmem of aliout fifly slot
machine operator- Fridav ought t<;
; aste.u an end to the u-e ot llies-t
;imi JuN u;t . s „„ tl hiive inu k, et j
he Atlanta public out of thousands
j if dollars within -the past few j
Under the color of a federal in¬
junction, which merely protected j
the machines against molestation!
just so long ;js they were used foi
“amusement," the Hot machines!
a.ive been allowed to remain it i
j .bout 150 places of business. Of- j
! leers on the beat, under the ini
j presslon that they were sanctioned!
j by the federal court under all clr- ;
j cutnstances, have igooied thein.j
j Various merchants who have ai-i
lowed their patrons to play tf■ c j
and then redeem sings for j
cash or merchandise will now be'
; prosecuted. Mt Boykin s • Is
to be commended for ihis city-wide j
aitack on the flagrant gambling I
t.sat has flourished by u.-e of the
devi.-cs.— Atlanta Lite.
, Holcomb Bros. Howe, Co.
(it‘f fill J’niit Ittriiiing ittiplc
. in ,,, rnat'iiifss ,i„„ n for flu‘ pre
■ .. i , , making ■ • of .■
rilit (M1 anf . voui
Ho have ul.nt .1 (akt^
do Jiut ihi'tu ill S|>lt»n<li(l work
i jjjS «>ouditoil.
(' onie and sot* our Stock 1)6
tore t>u> mg.
AVo soli for o:t>Ii ami soil for loss
- . --------
l';jy Your Subscription Now
g/W IS DC. i
The man AY Del rii!t-s {he 1 ’ - ' llOI*Sfi
. like!.) to gvl tlirmvn.
Every player in the aum** of life
1 -.((is a winning timi‘! at some st; ae.
A regret for 1 i * mistakes "f y«-*ier
.v imi-t rmi t*!’ i<l to the tasks of
. nay.
Authority van be conferred upon
on, bul not wisdom. It bus to lie
. : ned
\'o man ran t -i! wlutr :•»« future
: j brini; forth. .tuff small appoint
' :es are often ti > beginning of great
• uerprisos.
Many men sv*-i; fm-ium* in nokr to
indet' : they si;, std raibei
.-k cbaracter, ; e only tree - •are*
; indepemleacc.
\f ? 0 ? ^ 2 £ ^ 2
% % Announcing n |
fh We desire to announce to our friends and cus-
7 } tomeis that Mr. Hoyt Crane, of Cleveland, is now (\\
<// connected with us as Salesman and is authorized %
make sales of Ford's %
% We have a full line of dependable Used Cars. C{
See him if interested % )AS
% % McConnell ' auto sales co. |
t /Y7 Gainesville, Ga. (y I
'Wm m> :: ♦ -a?
) Let Crane Da It!
You .should have your ear 40ne over and (he ^ i i
necessary adjustmensl made during the winter |
months. j
AS 0 hit ve a good line of I ires, l ubes mid Ae- j
I cessories. |
Don’t forget our Wrecker Service when you ;
are in trouble.
All work guaranU eod. | ,
The new Ford i
is an ■
eeoiioniFcal car ,
to own a iil drive
Loir first cost, totr rost of opvr
ttiion ami up-Lvrp. and loir poorly i
drpi'rriation moan a distinrt ttariny
to every purchaser
THE NEW Ford is a splendid car to own and drive
because of its attractive lines and colors, safety, com¬
fort, speed, reliability and Ioujj life. ;
There are, in addition, three other features of ;
importance to every far-seeing automobile owner . . . |
low first cost, low cost of operation and up-keep, anti
low yearly depreciation.
During the life of the car, the day-by-day economy
of owning a lord will amount to considerably more
than the saving on the first cost. You save when you :
buy the Ford anti you save every mile you drive. ;
The reasons for this economy are simplicity of
design, high quality of materials and care in manu¬
facturing and assembling. Many vital parts are made
to limits of one one-thousandth of an inch. Some to
three ten-thousandths of an inch. Throughout, the
new Ford is an outstanding example of line crafts¬
manship in automobile engineering.
The more you see of the new Ford—the more you
talk to Ford owners and experienced mechanics—the
more certain you become of this fact. ... It brings
you everything you want or need iu a motor car at an
unusually low- price.
The N’nr Ford
Tudor Sedan
$430 to f$630
t. O. B. U+troit, piut freight and delivery. Bumper* end tpmre tire umi
tn tmall eon. Fob con purchase a Ford on economical term* through
«ko Authorized Ford Finance Plan* of the Umivertal Credit Company,
Legal ^dvertisementa
Lr^orgia. Wliite County :
Beeausc of ‘lelault in tb<i payment of a
lot?n aecnretl by a deed to seeme debt
executed by C. A. Alien t<> the q rider
dinned, The Federal Fund Hatijw of
Columbia*, dated the 13th day of Jon*.*.
*925, and,recorded in the oltice of U*e
Clerk of Superiitr Court of WhiteCounty.
Georg’ia, in Book "i." pag’ea 2 h 7 *2^8..f he
’ undersigned has declared the full
amount of the loan, with interest, and
advances made by the undersigned, due
and payable, arid will, <*a the Hrd day of
March lt»3r, acting- under the power of
I sale contained in sahl deed, during- tli«
legal hour!- of sale at tlie Court Houser
u said County, sell at aution to the
highest bidder the. lands ilescril>sd in
said deed to-wit:
One Hundred and thirty (I.10) acres of
land otf the North end ot lot of land No.
Eleven (H) in the second (‘>) Land Dis
trift «>i W hiie. County. Ga., and known
a part of the Jesse Hunt old home
place and fully described as ftdlows:
Beginning- at the uortliwest original cor
uer of said J<*t No, 41 and running east
the original north line of said lot 200
rods to the original northeast corner of
said lot. ^hence south the original east
line of said lot 1 o4 rods to a stake corner,
thence ?t conditional tine 2 (H) rods to
a stake corner on the original west, line
of said lot, thence north the west origi¬
nal line 104 rods to the starting point
and bounded by tin* following lands, to*
AY it: On the North by the lands of’ C.A.
Allen, ft>rtner!> known qis the Henley
lands, on the Hast h\ the lands of Jesse
Hunt, jr., on the South by the lands of
Fred BeH, and on the Weal by the. lauds
if W. H. Bell, formerly known ms tlte
W. Reaves lauds. The one hundred
irifl thirty-five acres being platted and
die plat attached to abstract, page “twcG
Tile grantor in said l>e*Vl to Secure
debt, since the execution thereof, having
died, the above described property Jk ad
v cTtisml and wit! be offered for salt* and
-<dd the property of the Lus-late of ('.
A Allen, deteasinl.
The undersigned will execute a deed
to the pin t haser as amhorized hy the
deed nfoi-csaid.
fins jOth day of Junuarv, T.kH .
■ he Federal Land Bank of IJoluuitdH..
Id wards,
Vtioi ney for The Federal Land ,sf
1 Ndntnbia.
Georgia. White. County.
Will be sold at tiie court house door iu
sai«d county on the first Tuesday in March
ddt, within flic legal hours of sale let the
oghe«t bidder 1 or cash tI k* following de
-eri 1 »t*d land to wit: Three fifWths un
LAided interests and to the following
Cart ot lot of land No. (if>, lying on the
■asr side of Town ( reek, except thai
M-it <*f said Jot on the cast side of s#.kt
Tow n Creek, known as the dower of Jane
i ,<, vcr. abo excepting 1 acre on the
ole ud said «:reek and adjoining the udH
f J. J. Logan heretofore sold otf to J. J
dogjin. A)»o part of lot No. 56 lying on
‘be. cast side o‘ 1 own Creek. Co tame tie
mg at the east uoriM i- of lots \.is. lid and
"5. running south with the due ofhH No
‘I *» to a conditional line running west
w'nrtDy ill rough said lot along the road
I oid While and Union Turnpike (,'o^
known as the fusnalee Gap Turnpike*
lo»ad where, said road crosses T*»wn
reek, tlu nee up Said-creek in a worthe. u
' b ?>v ! ion ?o the line of jot No. Go,
east u itii said line t«i the beginning e*T
ncr. Also cast half of lot No, SO eon
taming 1 - » acies. more o ] es. Said lot
divided b; a c.ondittonal line as agreed
op* n by and between Gavis JAIIGor and
i'». J. Be ieh. wdiiidi conditional line be¬
gins on an agreed corner on the south
original line *d Paid lot No. su running
in a northern direction until U strikes the
ivo th original line of sahf lot. Said con
dificna} line running on the. went side or
Flag Fond Branch. Ail the above du~
- rihed land lying and being in the 4 th
and «ij.strict • f 'A hilt; County, Georgia,
'tnd known hs the. Lewis Ali'ison place
m. di) all imprt>\cmenljs thereon. Suit!
interest.'* th said |!:md levied on as tl»e
prop, rty of the defendants as followF:
)-».» un«Uvided iniereet as the properly
»? 1’. -VJ Aiii>on. Lla undivided interest
- the pi ope fly of (i j; Allison and J 1 A
on <iveied interest as the./pi-opertv of ,\
v . Allison to Satisfy three j. P. (N.urt
cxeciu j. h»s. *>mp issued from the J. P.
(V;H of -he NOisf ibstrief. G. M..against
A,. C. Allifon an I one issued fmin the .).
P. Court of the- Idd’.Uh l>istrict. G. M.,
agwinst F. \r. Allison in favor of Whip
D ire A Hua i. All levied by L. P.Faiilk
i: " r * F f *• Kf} d tuoned over fo the undej
-sberdf for -ale a > the Jaw directs,
ibis the 2nd daf of hehruary If
^ • A,. Jackson, Sheriff.
W. IN. TllliiNER’S
30 Da\ Sale.
-\ go-.’d as.ortineni of general
incite, corfM-.,- of eiotl. ot
ffereiu kind-.. Remnant rnlu.
and B aC-Miis. Men’ *s and
B overalls Men', and .ridie.
derware. L.dies jqd Mi««* hat,
md a,s, rtir.ei.l ot hu, ; ery. son e
and many other U,:nys to
nierous to mem ion. AM reduc
u juice ft; in 10 to *5 per cent.
Oid S; e Jv d, and pet pr’ce,