Newspaper Page Text
V YL. XXX 1 I 1 . No. IV)
Just from the Mountains.
this month has j
The weather for
been fine but March no doubt will
be cold a' d squa 1 iv.
Mr. and Mr-. John O'Kelley.
Mr. Bur'ou lohnson, Mr, Louis
Thom a- and three of Mr. Frank
White's youngest girl- were in this
part Sunday
The Federal government intend
to make improvements on the road,
leading from the Blake property by
Loudsville catnpgroun DnkesCreek
Robeitstown and Hickory Xut
Sahool this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Oiiie Burner and
Mrs. Linton Adams spent Sunday
■ over in 1 label sham.
Several of our pd pie attended
1 In- funeral of M rs. L D, Thurmond
art Tuesday,
Miss Uave.d Menders and sister
•were out tins way recently.
Mrs. Cora Thurmond departed
-.this life last Sunday night and was
•brought hack here tor burial She
\\ as t he daughter ot M and Mrs.
Warren Howard. Site had lived
IIiere ail of her Hie until i fe w
months ugo.| She joined the.Metho
rlisi church early in life and lived a
consistent member. Sue leaves be¬
hind a husband, several children
and man) relatives to nmurii her
s id departure. 1 here is hope that
her lit He children wit ®:aine t ullgll 1 I
a right and try to follow the
fonts' eps of their dear in ted I
mot lier.
.Some of utir people in i e pin in ted J
1 heir gardens. from i
The t\ ild evergreens our
hills ties are going away very fas?
these times.
Notice ^ i o Creditors Ol
\Y lute L Util y If ink Cievela nd,(> i
In accordance witn provisions ot
Sect ions i ^ and : I of Article 7 oi
the Hanking Act <pproved Augttrt
j6, lytq. vial are notified to pie
»enl your claim, properly atti ■s te d.
on or before ninet)' days from this
date. Also depositors arc hi terebs
notified to bring their p books
to be balanced and comparer b
the hooks of the bank, ft trig same
with M r (f. C. Adams,
tug Agent- Tills t lie J 2th das oi
February , toft.
a. b m< • v,
lerii.tendent ot Banks
Blue Ridgo Dot
M Howard Lain e returner!
born Saturday from (faittesv ilie,
xv 11 e 1 he under .vent a 11 operation
for a ipemiicitis and i- doing line.
Mrs. Louis Luusiorri leils 1 s that
one of her tiephesvs. Lari \\ i kins.
w o k 1 le 1 by being run over by an
tut- mobile whit i.e was engager!
nt ms work on a bridge in Term
Hi w ife liivm id 1 un to
t lie g 1 aVt S i X ii re 1
yive h : m.
Mr. uni Mrs. 1 timer at
tended the funer Mr. Robert
Sutton ot To vt) church last
Ad vi rti-ing
eat 1:
Trv is
Subscribe lor The Courier
is by train. The safest. Most®com
portable. Most reliable. Costs less,
Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding
greatly reduced fares for short®trips.
9nbserilw> For »'iv j Courier j
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Mr. Dewey Stovall, of W aynes
X. C., spent the weekend at
Mrs. II. A. Tatum is visiting
\|r. and Mrs. j. IJ. Tatum at
Mrs. A. T. Whitworth lias re¬
home alter a few* weeks
visit m Cornelia.
Mr. and Mrs. [. H. Stovall and
Farrell >|>ent Saturday in Gaines¬
Mr Homer Tatum has returned
home after a fe ■' days visit with
relatives in Cornelia.
Mi-. Film Tomlin and Miss lava
Bowen, of New Bridge, visited
Mi-s Pauline McConnell Sunday.
Misses Mary and Louise Free¬
man spent Sunday wite Misses ()l t
Mae and Georgia McCoMum.
Mrs. W. M. Barker and, Elbert,
, I Clarkesvill. visited relatives here
t\l otiiLiy,
Rev. Horner Thomtts will fill his
regular appointment at Blue Creek
ext Saturday and Sunday Every
oody conic and be on time.
Leaf Leaflets
.\irs. Xora May Bentley, wife ol
Mr. Alton Bentley, departed this
rile Feb iSth and was laid to rest
in Tes*iatee cemetery Ft*b. tq i' 1
he presence of a large number ol
friends and relatives. Rev. J. G.
Young conducted the services. She
gave birth to .1 beautiful daughter
ibout three hours belqre she died,
which was born dead Tin* i iifunt
was hurried with her. Sbe w a -
thirty-eight years r» old. SIh*
> as t he daughter ot the late Mr
Will Nix. She had been mnrried
w ice. Her first husband Was Mr.
Turner. I'o this union one
J M. Turner was Inon. Al
,■! her first husband died she lived
with her husband's lather and
nurscil him in his sickness. She
Mr Alton Bentley about
years ago, and they lived
ippily together until her death.
Xuru May w as tt kind and atfec
wije doing -all in his power
1 have 1 happy ami pleasant home
was a good neighbor, always
to help lose that were sick or
, di-tje-s She lived a Christian
and was ready to go when the
iminutis came. She leaves a hus
utie son, two brothers and a
of relatives and friends to
» her departure. The bercav
d ii ive our sincere sympathy.
Me-srs V. S. Xicholsou, 1 ). FI
Bent 1 y and T. W. Watkins ran
some boys down on the river
Monday making a still. 1 hey
,v, re successful in making their es¬
cape, but they left the cojrper and
Mr. H. W. Robinson and family
Atlanta, were visiting his broth
, amt family. Mr. W. B. Robin
■ m, Sunday.
Pa v Your Subscription N<>"
•nty-nvf miles of spider Hiryad
WTigil Duly eight oUfieeS.
!i( . person In every two hundred in
United States is said to be deaf.
San Marino, the world’s smallest re
public. lias the second largest national
anther a iu the worlrl.
tt tuU ir, day- Tor the average l.u
t in to roGovor from the loss of
kvo copsechtive Lights’ steep.
A n nvestigathm of the activities of
1 J (4 M j part-time continuation school
girls between tiie ages of fourteen and
seventeen in New York state discloses |
that 23 per cent, or nearly one-fourth,
spend i evenings a weef: at home j
and l- per cent spend all tlicir eve
nings there.
This is 1931. A hundred
ago it was s8.H- What a
Fanning today is quite
Machinery is employed by
turist, Cyrus Hall McCormick,
Virginia, made a great
when he perfected the
men invented machinery to be
upon the farm, and now it is
age of farming with power and
so much by hand A
hange in a hundred years.
old wooden plow stock is no
computed with the iron or
foot, and so those who use
farm machinery smile at us
use the circle feet.
tion has changed since a
years ago. They rode hursdbtick,
then had a sled, next the ox cart,
then a covered wagon drawn by
oxen, a stage coach, rough built
ship, a last train, now an automo¬
bile and an airplane. Cooking
made a change or rather the people
that cook and prepare tilings to eat
do. That art is different to a Inin
ered years ago. Domestic Science
or Home Economics, call it what
you may, whether it is baking
light pone or jnt, all has changed,
The stoye has the house-wife
from bending over the lire place,
and the in my up to date bakeries
show how cooking is done today
file style of clot lies or lasbiott has
changed many times in the last one
hundred years. A lady vv. s
shopping at a store and was irytdg
to purchase 1 dress a' a ju ice si e
thought lar above ns value. The
seller thought he could not reduce
the price per yard, but if the lady
would lake a quantity sufficient lor
1 pair of fashionable sieves lie
would throw enough ill lor the
skirl. This.was a hundred years
I go. Short skirts have been worn
II other times, pel trips not so ab¬
breviated in. those we favored jus!
lately, but they do hark back to the
d iys of long ago. A study of tiie
h story ol fashion fur a hundred
years would silence so much friti
ci-tn. One hundred yeans ago
Booth and Bate- were well under
way with Shorthorn cattle, and
since then the dairy business has
grown and many a man has marie
himself rich. Poultry a hundred
years ago was Called childrens play
until the old lien (lew on the little
girl arid flogged tier, now it is
c irried on by means hf large hatch¬
eries where incubators are. used.
Xo such a tiling a- baby cloaks be¬
ing sold and shipped bv mail u
Hundred years ago. It is interest¬
ing to take a retrospective view
mil tijitke comparisons during the
last one hundred years. Many
older people live in the past, but
would it not he better t live
hundred years ahead.
h on can get your nits cleaned
•aid pressed and niak to h>ok like
new for 75 cents.
Shoes half soled for 50 and 75
Best place in North Georgia.
Satisfaciion guaranteed.
Scoggins Dry Cleaning Plant
Gainesville, (Ft.
Holcomb Bros. Hdwe. Go.
Now is a good time to put a
uesv coal of paint on yonr
dwelling. M O IlHVe juHt wltat
you want,
We htive a good line of
aluminum and enamel ware;
holla, nails and washers. See
our dishes before buying
Come and see our stock be
!oi*P but itl^.
We sell lor cash and soli for loss
Rtx Trotter Gives Himself Up To
Sheriff, Tuesday
Rex Trotter, accused slayer of
Luther Kinney, who had not been
apprehended since the shooting «f
fray, Feb, 17, was reported to have
surrendered to Sheriff C. P. MY
banks on Tuesday night., and t,
have been taken to Atlanta by tin
sheriff and his dept 11 y, Mr. Popi
Hill, and imprisoned in the Fulton
county tower, awaiting trial.
The deplorable tragedy which
was said to be result <ri ill feeling
between the two men, and was o!
long standing, occurred in front of
Jairaid’s filling station in Clarkes
vide on Saturday night, Feb. 7,
where Trotter had driven up tt
supply his car with gas.
Trotter’s car was found inW'hitt
county the day after the shooting,
bill no information was ascertained
as to his whereabouts until Ins sur
rentier to the officer Tuesday.-
Tri-Covnty* Advertiser.
$50,000.00 Cigarette
Contest Under Way
A. contest, offering $60,000.00 in
prises fias been tuiuminceti by K. J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company, makers
Of Came}, Cigarettes, with special
announcements In practically every
Newspaper in the United Strifes.
Right days are allowed for shb
jnfcftion of essays, the contest clqs
pig at oriditigUt cm March
Prison will he awarded for the
beet answer# to the question: What
tyisjnifietuU change has vwmly been
made lit the wrapping of the Camel
package, containing twenty cigar.*
ettoB, and vvliat are Its advantages
to the smoker? Answers are limit
eel to two hundred words In length,
must bo written on one side of the
paper only and are to he mailed tt)
jhe contest editor, I(, J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem.
North Car olina ,
First prize Is $ 25 , 01 . 10 . 00 , with Bey¬
ond and third prizes of $.10,000.00
pml JujOftO.Oft. Numerous smaller
prizes will also In 1 awfirih d. Judges
of the coolest are Ray Long, Presi¬
dent of the International Magazine
Company and Editor of Cosmopoli¬
tan Magazine: Hoy Howard, Chair¬
man of the Board of the Sr-iipps
Hownril Newspapers, and Charles
Dana Gibson, internationally known
artist anil Publisher of Siify Maga¬
The contest is part of what ad¬
vertising exports declare is one ot
the most Intensive advertising cam¬
paigns ever staged. Practical!y ev¬
ery Daily and County Seat Weekly
Newspaper in the country will be
lined as well as College Periodicals
and Financial Newspapers. Tiffs
campaign is to ho followed by an
aggressive advertising drive through
Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and
outdoor display.
Tobacco Growers Meet Here
Saturday, Feb, 28,
A meeting of the tobacco grow- !
ers of S\ liite county and those in- 5
(i rested in its production here will j
be held in the court house Saturday |
Feq 2 N, at 3 :y> P. M.
lion. Herman P DeLsIYrriere, ;
of Hoschton, (id , succe-slul far¬
mer arid businessman and legisla¬
tor, will address the grower-. Mr,
DcLuPerriere has been very suc¬
cessful in growing tobacco on ln
farm at Hoschton tor commercial
purpose and he i» coiisidered to be
an authority on growing tobacco
for the market at a profit ip tin-
Mr. Linder, ot the state depart- j
ment of agriculture, an expert on I
tobacco growing, will also be j
[jresent and address the meeting.
Mr. L. ( . ’rice, who resides!
near Zion church, informs The j
Courier that his experience with
tobacco grow ing on his farm is
that it can be grown just as easily
and cured just as well as m hi- j
native state. Kentucky, and that he
j will be glad to assisi anyone in
[growing tobacco for the market.
It is hoped that a large number
o! farmers will attend this meeting
fP’ni.R >1 50 A Y F, 11 IN ADVANCE
l ltc iulurrr operntiiHi o: t . 1 oi t.Lin.mis 011 the cooperation
ot citizens in communities it sciv.
litis railroad is essential to 1 la 1 id-trial development of your
comminuni; v.
It i.- also essential to sectm an { re, liu the lowest possible trans¬
port! lion rates when- nil t'omniodii I . are i;*>n-idered.
Some citi/.eiiR 1 ivur highway 1 r e. ks tor hnuiing the high revenue
producing commodities and rely eat tui'road to haul their low
revenue producing commodities.
If highway trucks continue u. Mat cream off the tratfi: avail
to this railroad we do not baii > it wtii ha possible to continue to
much longer.
\Y it bout rail 1 end facijit ie- 1 a ■ uvrage cost of hundiing alt com
modi lies will maleriolly itie tea o
Citizens must either bear tins uu-rcascd cost or stop produettug
that are now Itauiod the railroad on low freight rates.
litis raib'oad spends otro ;: ::- r . n '-.ago- and supplies in you
and pay a substantia i *jr : * of your taxes.
\Y e urge all citizens to hcl;i • .1 lit:- railroad by giving us all
their business.
<». Austin : d al im Smith, Receiver*.
f © it
Hip I Sitl'l is ||jj| 1
ii*? i.. -i# ,,,,,,
I I I'illlllH :::X':*vgllS |l
I iiM liifc
t mm
Every new F#r#I in equipped with
four MoitduiHt' do ns hie-u e tiny
hrjdveemUe .vis ek nhsovherH
ONE of the fine ibiorr nL.r i X ing the new Ford is the
way it takes you over - without strain or fatigue.
No matter how long the n you know it will bring yon
eafely, quickly, comfort ’ to the journey’s end.
The seats are generousH ■B< deeply cushioned and
carefully designed to confo: to i < o curves of the body,
Every new Ford lias • j eiat dr* Lined springs and four
Iloudailie doubh’-arlii g L ..Y:tulle shock absorbers.
These work both way*; — v; nd down. They absorb the
force of road shocks and :> provide a cushion against
the rebound of the springs.
Other features that nrf. the new Ford a value far
above the price are the 7 J ' x pLalter-proof glass wind¬
shield, siletst, fully eneL four-wheel brakes, more
than twenty ball and rol Bearings, extensive use of
fine steel forgings, aim,do: i p ions, chrome silicon
alloy valves, torque-li it - !*..*, Rustless Steel and
unusual accuracy In inanuf ring.
In addition, you save j . dollars because of the
low* first cost of the new For low cost of operation and
up-keep, and low yearly tlei elation.
..C.;... . ..M
*435 to «*€!€»#
F.O.B. Detroit, plus freight ant! tlrli ••*•**. Dumpers and spare tire extra
at small cost. You can purchase a l ord on economical terms through
the Authorized Ford Finance Flans cf the Universal Credit Company .