Newspaper Page Text
Outstanding among the unfounded
'popular beliefs noted In today's news
are the following:
That youth is wiser than age.
That age is wiser than youth.
That a dog is sometimes named Old
I Jog Tray.
That men sometimes propose on
their knees.
That no one ever gets a seat in a
street car.
That a crook makes money without
hard work.
That horses are, or used to be.
called Old Dobbin.
Ttiat life in the country Is easier
than life in llie city.
Thai life in the city is easier than
than life iu tha country.
That anyone can tell positively
whether a belief is or is uot a de¬
That aging, decrepit and idle peo¬
ple at winter resorts are having a
good time.
Nearly T.(XK) varieties of pears are
grown in the United States.
For tiie first time in the University
of Tulsa’s history no Indians are en
Figures at (lie University of Texas
show the average age of freshmen Is
lower each year.
Hampton Itoads, Virginia's sea gate
way, Inis seen iis imports increase four
times and its exports seven times in
15 years.
Ten thousand school children from
as far south as Atlanta and as far
west as Chicago, are to make a tour
■of historic Virginia.
The population of Bamberg, Ger¬
many, tiie town with as many brew
■cries as churches, increased by 305
■during 1929, or at. the rate of one new
inhabitant a day.
It is not often that you hear of
grandchildren older than children, but
.Mrs. U. A. Betts, Sioux City, Iowa,
became a grandmother at thirty-one
and mother, for the fourth time, at
thi rty-two.
F.avli gallon of sen water contains
0,25-17 pounds of sail.
Auiher is not a stone, if is the
petrified resin from certain trees.
The average m mean area of the
48 states in Hie Union is 8,057 square
It would take -18 states the slsse
of Rhode Island to make one slate
as large as Texas.
The hot turn of Lake Superior, which
is 1,180 feet below the surface, Is 573
feel below sea level.
in 25 years—from lbOO to 1925—the
reindeer population of Alaska, in
creased from 3,(too to -toO.OoO.
Tiie lowest natural temperature re
■corded on the surface of the earth
was at Verhoyarfcdil, Siberia, 99 de¬
grees below zero.
If all tiie outlying possession* of
the United States, exclusive of Alaska,
•could lie combined into a single area.
:it would be less than that of tiie state
•of Montana.
“Daddy, I know how to do every
thing,” said the little hoy of five.
“What I don’t know isn’t worth
knowing,” said tiie young man of
“Well, anyway, I do know my own
trade from A to 7,,” said the man of
“There are very few matters, I am
sorry to say, that I am really quite
sure about,” said tiie man of fifty.
“I have learned a bit, but not much,
Since 1 was born; but knowledge is
so vast that one cannot become wise
in a short lifetime,” said tiie man of j
sixty five.—Border Cities Star.
The Pedestrian's Song—“Miss Me?”
The Aviator's Song—“Love Is in tiie
The Bacon Song—“Liver Come Back
to Mel”
The Goat Song—“Buttin’ Up Your
Tiie Stockholder’s Song—“When My
Dreams Come True.”
The Artist’s Song—‘T’m Painting
the Ciouds With Sunihin*.”
‘\ _ 71‘ .2, a a “‘7‘ ,v :9
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ylj, 77" HE story of the Grat Zcp
pciin's world tour is now his¬
tory, and history also to its
: passengers is the food provided
by Heinrich Ztibic, chief steward
-on tiie huge craft. They undoubt
•edly cherish memories of tiie night,
hut don't you think that some of
them have also just a reminiscent
tickle of the palate when they think
.of tiie things that Ztibic got from
Louis Sherry when the big airship
left New York, and which he
.served to them tar up in tiie air.
An Astonishing Menu
'These foods included, among
other tilings, three hundred one
gallon .cans of soups, relishes,
.meats, hsli, vegetables, breach
| dres-ing, Potato mayonnaise, chips,'caviar, catsup peel¬ and
i sauces.
' j The CAMELS |
i eominq,
J are
j cW
j I
T h i s i s t ft e
; Cam*’l package in
j tv h i c ft a s i g n i f i r a n t
; change has recen tly been made
. for the best answers to this question:
: Whqf significant c hange has recently been made in
; the wrapp i ng of the Cam ii package eon gaining 20 cigarettes and
what its advantages are to the smoker?
Wirst l»riz<‘. $25,000
S<‘('OH«l Pr'zu, ^10.000 Tliirfl IVixe, 8.1,000
For t 1b«* five m»x( Im\s< answers. 81*000 rarli
Far i 1st* five nrxf ficst answers * ^500 «‘arh
Farliir2‘» first answers • pOOradi
It edit esdit g Nigh t Conditions Governing Contest: *§ mf yes:
Tuna in the Camel Hour 1 Answers limited 200 words. •
.V. It.I'. Network to
on 51 Write side of the only. Charles Dana Gibson
on erne paper Famous Illustrator anti
9.30 to 10.30 .... Eastern Time of
8.30 to 9.30 . . . C< ntrai T inie No entries accepted that bear a postmark later Publisher “Life ,>
7.30 to 8.30 . . . Mountain Time than midnight, March 4, 1931.
6.30 to 7.30 Faci/ic Time •
Over Stations 4 Contest open to everybody except employes and Roy w. Howard
WJZ. WBZA. WIIZ. W HAM. KDK A.W.fl!, executives of K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Chairman of the Board,
WO A It. K Y W. W 1 .W. W H Y A - V, S . 1 S, K W K, their families. Scripps Howard Newspapers
Y. SAX. W 1 LA, WIOJ). WRf .V
11.15 to 12.15 11.15 . . . Central I!.‘■item Time Time 5 In case of tics, the full amount of award will he •
10.15 to . . . paid to each of the tying parties. Ray Long
9.15 to 10.15 . . Mountain l ime
8.15 to 9.15 . Pacific Time IS It is not necessary to buy a package of Camel ciga¬ President, International
Chef a limits rettes in order to compete. Any store that sells Magazine Company,
W HAS. WSM. W.SI 5 MC, W * ?* 1 WJDX, ? and Edi tor of^Cosmopolitatd*
W SMB. K i lls, WVVJJ, . KSTI\ . NVKRC, j cigarettes will permit you to examine the Camel
VKY. WBAP. KPRC. KOA, KS.C. j package containing 20 cigarettes. m
j KTAR. KGO, K KCA. K 1 Sf>. i*. G\\ . KO/VIO, And Staff
KHQ, KFAB. AH 4-vitistinni eiiitins must be nddressed to t'ojilost Editor—
Contest’ ©pen only until MIDNIGHT# MARCH 4 , 1931
(Viflnners will be announced as soon os possible after contest doses) -<L-.***..*■»►•
— •
ed asparagus, sour gherkins, and
special table water were also among
the provisions put on board.
Tiie fresh fruits included grape¬
fruit and oranges and the fresh
meats served were sirloin steaks,
.lamb, tongue, and Virginia and
domestic hams. Bread and cake in
large cartons, as well as tasty tarts
were taken along on the airship.
Even Ice Included
To keep all the foodstuffs fresh,
and iu order to be able to serve
cold what should be served cold
in this celestial menu, dry ice was
included with the food cargo. Hy¬
ing may in time become common¬
place, but there was nothing com¬
monplace about tiie canned and
fresh foods provided for ibis great
initial dying adventure.*
! X” 1 I s 3
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$16}! \‘”fi\ “‘ 2
<f@s2 q», «fling»; “17:: _«:3; 2;; :2:
— P—Ke‘f-zu‘x‘ ,3"
yd 8,1 l valiant RING efforts the late \Y,o'!<l made War to
U_ change the name of sy\, ,-! ran;
!o Liberty Cabbage in order to hide
its reputed origin. Now word .-Mines
Srom the United Slate- ! V'gvtto m
of .Agriculture which indicates, dm
all this fuss over an "enemy aii.-n"
was without cause. Sana kraut, it
Sec-ms. is an Asiasne. Gi-rneiRv
loarned to make it from the ( )j b ut
just as did other inhabitants of Ai:•!
die Europe, and it was only chance
that they were the ones to introduce
it into this country.
1 An Asian in America
But whatever ils origin, sruioi
kraut is a licallhful, dc ioious d ,>d.
Within the last few years it has
been put up in vast quantities in
■unitary factories in cans of a b ’Pi
sir. Hove are seme l .muting ways
to u w- Pus excellent U-si.
I'in Fed V'eamfo NoW: Peel six
sU u tomatoes, cut eg .tom end. rr
nio .: core and seed.-;. Combine six
ta : •spoons olive u, two luTU:
S|'t . ns ieuitoii jnioc. one idlce.s f U )1!
SU: ”, to'V-Ggr;'! U' a. spoon ; : ai! and
or, ntirt Ii 1c;On)Onn parnlca \vi in a
rot ; ‘.V e" ; Add four enps
of ■slined, rauierkraui to tiie f-i'; 1 ' ing
an-' ;';ii ihe ion ci(f c - with l ! :c i mix*
tur. P'ace t’■-•.* u'.dn ■ iu - on loll nee
lea :*s ami serve. >
■Vn Ufi Sitin'r!’rnii! : Vb.-v ..hornntt
lay •'u of canned sanorkrant and
IV 0 ! ea ■ - ’n( d. diceJ insh nork in a
1 ■}. :. * nu o : d:. 1 ;■ vc ;ho lop lavei (Yf
r< i - n A< : d >••.''• '.a L \vRtOr t.( ' hako
i nr •'»ne i-'mr in a ■Tlf’dr-rntc* < t\-rn.
Sc* - rn'pnjy it ,f " a •'!>’ slu'd v. ill:
Alice Wade
rjTOLD -* out that for the Shibe second Park World was sold Se¬
ries Game, this fair Philadelphia
Ian accepted tiie rote of America**
only "Sandwieh Girl” to gain ad¬
mission to tiie Park and see tiie
second battle between the Athletics
and tiie Cardinals.