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B'n .u nit »t I be »*c« a*
r,«.. as second class mail ma -*->
Nuith DHtfici Pr**-; A-e-tciaion
‘ 1 Georgia Pre*»
14 National Editorial
Pre«i Congress Of The World £
/uAseriptUm, * 1.50 per V«‘r
in advance
.•I.,.. 'The Georgia legislature is still ii
'evtra-ordinary session, and it ha
c i fl 4 o,Ot) 0 . Gee', but wouldn’t
. ,•
Unit go some on paying oft thc i
4 'tfcfjc.ilr Maybe they can get
> gather in a few more weeks, pro
■ viddd the money in the 1 rea.ury
holds out.
J’resident Hoover returned tin
. World war veterans increase loin
Tiff , to Congress Thursday A'd after
•noon with his veto declaring
his reasons therefor
It is claimed that both the SeunU !
and* House are prepared to pass ii ;
hv a two-thirds vale, thus making |
il a law. i
estimate the large |
\'o one could j
amount Northwestern of money the Railroad Gainesville j
brought here, into in White county If it since is dis it J
come 1912.
lu.Hilled it will also be impossible
to estimate what our loss will be.
Isn't that sufficient reason foi
eury business house in White
county to give them .11 of their
business ?
Big business will soon begin to
let their casii loose. Chat will
UK’ in that White county lias an ex¬
cel! lit chance to secure an industry
ol suite kind with a good pay roll.
V\ out that make the businesses of
White county betterf But if the
railroad is not here can we get in
dust ry f
Can you expect your ^business to
get better it tue railroad is forced
to stop beceuso you do not give
them all of your freight r ;
The continuation of the railroad
rest safely on whether you gin
them all of your freight.
D asffi* Relief and Service to
War Veterans Make Heavy De
rvlands—First Aid on Highways
j Tiew Plan.
j ——
Demands upon (he piddle services
tlial Urn American Had Cross is or¬
ganized to give are Increasingly heavy.
*a'::i will continue to Ire so in Hie fu¬
ton 1 , John Carton Payne, chairman,
, 1 ms announced.
■J lie two major services of the so¬
ciety- service to war veterans and
their dependents, and relief in dtsas
ter* -show each year a greater num¬
ber of persons helped by the Red
< Cl’ I*.'!.
tension legislation passed recently
for World War Veterans, and increased
j niii-tinents War Veterans, to have nil Spanish-Ameriean given to Chapters
and the national society many thou
Bar -s of additional cas.-s to handle.
Jin! Pa.vue said.
i-i the past year help was given In
10: disasters. Ninety of these were in
the United States, twelve in foreign
pu: sessions and six were in foreign
Health activities of the Red Cross
t aD> are being extended, r?socially
in .tim rural' Communities whore all
* he::! t Ii authorities agree the greatest
i nee! exists. Red Cross, with 70-1
1 unices in its employ, is the greatest
end Vyer of public health nurses in
rural areas in tlie United States.
la its campaign against accidental
dealt is, begun twenty years ago with
Its life saving and first aid programs,
ditional the JRed Cross now has adopted au ad¬
program—that of combating
the lingo toll of life from automobile
aeeijients on the highways.
Expenditures of the Red Cross in the
p:Kf : year were $4,254,79(1.34, of which
$1,Mi:,151.09 was spent in disaster
tebsj. the chairman pointed out
“ fhe Red Cross depends upon the
public for its support, through their ,
nit life i«: erships enrolled once each year !
In period from Armistice Day to |
Th. ;» --.riving Bay.” Judge Payne said
• T: do not receive any support from
the iToveriitnenl. or through oilier tax
•ticui although as the President of the
Un "id States s president ot the so- .
cic and one-third of its governing
members are representatives of U. S
Dp; i.unouls. it ranks as a semi-gov :
urn fital agency.
“Hv joining as a member, in the
•loc: : Red Cross Chapter, once each
yea -. during the annua! Roll Cnli,
#vt ; citizen will have n turt in car¬
rying on this great humanitarian
The B tpl i‘t Missionary Society j
,viii meet at the home of Me. J.
II. Uoderwoml Tuesday- ufter
at ,i i
cordially invited to join tl«»<
'iciet y.
Mr. Cleo Nelms, ■student ot N.
G, A. C. Dahiouega, spent Friday
night and Saturday with his sisters
Mr- i'aul Muuney and Mrs. Jus.
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Carroll, of
Baldwin, spent Sunday will) Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Carroll.
Messrs Henry and RaymondBar
reit and Clifford Blalock, students
if X. G. A C., Dulilonega, spent
he weekend with parents.
(j„i, H. Edwards inform-The
Courier that he had been appointed
. jj^ Mobley as attorney lor
Whits County Bank.
Mr. and Mrs, 1 ’aulMauuey spent
;i,e weekend with patents, Mr. and
Mis. C II- Nelms, in Commerce.
Be sure and read the big Carnet
.Igarelte advertisement on page 3
of this issue. They are offering a
>50,000 reward for the best story.
Major John S. Cohen, president
^ ediu / r fjt llle Atlanta Journal,
Mr. ^^ j oh[) Paschall, managing
d it or of fhe Journal, and Mi.
Vlct()r Allen( ol : ]} liulot ford. stopped
;owu for a short time Tuesday
The slate lil-aliway board lias
>1 dcred a survey to be made over j
Uuicoi Gap.
Mr. F. G. Mauney tendered hi
.ii.dgnution as a member of the
county commissioners to Governni
lardman Feb. 20, wliicli was ac
epied. Ii will be the duty of liie
ir.iiul Jury to fiil llie vacancy tin
- Judge Sulton tills it, Tla
cople should begin now to select
man that will give justice to
very section of the county and
aot political interests.
The Post Office Department has
warded a contract lo Neel t*.1 j
!us Line to carry first cia-s mail
in Game viile to Murphy, N. C.
beginning March 2. This will give
a uiitionai service to Cleveland and
u 1 the other towns betweenGaines
iilc ai d Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs, ilttbert McDonald
i-l Atlanta, spent the weekend
irs, E. IL Craven.
L’lie big deriiek belonging to the
Kershaw ConsDuction Co,, who
le now preparing to bund the
• idge across Chattuliooclu-e liver, I
as damaged considerably by lire
1 ursday night of last week. Two
, oaths were seen to leave it aud
ot into an automobile, wind', they
i.'.cited later, and made their es* 1
:1 P •
Mr, Joe S. Nix and Miss Irene J
1 inner, daughter of Mr. |, M. j
I inner, weie married Dec. Istiiyyo 1
:n.. their marriage has 'been kept a
1 act until the last few dais,'
ledge A. 1 , Dorsey officiated.
.Messrs Joe Felford and Donald j
: -ey and Misses Myrtle I.eeTur- !
n r and Clara Caulreil, Students ol
.>- of Georgia, spent the!
w- -kend at home.
Mr. K. de I . Lawrence, commis¬
si-net ol per.sioi'.s, writes Judge:
1 : -ey that the $30 for each pen-. 1
- ii he w is enclosing check u is j
' 'he regular monthly payment
. a.- but was money accumu a ted. !
id e legishiture '» supposed to make '
i . ce.-.-ary appropn uious to pay j
'*'• -e old veterans monthly.
! lui/ci l I>at rel! shot his wile at
-■ distance luesdav afternoon!
y :! a shot gun* and several shot j
p etruted her back. She is mm 1
\:ne,scent. Hubert is in iad '
to Mr. and Mrs i
>m Arnold j
a girl. Thursday morning.
• ri that over ( -r ru-.d . ...i worn j
ry year.
is had luck to rock a chair you i
not occupying.
1 ::t ! vv:;I your net lav's on Sunday and the j
' v, :'! head tow wil Uie i !
: :ai •- - a ci hi.
Mm Was So Weak And
Toxic Couldn’t Walk
] never th IJ • " j - j ’> v medu ,n,
tin cart it COitiil du i■». r me wIk-.
Saryon did declared (), Jj
Adams, gjy Sylvan A ve., Atlanta
‘•My Iron bit suited three year
1^0 ivith Con -- 1 ipillion. 1 lien i. o
so that I could11 t e-it a meal with
<ut suffering from indigestion,
I’d have severe headaches and d z/\
lil tcks and became so weak aim
toxic 1 couldn't walk l .r -ever,
weeks. Bui, -hire taking -Sarpy.-!
I’m on the job ever) u iy lyeSino
belter ami -irnriaiu than m ye-irs !
The indigestion bi t one less and
less, and L haven't had a d-z/v at¬
tack or i e-td-.iche sii Cc 1 he tj-irgor;
Bills regulated my bowels and livcr
1 not only eat and sleep better, but
i.’ve actually gaim-d 13 pounds!
.1. IL IL HARRETT Aj*<*nt.
ft 'ii-fous Movement
The l-'elio-.,-Iii|i 1 1 ' I‘- si r is a ni-iv(i
merit under the nu.-niics of the com
mission on evangelisn) mnj life ser, lee
of the ■ Federal Council of ('hurch;-.
It works e-j.ei-lall.v for de.oiiiiiial o’.t
s-tTvanee of tin* jut Faster or i.cliien
Js* r
AT .JS j
if j
I j
// V
Grow 1
-■ii id si- Own ■ -
6 Si -tables
\LAD vegetables, lettuce,
radishes, beets, carrots, ;
•umbers, tomatoes and !
n onions are more crisp
full of flavor when freshly !
:ed. The same is true
cans, peas and sweet corn,
make the most of your :
hning effort, plant the 1
quality tested seed now f
table in the Northrup. j
g &■' Co. seed box at a
by dealer’s.
m" «flnr
f: - - -
Util sti::
pzcli :t§ A pacm
Lx:: % - 2 ... . y*' 4>€o!s
L ' £>'>l ' |k'
5 ■j
^ A-"-.
r \ d
A* cmxviiof? :is ;i Uurse who
L■•cii !:;;h!c love to by a delirious
t k v m.
As loyal *''* ttie movie star who
i ■ «>ift It*fl a bettor contract l>v
| rival producer. .......
Surprised the sardine
' vw,t sIh > 1 » in 'be deep and woke
delicatessen store.— Exchange.
Aria is under French mandate.
: Morocco is under French and Span
1 Wi protectorates.
Danekoh. eapital of Siam, is a
1 ciertn and modern <*y.
Names of some" Tries in .frum-Slu
via; tjj-lil, Nish, Novi Sad. LJubiliana,
. —
PrliUtnu, u iiliJe native >tatc Jtinon /2
Uu*. Uiiiialayas, .receives an nmiual
subsidy from Great Britain.
Aliiania has replneed irs iineient
Turko Artiliie civil code hy a new one
patterned after the latest Fienelt.
isvi-s and Indian codes.
uEaS-DE ROMANCE domimoc
Famous Biblical Well
■I;:- eh’s well Is supposed to he (till
In exlsiei -Il is I'J’i tidies east of
Nab!us. at the foot of Mount UerUiin.
!n DAS it was found to he iOr. feet
-!- <■),, hut it is now shallower mid is
often dry.
Turn* the Grindstone
There are a good many varieties of
(he new woman; lint It Is the old
man wlm pings along and knejis the
vorld moving and Hip flour barrel
HRimI.-- Exchange.
American Typewriter*
‘An unofficial u'loliHul estimate estimate U ho es fh<
MU,he. Of Aiuei h an-nmde typewriter
Li the l.'nltcd Statos gin! oilier c.our>
' l i' s at s\pi»rq\tmutely | % 000,0<Mt
Fast-Mov‘ng NfebuU
Tl.c fa: { jDovjiiU Tioily 5|i the hem
Hr. is a ftoh ’la, witb'h in nnldug away
frjMii our h<»J; ir sysioifl uf the rate of
! Julies a seciTfui
Forest Are*; Denuded> half of lire land area of th*
ni'ed r' Ties was originally la f«».
L About lusif of this virgin fores
* gore, -
Georgia, White County:
Bcoaus;-* of default iti the* payment of
*'*' ' ^ to secure
j Hxc, ' ul y l C. A. \ll.-n , to the under
surncii. The hVWal baud I {.ink
\ Columbia, dated tin* 13th day of
j j BT 25 , and recorded in ilte office of
Clerk <>f Superior Court of
Georgia. in Kook “Iff" [urgestii
j undersigned has declared the f u |j
! amount of the Joan, with interest, are:
Mid varices made try the undersigned, die
j and payable, and will, on the 3 rd ;lay o
j March lh.'Si. acting under the power ot
j sale contained in said deed, during the
| legal limns of sale at the itmirt House
j it said County, Idihh-,- the sell lands at aution to th<
d^rihs-i in
j said deed :
1 ’J" na-:. „t
: . ,tt N,lUi ,,]
! ® n< ' t,,e e ’ Iot huul x "
j Eleven (1 1) in the second (*>j Land i> -
, trict ot Whii<* i-ounty, G&atul ks; >\vt,
| a purt «»f the Jespje- Hunt- oitl horn**
au<1 fully ilesctilwl as follows:
. Beginning at the uorthw-st original
| ner or said i')t No. 41 ami running eav.
I the ..rigitml rmetir line <,f s ;l j,| I,a
j sa-i<l rial* lot, t*. the thenoe original northeast erne,
south t.h« orj^iuai cas:
^ | Hnc <»t Haul lot lo4 rods to stak*
a ut*rrit*r.
j j Uu-iire west n .uolitii.riai lim- 2fid t,
a stake corner tH» the original west lire
j of said lot. thence nor! h the w,at „rigi
| n«l line 104 rods to the starting poiio
arid homffled by the following lauds, to
wit: Untile North by rhe lands of ( A
Alien, formerly known as the iieidex
-lands, on the Hast by the lands of less,
Hunt, Jr., on the South by the lauds w
HV ’" 1 iie11 ’ on ti,e W 'hy the hind
j ,f W ' [L 11 " li - r, "' nu ‘»' , > known a- the
W- A - Reaves lands. The. one hundred
l, "t thiny-tivv aert-s being platted and
I tk* I'int attached t.» abnirnci, page “two"
j The grantor in eahl Deed to Secure
; field, since the execution thereof, having
j died, the above ik.aeribcd property ... a -i
veri ieed and wiil be offered for -ah- ami
a- the property „f Up.«te if D.
Tliti unilet^i^neii will execute u deed
to the inu’chatuT ns by tin
deed at<ueyaid.
* 11 |N ^ “t..laMiuiry, IHJll
fin- rl, “ Federal 1 Laud 1 1 Bank l ‘ , “ of Coliind ;,. (
(L 11, Edwards, j
Attorney tor l'h Federal band Bank of j
Georg.a. While County,
Will he sold at the court house door h,
said county on the first fuesday in.lhiK h J
1U3 i, within the iegrd hours <>t >a!e to tin- J
highest bidder for cash the followingde- ;
staiheil land to wit: Three lifleeihs un- j
divided inteitste in and to the following
Part of lot of land No. d*», lying on the
oast aids of Town i reek, except that
pail of said lot on the east side of -aid j
Town Greek, known u> lie* dower of Jane i
Dover, Also excepting 1 acre tm the j
side of-said creek ami adjoining tp, mil! ;
it J. J. Logan heretofore .-add off lo J. j. j
dwMiaM Logan. side Also of part Town of lot Ci N ■- hh Is ing on j
- .k, c n.nicijr- ;
ing at the east corner of lots Nos. (}*» and I
*> 5 , running south with the line oflot No j
f »0 to a conditional line cunning west
weirdly through said L«t along tee road j
uf old White aud I’ni-m rurupik' L .
known as the T enateo (iaj) Turnpik*',
Koad .where eahl rt*;id cm ,-ses Idwn j
’reek, tdo•»»<■•« up said creek in a northc n
tlireciion the line of jot d- 1 , t hence
east with stitl line to the beginning < »r- ,
ner. Also east half of lot No, ^0 con-,
tabling 1-5 acres, more or Jc^. Said lot
divided by a conditioi-al line ns agreed
upon Siy and between Lewie jAiii.- hi and
IL J. Beach, whi-'h Comiitistnal line he, :
gins- on jtn agree /1 corner on the -onth
original line of sgsd lot No. S<> running ;
in a northern direction until it strikes the j
north original line of -aid hit. Sai l con¬
ditional line running on the -west .-ide of I
Mag Pond Bianch. All tiie above dv
scribed land lying and being in the ji|>
land district of* White Bounty, Georgia,
and known as the Lewis Allison place 1
with all improveuiettts th< j feo»i. Said?
interests in >uid |iand levied • n as the
property of t he defendants ,*ib follows:!
I-15 undivided interest as the proper!\
j*’. M . Allison. 1-15 i:. 1 *-*!*•■*<r
t.« the pjopefty of G. K. Allison and 1-15
uinilvided iritercst as the property of A.
t*. Allison t>» satisfy three J. l\ v’o\o’
executions, one issued fimn tire J. p.
Court of Uu *61 District, G. M..against
A. C. Allison and oric issgeti frt.qj tlje J,
P. Court of the Hff.u L District, G. M..
against F M. Allison in tav*>r of Whit
min* & Head. All levied by L. P,Faulk¬
ner, L C.. and turned over to ;Le under
sheriff for sale the Law diretds.
This the 2iui dar *»f February LjJf .
W . A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Tiie hatred ot reintives is the
s most violent.—Tacitus. il
g Reprove - friends in »1
« your secret. <2 I 1
g praise them openly.—S itus.
g s The of life looks O. i
unme cheer- $ i
5 fill when one carries a treasure O !
g safe in iiis heart.—Schiller. gi
a _ -c ■
es t Everything in another, teat thou then re;.rov¬ 1 ' most g 1 j !
must §
carefully avoid in thyself.—
Cicero. <t o * (
SHVtva r--rr-rK:-rvr>a j
Georgia, White County.
iU 1 m* r" -M at the fa»urt Vio-ase door
in saif! county on the first Tuesday in
Marik, Iil 31 Within the legal hours of
sale to fin.* highest luckier for rash, t< > wit:
Ike toll nvr _r !••• ribe.d projjerty: Part*
t»f lots <>l land Xos-. 3 a, G*‘and 90 in
Uie B'-.-oiid laud dis’riet of guid county
containing 100 acj-es, more or less. Coiu
meiudng nt a f"r ea near J. M. Alliscui’a
garden, thence southeast with the load
to the original line Thence north said
original line- m the Hays Speing Blanch,
thence down suiti branch to the creek,
thou'-e up saifi ereek to a conditional
line, thence northwest a conditional line
to a stake. He-tB-e .* out heLsf to a post oak.
thence west i the sterling point, exceju
11 1-3 acres hareinfore sold off to C. E.
Head. 1 iiere is a good dwelling house,
and outbuildings « this tract, containing
3>i 1 --J aei’ s, molt* or jess.
N;iid property levied upon as the
property f.f She defendant ' as followsr
1-5 undivided iatt: aud 4-b life inter
st a> (he property of Mrs. Ida Johnson,,
i-o undivided i'em.,iudtr inierest as the
property of Rob* i t S. Johnson and l-,>
undivided rema in fee interest as the
property of J . j{. Johnson and only said
ieserii); d interest to he sold to satisfy an
exeeuiion issued on tee j8th day of Ocxl
t ‘330 horn the Suj>ei i ‘r couH of said
eounty ot \\ kite i 1 favoj-<d Mrs, A gti<?js
Lotlii'i.lge agaii;s! K-dtert S. Johnson, J.
II. Johnson and Mrs. Ida John,sen.
This 30 th day of January ITU.
W . A. Jackson, Sheriff.
ML »rg r ia, White County,
BUixajUstat fo lui-AiXiier **f the .Superior
'■ 'ouri of said caTtint.y n. mi.uf Hon. L It
Fulton. Judge o.fsa’id “rmi t. will he sold
He tore the c-uurt. house door in said coun¬
ty on the first Tuesday in March 19 pf
within the legal hours of sale to the
uighest bidder for rush tin* following
* coper ty i<» u it ; Al the unpaid notes
:in<l judgments hi favor of the Farmers k
Merchants Bank of^Cieveland, let,, and
belonging to the asset:- ot said batik ap¬
proximating >-Jg. 1 7 o.H-L cash items >-117.
‘ 5 > tiulrofts .- zi (l<, stock ussesstneiil
■■veeuf ioi.s .. 1 i and n stnall j-ernnant 1
( d furniture ami fixtures Haiti proper! v-
1 > he sold as loe assets of the Farmers A;
derehants Bank for tie* purpose of wind
i f ‘g up the affairs of sai ! hnnk uud eono.
.del,lug the Bipd-huion. of the same.
An;.one wishing «.• e. . p- ,n a list of *Said :
ss-cts nmy <h« so by ca.dmjj -ai . 1 . It. 'IT*}-.
>rd. Liquidating Aeent.,
Ha id sale will be ha ; subject, to the ajv
Joval of a. B. Mobley, Hunt, of Banks*
'<nl to th«* g-> nfii'in.'tUOU oj rhe Judge of
• e .Superior (’ou* t of said e*Minty.
Phis Feb. !7th, ITU,
A. B Mobk-y, Sunt, of Banks.
Water P jmp
for running water
in your home
Water under pn-ssure wherever
7011 «ant it about your home
it - :- -ii little. ^ ou can have a
plentiful supply, unfailingly at
hand, for the kitchen, laundry,
bath, dairy and barn. Xo matter
where you live you can have this
convenience and comfort if you
have a IV,ul Electric Water Sys¬
tem installed.
f m
there are Paul Pumps for shal
or deep wells which will
pump for you as many gallons
an hour as juii --I-,: Only a
mall amount down installs your
pump, the balance monthly. Ask
at our nearest store’
Geot gia J COMPANY
■ A Citizen Wherever We Serve