Newspaper Page Text
More than
73,000 niles in
a Nev r Ford
THE substantial worth of t
Its good performance, ei
stamina and endurance a.
sections where bad roads as
extra burden on the auton
In less than a year a i
driven more than seventy4
difficult route. The operati
and practically the only exj
piston rings and a new bear
The car carried an aver
mail and was driven 250
never failed to go when I
three mail carriers operate,
the trick last winter even at
gas rnns about 20 miles p
trailer whenever I have a b
Many other Ford owners
performance. Every part h.
serve you faithfully and v,
The New Ford "'V,
Tudor Sedan
LOW 1 * R I r K $ ( & FOMB CARS
$430 t $630
F. O. B. Detroit, pint freight and d v. Bnmprrt and spare tiro extra
#t smn /1 ceil. Y«*» cnit purchase ,d »» nrnnomirnl terms through
tkm Authorised Ford Fintmem Plan ,/ the Universal Credit Company.
#• E A T I n K K OF HE A' K W FOHO
<fllr«(lii', /inc* and colors, i h, long-nearing upholstery,
sturdy st«#/ body construction, >lex shatter-proof glass wind
shield, silent, fully enclosed fn heel brakes, four lioudaillw
double-act ing hydraulic shock oh ers, aluminum pistons, chroma
silicon alloy valves, torque-tube e, three-quarter floating rear
axis, more than twenty ball and t •r bearing,, and bright, endur
in a Rustles, Steel for many e. •tor metal part,. In addition ,
you taro many dollars because the lout first cost of the ford,
lots cost of operation anti up-k > and low yearly depreciation.
A Dolla Dinner
for, our
. $*$&&& ,
Tt lji ROBABI.V you. along with httn
dreils oi others, have emerged in
* to the New Year with hoarde.
of good resolutions in your head
And, doubtless, one of them was t<
t>e more economical. In order to
aid you ir> this laudable plan, w;
are presenting a menu and recipe
to show that you can purchase tin
materials for a dinner for a farm!. 1
of four at a cost of on y » dollar
Here’s how it’s done:
Frankfurters with Parsley
Peas ..... $.4?
.‘Vied Satwror ........ .14
BreOii and Butter .0?
Lettuce. French Dressing .10
Cup Coirs, Raspberry Sauce JO
Total ........ . $.99
Frtmhfprtets trW» Per- ->y Pa
Heat the peas from an ]!~->nncc c.
to «hett own liquet- they -’ram ?
me tablesnoon of butter. svtd sc
sot! to taste Pour ’°tn a shall'
ftsfdng -Rsh. Fra- eight frankfurter
ssd place en toy c. ; .he as, cr
a new Ford is reflected in
omy and reliability. Its
particularly apparent in
severe weather put a heavy
w Ford Tudor Sedan was
•ee thousand miles over a
cost per mile was very low
se for repairs was for new
for the generator,
e load of 1200 pounds of
ies daily. “The Ford has
ready,” writes one of the
the car. “The starter did
! degrees below zero. The
gallon. At times I pull a
;y load.”
port the same satisfactory
jeen made to endure — to
.-31 for many thousands of
aging thern like ivifh the spokes of a
eel. Sprinkle two table
•ons of chopped parsley and re
it in the oven a few minute#
Here* the Dessert
Cuf Cedits: Cream two table
■oons shortening with one-third
-p of sugar, add one well-beaten
Sift together two-thirds etrp
r, one and one-half teaspoon#
iking powder and a few grains of
Add to Srst mixture alter
'.ely with two tablespoons of
■■ids. Flavor with raspberry or
mills flavoring. Bake in the (373*1 form
i cup cakes in 3 moderate
cn for 70 minute* While warm
rve with this sauce:
R.ispt'rrry Sauce: Empty emt
ns of an S-ounce can of rasp
tries into a sauce pan. Mix
ree tablespoon* of sugar with
e tablespoon of flour, add two
’ le'poons of of wate- itticc. and Add one tskfp
on lemor. to rite
trips and cook until creamy
erve oy?r the cup cakes.*
Here’s NEW
Water Heating!
HOTPOINT Automatic
*5 d«vn
24 months to pay
Twenty-four hours a day you need a
dependable, economical Hot Water
Service in your home. And that's ex¬
actly what the Holpoint Water Hcator
for ives you. Hot Water for dishwashing,
bathing, for shaving—for a thou
s ..n4-aa4-we daily demand*.
Already, hundred* of pur customers
hay* installed these modern Electric
Water Heaters. Our special sale prices
tnd liberal terms permit you to own
one without further delay.
*»" • . tes -eeQps. - **’*’ t0 ‘‘
^>20.00 for Your Old r
Wntor I?eater
fHiring this sale we will allow you
? 10.00 for your old water heater—re¬
gardless of kind—as credit on a new
1 otpoint Eleatrir Water Heater.
Hrmit us to tell you more about the
■eater and about the easy purchaw
plan now in effect 1
town CO Mr ANT
A Citizen Wherever We Serve
A Statement Ju*t Issued by
State Board of Health Say*:
A few eases of undulaut fever are
being reported throughout the state.
They are widely scattered and so far
not more thnu two ogees have oc¬
curred in the some vicinity. While
there is no epidemic the cases are
ufflclently numerous to keep ns con¬
scious of the presence of this dis¬
There is very strong evidence that
the majority of the cases of undulant
lever are contracted from drinking
the milk of infected cows In cattl#
the disease is known as ooutagipua
abortion. It is .to called because cow#
so infected lose their calves preuia
. tirely. The disease in cattle is wide¬
spread ail over the country, and many
c?f the finest dairy herds are in¬
fected, Fortunately hitman beings are
not very eusceptibie. If they were
there would be a great pi a (tv more
cases. While the disease In man is
caused by the same germ, Is assumes *
form quite different from that in cat¬
tle. In fact, it is more serious in that
the victim Is sick for manv week* or
eveu months It is not often fatal,
but recovery is very slow and te
A# already slated, there is strong
evidence that most of the human
cases are caused by drinking the milk
of infected cattle. Therefore, since
co many of the milk cows in pur state
are infected, the safest policy is to
drink ouly pasteurized milk.
There are other diseases which are
often conveyed through milk. The 1
iapAt important of these are typhoid ;
yer, tuberculosis and septic sore
i» 0 #it. Pasteurisation will help in
preventing jlie spread of these din- i
t also.
Key to Success
Being esteemed an industrious,
thriving young man. and paying
duly for u tmt 1 bought, the pi*r
■ limits solicited my custom, and f
went on prosperously.—Benjamin
WyRK Surnames
The Welsh tola suniames until
‘■O years ego when they «*rp coiu
‘-Hei * ml"’ them by King Henry
Tt.c !•'= ip Powell. Price. Pngjy.
PrhchRixi. etc., is “Ap'* meuning ; son
Ap Dowell, Ap Rice „r Rhys, Ap
Richard. Ap Hugh. ate.
* Ford Shows Faith in Future by V
World Wide Construction Program
.'.■.<■■ hr, .>■&
5/ * ;. "'M
I 4C
_r XX
Top—-The Ford plant at r.dgewater, N. J„ opposite New York City, Center—-The new plant
at Long Bench, Cab Bottom-— A model of plant being built at Dsgenhatn, England.
v-w^HL: Ford Motor Comrnny's tailti
I in the •’uture of Imsine.,**. and
X especially in tlie rutUio oi the
do mobile, w e\ iiH.ui ett tty the (act
littt it. i* spcutliiip more Ut .hi sfiU),utMi,
»Ht for new plants and improvements
n tl'c i niteil Slates amt in fiircipn
nuuvhes un<( assijciated eompatii. s
The i(iJiip:ni,v has liliic new plants
uttior way.lhraugtiflut the v.iutd, wliite
tiitns ale bein? [priiinlated for .several
Alters not ye! ante >un< ■•<(. Wherever
tassible Hie new plant are being
reded on sites accessible lo both rail
alii water transporlaUau .-o thji. with
rich form of transportation stipple
naoting 'In* other. substanUal savings
rill be effected.
Eire ot Hi# new plants ate in tire
TnitsU States as follows:
Rons Reach, t’allfoinia - This plant,
oceHlly cotniiieted to serve Soutlterc
Pay Your Subscription Now
Iowa Brothers Set New World’s Record in Ford
X w:Xj V :‘P •■*"'
“*- ; $5* rt. rfS »
^W ii 5 | fipfi?..H^ mm
ft ■ S# p ~ A.$gr& YtfraBi
John HammtH of lo.. i
state pttictals a’d Aviv i witnessed Tt
I gstahMsument of a'pew w. -id's noB-tr.otor. nan-wheel
stop pHftMtmbil* i-mitira;.re .1 receijiiy. when
ord to and bait R«!h :id the Dari-, |>ioihevs 4.>,»u^.t:t fhe ib.-ii Made; a
a at c. - l:< i-a.-c - of state fapitol in
Moines after 2.775 hpurg and “t pAgptes of continuous
When Governor K, -nmUI. ytandiug with Waiter f^erreli.
necte.arr of the leg a v bntv. of the Americas
As wi. Aon. care toe plural , > stop, the Ford
travefed a total 1 : .7.1' 7 ; lbs ever hil sorts of roads
ail sorts of weather an i had aa-'-.-ded cy 33.6S0 mi'.c-s
California, has a capacity of 400 ears ».
day. Operating at capacity it employ#
2.(MO meh.
Bdgewatcr. New Jersey—Th^ itCdtV
water plant, one ot the company s larg
o»i assembly braneitet?, lias jusp been
completed to serve New York City and.
surrounding territory, it liar a capacity
of 600 oars a day and-employs''ti,u«fl
Richmond. California - Work was
started reeenUy on a plant at Rich
ruoml, to 0(3 completed next year. It'
will have a capacity ,of 400 ears a day
and will employ 2,406 nten. It will sup
ply cars to the San Francisco area.
Buffalo. New York—This plain win
nave a capacity ot 400 cars a day and
will employ 2,500 men.
Septtle, Washington — A site Etas
been acuuired and plans tot a plant are
betag drawn.
' ' N ‘‘ f'"?? hours the American non-stop endur
aw.g record watch, theretofore officially recognized. -*£s
maue py " a much ;------ heavier "s-.iti car cat under enuer almost almost id^al idea} e*
. ,
..otts ,e on t «. ? jag.nUaDjili* flt* rPbdway iast year. In the of co; ' tE*
“ a“ ;!iaS£t -• - 1 "; par. kupwh as flThe City
g ^®?' .S ov r f a uracticaBy the entire
' state of lowg,'
v r ' '*" I? ' the Ford at the conclusion oi
.* iH-?ha §>'«*•
eo tea neither snsing nor chassis fhoKM
je° *'f* : ed n tmnng ? Bt U 3 days strain, of th which they
continuous driving Hotl
S°°- ■ 2jr another ' 50,000 !r 'S to the engineers, would have vSth
miles or more *> '
V- - RJ
A new manufacturing piant lietalr
; erected at Dagenham. Kn.elasct. -eifilf
| ecu ni;lc.9 imrti Loudon, tiVgiipptatuT/ie
wlJT-ne "
present, works at Manchester,
i completed ttvxt year it wilt 'be il«t
j. I largest automobile factory : ia'
world outside the Doited' Si*tefe : '4ti
i Oiipac-it.v will be 20 d,«W 0 ears a ywTP‘
1 j • An. usaambiy and mamn'sc.ittyiUs
Pleut i* .being built at t-.’otogufc. atr.'ite
t sembly plant at Antwerp, anti ,s aecVto*
plant a; Stockholm. Two bratnctte'S*—
j one at Perth, AuBtraHa.and.onO atT'tsrx
Kifzgbetb, South Africc-.-were oorr,
pleted. . , .
! In addition the Ford Motor t'otuiHiny
is spending several million (loHsfsI-lfii.
increase the power capacity'
Rouge idaiit,.at i)e l irherB'.' Mic)rtl,*'|M70'
ihilliijii miece&ajKKftus i
several more in