Newspaper Page Text
Desire fer Beauty Met
i* Decoration of Wood
Fr«i»i reiRMiMt .jes M<tn has ex
JUV^oeh in Wweii c*r>juj lain yeMruiag
Sw- MfaMt,.*. write* T«in Bill i« Ai*«f-
4*4 lurrsli;.
24<pi utiwUer* aatimj hi* e»ilie*i la
attnt’.m »» twi-teUiafC 4«*ire f#r beafitty
~~a Siting tew*f(t th« yreatio* »mJ
po»#«Ki«tM of br.wiful t kilim. Mr.
Till sun*. Tw» waft-rials Mac fosutl
IfifNy *t hi* hacHlJ in which t» f.-mhiv*
*Xi% MSle his iw-tfini-t—clay aak
■tt'cajnl—Ihe a.iil- of ths world with
ftVir~ v.ryinj itomx ami colors.
“RhT day, even willy ils .1 Ijun4»«ce
Altai mum? *f molding. caul* In serve
lifile ware iha« utilitarian t-syts will
aiiluus ihc early peoples." Mr.
Wfit*?. "It Ilitl *«r lend iuelf t# the
c-refithiM »r heauty. It was *«i dm
s»We. .Sw il is is wsiJtl fkat we gad
here Mill thrre the fiesi nattered re*.
UMfll* nr Max's aniatic ItesiHMiafit.
“Kt‘*W (he rawmesl ane* the gee
graiiWu »t Wwoi.l ha* hem a frtieHMilsI
4 art. lf#r Is the temleHey of the hautgu |
sttc« le eniaiaeai cy#^ *rwel* of :
KSfy the Americas lutliau his pipe, rite I
l?ofwuwJ»a bis pa tittle. A prtntiUys j
hi'i iheh Uiu* hecaiwe Imposed apbs a i
medium that lay abasduutiy at hasd j
~~M «8teria! fl»r lias always been a !
friendly a*«t quite familiar thlMg," !
“J e#” Smith Stand. High
in Ranks of Pionoers
When t-h« Tull 1* cslletl up yesber
Jebfiirhh S. Swilk. pi»«cer expl»rer of
th* tlregea ceaalry, will he *>« hen t
writes 1‘Veii I.eckley in the ParMiti
tOtil) Toamal. With hi* inseparable
(Ssapanien*— his rifle and his Kible—
ifin traveied for year, ever the West.
* Vf'lfh flte cewiiahiatis he went it* Uie
rfhli of T924 to Ko*s' h-«flf}H»i'ters »e
:fSglm«n river ia what, is Mew Cutter
SttuBly, Make, As it was late in the
he hec-i'ile.J It. g* with Kuss to
id»e MiibSPh Bay com pa by* post t*
*h«t iy »*«• Kaailer* ceuniy, UwflKaaa.
crossed the Bitter Rout Wogu
tftihS «tu November 1, pHShStig tbraugb
fy&M' Hviie abii reached Matheod post
tatwaril the end «Y Navewker,
'j iiyiiS'the ilBailh wa* Centiaehrfll ilia fli'st btvibe Aaaerlcau nsrtk and to
Ivftilt’ef the three forks #f the Ulssutlfl
the day* »f f.ewis and Clark. He
Vida the first Americas l« explore the
ljdlsudjia river drainage i« the Aod^vr ,l hfiJ r
sar had river heeu district here in aloe*- ISlb,
Nttwapaper 'filteck”
' There ar* four cnittWeroial pipe
<Hss«k of hiaktMg paper pulp from waJS
Tuej a re knewe a* lh» jtroHSdwwtd,
tJlft siilffliife, ihr sulphale. and the
sfjita proceese*. ISaeh is espeetaliy
ifilftpievi to the ion uttfaclttre t*f certain
irfrfdla of paper or to the pMlplaa w»KlT«lue of
woods. »wa, cheap
4^4 cheap cat»l*gH« paper* pro toad*
dboied an tp)fi of grpoHdwood— that l*. »f as
wood Htedidblc-allr ground Into
hPTdt'p. The gronndwoMd process Is
tfi£' .cheapest of all ihe pulplflg pro¬
ves?**, and the palp yield i« hy far
« pres test. Tbo asatit-y of l he pulp,
[jjceyer. is so low rhpr eveu in cheap
4»pr!S It is not atwp; eMoHgh lo use
«£jtBo. and Considerable ariato-ides of
IKrjtir »dd^5. sad stronger flhered pdlp Midi
• ----s-e
V Weather Forecaata
/ yhf weather bnreaa says that wlvh
l/j tk'u httprs after liio worplHg ehaer
t'HUvtihH have heed Ukeu, forocaspt pee
Ifjdblilbhpd from Ihe forecast oealccs
tp ahum I,*Vbi prih'dipal distrirmUos
hi. wUeiico they are further ctU
holed l»y teleigrapk, leiejilioae.
t^iogriiph, railidphone sad Wail, the
Morals K; ieiieralhr delivered esvlv « t* the
u«« la lor thaw p. to.
yoh# day wf isviie. and are available
, J'lppra jpati lelephoti*- *tjU
aftr^ih atpf^er* vrilhia *ti hettr rtistribtHlon of issue Tbjf
of forecast is
' yjf|j> *«p<*rrWt>« a»J
under ih»
kfalv a| the e*pans« of Ihe yovera
ijlt-pt. 'flic weather »i»P i* maUed
.^.TUetHately after the mamliig fore
i^?t Is |c!egi apliej,
*.« fst—
* Tylerla Old Well Swee|»
'An fid the'family welj sweep which I'rfslfleaf ««<? Ty- be
kfipgotl tf of
ijap >f y'lfgiuiH IS how ih the peaaea
atof V*f'ih* NanpB«| Woman'* Coup
tijf club. in perfect fttBpluj
ppho sttcep i« two i
w|ilfr. though l[ has seen aPottt
irtUltlred years of aeivice. It* dosor
i*r iiimuyBiuu*. The club atau |J«a
lAps a cinch of tiiiu*M«l typo Which
sK-od In iho living quarters of the
White House during the Tyler re
Original “Pencake"’
JilaiprlaBS lefi ns that ihe firs' ■
"tfishetl hre'iil", was taatio when »«*« e'e
-‘to f qr, coHsiatihe o' gro 4 |
viflrl hdrlet a»fi wuter, was aCciiieu i
lAy spilled "U x ho| slope, which was t
p^Taclirig yR.fep the fhtSti fire in scraped froHt of it a cave. the
s|ppb the was oio
if Vopsierefi" of a p«m-ak« ffipi;
aiivwit iii&lfti-gtvihfe epust. 1.. iatpr-omi taste **4
gpailtle* over raw food
pWticji'iHdly ire. ' led to erperitnetusiffoi
— ' '
^pe —*'■
Monarch’s TVre? Crowm
4'tiy kipg of fiogiapil ha. three.
iiSwith: Kips Hdward the CoBfessor'i
ctfi'ik the imperial state erowii and
the iu»iierfe\l •tow# of India. The '
Hftnvii was ioade X«*fc. ft>r tk« vOfOtiaUbp
i* Vkui-ki IT Ip The imperial ori^p
p(|S(f crown of India owes it#
ii the law which forbids the crOWt )if '
Jtklginud peiug takik out of
When Uearge V k«4 was jg crowed st iB5% la BfilU j
* new crown
■t»»w »■•' *‘: N , m«.* re ^ v.
,vw r ir^T,
r.vA .tk*ss»2wt-' *■ • •**“’ rr. V V w*“ cents rA
□ ... t.*«*~L. +*
ss&t&r, iO« Yw*'
~stv- z%s »J 5 \.\r* J7S
<P 0^ / If V
by investigators of the
'f-'i rederal I I np lrade 1 Comttlission • v ***■' *’ ’♦ ♦
In the above advertisetnent published in
ticwrppa newspapers last fall, and in other ad
vertisemeots, this Company has asserted that
( U iu electric rates have been greatly reduced
i»Ue past lew years, \ 2) its rates are among the
lowest in the nation, and (3) its earnings are a
MiWest return on the capital invested.
Th*se sraremanfs have now been verified
fj,> i fiv suti iSetor^ of the FEDERAL
Trade commission.
Under the authority of U. S. Senate Resolu¬
tion 83. the. Federal Trade Commission in
Washington has been making, since 1928, an
investigation into the operations of electric light
and giower companies of the United States, in¬
cluding the Georgia Power Company.
The nature of the Federal Trade Qwfxnia
sioo’s investigation has np$ been puch that
anyone has charged « with partiality toward
the public utilities.
A# a pan ot the investigation, official inves
Uj+ators of the Commission came to Atlanta
an«t spent months going over the Company’s
books, with free access to any and all of the
CwfiipAPy's records. Then they made their re
lO'.'Vs to the inquisitorial body.
Figures reported io the Commission by one
of the investigators (Page 67, Economic Divi¬
sion report) showed that:
1. Average residential rates of this Company
have been reduced from 7.168 cents per kilo¬
watt hour in 1928 to 5.769 cents per kilowatt
hour as of June 1, 1930, or a total reduction
of 1.399 cents per SERVICE kilowatt hour. (These fig¬
ures include ALL CHARGES, 1
2. The reduction, in the. ^.v^nue yf this Com¬
pany in' 1929 from the spdy. qt elrc r cny for
feisidential use. ujhHt what the Company's
veyejiue would h«ve been for the same
» ---■■■■- -
CITIZEN wh«er£ver ■ 6- HV. ' C S E^RJK/E. Us «-* .
-rr— T 6W-V:
■ *
amount of current under rates in effect prior
to that time, was $700,212.54.
3, The reduction in revenue on the same
basis for the first six months of 1930 was
$446,059; the estimated reduction for tire re¬
mainder of that year, $477,241—a total reduc-.
tion of revenue during 1930 of $923,30Q,.;V
this Company A reduction in rew
iuie frorn the sflfe ot current for household •
use, under the new rates, of $1,623,512,54
during m* ** 41930 . . ;
The above figures refer to the savings mqde
by residential customers during 1929 arid/ ,
1930. Elsewhere, on page 65, of the-same had/to re
port, the investigator abated that he
large extent yerifted® figures compiled hv the
CompAryy »howing that rate reductions to a IT.
of customers, from 3926 through 1936,
)a*«i t esuhed in m aggregate saving ot $3,784,-
4W |w qustana-i-s of this Company under what
they would have paid if rates had not been
reduced. — - -
Following publication qf the advertisem?m
above, the figuj?? «n it were specifically checked.
■p ■
by the -Fodefal Trade tdmrnission investiga¬
tor, and in his formal reptjrfl he said in regard
to the advertisement: . •
' “Therein flte Geottgia > Rower OompMy
sho^vsihe fbTot^ing Cdfppi.riapn of its'raten
. .with- cotrobporifling national averages:
I'm Nftfitoiutt
(h. Pr. Averin
JniWju'i'- xir-^ SI, fit
“Hi’stdcntwl Survive . ...ii...... 5.77c ■ 6i«7c
fiAvefh'gv • fndu.-stri.-tl. I'a'tcs ly>w V for r ....... all 1.1.73c 1..544e
classes of service... 1.97c 2.59c
“ The average residential raie.ofi5.77
cents and average rate for all classes of 1.97
cents were' fcrijfftd to be correct and the av¬
erage industrial rate of1:1711 Tehts'tvHS fotttid
to be slightly less, or lijO c pt$ of .per kilowatt
hour, ihr the first six months 1930
* * i » •'. : . ’--t**
that theijpompany’s y
Our assertion return wa.4’ ur ■T\F.
its investment is a modest one also con-’
computation, firmed in the same the investigator official r^{»rt. fixed On the hi^.p.wu Com¬
pany’s return, as fallows (Page 71, Economics
Division report):.
192T •* 4.24fe"'!•'•
% !g *flx. ( j;IS,
H {an * vcr *«* «sf L8**to )
Under the the law law a a “fairW'
,-igper cent. **.
...p^ ; ■ U-'
//p «tv...
v- •
■ v L
•*, CeORjGIA-- Tv - y • ' '
' y fOWER commix* , - r
•v v-..'- S >'• A- '•