Newspaper Page Text
Cbe CJevelan& Conn er
Ofh n) Organ of IVM* Cvuntjr. Go
npUMl tk\ OiwwtUnd
,!\s. P. Oaviohos. M\u*.
Kli I «d *t t*»<; I'o*-attic" «*
r>i.. R* «ta9A Uttlli .
Ninth Dktrict Pres* A**>cUi->«
•• > liMotyfc i f>re**
<• N a tin to* foiliot’h 1
Pr*t» G*n*»**f Of fb* World
SimacripHyn, * 1.50 P ftr V««i
m a Ivance 1
A bSi/.wrd ^wep f the OBpfe
Country Sunday cousin? the 1 ms ot
2^ lives :«nd destructiou nmotintin? !
u> million*. In Chicago drifts
piled Jo feet high with snow Most
of Europe was stiucfc by the bli*
wiia. Scotland reporting the
heaviest snow in years.
j’lie Western & Atlantic Rail¬
road rental discount bill was pawed
by thy senate Tuesday but it be*
pe.rted that Governor Hurd tea n
will velojhe ni#so*ure. bin
IVoporjEents of the W. & A.
w re insistent thut tire governor
approve it-«s it i* the only plan
in.ule for-the relief of the intuitu
turns mid schools, for which the
extra session was culled. They de¬
clared that if the governor vetoes
the. bill lie is killing bis own
measure. Some proponents in
* - ed that tire legislature adjourn
lie fore the bill reaehes the governor
to ink trig that since this would be
tin only plan left to relieve fhe
fir, dsoiul situation, be would
pi,me it, but tho opponents of
|.iG! would not lisren to this.
puiients fear that if the
Vetoes the measure there will not
he the two-thirds majority of
in both houses, which is
to override the veto and make ft
Walter C. Taylor, fnfyner
clerk ot Ariantu, was found
on a three-count bribery charge
judge E, E. Pomery's in
Sooperior court. fie was
$1 ,500 and given af^year so me pc
The Auperican Red Cross is
tributing a-limited nugiber of
den seed packages to counties
gible for fertilizer, seed arm
loan. These are to be given
families seriously iri need, why
unable to purchase the seed.
Gasoline ha* been reduced to
cents in Atlanta.
It >* unreasonable to believe
VVnite county has any
future if the G. N' .N. W. is
t:> quit operation and finally
mantle. \VV certainly have
bright tutitre if t.he railroad is
pendant on ull the frieghl
in ids county, else they
Operate. *
The railroad employees and
Cf 'v spend their money vvif'li
tilthv'.tiaiits of Cleveland. Do
the merchants patronize the
ttfc ftlftrmOOOOOO<rOCmOO<HCH 3 CKHft<;
IViMed by mother.
BuMvd by nurse.
Bossed t«jr yUtvr.
Bossed by vrtfe.
Bowed by d«u«tu«r. — V, A
Bossed ttosseu by ny granddaughter. gratuoaugtiter. 1
IiaoBgctioae speak better
Burdens either broeden
or" break hack*.
’’he twroe* of toawnrow are
fiachetors *f today. - -
: oaairioty o»t the sands ot ttwe
not nwdy by stttfog down.
the beet way to wiftuapee a taau
to i,-ll birrs be cdb*C be thttuwiwd
H * « sood jlaa w? hope ‘tor the
bur if* a ttStter ptt» to work for «.
L @®&1 News ;
Messrs U ram Benton and Jim
Vnderyon, oi PeLay, Miss., desire
it nil of their relatives in lids
communicate with tl:e*». .
iej teit here, forty years ago.
,av state their father vtrasWilHam
. tuietsso.
Messrs William Allison and
,ac jockson are delegates from
Vu'kex Mt. Camp W.O. W,, to
;e State convention at Moultrie
,is wet'k.
Me.,\V. A. Six. has been housed
•i for several days with flu, but is
otv ablet to be out.
Mr. BreWUer ot the G. & N.
V. K. B.., way in town lirtt Friday
i the interest of the ruilrond.
Read - the advertisements on
• iges 2 and 3 of this issue.
Mr F, K. Davidson, of Loud*
iik\ i» visiting his brother, Mr,
viex Davidson.
The increase loan value on vete
urs service certificates (bonus)
. 11! bring into White county be
,veen y2o,ooo trad $35,000. It
j ill ite pflt into immediate circuta
on.- However, it is hoped the
eterans will use every precaution
,,afore mak'ia# investments, as it
•ctrrs there are plenty of anxious
. eopie awaivryr to -present them
yitlt flaring rates of excellent pro.
tit.a on their motve.y. Our stigges
ioo ro these boys who defended
1 ieir country during tiie period ot
ibe World war is that they turn .1
f eat' ear to aray scheme from any¬
one to girt hold of their money.
hi* i* yont mottey arid you should
use it to the best possible ad van
Tins io . following were the- weekend ________
p f tyre. R, f v Ilcnlcy ; Mrs.
Datupier;JMis-> Corn Xee
house. G-ladys Reaves, Mr.
ioy NjefiostWnnd Mrs. Gender,oi
Rev. H. II. Humphries aroused
the spirit <ef those who enj y hook¬
ing rh® Jjnny tribe wiien he rolled
round ?t> tlw streets of Cleveland
Saturday afternoon 11 30 lb. cat
mdi sent hint ft f/iend from Wheeler
. Col. Torn Candler, of Hbirsvill,
\VuS in town Thursday.
lion. T. J. ilium write* us a
iettet for publication this week,hut
yvu* received too late, responding
1 > a tolegrain it number of citizens
- ut hrm last week urging that he
• d.e aud use his irrfiutence on a bill
regntatQ busies in justice to the
-hpitljne rajiroads. He stoles that
i<* bus bill is before the house and
'qsocts u vote on if Thursday. He
-.uites he was glad to get the tele
- ram.
fudge L. Dorsev received a
tier from ti« FurtireiV Seed Loan
(Iffice anCoiumbift Thursday morn
g with the request that borrowes
; 1929 and 1030 exa&ute ami re
t irrv renewal mortgages at once so
at cousideranon can be expedited
1 making new applications for
spring lotuis. . -.
At these :e\v low prices, Goodyear — the largest maker — announces
Increased Values, making today the Bargain Time to replace old tires,
... i will mote buy than evei nlyilcleading today, tfosilaveLfiatsinq: mak> of 7
c tire!
v ft 1 . iss
> ' (J T!t c Quality Tire • - A" Within the Reach of All!
30 x 3 ?* $4.39 4.7549 *6- 65 5.00*20 57.10
28 « 4 75> ! .30 \ 5.00' TRADE IN
I j 4»*4 1 H- 9 s 4 . 75-20 ?6- 7S 5 . 25*20 53-30
(29 x 4.40 (29 v 4 75i 30 x 5.251 vour old tires on
4 50-20 W 5 00-19 *6 9 <* 6.00-21 ni'« new Goodyear All
. . Weathers Double
(29 x 4.501 f (29 , s.OO) (33 * 6 . 00 ) or - i:
j Cagles at the
! ’ Wheel f CLEt n t f.\v low prices .'
Me Right
Up From Depths
’ It's remarkable how quirky
'.rgon overcame my suffering and
.■nilt up my health and strength,’ 5
id Mrs. G. C. Freeman, 411
h St., West Savannah. Sv Indi
At ion, const i pat inn .indu torpid
vt*r kept inv xtoinach so tyiset
oil I never wanted to eat. Go
ould form 011 my stomach and
\1 gasp for breath I hid dretd
al headache.', never sept well;
nl Was weak, tired and sluggish,
irgott puiied Hie right tip from
a depths. Every 'igu of indi
stioit dis.ippearcd. Sargon Fiji
•guhtted me perfectly and never
.ule me feel uncomfortable. J
and lasting relief in the Snrgon
>at mint ’
. 1 . It. U. HARm;n AaBnt.
j.r. r; yy- - 1 .- eGer -! ~~^ 3 i
Mr. Hoyt Cooley, stationed at
'arris Island in the Marine Corps,
.cr(t .3 du or two this week with
andpareifMr. and Mrs YVm
Uev.T. 1 . Rutland uid family
l ive all hud llu. ■-> nie are
, bed.
The county j id popupitjoti o)
hits County for 1930 was 85
mpared with 56 in 1929.
g to (lie report of Sheriff W. A.
xksoti which he has sent to
date Department of Public Wel
re. Sheriff Jackson’s report re
aied that 1 of theffy was under 16 brithd.iv dinner was
ved Mrs, N. l< Dockery,
hestatee district Lumpkin cotm
. Miirch^th, by her daughters,
is. Coleman Smboit, ot Cieve¬
nd, and Mr-. Wo iborn Turner.
Cliestalcc district Lumpkin
unty, March y'b at the home
r sot), YVebster Dockery, on her
; It birthday. Those preset, t
re; M»s. N R Dockery, Mrs.
etlborn Turner, Mrs.
tekery, Mrs. Coleman Sea bo it
d Mi- . Lmti u- | urrard, ...
Mr. Jack Lee, of Columbus.
nting ins itnc!e, Mr. 1 . R Met
Rev 11 . II, Hum-pliries will
'o small ebil iren of M tmieX'i
:i to the Baptist Orphans’
iCU t daw
Ugrat AfAMSrtXSetTientS
■rotgiji.•< *. 11111 \
!W t irturo of an order from the Court
drdiiiury t.f said eounty will h- sold
public outcry on the iirst Tuesday m
‘ ’'■'!• U4:!l - at the court house door in
d county bet ween the .imml hours -f
:Ie the following* real (‘state situated
' iiijr in Wuite CG.nitv. to wit:
,.rt of jot of Iftftil Nc. VI in. the ‘Jh< 1 land
strict of Wliite county, and
iri^ One hmulf^d and thirty acres' of
nd, inoie or Ii'fh, an<r bounded as fo}
vs: On tn**. north by 1 Sie land of Sam
>olen. W, fr, Atkins and Alex
■,k, , * by the t lands , of .M.« ,
on the east i
i nias. on tiie south by the lands of
.■ank Chmidei'. and on the west by the
"!> ot'Lon/r mountain and known as the
. 1 . Whitlock home }>lace where said
. ,]. Whitlock resided at the lime d’his
ith. Terms cash. This the JOt h day
March, 19 ^I.
V. II, Kdwaiils, Kxr
W, J. Whitlock
eorj^ia, White County.
Will be sold before the court liouec
-or iff said county on the firsf Tiieeday
April J 9 *dl within the b‘4ral Ihuub of
;i -e to the highest bidder for cash tin
.lowing propei iy to wit
Cinumcneinjr at a iwbiiut on the south
it* rond leading toward , the i -j, II. ... tur¬
n-mill and Kenhncr Lod^rc and where
road turns from aakf mill road riitming
Httheriy direction to and past tl,e
a-e known as the house where Feed
)a V is now lives and on to the road lead
Hi,** from -I. K. MIJIci-’h ntow* to the rosi
•m-.!* «if Fbir|k Tunifr, tlnncc jn an
.-.vtej-ly «1 ir< t■ 1 ion with snhl Istt iihiuc <1
1 humlicil yjnds, thcicc nonh
. oi two a
ilinjction In the hist namcil ihguI, thence
> a westerly direction with raid load
.mmig- by way of Kcnimer Lodgf* to the
ginuirig point. fViutalning tlve ficccr
f Itiml more or h -# together with the
-idctiee where tin sell Krf-d fhtvis
. es ,Said property levied ms ‘tin.
■•opeWy of Kraitk furncr to >aiisfv a
• x ti fa issued by S, l.. Brown, Tax
( Hector <»f ?»«id county aga’nst Frank
ifnei' for slate and county hi\cw for ill
vc-iU‘ libjfj.
Also at the same tiino and place and
>a the sann terms will be sold 1he fob
• vving dcsciibi;.*• I property to wit Pari
i lot of No. 30 in the first, land disti n-f
said county, de.S(-ril t od4sf 'l|ows:('Om
. ‘Mciijg al th • bridge arr<’ss the < roik
>a Tesnwfce. <iaj» road near die residence
; fi. (i, fti 11strup bn tin* original line,
tcnr.e east np said cvmk wiih said orb
.wl lino ;U)0 yards, thntn e ftm.ith 2uu
ads, tlienee west Ii00 yards to 1 t'.snatec
^ tj> road, theru'c north north with said
,td to the beginning point, containing
*ni 1 4 acres more or legs. 8aid land
•pig' advertised for the purpose of re
c, the gattie having been regularly ad
i * ised. h. i h! sold the Tuesday in
•cetuber ibti.j and hid '»!1 by (i. (i. tiil).
ip Hud the eaid t». ll- (»i|{strap having
ed to pay the. purchase price this land
re-tidvertised, the tir^t sale ben. ^ t, r
ite and couidy tav*.s.
Also a.\ the saftte time aiiTl plane nrul
, the same terms will be s 4 d the foU
• ing- properly to wit: All the rail
id iriu k iycluding the right of way in
ite tnnmtv and ruaning throughShoaJ
ek dis 1 riet <d sa-id , White county
ling the steel rails and other property
the I'imhnont Cor-porution in said
ite Count y, tteorgia. bap] milrond
•petty leyied on as tin* property of
■(Immit (b>» jioration to satisfy a 'lux ti
Issued by Atispall Allison. Tax Cob
• n of said 'oitnty, against the sai<i
'duiotdf orporntjon fn- stale and romi
"aves for the year I'.hJO.
Vis- at the same t ime ami place arid or\
same terms will be sold the fojjow
: described pi'opertx to wit: All that
ot of land lying and being m the
vYii of Cleveland, Georgia, and Irmmd
h ,*vs follows: On the north by the Clove.
,vl and 1 >ahionega h ad, on the souih
(olerw ooil Street in’ said tow n and on
i,» wot hy a road or driveway that . uns
a little trust »t ttte tionse known Hie fi,
I S. Kytie house in “a'nl town. Said tract
j i irf>nt.tining about three or four acres of
| m<w J«**, Levi«l on as the pro.
i ,, er iy 0 C Sirs. K J. Nix to satistv a
j fa issued hy Arisj.ah Allison, i\ C. of
; sa y eo „ nt) . ogainst Mrs. F. J. >'jx for
J j state and county taxes for the year 1030
! Also at the same time and place ami
on the same terms will he sold (tie in!
’ lotting described property to wit: The j
house and lot in the Town of Clvvelgud.;
Georgia, known as tha house of Mr. and j
Mrs. J. C. Trotter and being the. house
and b»t wheFe -\. . Brady imv live?. !
I Sind _ property levied , on as the. , property ' j
j of J. C. Trotter, and Wife to . satisfy , : L. a taxi . 1
ti fa fsSued by Arispah Ail]>on, Tax Col- j
ter lector and of Wife said for coun state r y. a^ainsl and J. C. Ti:pt* |
countv taxes |
for the year I0d»b
Alsu at tin- eatntf lime and j>Ucc and :
on the sams tnrms will be sold tbs tv ,)J
towing property to wft : - Ut number
nine (Iff of the tirirtin Bros, division ia
said countv arcording to plat made record'- 1,v j
Robert L. 1 !. Mbdev. Said plat i
ni it! the rterk-s ofti- of Said county In
record of deeds book -S" page # 5 . Said
l.nd levied on as the property of F j
Nix to satisfy a tax ft fa issued hr Arts- !
|.ah Allison. Tax C,.licet.,, v> f Si ,id couniyH
aeaintt F. J. Nix for stat.'y •
taxes for ihe year lhSffJ
Also a! the eaeie time ahM place iiri'l
0,1 t,H * ,<>rMlS vvi!1 f“dd the IE- '
'l<*scrit,ed proj.ert, |to wit: One
lain fiiaiuifig netehiiie oiiw on '
lh ‘“ pmjierty ki own as tin L >, Sear*;
property ami near the. former residence •
of I , S. Soars, decease 1 , idcbnle.d in this
leav.\ with said maebrne is all capiipfumu
going with said pinning machiue. Said ;
properly levied on an the pi t pert <>{ K
i.. Akers, J, .to Satisfy a tax ti fa issied t
y ArJ-piih Allis, r,,Tax CoUector agiiin-.
st K. L. Akers. Jr., for slate ami eounty
; I ' IX '' ''' ! L’ 11 5 * •
j Also at the same time end place and on ,
! the same terms* will be sold t,he following
j described property hj wit : Commencing
! l * a point fifty feet northwest from Un K
j »^<l house, formerly occupied by W. )l
Be]!, hut now (Mwitpieil by \\ > lirm-k:!
the,, -oath 30 .. y,them e e H st ■
yards, north «h~0 yards, * thence
2(E) yards , to . the . beginning j . - start- .
vest or
ing point, eontaining twelve acres of !
land inure or less and included in ihig !
cvy is thi* h*x> is the house abort;
■ uued known as the (-l ei house") that
H. Beil oveaped. but m.w occupied
by W . St. Brook. 8ani land levied upon
the pr -party uf 8-uthlat,,} Investment !
for *v*te and cunty t«*.* for the
year l'-’ 3 u ,,
Also at. tin* same time a on tin
>*»">- will be 9. Id the following de
scribed property to wit: \\\ that truct
»»r I'hh oI nf land def*v*i ib^tlf as follows;
| degimiiug at a point oe the Hnval mail,
" ,: u!e N«». M, near the house known hs
ite house known fltt the T. M. Bell home
or sometimes r dled Rej*. i vAion, thence
e.*ist.»o as |q include &nid lioiuse jj\ this
levy a diftlance ot 400 yards, thence in a
riorthei ly dirent ion ho as to keep about
400 yards from said mail route about &
difttanne of Bt)t> yard** licence in a wester¬
ly direction to said mail route a distance
of 800 yards from pie beginning point.
t hence south with saitl mail route t«» the
... beginning siiu'ting uoiid, - ,
, or ,, coutaimnir
I about "i-tt acres more or 1 ess. Said pro
^ ,^ j ^^ ouftsthe property of Clay
i i ftfttisty ... lax fa issued
■ .Hi aon«> 4 to a ;
hy Aiispfihp Allison, Tax Oilleofoi* of
kj. id county, nirninst Clayton Cai nes for
state ami r ouity tHxes for \ e ir IO 3 M.
Al&o at t\ie same timet and phv.v and
on the sAtim terius.vrijl he &\\U\ the fol
low ing descri!»ed |.roj-ei t y | (> wit; All
that tract < r pave*J of land dem-rihed as
to] lows; ( tench jH»ini
public road, same, being tie- Rural mail
route Ne. about too yards ih n wester¬
ly <iire< tinn f»-t»m tit*- house known aethe
old J- . 1 . Merritt house,thence in a MRith-
11 1 y din cl ion for adietame of 4 H) yaids,
thence in a westei 1 y direction «o to
keep w ithin about 400 yards of said pyh
lie roatl or- mail i<mte a. distance t<f„. 400 -
yards, thence in a northerly | iireotir.n so.
as to keep and maintain a wiiiffg of ^ 40 i>
yards to tin. said Jpnbiie t oad • or, niail
route, thence in an easterly direction
with -aid mail route or putdie,'rojui-• to
'lie beginning or starting point, con¬
taining about 32 acres of land more .»■
!• s-.' Said property levied ot) as the
property of Mis* Ruby Owenb to sjUisft
a ,aK !i ' a w**'F'<l.hy Arispah AllisoioTav
<*f «u«l fonnty. against ..Mis*
Kll L v « ‘wenl,y for state and count,v-toxe?
forth* year lWfO.
Also at the Patru time atid jda-e.e- and
°f* ,, same teems . wiii be sold the to.I
lowing described property ......... to wit: l\o~ .t
ginning- at the lord oi the branch below
residence «*t K. K Gibp«'U on the
south side if toe r< ad, tlience down the
bra eh ltHbyards. thence east 1 ‘»0 yanls,
in H rtil< -'' l V dirc-unn m :h
n«'L thrnce tn a westerly dirwHon wHh
*t*id mn-t to ih» Hegmuing point «t the
of the „f«v, e S ahl branch, Bordafniftg
,Wl ' •‘ u:r *' s of lantl mn "' ^
'NvGiing in which K. K.Uib
live*. Said property levied.,,.,
as ,r,,i l- 1 ' 1 !'*''' 1 -V of K. K. (.it,son to sntis
C two tax ti fas issued by the Tax Col-
1,1 881,1 h ,v ‘ ,;,b
8 '’" '°' '' a ' c :u " 1 ‘“ ll " >' Ui, ‘ s X " r " J -
V<*srs t!)2f» am! l»S0. This Mar.-I, lift,.
mi. w. a. j-acitHon, shrill'.
\\ iii ire -oici before tie •ctt'tirt
h ' ,u '' c <J,,er ,n ' aili C0 * lht >* 0,1 ^“ D
aay. March Zjrd. hcg. \\tvQ
the iiour> ot Jo o’clock m, aiui
12 o'clock noon to the highest !>id
e'er for c,p!i, the foilowiug proj er
ty to wit: Ail unpaivi note* aitd
judgments in ftivtir of the Furntprs
,V Me:, hunts Batik of Cievef.vttd,
(J.,., and be:«ng!i,g to the assets of
said bank afjproxnnatiiijz $22, r l7 r >.
. 4 <j.,xh It ems .f-f 1763, Overdraft:'
*02 03, stock U'-esxmunis execti
ti<^ns$ 7 *i 19 oi and a small remit tftfttH nut
of furniture and fixtures v Sitftl
prepert v to be * ,iti ax the oi"
£|i< . Fumer , tV Merclmnt* Bank tor
winding ... . Hi- .
'fie purple 11 ot ” tip 1 the
‘ :l ’ r ^^^ fi ;tI1 k and COOlpletritjJ
tl>e lic[u dation oi the s in>e. Any
wishing to iiispecl u list of
s ., id MS<els m;ly do so by calling on
• LiquidatingAg«dt. 1 ^
” * ! « wili b '' h,,d »«bjecl tn.the
vpproval of A. B. Mobley, StipLjft
Banks and to t he COlifinttaUyJt ..'ot'
be fudge of the Superior Court TR
,.,id county. This March lotlj J93.I
Y , 1 >. Mobley, Stipt. ut Btnk-.
!*ay Y«>ur Subscription Ntt'W
If you ;ux* lit France auil in & 4 f‘
(any ami tn Quiiupcr aver a lujlidiy ,
rays a traveler, you will discover fBJM
festivities begin at sunset ltie nitfftt
hftfore, Peasants from all tlio eottn
try 'rouml dress in their best amt
come into town in tttelr carts aud
wtigoiut. Fin- small (..inter cafes in ihe
Old part of town are full of tileitj.,
Every one drinks eider- it is iffe mt
fiCfttal beverage of I’.rittany. (.MttsliJe
It. one ot rue open square- a tsntpU-*«f
sturdy barrels are set up with el infra
upon tbt-u for the musicians.
From these precarious jierdies, ffie
bidiitipev and the tiddler and the fel¬
low with a Lorn play fast and furi¬
ously for tin- dancers. As the dwtue
gets moro utld more exciting kihucI
the young men kick off Uieir woCMjen
sin- >' and hop nrontnl in tlieir sneks.
hilt every one is n. s( sldllful in keep
i:ig on their In avy wooden »-al«ii.s.
They stay tip Into the riigiir tuv
fore 11 holiday. There tire sotitoli of
clopping shoes and singing and laugh¬
ter all night— getting even louder to¬
ward day break. Then the «-ui holiday
begins, •