Newspaper Page Text
\m)L. XXXIII. No. *><)
.lust from tin' Mountains.
Owing to tiie continued ruins
the pointing is being delayed.
Mr, |ini Gless and sons of Mossy
Creek were buying poultry and
eggs here last Pridup.
Dr. T, J . McDonald md child-,
ren were out this way last Sunday
J'he fruit crops seems to he sale
lip to d ite widen will lie a great
They are now spraying the fruit
trees at the orchards.
The bonus that the soldier boys
received was :i great help and come
in a needy time. All that were in
service at the risk of their lives cer¬
tainly earned it.
The spring showers arc t great
help to the early gardens and the
p tstures.
Mr- Rose Turner, who has been
living with \ 1 1 \\ ; 1 oto A 'll at
Muppiu place died the othe night
fi >m what is thought to be heart
failure. Site was as wel ! us usual
the dav h'forc. She was a Miss
•Satterfield before marriage to .Mr.
Ihll Turner who proceeded her to
the great beyond several years ago.
Si c leaves several children a ltd u
host of relatives to mount her sad
departure. The body was laid to
rest at Mi. Pleasant e .-metery,
Messrs Roy and Carl 1 Slack, ol
Atlanta spent Sunday at the old
home place.
.Several of our people attended
the quarterly meeting m Vicooehte
V dley last Sunday.
The lien is still scratching and
cackling regardless ol the times.
Miss Greear Given Showers.
The S too 0 chts e W 0 m; 1 1 r Club
gave a shower Weduehtiny at tiie
borne of Mis Beilsmiiy lor MBs
Jean ( Jreear, vvnn married May 1
to Mr Joseph McGiuty.
Tiie UU u 1 nhoachee Garde u Club
a iso g: ive her a shower a! til c home
of Mr . Gleu Mickle. v\ ho i v prest
it of t lie (Jarden Cl
-- i-j
(-(' ,,uinHidalion of till*
d Ji ■ April Term of Whit.
Superior Conrt the utidersi[
of Bah! u» unty Ijhh trilled a election
tlx* (piEi-ait>11 of uxemji! iiiL r
;t period of H years on »t
as is provided in Article ;
Jhtrajrnipli - h. i»f the Cons
Brute «>f t.»(or *. 1 in to he held
v of May liitD iti all the Militia Dis
cte of sail! comity t<> he field Mtidei die
me raies yovi'rnitig elections ter Bif
I*mhei> of the U.-Iievst Assembly.
*ihose voting in fiivo.1 ol‘ said
jdmil have wiiiteu or ju inteU <>i
sir ballots ‘du favor ut exemption toi
period ol five years.” Tlmse votiny
•airist exemption shall have written oi
inied ,,11 thei i littilofs “ Agoinat Exemp*
* Xtiis the Dll day of May > 931 .
A. L. Dorsey,
Ordinal), White (J.midy Georgia
()ue Cafe wit li fixtures on tin
mirth side of public square (Move
'and, Ga. See
T. J. McDonald.
Ail permit- for fishm^, hunting
[C.\ on tiie L<iui Mine- pro pert
re witliiu drown. Any tresp.'t*
ill be prosecuted.
R. K Reaves, Jr., Agent.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
The rains have interrupted the
warmer- in plant i tig t hei r ci. "■
Mr. joint Lewis, of tills district.
i the a|th. Mr. Lewis was horned in
Noll. Carolina and _spe: t sc' ‘tail
'years m the west. Ho w;e- a hard
wording man and : v< - a iarj-p*
atmlv, a wife and children and a
number of children ana was a
Methodist in belief.
Mr, Chester West returned trout
Birmingham last week.
Mrs. Burner, mother ol Mrs.
John Lewis, is in a helpless
| non expected at her liaughter’s live much home longer and
I not to
i Already she is sever:.I years in her
| ,i inet ies, the -ehool child
i Think of many
|ren. W hat will they do on the
earth? Sod one. Take our places
j when we are gone. Sud another.
,Penetmi‘zséfii Smilmgm ‘ ”198"
Blue Ridge Dots
Mrs. Rose 'Turner, who departed
I i his life Friday night of paralysis,
j was buried at Mt, Pleasant
j cemetery Sidurrisv, Rev. T. L
| Rut land official mg,
Mr. and Mrs. \\ . j Partin, of
Corbin, Ky.. were on a visit here
with her father, Mr. F. 1. Lance,
Rev. A. C. Cantrell were
ing relatives here la.a Sunday.
Mr, L. S, Alien i- gradually
getting better.
Mr. Sam Byers md wife and
Mr-. L nderwood am d 1 Mrs. Sarah
\hermit liv . o! iLien wen* here
last week. They toll s that Mr
Underwood was in M
'The farmers in this section
made good headway Jplanting.
PressiDg Club and Shoe Shop
Will be open in (lowland in
I i lio Gaines building on (ho
j \ lotol Every lot. Wednesday and
V. W. Ski LION
We have ready for von ( ole
planters, tiding eulti valors, |
,e<‘ whiz, double loot and sin¬
gle plow sfoeks.hoe.s and niad
loek.s, picks. A good lint* ol
paints and repairs for Iurning
plows, in fact a good line of
hardw a re.
Holcomb Bros. Hdwe. Co.
»Ve sell fyr cash and sell for less
Advertising is tin; oil t hat lubn
ates the maclii . r V ' -! !m
'ry it.
Being Polite to Spirits
In Borneo many trees valued for
their timber are regarded as beiii^lhe
dwelling nlaees of £ood spirit*. Super
>-jiiiuii, lio\vi.*v(*r. comes to . a*<i °
economic necessity and^ before be in
i-urs tin.* disp!(»asure of tbe spirils hy
destroying tlieir home, the ruilive
drives <t hatchet into the trunk and
returns to bis family. If in the morn
ing the Uatcbel Inis fallen to the
irround it is a sien that tiie spirit will
HC-dy has left the tree for a new rosi
deuce. It is n-marh tbb* observes :i
writer in the 8 ydcry Bulletin deserih
'rig tiie i.oktts pocuy law couHisfentty
he hatchet fails to slay put.
Live and Learn
r find that at Tit 1 s,m not in ac¬
cord with the world. . . . Probably
tiie mine; this confession is
made With all sincerity: the major¬
ity have more experiences than I
have had, and therefore must knim
more.— E. W. Howe’s Monthly.
Gomraenceraen- Program
Cleveland Public Schools
Friday. Evening. May <S. 8:30
Musical IIlav—A Trip to Storv
land—Fifth and Sixth Grades Plav
I —Let Wedding Lieits Ring—
j Seventh Grade, Pantomine My
ld Kentucky Home.
| Saturday Evening, May y, S :fo
(Senior Class Play—Do The Miner’s
I laughter.
Sunday Morning, May to. it
Baccalaureate -Address —Dr. Chits,
<V . Henderson—Quitinun, Ga.
j Monday Evening, Mav it, S t^o
| Gradual ion Exercises
j Literary Address—Col. E. D.Ken¬
yon, Gainesville, Ga.
There will be special numbers
! and music between acts of plays.
'There will be admission, for tin
: junior and Senior Plays, Exact
| amount to be announced later.
Miss Jean Greear and
| f| MCGifllV MaUM
Miss Jean Greear and Mr. I
Joseph McGiuty. of Atlanta, were
married at noon. May l, at the
home ol the bt ides parents, Mi.and
• Mrs. John T. Greear, of Helen,G
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. James McDowell Richards
on the spacious porch of the
former Col. 11. II. Dean sunmiet
home, which was decorated with
dogwood and wild uzulia.
Mrs. Dan Johnson, of Atlanta,
was matron ot honor wearing a
gown of blue Griffon. Miss Ossie
Bailey, ot Augusta, was maid of
honor, wearing a gown ol yellow
and green chliTuu. 'They both
carried roses in shades of pink.
Dr. Alfred Hendrix, of Atlanta,
was the bride’s man and LulIter
McGiuty, of Chattanooga, acted as
best man.
The bride was gowned in an
ensemble ol Copenhagen bluewith
accessories to match. Her flowers
were pink roses.
The wedding marches were play
by Mrs. A'ietor Hollis,of Sautee. j
During the"ceremony •*Believe Me j
of all Those Endearing Charms ” j
was softly played.
Following the ceremony a |
wedding breakfast was served after
which Mr. and Mrs. McGiuty left J
for a short wedding trip by motor.
They will live at 1097 Oakdale
Road, Atlanta.
Air. and Airs Arthur McG.nty,
parents ol the bridegroom, and
judge and Mrs. Joseph Worley,
grandparents of the bridegroom,of
Elberton. Ga., attended the
Furdson’t factor, equipped with:
plow and harrow. In splendid]
condition. Will sell or plow ami
harrow for anyone.
Ernest Crane.
Fascinating Monkey
Lavonne Uncle Charlie through was the showing When little in j
zoo. ]
the monkey house, tie could Imrdl.v !
get her away from the cage of an
extremely ugly monkey. Finally tie j
linked, “Do you like him, Lavonne V” j
“No,” site Answered. “Then why do j
you want to slay here?” Uncle Charlie j
asked. “I don't knipv," she said, “I j
just imve 10."
After going through -the rest of the ;
zoo, Lavonne wished' to go back to tiie ]
monkey house. “Which one do you
want to see?” Uncle Charlie asked. ;
“The one with the sad facts" she an- j
ewerod solemnly.
Ideas Must Be Carried Out
Ideas are fine things to have; the
world wouldn’t get far without them.
But the idea must have behind it exe¬
cution if it is to become worth any¬
thing, Remember, what you do counts
for fur more than what you believe.—
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen and
1 .atnilv. ol Hollywood, spent
; day ni S iu vvUh Mr * !Uld Mrs * l>un '
j ShelmiU,
Messrs Felix and Philip
| ,-,f .\orllt Carolina, spent Sunday
. with Mr. 1. 11. S(ovali and itttpi y
,, d ^ K!bert p irk ^ t!
Clarkesi ilie, visited relatives here
one day last week.
( Mr George Moore, of Toe CL
visited friends here Sunday
Mi-s Anna Siov ill has return,.!
j .inn: alier a week’s visit with her
1 sister, Mrs. Huh Head at Clerm|iil
Mr and Mrs. Elisha Thurmond
ol Atlanta, were the guests ol Air,
and Mrs. Curtis last Suudtty. I
Born t . Mr. and Mrs. frank,
Thurmond, 4f April (|
a daughter, 2
Mr, and Mrs Ku S , Sosehe.e vijt
ed Mr. and Airs. ML 11, Freeman
last Monday.
Mr. Arthur Sisk, of Habersham.
.vastln dinner gu-t of Mr. and
j virs. Alfred Stovall last Sunday,.
Mis.. Bertha Shuler, ol Gainijs.
villi*, is spending the week with
Miss Anna Stovall.
Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Boyd, ad
Atlanta, were the guests of Mr
ind Mis G. W. .McCollum Sunday
Screen Presents “Bachelor -Apartment”
j Capitol Theatre, Atlanta.
j Starting Saturday 9th
Tue story revolves about Lowed
Fhennan who plays the part of »
uper-cynical, and and immensely
vvealtby “lady-killer.”
Tie doesn't even trotlbl t o go
after his feminine prey.
'They go to his liar—-willingly !
Therefore, 1 he sizzling action
which is c.iiu sinjF Ians 1 lirouglihiit
liie country U> g,rip tlieir seats ivitli
joy, takes place in this ptlacje of
modernistic splem lor.
Mae Murray : s Agatha goes
there, bent Oil humbling the
egorotnnnee. I ler husband goes
there to give him a “handful of j
Irene Dunno, a s pia in 1 ielene,
gues there to reclaim her stray sts
ter, and goes back ol her own ae
ord, a vivtitn to hluchcttrds blend*
ishmeut s.
C iaude Dell goes there through
Hie sk ti/ hloggery ol Sherman 'con
etving but ler.
Arline fudge and Noel Francis
o as naturally as moths Vo a flame,
r. ven nightraiders, glorious!)
“h; appear in the petti house in
dm ‘ wee -niaL hours” of the
morning to make the well known
To miss this satirical studyjof th*'
u called upper crust at play, is to
toss the most tentah/.ing treat ol
t he season.
A blue-book cast interprets the
-picy roles, and Lowell Sherman
And on tin* stage. A. J». Marcus
-•.ill present “FRIVOLITIES”
ind up Vo the i:\iiuife revue with
se veral added atti act tens l| big
•ceries 7 new song hits 7 ^ people j
and big stage band. |
Just Like 4re Ostrich j
A medical authority says that a j
person who trios to cover up skin |
blemishes and pimples with toilet j
creams and powders that buries is just its as head foolish in
as an ostrich
the sand to avoid danger. Skin erup¬ !
tions are nature’s warning that con- ]
rtipation blood is throwing and weakening poisons into whole your !
stream your
constitution. Remove the constipated
condition and you will strengthen your
system against disease and clear up
your do this disfigured is with skin. The of Herbine, best way the to
a course
ally vegetable and easily, medicine which that acts natur¬ get
you can at
My Your Subscription Now
P r 1 n t i 11 g
is the master key of our civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highest
efforts of its craftsmen.
The Cleveland Courier
Commercial Printing of Every Description
\\< ...
ADVERTISING is like liniment. U
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And the harder the rubbing the better
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RUB IT IN HARD—Increase your acvertis
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Reliability and safety
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ONE OF the first things you will notice when you
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They are unusually safe and reliable because
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Other outstanding features of the Ford are the
Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield, four Hou
daille double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers,
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twenty ball and roller hearings, Rustless Steel,
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You save when you buy the Ford and you save
every mile you drive.
T U K I (I it II UK LUXE I* If A E T O N
r n 1 is r e e y n o it y t y p e s
*430 to *630
(F. o. b. Detroit, plus freight and delivers- Dumpers and
spare tire extra at line cost. You can purchase a Ford on
economical terms through tho Authorized Ford Finance
Plans of the Universal Credit Company, j