Newspaper Page Text
* * ■> * '2* * * *5 * * ’•'■• M *- )
? KILLERS t f 5 * I *
t f JOY t I!
1 f :
j* t “Better luck next than.” f!
V —
%. “Wf don’t pay much to lart. 1 C i
but—’' ■*'
❖*?•••!•'2 1 “No, but there': sniri.a hlne jus*
us good
v give I. 0. V.
* "Mind If I y a fin
<• for that?’’
t ►> :
"Decayed at tin- roots, old •?* ;
man. We ll pull it, eh •’ ’ f *£ i
t f "Why didn’t you let me know? t\ *
♦> hare got 'em Wholesale
*F 1 could t
Y for you.”—London Opinion.
., >;• *:• * v •:* * * *> * * *
A miss in the car is worth tuo In
the engine.
Energy is life’s petrol, and tact is
U.-, lubricating oil.
If you want your dreams to come
true, don’t oversleep.
When a man is a breadwinner he
bn: no ‘ime for a loaf.
You nave to cultivate good habits.
’ 1 ^ bad ones grow wild.
A woman does not have lo he able
to swim to go off the deep end.
A Woman may he taken for granted,
but she rarely goes without Haying.
It isn’t always the loud weaker
v, ho attracts the ItirgeM audience, ■
Many a man who believed In love
at first sight, wears spectacles when
lie is married.
The best way to got to the top of
ihe tree is by getting down to the
•a of things.
The reason dreams often do not
<’n ce true Is that so many of us just.
keep on dreaming.
True friendship does not need fair
weather; it flourishes best in Hie
si firms and gales of adversity.
--------- -
covered i.!!L*? in ra «« 1871. U<e 0f teprmy WM d,S *
Giant armadillos lived in South
America up to 20,000 years ago.
Owls have extraordinarily keen sight
and hearing for their nightly hunting.
Gypsy horse traders must pay a tax
of $370 iri every Georgia county in
which they bargain.
Systematic restocking of iisii in the
streams and lakes of Yellowstone park,
makes It possible for . 1 , 000,000 fish to
Sir taken out each season.
Metz claims the oldest unmarried
woman inhabitant. Mile. Gertrude
Morions, who recently celebrated her
one hundred and second birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fatten of Her
moil, Maine, Celebrated their tii'iletii
wedding anniversary with all their
family present, twenty-four in number,
including four generations. There nev¬
er lias been a break in the circle.
New York’s 6,003,000 people live and
eorfc in OS 1,818 buildings.
Fourteen of them are married every
They drive nearly 1,000,000 auto¬
A baby is born to thorn every 4.1
They eat 1,000 pounds of food each
They erect 23 new buildings every
day, and demolish six.
They use enough telephone line to
stretch 35 wires to the moon.
Their busiest thoroughfare Is
Qtteensboro bridge, counting only
vehicular traffic.
They use water brought 02 miles at
the rate of Mo gallons per capita daily.
—Capper’s Weekly.
Kosher signifies those meats proper
for Hebrews to eat
Jewish law requires that meat must
1 • consumed within seventy-two hours
niter slaughter.
The cornflower or "bachelor’s but
t 'ii” is regarded as the national flow
re- of Germany, although it is not
c> icial.
The Israelites white wandering
ti.rough the wilderness developed a
s; stem of slaughter and preparation
re meat animals for food.
in Austria, when a customer leaves
a shop or restaurant, the proprietor
and Hie assistants, both men and sales
■women, say: “I kiss your lured." .al¬
though it is merely .1 xork.l . . ut.’.y.
Local News
Mr. Fleming has rece vcd the
I : •. <.r 28 <lty, test report 0:1 tins
..<-Cr;iwfoni sand mid gravel de
near A^besIOs Sti! io?l, I b's
,-i.Aerial p-ts-ed liie St ue Highway
. ■ re ailment !c-: ' O. is.. it m tllat
i that development and shipping
will start soon. This industry will
p yi.ry much at this time and we
ok for other developments to fol
'Oiv soon
Editor and .Mrs. Jas. 1'. D.ivid
.-,11 and Mr. and Mrs. PaulMauney
-pent Saturday night with parents, I
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nelms, in!
M mmerce. and Sunday vviiii Mr.
.0 Mrs. il. 15. Snellings inComer 1
Dr, Chas. VV. Henderson, of
•: hi it man, is visiting parent?, Mr.
m l Mrs. J. \V. Henderson.
Cleveland now has a Red Cross
Chapter with go members.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J Graves, ol
Atlanta, were in Cleveland Mon¬
day, Mr. Graves is Supt. of At
until Division of Railway Mails.
Mr. D. N. Warwick is critically ;
11 , wiih pneumonia.
Mother’s Day is Sunday.
We are rebuested to announce
(hat there will be a singing at
S*» da y afternoon.
Mr. F. Cl. .Maunuy is spending a
cw days in Atlanta and visiting
■ datives at other points.
Mr. Lumpkin, Supt. of
terminals mails, was in Cleveland
p ueg( j;
It is the hope of everyone
he Cleveland High School
orium will be crowded to its
opacity Sunday ' morning that they
n lis , en (u llje j nsp j r j n g and
Dr. C.nas. ... \.
dcquetit eerinon
ienderson vvi*l deliver to the
graduating class.
Dr. Henderson is a native of
'Vliite and is well known 1
by everyone, therefore he needs no i
introduction from us. However,)
,ve do wish to stress that you now
’* 8 *" to m:lke >' our F^par.ttions
lie .r him.
Abyssinia's Possibilities
Abyssinia has vast potential riches,
probably in minerals, certainly in Its
amazingly fertile soil. Much of it is
mountain and high plateau- Addis
Abalm is about 8,000 feet above the
a and tt lias a "Wtitle man cli
miye." Abyssinia has no seaport, and
her only link with tin* outside world
is the French-built narrow gage rail¬
road from Djibouti In French Soma¬
liland to tire capital.
Mesopotamia Unhealthy
Irak, Hie Arabian inline for Meso¬
potamia, has an area of M3,240 square
miles, nr the equivalent of New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania ami Ohio.
The temperature varies from 12 de
a'ces in the shade, in summer to se¬
vere frosts in the winter. The eoun
try is unhealthy, and the utmost cure
is required by those living there to
escape (lie plagues which scourge the
Mythological Term
Ambrosia is the term used in my
Biology to describe the substance
which, with nectar, formed tlie food
and drink of the gods, and which made
immortal those wiio partook of it.
Fstmlly, both in Ilomer and later
writers, ambrosia is the food and nec¬
tar the drink, but some, as Sappho,
used ambrosia as the name of the
drink and nectar as tlie food.
Usual Fate of Reformers
Gracchus be, nme tribune in Rome
in 1.34 15. O. He hoped to restore the
Inldings of tiic small farmers and dis
po-.scss tlie rich of their wide posses
•ions, which had boon stolen. He in
tinduced a bill for this purpose, but
t was too bold a challenge to vested
interests, and lie and 300 of bis fol
lowers were massacred.
Always Ono More
"Have you ever noticed how many
feels there are in the world?" ”1 have.
And I’ve noticed something more.
Everybody tiiinks there are a lot of
fools In ihe world, hut the queer part
..f it is there is always one more than
any one person notices.”
Unfortunate Happening
An Irishman was making an appeal
for funds on behalf of n hospital. He
said; "Ladies and gentlemen, most
Public institutions have their ups and
downs, bur. unfortunately, in the case
f this hospital the downs have been
in tlie ascendant.”
Shakespeare’s Family
William Shakespeare was the thin
child in the family. Two daughters
who died in infancy, were tlie firs’
lid second children. Tire others wen
Gilbert, Joan, A;me, tUchanl and Ed
Scot Saw Possibilities
of Under-Water Craft
The story of the evolution of under¬
water bonis .M'hio») moires mention of
a Scotsman’s idea which, had it been
translated, into practical form, might
have given S'-oi'and the honor of pro¬
ducing (lie first submarine, says «
writer in the Weekly Scotsman. That
distinction falls, actually, to a Dutch¬
man, Cornelius Van Drcbhell, who con¬
structed a suhnicr able craft which was
tried out on the Uivc-r Thames, near
bondori, in the early part of 1(124, but
did not prove much of 0 success.
If. is a remark! bio fact that nearly ‘
thirty years before Van DrebbtMjPS in- 1
vention John Napier of Merchiston, the
celebrated inventor of logarithms, an¬
nounced that he had in mind a similar
innovation in rncihc.ds of navigation.
I 11 a pamphlet which he published in
Edinburg! on June 7, Ih'.tii. Napier re¬
ferred to "devices of sailing under the
waters,” which he “hopes to perform,”
He does nor appear to have attempted
to realize that hope, however, and no
more is heard of the idea of 11 Scottish
submarine wlueh, wo may take il,
would have given the Firth of Forth
an additional measure ol fame.
Women Doctors Banned
b • Colonial Lawmakers
, Though American women have
gained. In recent years, eunsiderublo
prominence in (ho medical profession,
their ueiiiovemcnt im.-; not been effect
oil without effort, writes Capt. John
I.oe Maddox ill the New York Evening
Post, About tlie year 1038 Mrs. Jane
riiiwkins was Hire,-,.iciu.'.i with defiorta
tiotl from (lie Golon.v of Massachusetts
if she did nut get out within throe
months, and he v ; s warped not to
meddle, in the meant ime, with surgery,
physic, plasters or oils.
Again, about Ihe year 17.70, a Boston
physician wrote eoneernttig u piece of
recent medical legislation; “li was
one of the happiest fruits of improved
medic; 1 eihicnHoti that liy this hill
females were excluded from the prac¬
tice of medicine, and this only had
been effected by the united and perse¬
vering effm-s of sottte of the most dis
tinguislied men in the profession. The
act enjoined women not only from tlie
general practice of tnedlcliie, but also
from that of obstetrics,”
Impenetrable Disguise
Miss Shirley Moor, the first, woman
graduate of the Yule Law school, was
criticizing the modern girl.
Two modern girls ornamented the
Hahn .....tin r
ttfternooti. They wme hunts and riding
hrew ' he * » ,i " ! " v ’ vU ' 1 ' h,,tS! ~ a K™ a
had lust led oii their horses—and as
|h( , y W:li , V(1 f<H . th<Hl . , ..cktail-s to he
orved they smoked ugorem.- in long
amber tubes and swaggered up and
down iii mannish fashion,
"Oh, by the vrnv,” salt] the first
one, "what about the iiiasipierude ball j
next week V
The other taliped her leg with her j
crop stick, “Weil, what about it?”
"What shall we : > as?”
"Let rue think. There! I’ve got an
"Spill it.”
"We’ll go as girls!”
Gold Once Second to Silver
lu view' of the eutnparalivel.v small
wilue of silver, big holders of that
reef,al mnst wish themselves buck In
ancient times when, strange us tl may
seem after centuries of contrary ex
pertenee, gold was the b'-s valuable
if tin' two, writes 11 columnist In the
Munchere or 1 .'eartiLin.
True, it was tt very long time ago.
lack in tie Bret a - ago, but prnhnhly
few people knew that such a tops',
tun y state of 11 ft airs ever evi re 1
Howev er, the Hcc-k historian A res' M
•treidt's’, who lived in tilt- Second ecu
tary 15. G,. records Uutt in ares oas; I
is upeertors reckoned an ounce re
silver to l>e wort Ii ton o'” go id, and
archeology supports him.
New York in Early Day«
Near uhere the ire..res now s'.imh’
;here once was n deep, clear pond :
of fresh wilier, which 'fie Manalmtas j.
believed bad no bottom, writes I'. B
Hole, in lire New York World, in the
center of the pond was 11 liny, piclur :
e.squc island. The outlet o’ (Ids pom: |
was a little stre:: ,1 which bowed into |
the Fast river near where .lame
street now lies, and this stream en
aided Hie villagers to p.reulie tire:: •
canoes down to tire ore rivet or tin 1
fishing. Ac pdei . red; d what is
now Broad sweet. Tlrerc was a JdM.
bill at vviiilt is :rev. tie corn.a ot
Grand street :u d 15 read way. which j
comnmmled a v lew for miles, •
G *.s to toe Do v
It w;is one id ti > 0 boa>' - wl’.icb
seem to swing up ire ; re’ !i Me
landlord bad called to collect therein
only to be met by an irate tenant tie
inanding a new flop: door
"New flare! 1 ; >« 1 ? V t” cl >;•
you mean?” the lamiiord gaspoti
equally mdreawref. "Why. man. ids r
new house.”
"Yes. 1 know," replied the tenant
"but 1 merely tied my dog to the dmw
knob—a eat went by amt now wi
haven’t got a tY. ut U- iri”
Great Erst Indian Firm
“Tata Sees. Ltd.." is an is re¬
house, foam's’! '' .• Ire; .Is: -s. y
N. Tata. :■ i'. re .mi
trial pioneer re e le . : .y:, •; s. s arc
in Bombay. t!:e re s : capita!
of their tmdciss kit s- is estimated a:
S2A0.tKHi.0i’’', pr >vid:::g ca , a yiaeat fot
nearly grey V people.
There are V ou
.lit rememh;
The day v, t\ that
,, ou were
The day
stood you t
Tim day that
you were m
The day ■ •/I O r
that no one
The day •hiId Ci
■mummy” Ii for it
The day en y<
very * cae v •Hi f! had grown sc i old.
Thu wired \\ yo\ i ihoi ught thm I. the !
;ing howct 1 to you of ail the pop
due •
The day VV t* en f! S i <■ n tan yon had .
a»vod for ears ; ) to you, “Ai our
age we 1 ear lr.ot expo
The day when y our friend f ailed'
you. And she was a wo man. 1! she ;
i:;ld tie rtt; i lift in it would not have 1
matter* •d.
The • hiy •; vhen you were ■ Hentlmontal .
You hissed g!#v< \ or a dead rose, !
or sonudhi fig*. a fid send to youi 'Sdf.
"No on e ih ■Ci] i ?vx»r hnou j '*
And the day when vo u know that
no day S Ift ape r to you any pH ire—
only t lie nigh [S \\ herei n you may .
sleep.— Win dser a r,,,, 3. •
_ _______
I don’t like pol who
w cist watches.—J oh :ms.
\Ye are in n pern tic low
visibility,—i.'.g. Lei F. Ayr.
There is, after a moral otriign*
tion to bo Intel Pi,* ■ 1 sabei i'-afor
The ideal in»si t* lueai
woman, ex; onl.v Hov
Lon it. Cal!
What rs is
of j;)
of.- K.
AS ft i’v !
:s 11 > t ti 11 a n
We are all
Simple arithmetic cor>
vinced aioi'e ihttn a mi ikon
users of General Electdc
Refrigerators udl of the perpet
savings which are
theirs. Pennies here, pen
there—- food saved
from s p oila <f e — f 0 o d
bought i.i large quantitrw
at lower prices — left-overs
served with economy . . .
and assurance! A great in¬
vestment opportunity. 1
penally, on these terms’
$10 dovvri
30 months
to pay
M E Is ; ) on hnvc a
good article for .
Sell it on it a tni- rit
7'h/a C o in t> u ii irifl
wake it good or tab it
P. S. Arkwright,
P reside H t.
Ge °® GIA
A Citizen Wherever We Serve
^ ...... .
T /.-. - -- .;i
.... , ,
in [’..-.on 1 : 01 : - , nk where
M... . re . \util
men: Attend carefully to deads
.vour liu-iness; Be pnmqrt in ad
t'on.-ider •.veil, then decide 1 ,
il;— to do right, fear to ih> wrong
n- trims patiently ; l
I attic-; bravely, manfully; Go not it. 1 , sacred; Injure not
rejmtat1 1 ! . nor la-:;—; J, B
orrty w !i the yhtumis; Keep
mind from evil thuuglds; Lie not
any consideration; Make few iiciuiant
ancos; Never try to appear what
are nor ; Ob.- iTi o g .-Ki nr.iuhei .- :
your debts: pruuuuiy: (jiu-dcui not
veracity of a friend; Itospoct
counsel of your parents,;
money rather than principle;
not, i.-i-to loir, handle not
drinks; 1 se your leisure time for irn
prove,, out; Venture not upon
threshold of wrong; Watch
over your passions; Extend to every
one a kindly ? ..dutation : Yield not
discouragement Z. ah;;., ly labor
the right.
Thought He Had Vision
of the “Good Old Days”
There is an old fa: hloned inti in
little village of Wahiiingham*tlmt at
traded nty attention one day when I
was out for a country rambte. it still
has an atmosphere of stirring times in
the past. A hi Away man's haunt, no
Swords used in the good oid days
still hang over the mantelpiece of the
huge chimney piece in the center of
the heavily-beamed room, and the inn
keeper iiimscK can recount many tales
of duels and robberies.
. At the end of the garden I noticed
two limp objects hanging, swayed to
and fro by the wind--lifelt*.-s skeie
tons; No longer a frome lot- warm
c.-sfj ttru! blood. They Mu o witit /V c
dangling. 1 sluiddcri d ami ran nij
fingers round my collar at t! ■ though!
of a gibbet anti all its horrors.
Just .then a door banged and a worn
an came hurrying down the garden
unpegged the two stoekings hanging
on Hie line and took them in, I*..-sing
Show, London.
Llvirg Mouse Trap
Some living mouse traps nave nr
rived at tie* London zoo from Snath
Africa in the form of but!frog, known
scientifically, as Haiia isieisa. and.
popularly, as .“nninskutls.’’ They are
uncommonly big butraclduns, fully 8
inches in length, and, being ess ntiull.v
bamnviug frogs, spend 1 . of tia-J
time hiiif-buNctl in tb<* soil, wiiere
their blotched green bodies are un
noticeable. Beady always to seize are;
devour almost coy siuail ; 1 tir<
wltlc.ii moves, a passing nixusv is al
most eertain to lie engulL i in their
capacious li«ml!i and saaii.nvcd v.dmte.
The newcotners at Hre ?.<»> have shown
such a partiaiiiy for mh o that a single
specimen will tic pose of seven of the
England’s Unexplored Cave
An ;i i'Chi'fH';: iIid;n- «j rt> mini
uf tnnus. yet to Ug
Fupfam! wftli pro-peris
•luicls'* throw in*: ii^ht «»n preaisjG
prri»<•>. !n I l e’l ;.uir»* at le; t a e< :•
iHives have been ttxpioi’eil for tlie li
liine. Hurt* -i.t*were human ju
at tier hoi
mol &&{ V.
ut 11 re froi
which is
shirt? ljo’t
“Vci rsa CL I
0nn y< ,’ rel, J : .Tftssins
It must 1 >e io si art crying vvito n some
one te!E ke am 1 yoi i ready
wati t t o fine i to st- art laughing
when yn ii want ; to cry?
This >: th.e e mfty, ftmmte 1 itjon of
it girl at Bonl e •\ u x, who \ H>sse sses in
verfed n iliseJes Will ch the doet ors sft.v
rhey eanip ft cut e>
A rt from this [revui'mrity she is
normal. B at w iien her f nee \ IS ft.: r
stained h ier eyes ; s Ik :ev mm: »nl. and
when si ie smi ies her « reveal
dreadful tmhnp pine m.
Mar vc 5l Spa an i ’(v " i yranee
of -two ons of ■
iftilos* at ■ io' need
hi U:o
ml hie A
knov n a
M; . in
ft Ti Blots
That Frenc. nan De Tour
go? >urlst* *r<jppe<
and on. The
was of Sv-an
toiirl^ts were
0 rue Sweih
li or with the •
T) iG(to leaorson oat’s gat soin •
•'no r*»a«1s. en i-let English man Lincoln J
i.ties gat some fine roads tn. en Iloose- {
oh ;A ant so had dot FroD"hmea !
I'e Tour gat t}:i vorsi roads ay •
aver saw/*—Panzer Uiahways.
Cegstl Agdueriisernents
: r (igorgotj . ..... White
" 1,1 b *- s ‘ ,w the rarnrt house
,• ,
/ !u - 1 . y on the first Tuesday
•>. June ihdi within the legal hours of
, •’•Me to tin- highest bifid,-r for cash the
j following prop rtytowit: All that tract
lend tiescri! ci « s follows: Beginning
| ’* th-' line between the projierlv on* of Mrs
il. a. Taten, ami j . It. ,s l0 vali the
1 cTe V ^ “ P ^
t k ...... , r r ! 1 A t.treeuian
j T ’ 'A ' estate,
j ’>’-•*i.<•-' “•'itH w an said A. 15. Freeman
—- — Ji. St«v»JJ line, thence
| follow mg the .j. II. Movall line and
! s >uth t (J rt lt ? beginning point, containing
, d.i.ut 'iOa.-ir- ,,j i ;t od ihoi-k ei- less. Nani
1 ami levied cn tin- .uc.jci-tv of Mrs
;i- A. J’atum to .satisfy two tax eXecu
nu;s ag-itin-t Mrs. H. A. Tatmn for slate
on! oilaly taxes f,o- the years 1 !> 2 » aud
AW- ul the .-ame- time and place and
•n the sijme term:- will he sold the follow
ir.g property to wit: VU tlec follows'/ tract or
,>»n;ei »f de-.-rihed »s 15c
j ginning at the ■ ,,;it.ity line between White
; aid iiaiicrshaiu untie., at the branch
i "H the public road near tire residence of
I. A. Tatum, ’belie.; ’.Vest With said ptiii
! • tOO yards, thence south $00
j -01 tls, 1 iicto e cai-t to said t:outity line,
H, tore i, .rib In Ho- iivgoit^tig-or starting
j •lint. Said property levied
• on , w the
j Wf’jH-itj of J. A. 1'atiim to satisfy lt tax
; • ••! id.-oi -<i o\ Ati.-puh Allison, lux Ooi
.0001 at saiil = iiisity.i- 1 state and county
axes for tile year 11*3(1 against the said
j A. I’lttuni.
I -ire.,: t we shujo Man- a.m,l place and
i 1 tire t will be said the
-.iii: t jins follow
; $
i to wit.: hu t tef
) lot d in ni-G« live (.»j in thu sixth
j f j) iliis/i ift t sa.i mrit y u.omaiiiiug !.*(>
; Ytik •t ia • i m-ire t»r les- 3*1 heinir
HHlt’ 1 mi ketitu-l.V. Fa t>y J. j.
’itlll hhii do« d tj iii tiiuOurk*B
j ‘Fit-e f># Hiid roi y ip ruO»i (I ihciiy
! Go..k **V’ ptigcXi
| Said |n tij.erty lev l«it
at* Uim t V. Fain lo Mjflb
: y *L 1UX U iii listUli \V Aiibiiati Ailisoii,
! AX CoihrvGnr ut f i ‘ OHjjtv, ag&ji,<<t J,
; Fain lor
j > . «tat*• • vifUnty taxi s ’ It.i
j tia*
.'Vibo at iii* .-.‘uiit {'hr and plurt*.uiiitcm
^ i,u> u ''‘tn> vviii J.o mejd t;ietolk».wing
■srevtilcl ii property to wit: That. rerUiZ
) Mise Hini, in ;hu Town of Rohc-ts
! ”' ,vn * known as tire bouse ami lot
| 1 -G’tod’i owes ill said town. Said
{ lying iiLck ol ivutj.sey’s store in
i R dicrlsiotvn win fronting the Hiawassc
! ■"Ma; load. Sant properly levied w
-- prerer.y of u. il. Arnold to satisfy
• tax ti ta issued by Allteou.Tax;
oiiccim of said . ouriiy, against 11. iL
Arnold lor state and comity taxes for lire
■u 15*30. 1'iiis, May titlt BhJl.
. A. Jackson, Sherifl.
teorftia, Whue Coua ty „
'•> di\ ^ horn Ire May Concum;
1 . W . ^oatilehaum having, i i proper
( ere Hpjilicit to me fm- permanent letters
i adrnmmtration ort the estate of Mis.
•adi ’ G 1 un. 1 t JoliiiHOn, late ot sa’d conn’y.
Ills is to Cite nil ami sitigiklur Uu rrcdi
is and :, \t ot km of Alr.s, Sadie I/isvo,
' hnsren to Im- ami appear at my ofljee
ithitj the time allowed by law, and
•liovv rauxi’, ii any they can, why penn.i
rut ii(lministrut u>u shonhi gnu;
i lo P. \Y. (Vilatt lebalim •11 Mrs. Ssdir
ason Johnson's estate.
es my hand atnDdfi, gnat tire
dry of May ISM.
•A. L. I) •cy. Ordinary,
of Ortii
isets 11 application i 4
; rln.’U At lev, *'W oi tne ^ihl
Allcy , for tv 1 month s gsup
■ * ami minor child, lid. anviuR
mini. Ail pfersoiis e.oticefiv
1 *'-*od t<» show if any
-y have, tut’ next regular term of
s> £-ai‘i appl'ji a Hon should,
Columbus CcrHcarj 7
■ ire i:i n lecture at M ;re
oilIfe-s us-.-ened tl timt Columbus was n
'orsiean horn tt Calvi. Me lias made
tonsr res ear* i into the life of the
reat explorer and maintains that he
■as found doc uiaentary evidence of
rein of Columbus. Ac
v.niing •n Casiaing', Columbus
os tire son of f :< wool earlier ami
ived at b’aivl ut til he re as about ten
• ears old. Wlm i Fierce Bonaparte
isited Haiti, so: the speaker, he dis
ritiun iu Spanish on
rook, saying : ‘Cursed be the Cor
jean who brottg it us hither.” This
ascription. Cant, Canon Castaing lielieves,
vas wi’iUi l>y Spanish navigators and
c ('erred ) Colunthus.—Patlinder
la .azine.
Vdv; Palestine
■\~revi uiv hvUig
A i ong those
it Xr. ihe Pales
e (U-t
ii*ti ill rig the
or m fa nil
•a use ■ a Jevvisit
■> are va *11 eared f i* by the
t orga ’ivlion. Lecaose of the
- orange show at Jaffa
ear. ti event was placed on a
i ami Hi st t-oiu] show
!y was well received by the
hge cri iIs it attracted.