Newspaper Page Text
Sparks Circus Will Give Two Per¬
formances In Gainesville On
Tuesday, Sept. 22
Sparks Circus, always noted for
its trained wild beast displays,
brings with it this season,Austria’s
greatest animal subjugator, I' ranz
Wo ska. For many years chief
trainer at the world’s large-t wild
animal mart, the great Carlllage.n
beck Zoo at Stellinghen, Germany,
Woska this year introduces three
wild animal groups in the large
“Safety First” steel aera that are
as claimed by noted animal author¬
ities to be the most thrilling ever
presented in America.
In one display time beautiful
Bengal tigers bend obedience to
Wuska’s will and are brought from
their pedestals to the groond where
all lay in a row casting “eyes
right” at this masterful trainer.
This routine is so sensational and
thrilling that many gasps of won
derineut are noticeable in the “big
In addition to the trained tigers
Woska will also put a ti'oup ol
snarling Nubian lions through a
routine that is thrilling io the ex
t rente.
Another display features a group
ot Indian leopatds, seven in uuni
ber and said to be the quickest
animal of all in point of action
All three wild animal acts repre¬
sent the highest degree ot animal
intelligence. Sparks Circus will
give two performances in Gaines¬
ville on Tuesday, Sept. 22,
Subscribe For The Courier
Word has been received byCleve
land Cliev. Co,, Goodyear dealei
at: Cleveland ol the award of u
beautiful art photograph ot the
U. S. S. Akron, world's largest
airship, framed in duralumin, the
material used in the framework
structure ot this leviathan of the
Mr. J. H. R, Barrett wins the
picture, wlncli is to be displayed in
service station window as soon as
it is received, for making his sales
quota in the July-August sales con¬
test for Goodyear dealers, known
as the Dealers Annual Zeppelin
sales race.
“1 have seen pictures showing
this award,”l\ir. Barrett said,“and
it is one of the most worthwhile
trophies of such a race, besides be¬
ing a memento of tins giant airship
that will become increasingly
valuable as time goes on, as an
historical feature,
“1 certainly am going to prize
the picture a great deal.
“The sales contest was ot great
v.i ue in helping us to gel the
inuxium amount ot business this
summer, and put Goodyear tiies on
the cars ot many people who diu
nol know betoie what our service
could do for them.”
Mr. Barrett has been a Goodyear
dealer in this city for seven years
fr.- Snow BALLARD'S linimfNT . ,*■
Penetrates/ Soothes/
J.1B. R.^BARRETT, Agent
IB Chance Of Lifetime
“Reliable Man Wanted to call on
farmers in White count, Wonder¬
ful opportunity. Make $S to $20
daily. No experience or capital
needed. Write today. Furst \
Thomas, Dept. S. Freeport,Illinois
Pleading Eyes
In Georgia there are many pale faces
of mothers looking up with pleading
eyes, fretting, feverish, drawn, wrin¬
kled skinned babies with big, hollow
eyes that cannot understand why but
know pain and anguish, look at you
with imploring eyes for relief — for
clief from sickness. They, in their
anguish, silently appeal to us. the eiti
.111s of our commonwealth, for relief,
'or attention, for hospitalization. Our
health officers ask: Why should they
lie, mother aud baby? If our State
Board of Health had the cold cash,
lev could save hundreds of them.
-May be not yours, but somebody's baby.
L®eal News
Site Southeastern Fair in .Atian
ta will begin Oct. 3 and continue j
through October 10.
Mr. L. B. Spear, assistant divi¬
sion engineer of the Gainesville
division, was in town last Friday
on official business.
Miss Kittie Adams is visiting in
Madisonviile andSweetwater,Tenn ;
Mr. If. S. Fite, of Atlant, has
returned to his home after a visit
with his sister, Mrs. G. C. Adams
Mrs. t F. A. McAfee returned
home Thursday of last week alter
a visit to her daughter, Mrs. R. T.
MaGahee, in Cincidnati.
Mr. Charlie Carroll has moved
into Mr. Barrett’s house across the
street from Ed Trotter’s.
Several dogs were bitten in
“Negrotown” one night last week
by a dog supposed to be mad.
We are requested to announce
that Rev" Mungum, of Gainesville
will preach at the Baptist church I
Suneay at 11 A. M.
Mrs. H. B. Snelling, of Comer,
is visiting her sisters, Mrs. l J uul
Mauney and Mrs. Jus. P- Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Prul Mauney visit¬
ed Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Snelling.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Neal, ot
Gainesville, visited and Cleveland
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Antoinette Brown, of At* j
luntu, is visiting the Meadurs
family this week.
Mr. Cleo Nelms, of Commerce,;
spent Tuesday night with sisters,
Mrs. Paul Mauney and Mrs. Jas.P.
Davidson. He is just returning |
irotn a tryout on tlie Georgia (
Civilian Riile Team utCumpPerry,
Mrs. Stanton Nicholson is in;
Downey hospital recuperoting
from a serious operation.
We are requested to announce!
that Messrs J. B. Whitmire a,ul |
A. E. Barton, of Hull county, will
sing at the Baptist church the*
Fourth Sunday afternoon.
Col. and Mrs. R. L. J. Smith :
uid Mrs. C. H, Nelms, of Com¬
merce, spent Wednesday in Cleve¬
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davidson, !
»f Columbus, are visiting relatives
and friends in Cleveland and;
White County.
The Counsy Commissioners sign¬
ed the agreement Tuesday to turn
over the Jjoad from Cleveland to
Glurkesville, via Leaf, over to the
state, which was acted on by the
State Highway Board Sept. 3rd.
The national convention ot the j
American Legion will open it: j
Detroit Monday, Fifty-three ;
ivory-white Chevrolet automobiles
will be placed at ^the disposal ot
the state commanders by the com
Judge and Mrs. J. W. II.I uder
wood and Mr. J. H. Telford al
,ended the funeral services ot Mr.
George M. Quilliun at BelltonSun
The Editor is very grateful to
Ylr. Charlie Skelton tor a nice
mess of beans one day this week.
Contract will be awarded by the
State Highway Board Sept. 22 for
grading that portion of the high¬
way unpaved between Cleveland
and Gainesville. .-Vise contracts
will be awarded for paving of the
A.S.II. beginning 4 miles north ot
Cleveland to the county line on the
same date.
Poison Arrows of Indian*
The bureau of ethnology says that
the arrow poison used by the Indians
was of vegetal and animal origin.
Among the vegetal poisons there were
sap of the yucca angustifolia, a prep
aration of aconite and a plant called
Mago, the milk of which was poison.
Some tribes, such as the Shonshoni
and Pannock Indians. Obtained a deer
and caused it to be bitten by a rattig
snnke The deer was then killed and
allowed to putrify. Then the arrows
were dipped into the matter.—Rich¬
mond Times rdvoateh.
Chevrolet connecting
ro<h arm matched in
sets of mis to within
one-quar ter ounce,
and are i tutor idu ally
fitted by hand to the
crankshaft. Bearings
are of Babbitt metal
cast into the rods
under heavy stir pres¬
sure and at Ml degrees
Possessing the basic goodness of
sound design and fine manufacture
From the selection of raw In planning the motor, Chevrolet engi¬
materials to the comple¬ neers were not content to offer the public
tion of the finished Chevrolet product, anything less than t ried and proved design.
each process of building, assembling and They knew that the only satisfactory way
checking lire Chevrolet Six is marked by to get smooth, flexible power in a car is to
extreme care and precision. An exhaus¬ use nt least six cylinders. So they adopted
tive system of test and inspection makes the six-cylinder engine without com¬
certain that part meets specified promise. And this is what you get in
dimensions exactly. Many of these parts today’s (Chevrolet Six.
are held to limits of one ten-thousandth of As a result of this sound designing and
an inch. No manufacturer in the industry sound manufacturing, you can buy a
uses more care or precision in building Chevrolet and know you are getting a
and testing than _ _ genuinely good
Chevrolet. Twenty beau tif til models, at prices automobile-—
Just as every part ran tin* from *|-r- soundly designed,
of the car I«t soundly soundly built,
built, every feature dll pricesf. o. h. Flint, Mifh.,specialequipmsn t ex¬ basically and
tra, Itow delivered price* and e» sy G. M, A. C. terms.
is soundly designed. technically right.
See yonr denier below
Pay Your Subscription Now
Legal ^idvertiaementa
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in October 1931 within the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following property to wit:
One Meadows Corn Mill Style 8 No.
12108. One 7 II. P. Gas Engine and One
Bowen Corn Crusher. Said property
levied on as the property of C. T. Alli¬
son, Also one T Model Ford Touring
ear, and being the same car now used by
0. T. Allison. Said property all found
in possession of C. T. Allison. All of
said property levied on as the property
of C. T. Allison to satisfy a City Court
of Cleveland, Georgia, against John and
Charlie f. Allison and in favor of E. K.
Gibson and a ti fa in favor officers’ of
court against Mood Aiiison.
Also at the same time and place and
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing described property to wit:
A one-fifth undivided interest in parts
of lots of land Numbers «5. 6C, 78 and DO
in the second land district of said county
containing JoO acres of land more or less
and described as follows: Commencing
at or near f. M. Allison’s garden, thence
S. E. with the road to the original line,
thence north said original line to the
Hays Spring, thence down said spring
branch to the creek, thence up said
creek to a conditional line, thence N. YV.
a conditional line 10 a stake, thence S.E.
to a post oak. thence west to the starting
point, except OH acres heretofore sold
"fl to C. E. Head, and known as the
home place of Mrs. Ida Johnson inMossy
'reek district of said county. Also one
Chevrolet automobile coach Motor num
ber 2853382; also one Parlor Suite, con¬
sisting of 2 chairs (upbolstred), One bed
room suite, consisting of 1 bed and 1
dresser, one dining room suite, consist¬
ing of € chairs. 1 dining table, china
closet and one buffet. All of said per
soual property found and now in pos¬
session of R, S. Johnson. Said above
described property levied on as the pro¬
perty of R. S. Johnson to satisfy Wo <
las issued by the Superior of said county
One in favor of A. B. Mobley, Supt. of
Ranks, against R. S. Johnson and A, L.
Dorsey and another in favor of Farmers
and Merchants Bank of Cleveland, (*».,
agaiust R. S. Johnson and C. E. YVilkina
This .September 8th 1931.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in October 1931 within the legal- hours
of sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described property to wit;
Part of lot of land number 191 in the
third land district of said county and be¬
ing the same land described in a deed
from G. E. Burk, j. C. Burk et at, heirs
al law of Mrs. Jane Burk, to J. H, Shel
nut dated Oct. 4th 1911> arid recorded in
the Clerk'aOflice of said county in record
of Teds Book “Q" pages i8S to which
deed reference is made for description of
said land: Also another part of said
third district of Baid county containing
forty (40) acres more or lea.-, and bound¬
ed as follows: On the north by Hartley
Meadurs property, on the east by J. X>.
Tatum, on the N. K. by R. D. McCollum
and the Vi . J. Oakes place, on the south
by the public road leading from Cleve¬
land to Claikesville by way of Jim Hhxl
nut's residence and on the west by the
tract of land first above above described
and being ft pan of the land deeded to
J. H. Sbtlnut by G. YV (McCollum by
deed dated Nov. ttth. iWQti. The first
tract above described containing 50 acres
of land more or less, both above describ¬
ed tract aggregating 90 acres of land
more or less. The above two tracts be¬
ing all the j. II. Shelnnt farm lying on
the north side of the road leading from
Cleveland to Clarkesville by way of Jim
Shclnut’s residence, Said land levied
on as the property of Jim Shelnut to
satisfy a Superior Courr ti fa issued from
the Superior Court of said county agaiust
Jim Shelnutt ami in favor of YV, F. Hol¬
This .September 9th 1931.
W A. Jackson, Sheriff.
■ Georgia. White County,
j YV ill be sold before the court hous
! door in aaiti county on the first Tueeda
j in October 1931 within the iegai hours o
| sale to the highest bidder for cash th
• following described property to wit:
Also at the same time and place aud 01
the same terms will be sold the foltow
ing property to wit: All that town pro
pert)- in the Town of Cleveland, Ga.
bounded as follows: Ou the north b;
Clevela d and Dahlonega road, on tin
east by the property of J. B. R. Barrett
on the south by tbe Maud E. Nortoi
property aud on the west by a stree
leading from Underwood Street into am
intersecting with the Cleveland am
Dahlonega road.
Said property levied on as the proper
ty of Mrs. F. J. Nix to satisfy a ti fa fo
City taxes due the Town ot Cleveiam
for year 1930 agaiust Mrs. F. J. Nix.
This September 9th 1931.
YV. L. Aiiison.
.Marsha! of Towffi-df Cleveland, Ga
Oh, we rush for the doctor.
When (R pain and dUnw—
<*« *
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