Newspaper Page Text
Just from the Mountains.
The Holiness people held a
meeting at the usual place Sunday
in the grove.
Jack Frost was on tha corn and
pumpkins for the last three morn
in 3 s. He is generally followed by
A little cook arrived at home of
Mr, and Mrs. Gu« Freeman’s the
other frosty morning barefooted.
Ail of us get here the same way
but some go off the stage of action
with their shoes on.
Mr. T. V. Cantrell was up a few
days ago looking ufter his bees
which will soon go into winter
The Loud6vilie Lines has made
its appearance once again. Mr.
Luther Ash once wrote this and
this and Town Creek Topics also.
He was a faithful scribe.
The people have bringing in
their cattle for the last tew days.
Mr. Eugene El'iott, a Southern
Railway employee, is here on a
MessrsRobert and WalterEHiott,
two of our most pop.ulur bachelor’s
who are still under the watch care
of their mother, went a courting
last Tuesday. Not being related
to many people by consanguinity
•or a dimity the were summoned on
the jury, ft is a wise provision in
the law not allowing kinsmen to
sit at the tribunal of justice. If
you get enough of them against
you they will bang you. If they
fail they generally kill a hen and
liaye a family.reunion, •I'**
•Several of our people went a
chestnut hunting last week. They
found a few but you had to be in a
hurry if you beat the chipmunks,
woodchucks, cat squirrels and hogs
The early bird always gets the
The other Sunday Mr. lfill Wil¬
liams, once of this county but now
an electrician of Atlanta and Miss
Freddie Jackson, who now works
for Sears Roebuck & Co., which
sells everything from safety pins to
cooking ranges and also publish a
book in which all bachelors like to
look. Come to see us. They had
with them Miss Carter, who works
with Brown & Co. That’s where
they sell Brown’s mule. MissCook,
who sells for Rich & Co. \ on
might think by the name they are
rich, but they may be like the rest
of us—dead broke. Miss Cox was
aiso with them. She owns a
mansion on Peachtree Road. Wt
were told if we would manage
everything right that she and 1
could run out the rats and sweep
down the spirder webs and have
all the upper story lo ourselves—
glorious thought.
The play, “Mammy’s Li 1 ’ Wiln
Rose’’, which was to have been
given Friday night has been post
potted due to Mr. J. O Murtii
showing pictures at the high schoo
auditorium on Ihursduy night.
However, the play will be given
Friday night, Oct. 30, at 8 o’clock
You are assured an enjoyable even¬
ing. Tell your friends and come.
“Oppb and Babe” appearing in
the stage in “Mammy’s Lil 1 Wild
Rose.” They are good. See
them. You can afford it.
Advertising is tfie oil that lubri¬
cates tjie machinery of business.
to Ur
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Grand Jury Presentments
Georgia, White County,
October Term 1931.
We, the Grand Jury, chosen and
sworu for this the regular October
Term 1931 of White SuperioCourt
beg leave to submit the following
presentments :
We have examined the dockets
of the various notaries public and
justices of the peace and find that
only legal fees have been collected,
and tlud ttiey are neatly and cor¬
rectly kepi.
We have aeceived the reports ot
the finance committee, and the re¬
ports ot all various county officers,
andjhave approved and adopted
the same and attach hereto as «
part of these presentments.:
We have inspected the public
ouiidings of the county, and
reccoinfneud that the barn at the
jail be repaired, and some minor
repairs at the jail be done as soon
as practicable.
We have examined the pauper
list of the county and recommend
that the following changes be made
therein: That Joe Byrd be re¬
duced from $6 to fq, Henry Can¬
trell from $4 to $3, Weitha Caudeli
from $lo to 18 SBrah Davis from
$1 to $3, George Dover from $8
to $4, Nathan Haynes from $5 to
$4, James Jackson from $5 to $3
emu Shubeit from $15 to $13.50,
Wilburn Sutton from $5 to $4,
Elizabeth Kinzey from $5 to $4,
Icie Kinzey from $6 to $5, Rose
Kinzey frofn $4 to $3, Mary Suggs
$4 to $3 J, M. Suggs from *2 to $1
Fannie Kiinhreli from $10 to*. $S
J. M.Knight from $5 to$3<Dorothy
Griffin from jjj^to *H per mouth.
We recommend that the Count)
Board of Education pay the ex¬
penses for the fuel ahd lights of the
office of County Scoool Superin¬
We recommend that the per
diem allowed the jailor for the care
and feed of prisoners be reduced
from seventy-five cents to fifty
This body having expressed the
desere for an annual audit of the
affairs of the county by a certified
pub ic accountant, we recommend
that the Board of Roads and Reve¬
nues ascertain the expense attached
to such an audit and report to the
next grand jury for their action.
We recommend that the road
supervisor’s salary for the year 1932
oe fixed at $60 per month,
We recommend to the Commis
nissioners of Roads and Revenues
hat the incidental expenses con
iccted with securtng data for
county history be cared for.
We recommend to the Cominis
•ionets of Roads and Revenues to
cake under serious advisement the
natter of caring for $13 50 per
nonth to apply toward traveling
•xpenses of the county agent, with
»he idea of caring for this expense
I possible.
We recommend that mileage al
owed to riding baliffs attending
;ourt be fixed at 12J cents per mile
We recommend that the officers
if the county who are responsible
for tlie keeping and curing for the
Georgia Reports see to it that no
looks are taken from the offices in
which they are supposed to be
nept, so that a complete set ol
these books will always be avail¬
able for the use of all.
The body wishes to cull for the
cooperation of every officer and
citizen to lend every effort possible
for the reduction of county ex¬
penses, and we wish now to ex
press our commendation to the
Commissioners of I^oarts and
Reven^st'ot thejr voluntary
tion in reducing tlajly pet
dierp and to upy others who have
upied in this respect.
We have elected a finance com*
ipiltee fo report t,o the next Grand
Jury the following: C. W.White
J. F. Glover and B. L. McGee.
We have elected O. T. Nix as a
member of the Board of Roads and
Revenues to succeed himself< and
Garnett McCollum to succeed J.K.
Ken truer.
We have fixed the per diem for
juorors and court baliffs for the
next year at $1 50
We recommend that these • pre¬
sentments be published in > The
Cleveland Courier, and that tin
tisual fee be paid.
In taking leave of his honor, J.
H. Sutton, we wish to extent to
him our appreciation Tor his able
services rendered us, and to our
Solicitor General, Mr. McMillan,
and we want to thank our fjafiff,
Eli Allen, for his faithful attend¬
ance upon us.
j, II. Telford, Foreman, Victor
Hollis, Clerk, H, B. Underwood,
R. A. Williams. Wade YVelborn.
J. H. Forester, T. E. Williams, P.
J. Winkler, J. G. Dorsey, J. L.
Satterfield, C. G. Sutton, J. B
Winkler, Marvin Chambers, J. L.
Craig, John B. Turner, II. 1
Chambers, F. D. West, A. M.
Dean, J. A. Palmer, C. C. Abei
nathy, L. S. Turner, J. L. Wright
W, C. Holcomb,
Finance Committee Reports
Cleveland, Ga., Oct. 8 , I 93 I.
To the Grand Jury jot' White. Superior
Court, October Term 1831: *
We, the Finance Committee appointed
by the Grand Jury of White Superior
Court, herewith submit our report.
Wt* have examined the record*, iu the
offices of the Clerk, Ordinary and Sheriff'
and tind I hem neatly kept..
Board of CommmswFs iff; +
Koids and Rwfities r
We have examined the bocks and
records of the Board of Commissioners
of Roads and Revenue and tind the fol¬
low iug:
Balance in First National Baukdaines
ville, April 1, 1331, $ 403 . 01 . Received
from all source* $8838.33. We find that
warrants have been paid amounting to
$8920.06 leaving a balance on hand as of
Oc-p 6th $ 17 . 77 .
The last Finance Committee report to
the April court found the amount, of
outstanding wart nuts to he $1(1,752.51.
Warrant* have been issued since last re
port amounting to fl 2 . 878 . 17 , making
a total of $23,430.68. A* already stated
warrant* have been paid amounting to
#8920.56, leavi * warrants outstanding
as of Oct. 6 th |i4,510.12.
We have cheeked the,miantes of the
Board of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenue and find that the minutes have
been properly kept. We have examined
the record of warrants issued and find
that all warrants have been issued for
the purpose of paying the bonded in
debtness and property approved ac¬
count*. We have also checked , the
records of loans made to the county and
rind unpaid loans to be #6490. Vie also
find tlfat the bonds due in ffiyl amount¬
ing to $3900 have not. been paid. We
understand that the County Commission,
ere have arranged with t.lie First Na ion
»1 Bank, Gainesville, Ha., to take cart
of this item until taxes are collected tin
We find that tlu-re was # 8704.80 of the
counties money tied-up in the White
County Bank and that there has since
been paid $870.48. dividends on this
amount, leaving a balance of #7824.3*2
still tled-up, which, if collected, woulu
show the. counties indebtedness to be
$17,065.80, provided this amount was ap¬
plied to the indebtedness.'
We have examined the book* of the.
County Treasurer and find the. following
Balance in treasury from April 1931 re¬
port $40 j. 04, received from gas tax since
last report 3655.10. received from Town
of Cleveland for road work 18, received
from loans from let. National Bank et al
2486 . 67 , received from Union cftunyv 1
(Brown case) 158. received frpm C. .
59.21, receiyed frop,iShow(|ot rept)
front Soutlilaud lny. Co. (lapff
redeemed) 86.50, rpceiypd V?Uitv*
County Bank, dividends, 870.48, Waiv¬
ed from 5-liss A- Alligvpi, T, O., 1100, re
yciyed ffottt other sources 87 . 33 . Total
(jififiyfi&i. Warrants paid since {last re¬
port 892 O 56 . Balance in treasury $17,77
We have, examined the books and ac¬
counts of the 'fa* Collector, Miss Arispah
Allison, and find the records neatly and
correctly kept.
We find that- the Finance Committee
report to Hie April 1931 court showed
the amount of Tax Fi Fas placed ,« the
hands of the Sheriff to be . 15531 . 85 .
lect-ed nn fi fas $ 472 p 25 , insolvents and
errors 267 . 33 — 1988 . 6 !. Balance $ 543 24
The report to tue April court seowed
that there was $2769.45 to the credit
fi fa account, making a total of $3506.17
Total collection* and deposits since April
report and depos ted in First National !
Bank to the various accounts S 45 7 8 41
. .
cash on hand 30. Total .89il4 .58
Disbursements ,
A. Allison, com., $ 35 . 25 , \V. H. Hulsey.
school, $ 650 , W.J. .Speer, state Ti-eas", [ '
47 . 25 . Board of Roads and Revenue 1100
—$ 1882 . 50 , total in First National
Bank. Gainesville, $ 6282.08
Cash on hand $ 30 . Balance ti fa ;u>
count First National Bank 3515 50 , Bal
unce, general account. First National
Bank 2736 ..->3 $6282,08
Last report showed tied up in White
County Bank !
I r 5 -St No, 3993 $ 4398.52
»• G “ 3995 676.10
• t t . “ 3000 448.39
* ’ ‘ 3004 201.56 j ;
Total $ 5724.83 j
Dividends collected on cashier check
No. ms $2639.11, leaving a balance to j
be collected on cashier checks $ 3085 52 ■
. .
The $2638.11 dividend collected deposit-:
ed in First National Bank Gainesville i
and i* included in the amount above 1
ported. j
It appears that there are some out*
standing fi fas in the hands of Deputy
Sberiife, which has caused delay iu mak-i
ing settlement with the Sheriff, but we
understand from Mis* AUuson
lackson that this settlement will be nude
in tlie hear future or a* soon as the ti fas
can be assembled and levies settled.
Respect fully submitted,
•J. JP. Glover
B. L. McGee
Cbas, VV. Wfiitc
Finance Committee,
Ordered ... ..... that tlie within .... general .
seutmeut* .. , , lie spread , upon the , minutes .
and published as iecnn<gp>r.d*v!.
Oct. 14. 1931 I. H. S lit ton J. 8. C.
Robert. McMillan, Sol. Oett’l.
See “Mammy Cede” “Mum- i
my’s Lil" Wild Rose.”
A series of quilting parties have
been given recently at the nome of
Mrs. Alex Davidson. Thoso at¬
tending : Mesdumes Win. Cooley.
Luther Glover, Sallie Nix, Luthei
Smitq, and Misses Faucis Cox and
Gladys McAfee,
Local agents of Stock Fire Insurance companies
are numbered among your borne town people—
your neighbors.
These agents live here — own property and
|>ay taxes Here—are part of the business and civic
interest of the community. Every property owner
should frequently consult his insurance agent.
The companies have large investments in this
state. A very personal relationship exists between
you and
— which not only provides the indemnity for
which you pay, but works constantly m many
ways to insure the safety of your family, your
home, your business and community.
Stock fit* luwntnt* Companitt art r*pr*te»ted by Capable A feats in your community
85 John Street, NEW YORK.
CHICAGO, 222 West Adams Street • SAN FRANCISCO, Merohanit Embattf* Bieif.
„ ^ A National Organisation of Stock Fire Insurance Companies Established its 1866
Coanty Agent’s Column
ii'p_ _,,, ^ . , pay say*
C0Unt ., A Loo
- V S e,)t per Morcock.
T 011 mtifit have a market for tilt
meat and eggs. On Tuesday, Oct.
2 7 th, beginning at 9 A. M. me Mt.
....." "- >a!
' ,mrket for Dpe nt
tr - v ’ suc *‘ ; ' s friers, Mugs, light and
heavy bens, rooster*, and docks,
If this sale is successful another
wi |] be lleld a week b efore*Th*inks- >*tnk.
. .
giving, and , as otten thereafter a
v ° u WiU,t tiu ‘ m - The sale in Nov
W 'H help tn moving turkeys. The
degree of success depends upon the
number of pounds sold. Buyer*
‘ -
iire to bid when 1 hey know
will be a heavy Car loaded on
run ' which includes Cleveland,
and and Monroe. Monroe. The The car
will will slop slop one one dav day in in each each town, town. ,
l »e poultry , m this county will I
brought to the car in Cleveland !
l’here each kind belonging to each
person will be weighed separately,
poultry. those bringing
l 1on lr > Horn 1. owns county will be
* H C; t s h 1>r with checks drawn
on the Bank of Hiavvassee. The
buyer will have the rnouey in the
bunk or on hand before Hie sale oe
Do not stuff your birds before)
bringing them in. Shut them up!
the night before the sale The I
nexl luoriling give them water md| j
. .
>l tiortnal tceding, preterably will. .
The buy dr will he forced
to refuse any birds whose eraw*
are stuffed with corn or some other ° Uie
, . u , fiouLry
C6t eC,lUM ,ts
tn a crowded car in such
. tion many die. ,
- ^ °V ntay- j^riug or send trotn ope
bird up. Dispose of old rooster
m.w. There is no use boatding
tnein an winter. , For ^ highest pro- j
duct ion hens over 2 years of age i
should be replaced with pullets, 1
Fall is the best, time to cull hens.
Do it and bring them into the -ale.
Remember the late tnoulters art ! j
esually ,, the be*l layers. Keep }
good hens and your pullets for egg j j
production through the winter. mar-}
It you want a future cash
ket for your chickens, help make j
this sale a success. Outside truck
buyers will likely show up and of
ler , Hie price for
you same your j
poultry that we will give at the j
[ ! car Do not sell them th\»
to at
time. .So loyal to your teiiow far¬
mers. and remember that if it
wasn’t tor the sale the trucker
would not offer you ioe*e e price*, pi
Prices Pi ices to to be be paid are :
j I Colored Hen 14 e. per lb,
.. 11 *• “ “
Roosters ;
St u g -> 1 2
V riers 16
A large crowd at fended preach
.Sunday .
Mr. Oscar Howard attended
(Quarterly meeting at Mossy Creek
Wednesday of last week.
» M . r J. r 11 ,, \ . , oungbiood
. . b was the
*'***' Tue _ t J} ' w ' ' S. Brock on Bell’s
Orchard Sunday.
Mr. George Leonard and mother
uudsisier, Miss Lula, visited re¬
latives above the Valley Sunday.
Several ot our people enjoyed .»
singing at the borne of the Misses
Sims Sunday night.
Miss Bonnie Larty spent the
weekend with homefolks below
^ * Mauldin, and family, of
Lainesviile, spent Sxiurdny with
rel;lUv ^ here,
,\ lot ni our people were couft
in tovvu last week, but wo
haven't beard of any weddings yet
w- U 1 ■ 1 ,,, he Courier ,.‘ aud
readers good lock aud- prosperity.
vise- ss. iv-anvy-«;c;'r—rv—
Concernin* C*lori«*
Sugar provides 18 buBdred-efcUiyt*
pHrGoas per pound and average eitadj*
t, ° UC tht L
provide 1 about 13 ^ huRdred-calorle por
thins, aud jelly, jam, manna lade and
rich rich preserves pi-t-senes rboiV about 9 hiindrcd-catorte
l’0*'Uous per pound.
Sleep When He Sleep*
Berlin’s public health experts say a
big meal mcal should be eaten at itooti and
followed up by a nap. But if rhe boss
catches you taklnj.* u nap, where do
you get the money for the big meals?
—Miami Daily News,
Interested in the De*t
Little Tommy had come downstairs
just in time to see the doctor weigh¬
ing the new baby. Edging; over to his
grandmother Tommy whispered: “Hov»
south does it cost a pound. Gramma?”
—Capper's Weekly.