Newspaper Page Text
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“You never admit that you are
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“No,” replied Senator Sorghum.
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Is a way of bringing what you said
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never have known you said it.”
Look to this cause
When your baby fusses, tosses and
seems unabie to sleep restfully, look
for one common cause, doctors say.
Constipation. To get rid quickly of
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restlessness and discomfort, give a
cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria,
you know, is made specially for
children’s delicate needs. It is a pure
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mild and gentle you can give it to a
young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is
as effective for older children. Cas
toria’s regulative help will bring re¬
laxed comfort and restful sleep to
your baby. Keep a bottle on hand.
Genuine Castoria always has the
Economy First
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you take the other.”
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Cellophane AQc,
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Good Preaching
Good preaching is good teaching—
whether vice versa or not.—Continent,
There is nothing laid down as a
duty, but grace is promised to enable
us to perform It.—Rowland Hill.
God Gives Us Aid
God gives us always strength
enough and sense enough for what he
wants us to do.—Rusldn.
All for Christ
I gave up all for Christ, and what
have I found? I have found every¬
thing in him.—John Calvin.
Improved Uniform International
SundaySchool T Lesson r
tBy REV. P. B. FITZWATER. D. D„ Mos¬
her of Faculty. Moody Bible
Institute of Chicago.)
Pel. .. 1931. Western Newepaper Union.)
Lesson for November 1
GOLDEN TEXT—And he not drunk
with wine, wherein is excess; but bo
filled with the Spirit.
LESSON TEXT—Gal. 5:13-26.
Strong Drink.
JUNIOR TOPIC—The Peril of Strata
IC—Reasons for Total Abstinence.
IC—The Progress of Temperance Re¬
This lesson is taken from the por¬
tion of the Epistle to the Galatians
which 1ms to do with the application
of the doctrine of justification by
faith. By faith the believer is linked
to Jesus Christ. As a result of this
union with Christ, the believer expe¬
riences a new birth, and thereafter
lives a new life. The divine way of
freeing the world from the curse of
intemperance is to secure the regener¬
ation of the individual.
I. Christian Freedom (vv. 13-15).
1. It is not an occasion to the flesh
(v. 13). Liberty is not license. The
notion that when one is free from the
law lie is free from restraint is wick¬
edly erroneous. License of the flesh
means not merely the indulgence of
the flesh in actual material sins, but
in the expression of a self-centered life
in bickerings, etc. (v. 35).
2. It is by love serving one another
(v. 13). Freedom - from the Mosaic
law,means submission to the law of
love. Love thus becomes the fulfill¬
ment of the law, (v. 14).
Ih Walking in the Spirit (vv. 16-18).
This discloses the secret of how a
life of love and service to another can
be lived. Walking in the Spirit re¬
sults in victory over the flesh (vv. 16,
17). By “the flesh” is meant the cor¬
rupt nature of man expressing itself
in the realm of sense and self. When
the Christian chooses the evil, the
Holy Spirit opposes and when he
chooses the good, the flesh opposes.
III. The Works of the Flesh (vv.
The one who chooses to live accord¬
ing to the desires of his natural heart
will be practicing the following sins:
1. Sensuality (v. 19). The sins enu¬
merated here are practiced in the
sphere of the body and are:
a. Fornication (the word ‘’adultery”
is omitted from the best manuscripts).
Fornication includes all sexual sins .in
the married and unmarried state.
b. Uncleanness, which Includes all
sensual sins, open or secret, in thought
or deed.
e. Lasciviousness — wanton indul¬
gences in the shameful practices of
the flesh.
2. Irreligion (v. 20). These acts
take place in the realm of the spirit
and are:
a. Idolatry, which means the wor¬
shiping of idols.
b. Witchcraft or sorcery—ail dealing
with the occult such as magical arts,
spiritism, necromancy, etc.
3. Sins of temper (vv. 20, 21). These
ake place in the sphere of the mind
and are:
a. Hatred, b. Variance, which means
strife and contention, c. Emulations,
which expresses itself in jealousy, d.
Wrath—bursts of passion, e. Seditions
—factions in the state, f. Heresies—
factions in the church, g. Fnvyings.
h. Murders.
4. Sins of excess (v. 21).
a. Drunkenness—indulgence in In¬
toxicating liquors.
b. Bevelings—acts of dissipation,
under the influence of intoxicants.
Those who are under the sway of
the flesh, who practice such sins, shall
be excluded from the kingdom of God
(I Cor. 6:10).
IV. The Fruit of the Spirit (vv.
The Holy Spirit, who is the source
of all life indwelling the believer, will
bear the following fruits:
1. Love to God and men.
2. Joy—glad-heartedness because of
what God has done.
3. Peace with God and men.
4. Long suffering — taking insult and
Injury without murmur.
5. Gentleness—kindness to others.
6. Goodness—being good and doing
good to others.
7. Faith—believing God and commit¬
ting all things to him.
8. Meekness—submission to God, the
spirit of humility before him.
9. Temperance—self-control in all
things. The one who is thus ruled by
the Holy Spirit will totally abstain
from ail intoxicants and do his best
to keep his fellows from its destruc¬
tive power.
To Save Arrowhead Landmark
The Arrowhead, a natural forma¬
tion like the head of an arrow, stand¬
ing 1,500 feet high on a mountain
slope in the San Bernardino Nation¬
al forest in California, is to be pre¬
served by the forest service of the
United States Department of Agri¬
culture. The landmark, which was
an object of superstition to the In¬
dians and a guidepost for early set¬
tlers, has been threatened with de¬
struction, owing to erosion of the
mountainside. Check dams will be
created to halt the erosion, which In
recent years has cut into the figure
of the arrow severely.
Way to Get At a Cold
Is Through the Bowels
As soon as you catch cold, the
pores close; perspiration is checked.
Gases and waste can’t escape
through the) skin. That’s why your
doctor’s first advice in case of colds
is a mild laxative like eascara. Med¬
ical authorities agree it actually
strengthens bowel muscles. You
get cascara in its most pleasant
form in candy Cascarets.
Remember this when you catch
cold; whenever breath is bad;
tongue coated; or you’re headachy,
bilious, constipated.
Why resort to harsher things
when Cascarets activate the bowels
so quickly, so harmlessly and pleas¬
antly—and cost only a dime?
Indiana Tree Planter
Takes Long Look Ahead
A friend in the Middle West who
fs enough of a philosopher to take
a long-distance view in matters finan¬
cial writes us;
“I am happy to advise you that
my tree planting experiment out in
Indiana continues to have every
prospect of ultimate success. I have
now planted about 225,000 trees in
two years, and, under the Indiana
law, it is all exempt from taxation
except on the valuation of $1 per
acre, 1 expect to put in about 2,000,
000 trees and then leave them in
trust for my grandchildren. The cost
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Chalet) *-40-21 4-98|4.98 4-354.35 Olds’bile Buict-M.) 5.25 7-90 7.90 15.30 More Thickness,
9 . 6 O 8.50 1 .658 .605 .59© .561
3.50 -18 8.7S 8.75 17.00 inches.....
Chevrolet, 1.50- 20 5.6c 5.60 10 . 90 jj 4.78 4.78 9 .X 6 More Depth, Non-Skid inches .281 .250 .250 .234
Ford.-- 4.50- 21 5.69 5.69{ X1.XO 4 . 8 54.85 : 9.40 5.50-19 8.90 8.90 17.30 MorePlicsUnder 6
m Tread .... 6 5 5
Ford.. Ghrye Same Width,
Chevrolet Whippet., 4.75- 1 9|6.65 6.65 Xa. 90 g 5.68 5.68 ss .14 Viking... 6 . 00 - 11.20 11.20 XI.70 inches. , . , . . 5.20 5.20 4-75 4.75
Frankli 00 11.45 Same Price $6.65 $6.65 $4.85 84.85
Hudson.... . - 11.45 M.20 . .
Plymo’th Erskine....\ 4.75- 20 6.75 6.75 13.14115.75 5.75 XX.*6 Httpm’bl, LaSalle....
} Packard.. 6 . 00 - ■2011.47 11.47 XX. 30
Chandler Pierce-A... 6 . 00 - ■2111.65 11.65 XX. 60 A Special Brand” tire is made by a manu¬
DeSoto_„ Stutik........ 5.50- -2013.45 13.45 X5.40 facturer for distributors such as mail order houses,
Dodge...... Cadillac.. oil companies and others, under that does
Durant... 5.00-19 6.98 Lincoln.— 7.00- ■2K15.35 15.35 X9.80 a name
Gra*m-P b.«8 5.99 XX.66 Packard., not identify the tire manufacturer to the public,
Pontiac... TRUCK and BUS TIRES usually because he builds his "best quality” tires
Roosevelt under his Firestone puts his
Wiilys-BL, Fireston* Firestone own name. name on
SIZE Oldfield * Spatial Oldfield EVERY tire he makes.
Essex 5.00-2Q Type Brand Type
Nash____I 7*XO 7.10 i»j 6.10 II .90 a d. Cash frit* Mall Or- Cash Pike
Each dar Tire Per Pair
skI 817.95 $17.95 834.90 Double GuttVantee~ Every tire manufactured
Nash. 5 00-2117*35 7.35 X U 6.35 6.35 30x5_ by Firestone bears the name "FIRESTONE” and
Olds’bile " 4 . 30 12.40 32x6_ X9-7S 29.75 57-90 carries Firestone’s unlimited guarantee and that
Bout---j5.25-2l|8.57|8.57|l6.7o{l7.»7 36x6____ 3X.95 32.95 63-70 of our 25,000 Service Dealers and Service Stores.
7.37X4.5* 6 . 00 - 20 . 15.X5 15.25 X9.90 You are doubly protected.
Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers Save You Money and Serve You Better
OowiUbt, mi. Thx Fires ton* Tin A Slubber 0a
of doing (iris will not he In excess
$30,000 and in about
years they will be worth
mately $2,000,000 to $4,000,000, ns I
am planting only trees that will
cabinet wood value, such as
walnut, poplar, spruce and wild cher¬
ry. I will get my reward out of this
in the pleasure that I will have in
seeing my trees grow and In the
hunting and fishing 1 will have at
my lodge.”—Commerce and Finance.
If Hardly Seems Possible
It is hard to realize the speed
with which the germs responsible for
sore throats and coughs can multi¬
ply, once they get a start in the deli¬
cate tissues. From a f»v to a mil¬
lion may be a matter of but a few
hours. But you can always stop
them short with a few applications
of B. & M., The Penetrating Germi¬
cide. It is always dependable as a
destroyer of the bacteria which do
so much damage in the throat and
lungs. Easy to apply and quick in
action, it is a boon to people who
are easily susceptible to such infec¬
tions—one thing which should al¬
ways he in the medicine chest ready
for emergencies. Your druggist
should have it. If not, send us his
name and $1.25 for full-size bottle,
postpaid. Helpful booklet free. F. E.
Rollins Co., 53 Beverly St., Boston,
Mass. (Adv.)
Man-Made Morality
Rebecca West, the novelist, said
at a dinner in New York:
“Morality, most of it, reminds me
of a young man who was the answer
to-correspondents editor on a news¬
“A question came in to him one
“ ‘Ho you think it is right for
girl to sit in a man’s lap even if she
is engaged?’
“His answer to the question was:
“‘Yes, if it were our girl and our
lap. Yes, again, if it were some other
chap’s girl and our lap. But if it
were our girl and some other chap’s
lap, decidedly no, no, no. We don't
approve of all this modernity.’ ”
tjjtctive Children
bright and sturdy
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is rich in Vitamins A and D. Every one needs these for cor¬
rect growth and the development of bones and teeth. Easy
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LISTEN to Scott’s Emulsion’s '‘Romances of the Sea* 3 every Sunday and
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Scott’s Emulsion
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Legend Tells Why Cat
Is Friendly to Women
It was the Makambo, our guide,
who told us the story of the Cat, as
we sat round the camp fire after the
day’s journey through the jungle,
writes Marie Friedenson, in News
Chronicle. “Since the first of days,”
he said, gravely, in his native Swahili
(which, with its soft consonants and
liquid vowels, is curiously remi¬
niscent of Italian), “the cat lias al¬
ways been the friend of woman, be¬
cause he is wise. One day in the
jungle he was disputing with other
small beasts for food, when a lion
passed, and all but the cat ran
“The lion made no attempt to hurt
him, so the cat, believing him to he
tlie greatest of all beasts, said to
himself, ‘I shall stay with him, and
then no one shall harm me.’ So they
traveled together for many days;
hut one day the lion was overcome
by an elephant, and the cat, seeing
him vanquished, made friends with
the elephant. They, too, traveled to¬
gether through the jungle; but one
day the elephant fell into a pit that ] I
a man had dug, and the man came
up and killed him.
“The cat looked at him in aston¬
ishment and thought, ‘Surely cun¬
C/l\A/C ” ^ -A*b SIMONDS
•• RE-Worked
Your saw made good as new; or, we will take
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ship anywhere.... Ask your bank about us.
ning prevails against might; now,
therefore, I have found the king and
master of the beasts.’ So he made
friends with the man. They jour¬
neyed on together to the man’s vil¬
lage, and when they had reached it, |
the women who was the man’s wife
ran out of one of the lints to greet ;
him, and when she saw he had not
brought back from the jungle the
meat she had wanted, began to abuse
him, and beat him about the head
with a pot, and the man ran away;
so the cat, being wise, made friends
with the woman and has stayed with
her always in the villages to this
Just Kids
“What’re you kickin’ about.
“Aw, I was goin’ hitch-hikin’ an’
my dad gimme a bicycle for my birth¬