Newspaper Page Text
Z u c Clevelartf Courier
O-' cial Organ of White County. Cm
,-iDliphud Weekly M Cleveland Da.
Editor. ;
,I\s. L*. Davidson, i
, r «<i «t tb« Fob: >ffice at. Cleveland'
Gh,. as second class mail mauer. J a
Min,be, Ninth District Press |
'■ Georgia Press |
•• National Editorial
M Press Congress 01 The World
■ j
Suoscription, *1.50 pet’ yuai
in advance j
c —— --j the j
The entire world mourns
p,,sing of its greatest inventor, departed j
Thomas A. Edison, who
tills 1,fe early Sunday, following a j
r.i, t.plication of qlness. 1
riKHigh the light of life has R 00 *
fiimi him forever, the light ot hi.
x V inks ks snines Cities ion in the memory of
the world. j
it was indeed appropriate that.
tl electric lights throughout the
non be extinguished for o»»e |
minute Wednesday night in the j
niory of the inventor. Edison’s |
ventious are too numerous to re
ate here, but among them besides
electricity, ■-*" are the ------...... moving picture ........
v intor machine, the phonograph.
■. inventions have not only given
: -asuie and lightened the labors
the masses, but they have giver, j
employment to thousands of vvork
Edison’s ambition was not to;
i. n a title nor a foitane for ftim
,, .' but to do good work. Iih
,ife waft one of labor for the world
-■ or humanity. His works are so j
.n it and his contributions to the
v rid so numerous that we see
t iera around 11s every day. Though
his physical being is no more he
still lives through his works.
Edison was deaf, but instead of
i iiinderance he made his dealnest,
a blessing to him. He was grate
ful for it as it kept him from wast-,
ing his time which he wished
spend in work.
The great genius was 84
old, and having lived a life of use¬
ful service to mankind, he faces
.the next with fiappiiies*. “He
fought a good fight. He has finish
ed his course.”
As the State High way Board lias
1 vet certified the 5 00 miles at I
their disposal into the system of
c ;te highways, it is hoped by all
cr our people before final action is;
de on that mileage that the.
i hoard will put the road from
. acoocbee to Hiawussc into the
f,\ stein.
It: will open up a most wonder- i
ful sente section, embracing, two
very fertile valiies and besides one
r,: the most historical sections ot i
tiie most historical sections of the;
mountains—for it was through the
I uicoi Gap that the I ndians made !
t air way across the Blue Ridge,
1, cl the “red men” knew the right I
t cross. So, The Courier appeals |
t the State Highway Board to add .
t is road to the system of state
1 ighways.
The Grand Jury presentments ,
a pear elsewhere in this issue.The\
c nlaining many recommendations
' ;ich should be given thoughtful j
c nsideration. The county’s finan
1 ,d affairs can be put on soundei
basis provided thrjnecessary steps
a c pursue during 1933 by those in ;
authority, aud vve tlo not have any
doubt but woat they will see that
.id economy of the county’s
money is strictly administered.
County Agent Morcock, Messrs
t , G. Allison and Fred Stovall at
, ided a Bunker-Farmer meeting
Cornelia last Friday night and
■£■ port a very interesting program.
' is the opinion of The Courier ,
; i:,it if tee farmers of White county
v. i 11 listen to Mr. Morcock they
v ill soon realize that he will bring
th in in a steady flow of cosh. He
j. a go-getter, there's no getting
way from it.
A little girl of Mr, and Mrs.
j ank Reid was bitten by a dog)
v) i;j day lust week and is taking tl e j
treatment for rubies. However,'
the dog’s head was not sect to At-]
Junta for determination.
i Rid Cross membership i
will begin Nov. it and |
through Nov. 36. Mrs. j
A. Whitmire is county r.liflir
of tlie roll Jail and will luive
of workers to assist her.
You can obtain yeast from the
Cross free for treatment of
if you secure the recom
from a physician. It
be secured at TheCourier office
Mr. Charlie Head is building a
near his residence, which
ill be occupied by his mother,
j^r .Floyd Dorsey returned to
etr oit Wednesday after a few!
. )ys v}gU t0 bome folks on Mossy j
ree it. |
Co! c H Edwards requests us
announcq that he will ask to
of County School bupt.
Mr. G. C, Adams requests us to
that he has an 8% dividend
for all depositor* of White
Bank and they can be had j
time by calliDg at the bank. |
The- Finley plant will be in !
tion in few dilys ready to ;
f a
it a r, the paving of the highway
.. of r Cleteland. cm ....1.1,1/1
Judge J. W. FI. Underwood ’ s
having hi# dwelling painted,
Mr. A. L. Mauney 1# having the
house covered he purchased front
Mrs. Warwick.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stephens
and little daughter, of Atlanta,
were visiting it; White county
Mrs. Jenkins, of Atlanta,
visiting Mrs. Ilorenee Beil this
Coi. C. H. Edwards made a
business trip to Charlotte Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Head, Mrs
y y. A. Whitmire, Jtfisa Clara Hen
derson, rson, Messrs W. B- Rob ’" R ° n
an d Jas. P. Davidson attended
rsgZT-: -M*
J -—*08036!
Nothing lass The whole question was settled
long ago—as to how many cylin¬
ders it takes In a motor car engine to give
than a s"x tatisfactary smoothness. Science definitely
established the fact that at least six are
necessary- And today, the public accepts the
can give yon it multi-cylinder accepts 4-wheel engine brakes, in the parallel-mounted same way
springs and every other principle of proved
built-in »nd (ickrtouiledged superiority. Everybody
knows that nothing less then a six can give
you built-in smoothness.
smoothness Today, reach of six-cylinder smoothness buyer. For is Chevrolet within
every new car
has produced a quality car, powered it with a
firmly-mounted six-cylinder motor—engi¬
neered it to run with unsurpassed economy
—and priced it down among the very lowest
priced cars in the market.
ranyfny Twenty model* , F/m • . . _ *675
from m **
AU prices f. o. b. yfint, Michigan* special equipment extra.
Lviv dviiveraH prices and tm*y G, itf. A. C. term**
The Great American Value
the CLt ^Island coutoKR. Cleveland. Georgia.
C n »' « r «"ce of the Red!
in Gain ‘Jfv ..:e .',t_,. j|We
all who'“trended this pro
will agree* that it was the
inspiring pnil interesting pro
they ha vet ever been privileg- j
to tisteu !to. Mr. Wm. Carl; i
assistant manager of the
Aera, was present and told
interestingly of what the Red
was doing throughout the
The people who aliened
conference from White county
home with a firm deter¬
to do all in their power to
'^memberships quota in v.
get t\|£ a 100
Roll Call.
I* 18 Methodist Missionai}
Society held their meeting Oct 15 j
with Mrs. Ben Allison. Follow¬
ing transaction of the business Mis
C. li. Head presented “The Open- !
tug Chapters of the Study Book,
“Challenge of Change.” “What
has Happened to America 7 ’ by
Mrs. Bill Russell and Weat lsHap
pj ness to Home Mission,” These
cba pt er s were interestingly given
interesting publicity points were
made. Mrs, II. F. Miles and Mrs,
G. E Sutton were visitors. An
prayer by Mrs. Miles-closed
the program. * Mrs, Miles was t\
member et |the first Missionary ., 1
bjoeiety orgatiijsed at Mossy Creek
Her preisepep was an inspiration to !
The Baptist Missionary Society
met Get. 30 *.h with Mrs, J. W. H.
Tuderwood, A very interesting
Bible study was held after which
delicious refreshments were served
j Those present were : Mesdame>
Russe 1 . Irving Pardue Isaac
Jaekson, W. |y. i^Hison, W. J
Wylam, Jamie Campbell, W. C
Henderson. *W. H. Hulsey, Ed
Trotter, C. C. Carroll and J. W.
Underwood. We were very glad
to have as visitors; Mesdomts
Sutton, Miles ana Lester Jackson.
j The ; next meeting will be will
Mrs. E, L. Russell. Russell.
Mrs. II. A. Tatum is spending |
"ith Mr. and Mrs. J. D. j
and family.
Mr. Farrel Stovall, of Clermont,
the weekend with his father,
.Mr. J, H. Stovall.
Miss Lula Bell McCollum was
dinner guest of Miss Rosa Bell
last Sunday.
Miss Ruth Tatum spent the
weekend with Mrs. W. B, Parker
family near Clarkesville.
Mrs J. If. Stovall and Miss
Stovall went to Gainesville
Mr. A. I. Whitworth is spend
,ng awhile at Toccoa.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Freeman
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Freeman visited Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Adams Sunday.
Messrs Claborn, Bunion and
Zinerrnan of Dixon, of Atlanta,
spent last Saturday night with Mr
and Mrs. W, C. London
Born to Mr. and Mrs. BillWhit
lock a daughter Oct. 13 .
Miss Mary Lee Tatum i» visiting
Misses Ida and Clemmie Moore at
... this • week, ,
Don’t forget Rev. Satterfield
will j reach at Blue Creek next
Sunday. Everybody invited to
come, .
A cbm shucking was given by
Mr. Wiley Warwick Tuesday.
Deputies Bill Allison and Isaac
Jackson arrested Ciilford Asti at
die home of Steve Ash Thursday
morning, whq is charged with
being oomieetpd witti a hold-up in
Gainesville several days ago.
estimated that a drop of water con¬
tains several thousand million million
million atoms.
Georgia, Whit*. County.
Will be eohl before the court house
door in said county <„, the Si ret Tuesday
in Nov. Jtkt] within the legal hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following property to wit;
One two-horse wagon, one pair of
gray mules, one spraying outfit., one
two-horse turning plow, two
turning plows, one goo whiz harrow,and
all other farming tools on the property,
known as “Reservation" and formerly
owned by Hon. Titos. M. Hell. Said
property found |511 possession of Hock
Westmoreland, tenant, or man in charge
Said property leviep on as the proper¬
ly of Nelson Trust &. Realty Company
and R. W. Nelson. Also about 1500 bu.
of apples more or less, now in the or¬
chard, known as "Reservation” of the
T. M. Bell Orchard in said county. Said
apples also in charge of Dock Westmore¬
land, tenant in possession. [Said apples
also levied on as the property of Nelson
Trust and Realty Company and R. W.
Nelson. All of said property to he sold
to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Munici¬
pal Court of Atlanta againstNelsonTrusl
and Realty Co. ,and R. W. Nelson in
favor of James Kempton.
Also at the same time and place and
on the same terms will be sold the fol¬
lowing lands to wit;
Part of lot.of Jand number 123 in the
second land district of said county, con¬
taining- 10O sores of land more or less
and being the same land described in a
deed from h. K. Boggs to R. T. Keni
mer dated the 18th day of February 192;
and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of said
county in record of deeds book "VV”
page 3.11 to which deed reference is made
for description of the property herein
advertised to be sold. Said property
known at, the .J. J. Boggs home place in
Mossy Creek district of said county a. d
now known as the L. E. Boggs farm in
said district and county. Said property
levied on as the property of L. E. Boggs
to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Superior
Court of said county against h. tv Boggs
and in favor of J. |(. Telford and Robert
Kenimer, executor# of the last will of R.
T. Kenimer, This October «th. 1931,
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
Georgia, White County,
i Because of default in the payment of a
i loan secured by a deed to secure a debt
! executed by ’ F. W. Shebuitt ....... to J. VV. H
: Underwood „ , dated , August . the
| ^ the Superior ™»< Court of Wlp^e. %cterkM
in deed book county,Ga„
“Z \ pact’s y7S and 3J9 and
transfered to WGG County Bank of
■Cleveland, Georgia, which transfer is as
I ttlV fallows: \Vov #50i\W ftud l in hereby ooasddcrarion of
t sum U* transfer the
j within title to the lands herein described
j (refeving County Bank to the without deed afovesaid) to White
, warranty save as
i agaiust myself and my heirs and assigns
' Witness my band and sesl this the 8th
1 day of August 1930. Signed, sealed anti
j delivered in the presence of us wittnst*
I «s, G. E. Adams, C. IJ- JCd«a,rda, N, P,
(del-wood, | County, L, Gyorgi^,. J, W. ft. Un-
The White County Bank as transferee
j i through dared the the full Banking Depanmentliasde- of the
amount loan with
interest due arid payable and will on the
1 3rd day or November, 1331, aetinJt under
the power of sale contained in. said deed
during the legal hours of sale at the
court house in said county sell to the
highest bidder for cash the lauds de¬
scribed in said deed to wit; One hun¬
dred acres of land in the 3rd land dis¬
trict of White County, Georgia, and
bounded as follows; On the north by
; the lands of F. W. 8helniit,{on east, bv
the J. V. Edwards old home place, on
the south by the W. J. Oakes old home
place, on the west by the W. C. Alley
•dd home place and being known as the
W, J. Shehnit old home place. The nn
lersigned will execute a deed to the pur¬
chaser as authorized by the deed afore¬
said. This 7th day of October, 1931.
White County Bank.
C. H. Edwards, Attorney for White
County Rank.
By G. C. Adams.
Liquidating Agent.
Georgia. White County,
White Court of Ordinary at Chambers
October Sth 1931.
The appraisers upon application of
Mrs. Oma Gillstrap, widow Jof said H.
M. Gillstrap for a twelve months’ sup¬
port for herself having tiled their return
All persons concerned hereby fare cited
to show cause, if any they have, at the
next regular November term of this court
why said applicat ion should not be grant¬
ed. A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Itateiiieat Of The Ownership and Managemen
t’ubliebed weekly at Cleveland, (hi., for
Apr.. 1931. (Editor. Managing Editor,
and Business Manager, J. P. Davidson,
Publisher, J. P. Davidson.
'Owner, Alex. Davidson.
Known bondholders, mortgagees, and
other security holders, holding 1 per cent
or more of total amount of bonds, mort¬
gages, or other securities: None.
(Signed) Jas. P. Davidson.
Sworn toand subscribed before me this
tst dtty of October, J93I
T. F. Underwood, N. P j
(My commission expires June 19, 1931) j
;* northern district of qeor.
» - *
The United States
1,648.27 acres of No. 63 At Law
land in Lumpkin, Proceeding to
Daws on and Condemn Land, i
White Counties,
Georgia, D. Green¬
field Estate, et al.
who are non-residents, To¬
A. L. Ausbon; Henry W. Gregg; D,
M. McKee; Homer D. MeKee, Exec¬
utor Joseph H. McKee; W. W. Sla¬
(a) The following persons or their
heirs at law-, whose names and res¬
idences are unknown, to-wit:
John W. Bennett; A. K. Childs- Ben F„
Dutton; Harry Dutton; Henry Endi
cott, Jr.; Sam B. Jefferies; Reuben
Nicholson; Charles Roberts, General
Mauager Nacooehee Gold Mining
Company; R. P. Robinson; Mrs. Dor*
Robinson; J. J. Seay; A. H. Sims;
Mrs. Mary R. Sims; Ausbon J. Taylor;
(b) Heirs at law of the following
named persons, whose names and res¬
idences are unknown, to-wit:
Robert Anderson's Orphans; Coleman.
Barnes; James A. Barnes; Bradley
Berry; Thomas L. Brown; William F„
Carey; Alexander R. Chisolm; G. I,.
Cochran; Micajali Cooper; John De
fore; Daniel Dennis; Jerome England;
Thomas J. Eubanks; Jonas Facebe;
Asabel Gaston; Milley Glaze; John C
Harrnon; Isaac Hill; Samuel E. Kirby;
Sally Mauler; Joshua Xelhmis; T. Si
Oakes; Roadell G. Popper; Bart emu a;
Reynolds; John, R.. Shad; Joseph
Tidd; Mary Wordsworth; Jeremiah
Watters; Jesse Zacliry;
t& ail and everv person unknown or
non-resident who claims any right, ti¬
tle or interest in said described lands.
Or the funds which may he paid into.
Court as the result of this proceed¬
ing, whether under or in right of any
of the above named or otherwise;
quired and admonished to take notice
that the United States has filed a.
petition in, fiiy. District Court of the,
United States for the Northern Dis¬
trict ot Georgia, Gainesville Division*
to condemn 1,548.27 acres of laud iit
Lumpkin, Dawson, and White Coun¬
ties, Georgia, being in, the Land Lotsj.
Districts and Sections et said Coun¬
ties as follows-, to-wit;. being land
lots 22, 23, 40, 293 and 294, District.
6, Lumpkin County, Georgia.; and land
lota s, 11, 73, 78, S0 4 . 124, 125, 126*
128, 134, 135, 14«, 149, ISO, 21t, 212,. 213.
216, 217, 218, 262. 263, 2.84 and 336.
District 5, Dawson County, Georgia,
and part of land lot 1, and parts of
land lot 27, District 5;, and part oi laud
lot 1, District 6, White County, Geor¬
gia; all of said lands aggregating a
total o£ 1,5.48,27 acres, move or less,
and being known as, the lands of lb
Greenfield Estate, 4V. F. Slagle Estate.
William S, Cox, u. A,. Vandiver, A. J.
Vandiver, A. G. Mtekte and others.
VlUis matter will he heard in the
United States. Court Room at Atlanta.
Georgia, on the 4th day of Novem¬
ber, 1931, at 10 o’clock A. M. If you
or either of you have any rights in
the premises, or desire to he heard
In the matter, you are required then
nnd there to make known your objec¬
tions, if any, your claims as to the
value of the property or your re¬
spective Interests therein or in the
funds arising therefrom, or any other
siatters material to your respective
rights in the property sought to he
condemned; otherwise, the Court will
proceed as to law and Justice may
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my Hand and affixed the Seal of
the said United States District Court
at Atlanta, Georgia.
This 22nd day of September, 1931.
(Seal.) O. C. FULLER,
Clerk United States District Court,
Northern District of Georgia.
By C. A. Me GREW,
<% Deputy Clerk.
ForExpellinq^forms CFflAIVI
# B, R. BARRETT, A f e R t fi