Newspaper Page Text
£be Cleveland Courier
O(fteta/ Organ oj IVhite Count) . Ga
Cnbhshed Weekly at Cleveland I'h.
Jas. L*. Davidson, Editor.
Rntoreu h\ the k\> >rti<;e v.tevi-mmt j
8 *
Ga.. mb EBtfond class mail tnu•■.«!• ii »> • *»»•
Metnbei Mrntli District Pros*. Associaion
44 Georgia Presa “
“ National Editorial “
M Press Congress Of The World
SuDscriptUm, 41.50 per year |
in advance
While we were in Atlanta Tues¬
day strolling down the main streets j
we took particular notice to oh
serve the people in the various j
stores, and from what we saw wr
think the merchants of Cleveland
can be particularly proud. People
just in them might ’
were not as you
think aud consequently were no’
buying their goods, yet they have
them marked down very low.How
ever, Mr. LeCraw, president o)
the Atlanta Chamber of Com¬
merce, states that a stimulating ef¬
fect is being noticed and that busi¬
ness is feeling better. That’s fun
to feel that way.
The people of White county an
in as good shape, and general!)
speaking, much better, than peoph
in the cotton sections of the state.
They have got plenty to eat and
that can’t be said of many, man'
fanners in the cotton sections. So
let not permit despair to get .the
best of us,but strive harder to reach
t higher mark next year.
The ginners report give White
county 577 bales of cotton ginned
as of Nov. i, 1931 against 658 of
The people of Atlanta will vou
Dec. 2 on whether or not they wisl
to change to Eastern Time.
It looks like they would be eager
for such a change since their city
is going forward at sucha rapid
<9v^4^vutvj %
N \
ore than Indemnity | ;
Your fire insurance 4ollar provides far ;
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Merely as indemnity, Stock Fire Insurance is one of the cheapest neces» I
smes. Its average rate has consistently declined for more than 20
until in 1930 it reached the lowest figure in years,
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conducts many general fire prevention activities, all of which j
have contributed the !
to reduction of fire waste and the loss j
of life by fire.
Stock Fire Insurance Companies are represented by Capable Agents in 1
your community
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A Nat,onal Organization of Stock Fire Insurance Companies Established in
W40 , X866
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L@<e&l ®w$
Mr. Hoyt Crave lias moved into
the Mr=. N. A. Williams house.
Mr. Paul Maiiney moved Sutur
day into the house recently vacated
[^ ev j] jj Humphries.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Davidson,
Ensley, Ala., arrived in Cleveland
Neel Gap Bus Line has extend¬
their services intoJAtlanta.They
have purchased a new bus and put
into operation for this addition ser
Dr. and Mrs. Evan Iaylor, Mrs.
aid Mis. Lester Black and Mr. J.
0 . Eendley, of Atlanta, spent the
weekend .with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mrs. D. N. Warn ick and son.
Wiley, have moved to Crawford,
<j Ui Their many friends in White
county regret to give them up, but
wisil t hem well in their new loca
We are requested to state that
Newt Hulsey will be n candidate
for Sheriff.
Mr. JamesF. Biggers, of(Joving
ton, and Miss Mary Frances Sock
well, of Helen, were married Mon¬
day afternoon by Rev. T. L. Rut
la nd.
Mr. “Heck” Jones is visiting in
We are requested to announce
that Thus. F. Uunderwood wi.l be
a candidate for Ordinary.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McDonald
and children spent Saturday night
and Sunday in Cleveland.
Mrs. F. G. Mauney has has been been
very sick for several days this week
Little Jo Cook entertained a
member of her friends at birth
I day party Wednesday.
! ^ e are requested to announce
j ll?at Col. Edwards will
j'" :lke iUld adfJress ilt llie G0| hhlW nit y
! 'Phnnicsvi Thanksviving t/fncr program rirncrrutn at at V ' /Prt«rn J'own
Creek Church, a basket dinner,
sermon and other interesting talks.
A cordial iovitidtjou is extended to
One I burner oil cook stove, one
coal , neater, . dmieg ... table . , with
four .. chairs. ,
T. J, McDonald.
For Expelling ‘Worms I
HUNTING^ ..... tgy
4 & FlSHIIVa
I a a 62-page monthly maga¬
zine crammed full of hunt¬
ing, ti
Only $1,001
lor two whole years 24 big
Issues. will Subscribe now and
we send you - '
FREE ■u , V-: -
blade i , I
handle o shaped to ici hand big L:&j '
rwtth leatb \ ~
.—-- and camping ... MV trips. ^tlng, —.....„
Clip with this *1.00 auv. bill. and Mail enclose,
order to-day to you?,
Transit Bldg,
_ Boston, Mass,
Several men here enjoyed a corn
shucking at Mr. Ledlord’s Tuesday
of last week.
A huge crowd from here attend¬
ed the program in Cleveland last
Wednesday night and report it as
being fine.
A lajge crowd enjoyed a singing
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. F, M.
Glovet Saturday night.
Mr. Clauds Sims is on an
j [ended trjp to Nort|l Carolina.
1 The singing at J. H.
blood’s Sunday afternoon led
1 G> Hefner fine<
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Winkler, of
Mt. Pleasant, were the guests
her sister, Mrs. Marion Glover,
Saturday night.
Mr. Lambert Menders, of Cleve
S p elU Saturday night the
; guest of his cousins here.
; Mrs. J, LI. Youngblood
daughter, Willie, were visitors in
| Gainesville last Thursday night
And attended the theatre.
Several Several from from here here attended attended the the
baptizing at Dukes Creek Sunday.
We see by the papers that our
pastor, Rev. ,, 1 L Rutland, has
, been returned to We hope
that every one is pleased and will
give him a full house on each 3rd
Sunday at 3 o’clock.
Mr. Paul Mauney., ,\irg. g. A.'
Erwin and Miss Minnie Erwin !
W'ere it) Biairsyilie Sunday. ;
Mr. C E. Mead’s mother has ;
moved into the bouse recently | |
bu It for her npar Mf. Head’s home
Crescent Hill News
1 lie B 'i . P. U. members
joyed a foot measuring part \
day night given at tHe home
and Mrs. Herbert Lewis.
were given to the boy having
biggest feet and the girl
the smallest feet. A box of
was presented to Harvey Coker
having the biggest feet, and a
barrette was presented to
Kiinbrell for having the smallest
feet. The proceeds will go
buying new song books for
1 lie B. 't . P. U. Rally was
joyed by all present Sunday
Mrs. Dather Bell and little
daughter, of Gainesville, visited
Mrs. B C. Minish Saturday.
Messrs Herbert Lewis and John
Oakes attended the frfotbull gaim
.in Athens Saturday.
Air. Ben Lewis is the champion
pdmpkin grower of this commuuit\
and we beleve is the champion
grower of Jpuinpkins in Whitt
county. He raised a pumpkin this
year that weighed log pounds.
Next Sunday is regular preach¬
ing day. Everybody come and
hear Rev. Jurrard deliver his fine
! -
Messrs Roy and Lester Black, of
Atlanta, spent Monday here
Mrs. EssieCash and little daugh
I ter, Mary, spent Monday night
with her sister, Mrs. G. Y. Hefner
Mrs. Doyce Little spent a few
hours with homefolks Sunday,
j Herbert Sunday Hefnerwas visiiting We hope his
payents soon. to
have the oppor.unity of introduc
ing them sometime in tiie near
j future,
Messrs Scott and Fleming are
| still looking ahead for the end ol
j the rainbow. its always just a
little ways ahead. We wish them
£uctes "''
Mr. Oscar Boyd and wife,
Covington, Ga., visited the latter's
sister, Mrs. \\ T . Q. Freeman, re¬
Several from this part attended
the singing at Mr. J. lloungblood’s
Sunday afternoon and report a nict
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Allison are
visilin g ‘he latter’s parents at
P r , es ? li D
VVe hope the writer of Louds
vl U e wi}l |?i«ye the pleasure
ol nieeting Asbestos Buzzing soon.
Subsfiribp F»?r Tije Courier
If you are a wide awake ex
merchant, e^peiJen :ed retail sales¬
man, or hustling fanner, and can
sell a needed item of wearing up
parrel in your county, or nearby
would be willing to work
hard W mH I) fifty to one hundred
doll art* per month, aptpal money,
in hand every night, from
to March 1st, and can invest
dollars in merchandise, and
work at once, write today
ing exactly how you can be
for personal interview. Be
territories will De closed
Address Box 1 1, RoswellGu.
B 4 BV CHjiCJyS—frog? selected
egg producers, fast nunur
very (ifioice accredited stock,
arrival guafgHtpe.d postpaid,
for lowest prieet* in history.
Foultry Company, OHundo,
Advertising is tlig oil tfiat lijbri
the machinery of business.
Icebergs Not Salty
Icebergs contain no salt, because
are formed of glacier Ice which
originally snow.
Georgia, White County.
Will tie sold before the court
door 111 said county on ihe first
in Dee, 1931 within tiie legal hours
sale to the highest bidder for easli
following property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
and being in the Second land district
said county and beiug part of lot of
Number ,18 in said district, and
and in block N- 4 , in the Town of
land, Georgia, in subdivision of
town. Said block containing
lots except that portion of said block
ing northwest of tKfeftainesviile
western Kailroad riglit-of-way
known as the Jasper Jackson place
said town. Also part of lot of land No
38 in said county and being Town
No. 14 and 15 in block seventh and
ing the same land conveyed by W. T
fotfcs to J . I). Ash by deed dated Jan.
’L, 1920 and recorded in the Clerk's
Office of said county in deed book “T'
page 06 .
•Said land levied on as the property
■I. C. Trotter to satisfy a ii fa issuedfrom
the Superior Court of said county in
favor of Carrie Galbraith and against J.
C. Trotter.
Also at the same time and place will
he soldi,, the highest and best bidde,
AlUhat tract ofTm.l'knol-’n u the J
£ Ga., C,, and °7' bounded h " m ." >; lac as ; Hollows: County. On tlu
bast 1 by -1 the property known -1 as the Tor
property and on the North by the old
G Meaders place and Mossy Creek M.E.
Church property and being about Out
Hundred and Sixty acres of land morem
less. This property levied or, as tin
property of J. M. Cooley estate to satisfy
rt t&zzzzsZXr:
Cu.iley, un.d in W,«“
directed by law.
Also at the same time and place am;
on the same terms will he sold the fol
lowing described property to wit: Pai l
of lot of land Number 25 in the Second
land district of said county, containing
8 a acres of land more or less and being
the same land described in a deed fron
Newton Hulsey to Julia .A. Woodberry.
dated the 25th day of August i9S0 am,
recorded in the Clerk's Office of sail
count.y in record of deeds book “X"
page 883 to which deed reference n
made for description of the propert)
herein advertised. Said property lcvi&
on by Walter Dorsey, L. c., and turns,
over to me, for advertisement and sale t.
satisfy a Justice Court ti fa issued fron
the Justice court of the 428th district G.
M ,.in fa,or of „„„
against Will Lee and Julia Woodberry
m jis;:r; > oSet:: n ae |tb * ^
Also at the same time and place am
on the same terms will be sold Jttie fob
lowing personal property to wit: (Jin
organ and stoll, on.e wooden bedstead ]
one set bed springs, one feather bed, on
Iresser and one small dining table.
Levied on as the property of Burch West
itiorelanil to satisfy a ti fa issued fron
he Superior Court of said county Burcl. j
e ® tmoreland , Principal, and B. A. Me
Mrs. , ufhn hath security Abernathy. on bond and in favor 0 t |
Also at the same time and place am 1
the -> 1 I
an same terms will be sold the f„]
lowing personal property to wit: o,, t
Dodge truck, known ns the H. A. Autry
truck and in possession of the H. A
tntay when seized; also a one-horse iroi
ixle wagon known as the II. A. 'Autr
vagon and found n possession of tin
-aid Ii. A. Autry when seized. Bail
"’<iperty levied on as the property o
It. A. Autry to satisfy a Superior Cou:
i fa issued from the Superior Court
■Vinle County, Georgia in favor of Jack
ton & Hood and-against- li. A. Autry
and T. J. Hanie.
Also at the same time and place an.
>n the same terms will be sold the f 0 j.
lowing personal property to wit: Out
Chevrolet Sedan Motor-Number 4)48673.
serial number 8.|B.28717 model 192s\
Said )f it T. i property C, C, Cagle Cagle leyjed on 4 s the'*properG ft I
. to to satisfy satisfy a a Mortgage Mortgage h s ti ti fs, '
issued ... by the Superior Court of sail
•-ounty against T. C. Cagle and in farm
if Cleveland Chevrolet Co. This Nov
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
teorgia, White County
Because of default in the payment
( ,
lebts secured by two deeds executed In 1
J. M. Coojey; one deed executed In
J. 1 vt M. : Cooley .. i to ', J. ... W. H .. Under ..
on the ffih day ofManuai-y 1931 t
the payment of ft70, and ami
executed to Edwards A Underwooi.
the Oth day of January 1931 to secure
payment of $200 and duly (rafsferre,;
J. W. II. Underwood for value. Said
being duly recorded in deed book
Z ” W ' 6 Clerk's office Whit,
Tfeofgja. '|J lp undersigned has
the full arppunts of said debts
with interest and payable and will
the 1 st day of December 103 ), acting
the power of sale contained in
deeds, during the legal hours of sale
the oourt house door in said cou ty
sell at auction to the highest bidder fen
cash the lands described in said deeds to
wit; A lifetime estate in the following
tract of land in said county to wit: That
tract of land bounded as follows: On the
east, by the lands of TurnerDavidson and
. 1 . L>. Cooley, on the south by the lands
of J. L). Cooley, on the west by the lands
of J. D. Hulsey estate, on the north l»y
the old 0. Meadeiia-phice and the proper¬
ty of the M. K. Church.'containing ltSO
acres, more or less, and known us the
J. M. Cooley old home place and being
the place where he lived at. the time of
his death. The undersigned will execute
a deed to purchaser as authorized by the
deeds aforesaid. This 3rd day ofNov 1981
J. W. H, Underwood.
Georgia, White County.
l'o the Superior Court of said Com tj:
The petition of J. ti. R. Barrett and
B. F. Trotter of said county shows to the
court the following facts:
1 . Petitioners, together with their as¬
sociates, desire tofbc incorporated under
the name of The Neel Gap Bus Line
I J ^® wHh ni P the al| y right, t°t the to peiiod said of twenty charter years
renew ,at
t,le tx P*nitioii of said time. The object
j if said corporation is pecuniary train and
o'’77 T^nToTZ
f 1 "* U,,5te,,SutH8 vehicle
7Z* ltVr.!o»lre,ati h oft^i3 tneumteu
kaao I <tnd „ , , make , contrftcts, , borrow
* now
„o ,
1’be principal of said business ,0
be i„ the Town of Cleveland in White
Countv, L Georgia
1,7 L q Jin . ^ . , , oJrZdrlnkT ,
vi(te(1 into shares of
' ,n r "- rJi ' ,f
Sectors by vote |of its stockholders
an d to elect a President, Vice-President
I 1,1,1 Secretary and Treasurer by said
of Directors and to have and to
Ml proper and necessary by-laws
''tiles and regulations that are necessary
aild may be proper for the carrying ' on
” f R aid business, and also to use's com
mon seal.
Wherefore petitioners tile this their
petition in the Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Cotut of White -County. Geor
a »«d pray that after the same has
oren advertized as required by law that
the court by proper order grant Uus
Edwards Underwood,
Petitioners Attorneys.
ieorgia. White County
)ffice of the Clerk of the „
I, W. H Hulsev Cle.t r u
if) that the foregoing is a true and
• 0 '' I 'ec f «»py of the application for har
tt!, llie 0
j as This sam e appears of tile in this
the 4th day of Noy. 1931.
W. H. Hulsey, S. S, C.
wll ite Court of Ordinary.
November Term, Nov. 2 19H.
T lm ,
appraisers upon application of
iIrs - Kinsey, widow of said C j
Sins «y i'of a twelve months' support for
Tertielf and six minor children, having
tile,! their return. All persons concern
,3 ‘i a, ' e hereby cited to show cause, if
luur hoy lio have, anv r
<■„ nt at n the next regular . December
I era, of this court, why said application
hould not be granted.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary,
Tax Collector’s Notice
Second Abound
Tuesday, Nov, 34, 198 J
I- H. Javravd's Store 9 to 9:30 A. ft|.
tobinson's Mill lUt<f}0 30 I*
-V. N. Turner’s Store 1 J to J 1 .K 0 f
1,111 Palmer’* Mill 12 to ( 2 45 R M.
'boa! Greek Law Ground ] to ].go M
tabnuire’s Store 1,45 to 2.10 c
h K. Bhumbler's Store 2.45 to 2.5(1 •'
D ’ WbU « e!d ’* 2-l0 to 9-45 ”
' f Station Store a.fiu 4. 0to to f IQ n
3 4 45-<
(Wednesday, Nov. 25
Hack's Store 9 to 9 3 O A. M,
Store 10 to ,0.30 “
Tost Office 11.15 to la. 15 *«
B. Tomlin’s Store J 2 3 O to 12 45 “
Mill 1 to ,.15 P, M.
H. Alexander’s Store ] .30 to 2
J. Presley's Store 2.10 to 2.40 “
-------—z F. Hulsey’s ° Mill v„„ 3 to 3.30 <•
- F. Wofford's Store 3 10 to 4.30 “
Dorsey's t. 4
Thursday, Noy. 2 - (
L. Hood's Store 9 to 9 3 O A Vf
Post Office 9.45 to 10.30
L. Hood’s StorefBtationj 10.45 toii.H,
Merritt's Store 11 1(0 to U 6
iestos .Station . , J 4
ttj 13 3 q
Glover's Store 1 t o ,. 8 q P. M
Store 2.30 t„ 3 n
Store t„ 4 , t
Store 4 15 b
We have registration books for tJiosa
to register, *
Arispah Allison, T. C.
\our Subscription Now