Newspaper Page Text
7 K M «13'; ‘. "‘4“ “3‘37" mm"
‘fihz‘r " ”3
9 i Am. xiii". gz‘wgr “‘3‘"?
By 1.0. U. Morethttu
L>*k out and forget the Lord
times, pull up your sleeves, bite
\ i# tongue and snatch a harmful
i f hair from og your cranium, nim
h c yourself and at once spring in¬
to the arena, and tneel the candi¬
dates as they enter. They art
VVe wonder w herejwinter is com¬
ing in at. Our guess is that it will
be coming in along about corn
planting time.
Who said that old people don’t
get some kick out of life. Even
right here in this settlement lives
an old lady who has passed hei
91st birthday, who just recently
accompanied a fox hunting party
on a real fox hunt and seemed t(
get more enjoyment and a greutei
1 in ill from the hunt than any of the
p u ty concerned.
Some curse the President. That’s
one star in their crown, otbars ravt
about congress. They have unipit
; rounds. Millionaires are being
used, and should be, Every day
1 he laborer and poor man is cursed
because he wants to get rich too
which has always been the case.
Folks can’t pay their debts because
hey made so much that they can’t
sell any of it. The majority of the
■ or are going in rags from ovei
production of cotton and mills
can’t sell unv of it. The majority
on lie poor are going in rags from
over-production of cotton and tht
mills can’t run because nobody
needs their goods. Now, what in
c heck do you suppose is the
matter? And, say Captain, ow
in re question : How many auto¬
mobiles aie there in the United
, , tales? How rnucii|taxes are paio
oar of them, and how much an
they producing?
Oh! well, it's true there is
enough the matter, but some of us
. we should happen to catch tt ridi
t', the pearly gates we would criti
cize *>l. Peter because lis had held
office so long.J
We hear a lot of the Red Cross.
■Veil, sir, that must have been hint
Tit came to see us the other day.
! his fellow came to try to get
'-vhat we owed him; his face wa¬
rd and he was cross. Now if that
was not a (Red Cross man, why
1 ! ve never seen one,
Week-End Excursions
One Faro Plus 50 Cents
Good from Midnight Thursday
thru Midnight Monday on Nee
Gap Bus Line.
Phone 40
Neel Gap Bus lane
Cleveland, Ga.
W A > T E l>. |
I vt-.iHt options on cheap lands
1 -r Summer Humes. Fruit, Poultry
' getabies, Tobacco, etc. See
my office.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
■! tid'k® Dane L, Oakes, of Law
“ v.cev-iib. formerly of Cleveland,
:d suddenly in Winder eonrl
-in Tuesday morning, engaged
- the trial of a case.
He had spoken of pains in hi
- ,:-d lor several days previous,arid
ited to friends that he did not
:i like going to. Winder.
He ieft Cleveland urontul 25
yi irs ago.
He is survived by his widow,;
’ rmerly nnerlv Miss Miss Onin Onie T'.nnUt- Cooley, rwfl ofLeo.
of Leo, daugliter of Mr. J. ]_>
'Cooley, and one brother, Mr. \V
;j. Oakes, of Charleston, S. C.
Funeral services were held in
puvrencevilie and interment was
a Gainesville. ms
PreEurving Printed Pug*
The ieveaii of standards r says (that
large libraries it is customary to
iste « very thin silk fabric,over the
res. .using good mucilage .as the
Uiesive. The flabric ds like .chiffon. 1
‘fluid he bureau that does not know of any {
is entirely satisfactory, i
arnlsh would he .*™.1 if o- am soL
onetrate the paper more in
1 ices than in others, and thus.cause
a blotchy appearance—'Washington
~ THB vfoh lEH
Local Mews j
We requested that j
are to stale j
there will be hut one day of Feb- j
rmtrv teirn of WlnteSuperiorCourt j
This will be held on Monday and*
for the purpose of taking . default
judgments and pleas of guilty.
There will be r.o contested case#
We are requested to announce
that Rev, Dock Morris preach at
Mt. View church the 5th Sunday
«t li A. M. and at night after
prayer meeting.
Miss Mildred McWhorter, of
Duhlonega, spent Friday night
and Saturday with Mrs, Paul
Mr. Paul Mauney spent the
weekend in Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farguson
spent the weekend witli parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Russell.
Mr. W, L. Allison carried Miss
Lizzie West to Knoxville, Tenn.,
Judge A. L. Dorsey requests us
to state that in all probability lie
will ask to be reelected Ordinary.
Mr. W. H, Bell was in town on
business Monday. 1 i
We are requested to state that 1
Ross Mize will be a candidate foi j
Mrs. Paul Mauney spent Swtur |
•lay / night and Sunday with Mm j 1
Mildred McYYfiorter . Daiilonegu ^ ,
in 0 j
Rev. T. C. Brown, of Gaines- I
vilte, was culled as pastor by the
Cleveland Methodist Church ... Sun-
day. !
Mrs. S. L Pruitt fell and broke |
her leg Tuesday,
Mr. A. C. Brady moved to the!
J. H. Brown place, near Roy Head j
Bridge, Thursday. ;
“Smiling” Ed McConnell, we)’
known radio artist, will appear in
person at the Clarkes,yfll.e High
School Auditorium on
Jan. aSlh, at S P. M. Admissioi,
25 and 5 ° cents. Proceeds to go
Mr. John M. Cantrell is very ill
very ill as we go to press.
! Mr. Frank To rear is suffering
j and from his au brother, injury received Tom, while he
were return
mg home from a ion hunt when
the lights of his ford went otr the
car went over an embankment.
Trustees Elections
There wti! be an election fot
School Trustees ip the various!
school district of the eounty at the j
school houses on the 30th day ol 1
J an. 193a, beginning at po o’clock i
A. M. and closing at 3 o'elockP.M j
All qualified voters in these dis
tricts all entitled to vote. Take!
noticzt hereof and go out and vote, j
C- JI. Edwards, C, 8. 8. <
———————--- 1
Of rnterest id their jpany friends !
and relatives is the jtnnouiii:g).nent j
of Miss Sadie Davidsoil and Mr
J. C. Fendley, of Atlanta, which j
was quitly solemnized Sunday!
evening, Jan. i;,ot f o’clock at the j
honte of the bride’s parents., Tost
master and Mrs. Alexander David¬
Rev. H. H. Humphries per-;
the ceremony.
The bride is the lovely
of Mr.and Mrs.Alexander 1
Davidson, of Cleveland,J .
Mr. Fendley is the son of Mr.;
W " ^ ' H * US een J 0 *'’ making ° J !
mine in , f anta tor t e past
He » tiie brother ot Mrs. ]
G. Davis, of Denver, Colo.;
VV. B. Noble, of Roanoke, i
Mrs. J. II. McMiliian, of At- 1
He is engaged in the auto
business at ^ alb Moreland
, „ N. _ E., Atlanta.
Only , , a few relat.yes and friends ;
present. * Immediately •> fol- — 1
. tlie
ceremony they left for - they will make'
' /^° ir ,resl , Ave., , |
______ft_____ 3, Atlanta. !
------- -^ lr lubri-’j >1
Advertising is the oi! that j
. machinery ..
ine o( business; .
A good crowd nttenxied prayer
service and league Sunday* night at
Bel hei.
Miss Bertha Sargent spent the
weekend with lioniefolk*,|Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Sargent.
Miss Lou W estmoreland,
Gainesville, spent a few
day with her sister, Mrs. D.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Trotter aud
Miss Ntiie Thomas spent Saturday
in Gainesville.
Mr. Claud Lawson has moyed
Leo. We wish them success in
theie new home.
Mr. Noel Ayers carried
Mountain Group to Center
church Saturday night.
Mr. John Cain, of Clermont,
spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs.
Fay Keith.
The weather has turned coolei
and maybe we will have some Win¬
ter weather now.
Let’ not forge; Bethel Sunday
School, prayer service and league.
Everybody iuvited to come Sunday
evening and night.
Miss Bessie Griffin, of Gaines
vtlle, spent awhile Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. JimDorsey.
Mr Uoy Hooper and mother,
Mrs. O lie Hooper, of Gainesville.
, >aBsed thr h lhis action Sunday
VVe tnem , back , to
weicume oui
community any time.
Mr. and ... Mrs. Gordon ,, , Dorsey, ... o!
Gamesvnlo. ... . visited tneu parents
Sunday. ,
Mr. John O'Kelley, of At hurt a,
spent a few days will) parents,Mr
>nd Mr *' Ed 0?KelIc r
Mrs. J. 11 . §helnnlt is visiting
her daughter. Mrs! Luther Glover,
of Cleveland, at present.
Mf. ang Mgg j. §. Johnson
*p e nt last Saturday tfith ,My. and
Mrs. Leonard pilgrim, nearLeaf.
M r< alK j M,- s . Arthur Reece and
children, of Atlanta, spent a few
Java with mouther, Airs. J. II.
M isses Ruth Tatum and Estelle
VV hitworth spent the weekend with
Miss Lizzie Mae Foster, near Leaf.
Several from here attended the ,
singing and reported it fine.
Crescent HHi Wsws
mrvtn rr
Mr. John Fuller, Misses Martha
“td Pauline Sosebee, LolabellKim
brell and CarrieFuller attended the
dnging aj Cleveland Sunday after
noon and reported sojqe fine sing
in ff
Mr. Wilburn Wright spentSatur
t y night with Mr. Grover Cagle,
if Rabun Gap.
Mr, --------------- and Mrs. Herbert ------------------- Lewis,Mr
Mrs. Ben Lewis visited the
brother, Mr. Palnjer, of
county, Sunday,
Mt ; Harold Henderson, of Al
ntSi spent t!(fe weekend with
.Portia and Angil Sosebee;
P eut afternoon with their
' 8ter - oflielen^
Mps&xs John (Oakeft apd .Gail]
»* .Vi'-P [ .° Cleveland!
Mrs. Dabher of Gaii\«-yille, |
jj ^atAl-rdayl wjlji parepts.
r , 5j rjg . g. £,
' |
Everybody re»e«jw P^a.pWng:
and Sunday » 4 *bL fiome.
_ ___
Tb# O*. w »v . . M m. . Society ouvieiv met inei wUh Will)
Rohr. „ , loJjnson . , ... Wednesday. ,
welcome , '. . ,, A , F
visitor was
The Iiejct meed will
whh Win Mrs , C . r. Meilders on
b ‘
____ “
' "
Bl!IU5<i v 1 i '” cai - « ,u ’ Le d author „ aud
of ti* Seventeenth cen-
4 ^^edited with aiia the• the invention of
, UC Tift* of the
uMMilbu* um 4 in PiMpk'
* '
County School Superintendent
Indies and Gentlemom
1 hereby announce myself a
for Sneriff of White county, subject
the primary to Ire held March 15th.
If elected I shall perform all of
duties of this responsible office
favortism, and shall deem it, my duty
an conduct, myself in such a unnuier
the dignity and respect of the office re¬
requires. Aud, further, I will atrive
uiy utmost to save the county all
expense consistent with au efficient dis
charge of the office.
Thanking you in advance for
vote and influence, 1 am,
Yours very truly,
W. T,. Allison.
To the Voters of White Couuty:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Sheriff of White county, subject to
me democratie primary to be held on
March March icti. 15 th
I was born and reared in this county,
and earnestly solicit your vole and in¬
fluence, and if elected Sheriff 1 shall en¬
deavor 10 fill the office in a fail- and im¬
partial manner.
\V. L. (Linton) Burke
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Ifhereby announce myself a candidate
for Sheriff of White couuty, subject to
the Democratic primary to be heldMarch
If elected I wifi perform all of the
duties required of this office without
fear or f.-tyor. Fllthcruioie, I promise to
handle this office with less deputies and
less cost.
Thanking pou in advance for your Vote
and influence in any way that is rig-lit.
Yours very truly,
Newt Hulsey.
Clerk Superior Court
1 announce myself a candidate for I,lie
office of Clerk of the Court of White
County, subject to Ihc Democratic
primary to be hold March 15, 1982. Real¬
izing that puld 10 office is but a public
trust delegated by choice, of the voters,
I promise, if elected to render every
courtesy and favor possible in discharg¬
ing the duties of the office.
Thanking you in advance for any sup¬
port yon may give me. 1 am,
frpfc Turner.
Tax Collector
To the Voters of White County!
I hereby annoqque iqyself a candidate
for the office of Tax Col lee ter of White
county,subject to theDemocraticprimary
to be held March 1 5.
It „ may ,, be e impossible luiptmn „„ for IHP ine me to vo make maK , a a
persona] appeal t<> all of the voters, but
1 assure everyone that your vote and iu
Unence-will he highly appreciated. It
elected I promise to yon ipy very best
efforts to make an ci^eient and capable
Clarence Cooley.
I hereby announce tpystilf a candidate
for Tax Collector, subject to the Demo¬
cratic primary to he held the 15th day of
March, J()83.
Considering the. way gud manner in
which 1 was forced to resign my office ]
think I shouhl have another chance. Ii
I am elected J assure the people of White
county that I will give, them a faithful,
accomodating iaud efficient administra¬
tion. It is my purpose to spe as many if
not all of Um people betvyee.p now ami
the primary and fully discuss my reason
for resigning and 41 y claim of election
another term,
Thanking the people in advance. 1 am.
Respectfully yours,
.1. If. Campbell.
Tax Receiver
1 hereby .announce myself a candidate
tor Hit- office of Tax Receiver- p f White
County, subject to the Democratic prima¬
ry to be hchl the loth day of March 1932
If elected 1 promise fn fill the office to
the tieftt of iny skill ami 1 ability.
Iv. N; Turner.
- v■ j
To th* yolcr* of White County: I
I Imic.b,v yum^gpeg inysffi/a' candidate j
f.,r Cm my ,^ subject to the J
tvijj ina ,y v / he VareJ , i5
ji elected, f th« '
sec ;t f is j
pul#*M> puh«*h, 0 £l eytfy eyqry ftiree jimnths Jltoliths b. jn The; The';
Cle.yel?.n/f of nlf monjes coming-i vvhati
my .-.j o$ice r.i-' r t r ypriejjfyiug * i •-** f for : uav
fund ttie originate apd fof y hat purpose
are paid out on each appropriation
by the County Commissiouei's.
fiU.SG Jp .so far Mr »>*. as. it h- is iw within u it mu my power* jtower. 1 X!
d,p ^v,erytlfin^ pppsihle to keep down I
tj),e tl)n c.p^hfy. nAlintu *
aviietiku exjojn^e tin op
Yo»r apd indoeuce yijl ),$ aj.-
attd if ,elect,ed, J ‘to i
all the time necessary to Jjll tge of¬
in an efficient aud acceptable, utantier '
Coleman Seaboht.
Read The Courier
In September, ln<t, my
barrel shot gun disappeared
my home while we were
The description is us follows :
dinary length, on the rib
“Belgium Damascus”, on the
hund barrel, a few inches from
end, is a small den> ; barrel
thin, walnut stock pointed
cherry red varnish ; the piece
holds the gun is battered,
hammer, weighs a lbs less than
dinary shot gun, the piece
pulls out the shell is very
No. 12 gauge, Will pay
able reward for return or
tion to obtain it will be
W. T. Potts.
1 Qeorgia , White Gonnt J
Will ...... be sold ... before the court
door in said county between the
hours of sale on the first first Tuesday
February lhyfl 10 the highest bidder
cash the following described property
Wit: All that tract or parcel of land
iug and being in White County,
and being in the 3rd district of
county and being part of lots of
*24 and 125. containing ttsU acres of
more oi- less and known as the F.
I hurinnnd home place aud the place
which he now Jives and being all
land that the said F. O. Thurmond now
owns 111 Tisnatee District U. M. at thi
‘iate and Ix-ing the same land described
in a deed to The Bauk of Helen
•Dth day of March lp29 and recorded Jin
deed book “Y” page I7j. Clerk’s Office
White Ominty, Georgia. Said land levied
oti under and by virtue of an execution
issued from the Superior Court of said
county in favor of The Bauk of Helen.
Helen. Ga., aud against F. O. Thurmond
Written notice given the defendant.
This the 6 th day of January, 19j-2.
W, A- Jackson, Sheriff.
Blue Ridge Dots
We saw a large fox last Friday
caught by Messrs H. S. Nix and
Frank and Charlie Reid on the
Hickory Nqt mountain.
Misses Pauline Purdue and Nel)
Jitrrard. Gainesville, gave us a
pleasant call Sunday.
The WitiklerBrothers are operat¬
ing it saw mill arid grist mill.
Mr. and Mrs, D. G. Head, of
Cleveland, were visiting then
brother, Hubert, Sunday.
Judge W. C. Miller was over
this wtty Sunday.
Mr. bred Lee has been added to
faculty oi ShoalCreek School,
The other teachers are Mr. Evans
Collins, principal: Misses Willie
Mae Cooley and Mary Belle Jack
son. Messrs \\ , L. Jackson, Jason
Brown and Elbert Kanaday are
the trustees. They have been per¬
forming their duty in tt most com¬
mendable way. Sho:il Crack is u
good schooljjmd it shows promise
of rapidly developing into one~oi
the very best ill the county.
Farmer time will soon be here so
see us for your plow points, slides
and wings, bolts and repairs. We
Ha ve a good price on galvanized
ware buckets, tubes, pans lime,
cement, roofing, paint, and a good
line of final! cans of paints, cross
cut and hand saws. In fact a good
line of hardware. We thank you
for past favors.
Holcomb Bros. Hdwe. Co.
M e sell tor Cash and sell for less
appreciation for the un
.tokens of helpfulness
sympathy' brought berttvem,, to us in the
6 of our nr sore ^• re ‘ ueme ‘ jl , 1 t, he
- - -
‘ ‘ $* n, T w ®" e 1 ? ft beautiful
\< h° s f J? ,-1 e !‘ I -......- beauty
J f>t the life and
wije and mother.
seemed that everyone was trying
#ey?ryjhj,ng possible to make
w great v wrap 11 lighter op us.
God bless you is our prayer.
J. T W. VV' Henderson, { T«rs ,-J i-. Husband
A- ff- Henderson
W' ft' Jjentjerson.
Q- W ■ jfepder§on
Sj ;t fy Hgfjdersoi) Coolev
Read The Courier
Leg*! #*cWerti8«mtnt*
Georgia, Wbife County.
'The Urtdafffign.ed will sell before the
Court House door in Whitt- County,
Georgia, during the legal hour* of sale
mi Tuesday, February 2 , 1932. to the
highest and best bidder for cash, the fol¬
lowing described property, to-wit:
AU that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in UudLnts 153, 104 and 166,
in the Third District,of White County,
Georgia, and more particularly describ
e<l as foJlovvs:
Being- that (tacit or parcel of land
located on the west side of Youab Moun¬
tain known as the Reservation, upon
which is located one ten-room house,otic
live-room house; one four-room house;.
BOUNDED on the east by lands of
Mitchell aild Marian, on tha South by
lands of George W. Miller; on the west
by lauds of S. H, McGee and John Mer¬
ritt; and on the north by the Luinsden
Lands; containing 340 acres, more or
less: and being the same property con¬
veyed by G. S. Kytle to William M
Howard aud Thomas M. Bell, according
indeed recorded in Deed Book “N”
page 201 ; also is acres, more, or less,
lec.lcd by S. H. McGee to William M
Howard and Thomas M, Bell, according
10 deed recorded in Deed Book “N’\
page 102; LESS li acres, more or less
deed by William M. Howard andThomas
M, Bell to S. 11. McGee, according to
leed recorded in Deed Book “N” naire
4 O 3 b
The sale will be made by virtue of the
power contained in a loan deed executed
.OMHAN'T, a corporation of Fulton
County, Georgia, to MRS. JULIE K.
HOLMES, dated December 22, 1 UH 0 re
■orded in Deed ,
Book *•//’,pages. 297:298,
White County Records.
Said deed conveys the property herein
(escribed to secure the payment of an
indebtedness of jts3.MSO.00 principal and
interest from date at 8% per annum, all
of which was due on June 30, |1931 and
'8 now in default.
The property will be sold subject to.
past due taxes, and the proceeds wild be
applied first to expensesfof the -sabs, and
second to payment of the indebtedness.
above mentioned*
Mrs. Julie K. Uoimets,
as Attoruey-in-Fact. for
Nelson Trust. & Really Company
a Corporation ofFuUon County, tv-otgia
Craighead A Craighead,
Dwyer & Dwyer,
Attorneys at Law,
'i«4 Candler Bldg., AUa#,!** «*.
■eorgia, White County.
By virtue of the powem oi snie in loan,
eed from Fred Fabueirto- VV.A.
tated February 10, »#, ryeorded ia
()etd Book I, pages 329 and 330, in the
Ace of the Clerk of the Superior Ceurr,
'■-t said County, to secure
monthly notes, nggregativg |^50.0y, be¬
sides ml crest thereon, said Gibson,,.Fact as.
for said. Pal**,-, «, u
7 i° tht hl S lwst bidder for cash,before,
he Court House door of said
; the hours of sale on the first
Tuesday h, February iFebntaryandJiS
the following described property '
That tract or parcel, of laud in Cfcv*
’ ‘"'"T' 111 - coii 8 ieting ofLots twenty
t-hree, twenty-four, aud half of Lot tweu
ty-tuo; also one hundred and twenty.
7 7 te * ,,f Loc hn-ty-live, more nr Jest
" fencejand is a a of
...... ....... *■
? ,an ’ J ' -’ 8UrV( ' y dated July
- ■B 6 , 19-6 19 -V ami recorded in said Clerk's of.
hen in Book U, page 36 4 d being the
, an
-ame property Conveyed by D. G. Head
Mrs R. K Payne by warranty deed
dated August 3, reemled i„ said
Clerk s office of said County in Deed
Book \ , page 48.
Three notes of said series, due Novem
ou first and December first 9 Hi
GtJuary first, 193 i aIltl
2 , r e S pe C t. V e 1 y, with ae
-nied interest, remain unpaid; all
on said taxes
prop rty for 1981 are also in de
aalt; and said Lalmer has also refused
to keep said property insured,as provid
'77! lo,u ‘ deed, and saidGibson has
paid . ,41-94
for the insurance premium
premium thereon. Said notes provide
that if any one remains Ulipa j (i lo
than thirty days , L. .
after maturity. if •
emit is made in payment of taxes i„.
-mrance on said property, time being the
essence of the contract, said Gibaou
declare the whole debt due, may
and sell said
property, as attorney-in-fact for saidPal
Gffisorir iubson |has a T'7 declared ' ,t ‘ S ' li the ' 1 defaUJt8 whole
principal and interest debt
d ue , and will sell
aul property, as aforesaid, ilrl(J
the proceeds o 2 the Adebtedneksishbhlil
the proceeds of tl,,e sale exceed The L'i
lebtedness, and expenses of saih. { h c
i)a!ance w ia he turned over to *ald pil"
Hugh As AUorney-in- L, Luttreil, FacUoFKr^fflvr.
C. & Attorney .Aij..'
S. Bank Ijidy, ul|?1
" *-**' -
Fur f be. p 0(Ir ,e r
of Nepj ( jqp
Wl e Cleyfittuf)
South Bouiiij
JMSP. ii. fttjq A- M,
Hort|j Bo H Hd
4 p - M. 1, :13 P. M. to A. M.
read the courier