Newspaper Page Text
Z,p: Clcvelanti Courier
< • .*,// Organ of White County. G
Published Weekly at Cleveland (-in.
,Lvs. P. Davidson, Editor.
Eu' ‘red at the Pom iffiee at Cleveland
(ia.» aft second claw* mail mauer.
^Member Ninth DUuict Press Asaociaion
“ Georgia Pres*
*• National Editorial “
l« Press Congress Of The World
Subscription, *1.5(1 per year
in advance
The Bible Study Class of the
Methodist M. Society were enter¬
tained at the home Mrs. C. J.
Meaders Wednesday afternoon,
Fob. An instructive lesson waft
led by Mrs. Rutland. Special in¬
terest was centered in the World
Day Prayer and {Christian women
of all denominations tire urged to
u ;iie in praise and petition in
prayer the world around on Feb .12
The next meeting will be withMrs
Jo bt. Kenimer. Mrs. G. C.Adams
will entertain theMissionaryLadies
socially on Saturday afternoon at
4 o'clock at Barrett’s Cafe.
We ^re having plenty of rain,
war news and candidates up this
w ay.
Tiie voting folks enj >yed u pound
supper at the home of Mrs. Zena
Thurmond Saturday nigfit.
Rev. B. F. Duncan was up this
way Saturday and stated that he
would be moving o N. C. at an
early date. We wish {them much
success in their work.
Mr. G. S. Scott accompanied by
a party of small boys, enjoyed
vettier roast on the top of \ onah
Ml. recently.
Mr. ]. P. Dudley, of Lexington,
Ga., paid Mr. J. H. Youngblood’s
family a short visit Tuesday after¬
Mr. S. K.Cox is very feeble at
this writing.
M e welcome Mr. I. < >. L'. More
than back in our columns. We
recognize his voice, although his
name is changed.
The patrons ol Woodlswu
School met Saturday and
the school ground to put out some
gras* and shade trees.
I he farmers are wanting the
rain to cease so they can fix there
land to make some cheap cotton,
but cotton is not all that is cheap
by any means.
Our neighbors who are not sub¬
scribers to The Courier make a
dive for it as soon as it arrives to
see what the Asbestos writer has
to say in each paper. If more of
the citizens would take their court
t paper and read what Denton,
McGee and Simmons has to
-..out the Bible n»d history # n<
••• 1 rd tiines^ they would say : let
The Courier come to me each week
\V. J. Presley made a business
trip to Lula and Gainesville last
Messrs Herman, Rogers and Mr.
H trry England, of Towns county,
v .» in this part last week.
Let all that is not sure about
their names being on the Registar
b -ok get it there before the list is
111 idu.
Schedule of Neel Gap Uus
f-ine From ClevejUtad
South Bound
j ;i 5 P. M. 8 :20 A. M.
North Bound
4 :4s P. M. 4 1 x 5 i L M. 10 A. M.
Widow’s SacrLice
The story of the Ephesian matron
#.f one from Fetronius retold in Jeremy
'jVylor's ‘'Holy Dying.” The matron
n..tempted to weep herself to death In
V tffimb of her departed husband, but
t il in love with a soldier who was
: truing the corpses of some robbers
that were hanging nearby. In order
to save her new lover from punish¬
ment, one of the corpses having been
stolen while they had been conversing,
slie gave him the body of her defunct
husband to hang in it* place.
L®s&l N@w$ j
Mr, W. 1. Humphries, of vVhite
Creek district, of Gainesville,spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. .
We are requested to announce
that Rev. C- T. Brown will fill his
preaching , appointm . at . the. IBaptist |u
v » ri ■ *
church here Sunday.
Mr. V. S. Nicholson requests us
to state that he will not be able to
canvas the county in the interest of
Iris race for Treasurer due to the
illness of his wife.
requested .
We are to state
Prot. Sisk will sing at Roberts
town Baptist church Sunday after
noon, Feb. 14 . Everybody invited
We are requested to state that
Mj. O!lie Turner will have his for¬
mal announcement in The Courier
next week for Treasurer.
Miss Henrietta Davidson sgent
rlie weekend with Miss Bernice
Simmons at her home on Shoal
Mr. and Mrs. I C. Fendley and
Or and Mrs. Evan Taylor, of At
lanta, spent the weekend*with Mr.
tnd Mrs, Alex Davidson.
Mrs Isaac Jackson is visiting;
parents in Cornelia this week.
We are requested to slate that j
Mr. ^Viitord A. Ash will have his
announcement in The Courier next
week for Tax Receiver,
Mr. J. II. Westmoreland has |
been very ill for the past several
days, but , is . much . improved , now.
Hon. E. D. jKenyon will make
an address at the Cleveland High
School auditorium Feb. '22 at 8 P.
M on the George \\ ashington Bi- ;
centennial Celebration.
On Monday night. Feb. l 5 ,Cor
iielia Lodge }.'. & A. M., will . put
on the Fellow Craft degree at the
Lula School auditorium.
nusons are invited.
\V e are requested to slate that
Mr. R. D. McCollum will
umouHf.ejnent in 'L'he Courier
week for Treasurer.
Rev. Will A. tlensoji. of Hia
wassee, formerly of this county,
died at his home last week.
Roy Head Post will have aGeor
gia Product dinner in the court
j house naires tonight and their at 7 wives P. M.
! or sweet-
1 hearts, mothers or sisters are invit
e d to attend and bring baskets.
Mr. Newt Hulsey wss very pain
fully hurt Tuesday aftenj.gou when
] | ie went to get on his horse and it
! raised it head, and fractured the
bone above his eye.
Rev. S. S. Crumley died at the
home of his son, C. fj. .Crumley,
of Town Creek district, Wednes¬
day afternoon and was buried at
Chattahoochee (Robertsto wn )
cemetery Thursday afternoon fol¬
lowing a brief Rings*., A story
will appear in The Courier of Mr.
j Crumley in our next issue.
Mrs . Greear’s class , n “Home
\| UIS i n g’' w i!l meet next week on
! Thursday afternoon, Feb. 18 th,
2 o’clock at Mrs. Moreagjps.
I -
Cabbage and Bermuda Onion
Plants all varieties $1 per looo,
3000 lots . 90 c per 1000 . Prompt
Dorris plant Co.
Valdosta, Ga.
Farmer time will soon be here so
see us for your plow points, slides
| and wings, bolts and repairs. YVe
; have a good price on galvanized
ware buckets, tubes, pans lime,
cement, roofing, paint, and a good
line of tmatl cans of paints, cross
cut and hand saws. In fact a good
line of hardware. We thank vou
for past favors. ;
Holcomb Bros. TIdwe. Co.
We sell tor Cash and sell for less
Waterproofing Leather
It bus been demonstrated that leath¬
er can be made waterproof on the
outside and still allow perspiration
to pass from the inside of ft Shoe 80
per amt as cast at the bare
Legal AdMertisetnents
Georgia, White County.
Been use of default in the payment of a
loan secured hy a deed Jo secure debt.
executed l.y A. Dockery to the under.
**"*''< The Pe,l - ral L * ),d Bank of
Columbia, dated the 17th day ofjannary,
inaz. and recorded in the office of the
! Clerk of Superior Court of White County
j ° eor 8 ift * in Book r > Pa F« 3 S7 - u >e »»der
signed has declared the full amount of
, the 1 ih loan, nun. with with .... interest, intt a Vf»«r. n.nn and , advances nrlvnri
made by the undersigned, due and pay¬
able, and will, on the 8 t,h day of March
1932, acting under the power of sale con¬
tained in said deed, during the legal
hoars of sale, at the Court House in
| ^id County, sell at auction to Jthe high¬
j cat bidder for cashjjthe lands described
I in said deed to-wit:
A11Umt oel . tain llie , ;e , parwl 1mct
j ,,f | an( f containing 191.79 acres, nroreor
j less, situate,lying and heing on the pub
| be road leading from Meldean, Ga. to
Black’s Store on the Cleveland public
rl)a ,| i about 2 miles from the town of
Cleveland, Ga., in 8l5ist Militia Diet,
County of White, Ga,, having such
•shape, metes, courses and distances as
will more fully appear by reference to a
plat thereof made by P. L. Cantrell sur
veyor. on Jan. 5th. 1922, and attached to
,!ie ab8tl ' a,:t «>« with theFederatUnd
Bank of Columbia, same being bounded
on the north by lands of H. A. Dockery,
<>n the east by lands of I!. T. Osborn-, on
1,18 s,,u tb by lands of J. P, and
Mood V A1,ison ’ anli on "’« sl »>' HB -
Underwood, said lands being parts of
lots 64 and 81 of t,he 2 nd Band Hist.
The undersigned will execute a deed
to the puroh.scr {as authorised by the
deed aforesaid.
This 8 lh day of February 1932.
'the Federal Laud Rank of Columbia.
0 . If. Edwards
Attorney for the Federal I,and Rank of
sta,e Georgia, White County,
To the Sheriff of said County—Greeting:
M#e ^ CwtJ!iei .
John Crnlzier COMPLAINT
Thu defendant, John Crotzier, is here¬
by required to be aud appear at the nexl
Swptx V i 0 r Court, to be held in and for said
county on the Monday in April next,,
'hen and there to answer the plaintiff;,
'lemaml m an action ol plaint, as m
default thereof the court, will proceed as
to .justice shall appertain.
Witiiggs the honorable I. IT. Sutton,
of said court, theiflth day of March
Misses JJertie Shuler and Ann
j Stovall spent last Saturday night
with Mrs. Ed Palmour.
Mrs. W. B. Parker and children
nd Mrs. Vandigriff, of Clarkes
ville, visited relatives here lastSun-
1 day_
! Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown, of
Cornelia, spent last Sunday night
with Mi. and Mrs. J. D. Tatum
; and family.
Mr. Philip Stovall, of Waynes
ville, N. C., visited Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Stovall and family last Sun
Misses \\ ioma Ho'comh, 0 !
Habeijihurp, and Katherine Foster,
of Cornelia, spent last Saturday
night with Misses Lula Belle and
Georgia McCollurn.
Little Misses Iva Lee Stovall
and J'otmpy Kate Wike spent the
weekend with Miss kfellie Palmour
Mr. Homer Tatum is visiting at
Cornelia at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hub Head, of
Clerqjont, spent awhile Sunday
with Mr. 4 ij 4 Mrs. J. LI. Stovall.
Mr. Elisha Satterfield, of Atian
ta, {[spent last Tuesday with his
mother, Mrs, Joe Curtis.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sosebee were
the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs, W. B. Freeman lastSun
: day.
I ,r . ——
One white hound dog,; large
size with brown head and ears,one
iarge brown spot on top of hips
and tails, answers to name of
Rambler of friendly disposion.
Any information leading to the re¬
covery of tiie above dog will be
highly appreciated,
K. S. Price.
Rt, 3 Cleveland, Ga.
Tree* Need Borou
While comparatively small amounts
of the element boron are toxic to cit¬
rus trees, a certain amount is neces¬
sary for normal growth, according to
University of California pleat she
County School Superintendent
To lire Voters of White County:
1 am a candidate for the office of
County School Superintendent, subject
to the Primary of March ffith.
'J'. V. Cantrell
To the Voters of White County;
I am a candidate for the office ofCoun
ty School Superintendent, subject to the
Democratic Primary of March 15.
The thing's for which I stand ciirne out
in this paper sometime ago.
I have made an intensive study of schools
and school work, and if elected, 1 shall
endeavor to carry out the work of the of¬
fice for the best interest of the children,
the parents and the county as a whole.
It will be impossible for me to see
every voter, but I shall appreciate your
Thanking you I am.
Yours truly
Miss Bessie Westmoreland.
I am a candidate for he office of 8 u| t.
of Schools and will tippreciale it very
much if the people ol While county will
give me their support in the coming*
primary March 15, 1932.
If elected: as in the past, 1 will do all
in my power to build up the schools of
t.h.i county looking at all times to the in¬
terest of the children.
C. II. Edwards.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Ordinary of White county, subject to
the primary to be held March 15th.
If elected, 1 shall perform all of the
duties of this office without favoritism,
e [iia! rights to all and special privileges
to none, and conduct this office in a way
that will be well phasing to all. 1
solicit vour vote and support.
1 am fraternally, your friend,
Frank T. Getiis.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Sucriff of White county, subject to
the primary to be held March 15th.
If elected I shall perform all of the
duties of this responsible office without
favottisni, and shall deem It my dqty t,o
so conduct npvself in such a manner as,
the dignity and respect of the office re
reqnires. And, further, I will strive to
my utmost to save the county all possible
expense consistent with an efficient dis¬
charge of the office.
Thanking you in advance for your
vote and iotfuence, I am.
Yams very truly,
W. L. Allison.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
If hereby announce myself a candidate i
for the Sheriff Democratic of White primary county, subject to j
to be fleldMarch
17 th
If elected 1 will perforin all of the
duties required of this office without
fear or favor. Futheniiore, 1 promise to
handle this office with less deputies and
less cost.
Thanking pou in advance for your vote
ipld jnfjucnpe in any way that is right.
Yours very truly,
Newt Hulsey.
To tiie Voters of White County:
l herewith announce myself a candi
date for the office of Sheriff of "bite
county, ftnnnt.v. subject RnhlPiH t.n to the file* t'niimmf comimg primary nm mn »o
to be held on the 15 th day ofMarc.h 19j2.
1 know that 1 am competent to till
this important office, and if the people
of ray count j see tit to elect me to the
same 1 pledge myself to ‘make a cotnte
tent. apcoinodatiug, gyoueiniegl and
courteous ofljer looking: forward to do¬
ing my full duty in protecting and build¬
ing up society and the general interest
of my county. Thanking all Voters iu
advance for their support and influence,
Your fellow citizen,
Lat Vandiver.
Clerk Superior Court
1 announce myself a candidate for the
ilfice of Clerk of the Court of White
County, subject to the Democratic
primary to be held Ijfargb 15,1932. Real¬
izing that public office is but a public
;ritsl delegated by choice of the voters,
I promise, if elected to render every
■our’esy and favor possible in discharg¬
ing the duties of the office. .
Thanking you iu advance for any sup¬
port you may give me, T am.
Frank Turner,
To the people of White County: |
Subject, to the Primary Election „f
March candidate 15 th, 19:12,1 for hereby the office announce my- j
self a of flerk of
Superior Court. faith-j
If elected ,I promise to serve you
fully and impaitially. Your vote and |
your influence will, I assure you, by ap» |
jii-es iated. Respeetfu ly j
W. il. TLdsey,
Tax Collector
To the Voters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself a
for the office of Tax Col lector of
county, subject to thepeiuocnttic primary
to be held March ti.
It may be impossible for me to make a
personal appeal to all of the voters, but
1 assure everyone that your vote and in¬
fluence willbc highly appreciated.
elected 1 promise to you my very best
efforts to make an efficient and capable
Clarence Cooley.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
tor Tax Collector, subject to the Demo¬
cratic primary to be held the 15th day of
March, 11)32.
Considering the way and manner in
which 1 was forced to resign my office I
think I should have another chance. If
l am elected I assure the people ofWhite
county that I will give them a faithful,
accomodating and efficient administra¬
tion. It is my purpose to see as many if
all ,, of the
not people between now and
the primary and fully discuss my reason
for resigning and my claim ot election
another term.
1 hanking the people in advance. I am,
Respectfully yours,
J. 11. Campbell.
To the Voters of White County :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
tor Tax Collector of White county, sub¬
ject to the Democratic primary to lie
held March 15, 1932.
If elected. 1 make no promise higher
than that of honesty, coupled with all
courtesy and favor that I possibly can
give the people as far as the law will
Thanking all voters for their support
and influence. Respectfully,
J. F. Glover.
To the Y’oters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
tor 1 ax Collector of White county, sub¬
ject to the. Democratic primary to be
held March 15th.
If elected I will do niy utmost to make
the people an honest, courteous and effi
cient officer.
I earnestly solicit your vote and in¬
fluence. Thanking you for past support
I remain), ,
Y ours very truly.
R. E. Westmoreland
To lire Y’otets:
1 a ti) a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector ot White county, subject to
the Democratic primary, March 15.
In 1925 I canvassed Blue Cre -k,White
creek, Mossy Creek and Shoal Creek as
a Cencus Enumerator; and in 1930 the
districts of Shoal Creek. Town Greek
and Blue Ridge in the. same capacity ;
and not a schedule was returned to me
for correction. Should the people call
me into service, I will make the county
a reliable and dependable officer.
Thanking the voters in advance for
their vote, Respectfully,
John B. Simmons.
l’o the Voter.-; of White County:
j hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector of White
•cobnty,subject to tbeDemocratic Primary
to be held March 15th, V.tyi.
I respectfully solicit, the support of the
voters fif the county, spul, if elected, l
pledge myself to give the people an
honest, and clean administration of the
Anything in the way of support that,
my Ir.ends may do for me I assure you
that it will he more than appreciated,
,, wi| . »«t .»y
. in this .. race'arol
will so conduct myself
in the campaign and in the administra¬
tion of the office, if elected, in such a
way that no one will be ashamed they
supported me,,
Walter Dorsey.
Tax Receiver
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
tor the office of Tax Receiver of White
County, subject to (.fie Democratic prima¬
ry to be held the LMh day of March 1932
If elected I promise to till the office to
the best of my skill and ability.
W. N. Turner.
To the Voters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for Tax Receiver of White county, sub¬
to the. primary to be held March 15.
If eleetedl premise you my best efforts
to fill the office in a courteous and effi
manner. Your vote and
will lie appreciated.
Marvin Chambers,
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of ‘I ax Receiver, subject. t<
Democratic primary to be held ot
itith day of March, 1932 .
H 1 am elected I now pledge myseli
maka an effl, ’ ient and accomodating
Thanking the people in advance for
e * r au P* ort ' lam,
Rex Hood.
To the voters of White County:
1 hereby ■wnn/ounce myself a candidate
tor County Yteasiirer, subject to the
Democratic pdimary to beheld March i 5
It elected, J will see that a report is
published every three months in The
Cleveland CouHer of all monies coming
into my office and specifying- for what
fund the originate and for what purpose
they are paid out on each appropriation
made by the County Commissioners.
In so tar as it is within my power, 1
will do everything possible to keep down
all expense on the county.
Your vote and influence will be ap¬
preciated. and if elected, I promise to
give, all the time necessary to till the of
iice in an efficient and acceptable manner
Coleman Seabobt.
To the Voters of White County, Ladies
.tnd Gentleman:
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
tor the Office of County Treasurer of
White county* subject to the Democratic
primary to be held March (5, 1932 .
1 have lived in this count.e for the last
] j 14 years and uZl^nL during that, time 1 have
|„ f ^ tount y.
I will.appreciate very much, your sup¬
port and influence , and if elected J will
J perform the duties of this office to the
best of my knowledge and judgment..
Fraternally yours,
Y r 8 -Nicholson
. .
To the Voters of White County:
1 hereby announce myself as a catidi
atd ter '1 tcasurer of White, county, sub¬
ject to the Democratic primary to be
held March 15.
If elected I promise my best efforts to
make an effie cot officer, Your vote ami
influence will be appreciated .
0. (Carlton) Blalock.
To the Voters of White Bounty, Ladies
and Gentlemen,
J hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Treasurer of
White county, subject to the Democratic
primary to be held March 15.
1 will appreciate very much your sup¬
port and influence, and if elected, 1 will
perform the duties of this office to the
best of my knowledge and judgment.
Gits Palmour
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Treaturer of White county, subject
to the Democratic primary n> bo held
Ma.ich 15.
If elected, I promise to lill the offtca to
the best of my ability.
Your vote and influence will lie ap¬
YV. A. Russell,
To the Voters of White County :
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Coroner, subject to the Democratic
primary of March in.
Your vote and influence will be ap¬
John Hamilton.
Week-End Excursions
One Fare |>| U s 50 Cents
Good from Midnight Thursday
thru Midnight Monday on Neel
Gap Bus Line.
Fhoue 40
Neel Cap Hus Line
Cleveland, Ga.
kkad the cockier
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election of Tax Receiver, subject
to the Democratic primary to be held
March 15.
If elected, 1 promise you my very best
efforts to fill the office in a courteous and
acceptable manner.
Your vote and influence will be ap¬
preciated .
Marlin Palmour,
To the Voters of White County.
I am a candidate for Tax Receiver of
White county, subject to the Democratic
Primary to be held on March i5th, 1932,
1 trust to have tlie support of the people
If I am elected, I promise to make all
customary appointments, ami, then per¬
haps there will be a number of aged peo¬
ple who would not be able to meet on the
dates set in their section; also many
might forget the dates, ami for the con¬
venience of all those who arc hindered
ftoni any v utilise whatever wHttTvcroi of making rntuvi ny* their Tiltilr
Tax Returns, if I am elected I will make
a personal visit to your home so you can
give in your taxes.
1 am not promising anything that
can t be done, and if you will give' me a
chance to serve you. I will assure you
that you will have no room for regrets.
I Yours very truly.
J. K. Kenimer.