Newspaper Page Text
L®<sal N@w$
Mr. Caude Allen has accepted,
A j ib of LiPrade’s Camp at Burton,
Dam as cook.
Miss Loin,Henderson has return- j
ed home for ehe summer after
teaching school in South Georgia,
Col. and Mrs. 1 *. Cooley and
family, of Jefferson, have moved
to Lawrencevi tie, where Col.
Cooley will practice law.
By I. (). U. Morethan |
y eg) s j r< business is picking up I .
g Uesg that’s right—the people I
au; what ever they can find.
Well, there are always some
favors being offered folks, or in
other words, charitable money be¬ —
: mg used that was intended
those that are absolutely unable to
help themselves, and we are glad
to see such ones getting help. But
isn’t it a shame to see some who
who are greedy as to put in claims,
or sign up for help when they have
property and in some instances
money in the bank, while on the
other hand, there are otbert who
ire worthy and needy that would
j almost starve before they would
j usk for help.
Mr. B. II. Stone and two sons,
6f Oxford, Ga.‘ stopped in Cleve¬
land a short time Tuesday after¬
noon on their way to Blairsville.
Miss Lottie Wiggins is visiting
in Atheus for a few tfctys.
Messrs Isaac Jackson and John
Head spent a few days since our
last issue in Clarkesville.
Dr, Chas. W. Henderson, of j
Quitman, visited his parents, Mr. J
and Mrg. T. W. Henderson,
The Methodist Ladies heid quite
an interesting Bible Study Class
meeting at the church on Wednes¬
day, May 25. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. Benj. G. Allison
Mrs. II. A. Jarrard is spending j
the weekend with relatives Ilosch !
ton and Atlanta. j
Mr. Roger Cooley visited his j
grandmother, Mrs. J. 'P. Cooley,!
Sunday. !
Mr. John W Sosebee and father
of N.tcoochee Valley, wsre in town
Monday ., . business. .
Mr. J. H. M. Smith, ot White
Creek district, was in town Mon
Miss Eula Sue Kenimer, who
h is been a student at G. S. T. C.,
Athens, is at home for the summer
Miss Mary Henderson
the graduating exercises at G. S.
T. C., Athens, last week.
Mr. Clarence Barrett returned
Sunday from several days stay as a
warden in the Cherokee Game
Refuge. Clarence says fish were
not slicking much over there.
Mr. W.C. Henderson and family
Mr. Robt. Johnson and family and
Mr. B. G. Allison and family at¬
tended the 9th District Rural Let¬
ter Carrier’s Coventiou in Winder
Miss Bessie Westmoreland, a
teacher in Chicatnauga, Ga., High
School, is at home for the summer.
Mr. C. C. Carroll, who is operat¬
ing a restaurant at Cartersville,
spent the weekend with his family
There will be a meeting at Bar¬
rett Hall Saturday night, June 16
eicome awaits you.
munly Democratic
Executive Committee metSuturday
afternoon and set the following
ai-sessrneuts :
Representatives $25
Congressman $50
Superior Court Judge $40.
The primary election w 1 [I be
held Sept. 14, the rouover the firs
Wednesday in October.
The closing date will be June 80
at noon.
Born to Mr. and Mrs.
Gilleland a girid Monday.
Summer School.
I would like to see all those in¬
terested in making up school work
tti s summer at the school house at
11 A. M. Monday, June 13.
W. L. Rutland
Not~S^melcind of Beauty
The average woman, it is estimated,
spends $ 11.25 a month to maintain Iter
1 eauty. Grandma’s beauty cost noth¬
ing, as she acquired it during her
‘ beauty sleep” before ten o’clock In
Hie evening. But, of course, hers
wasn't the improved modern kind that
can be taken off at night and put on
in the morning.—Detroit News,
Hen Dugger was re pressht alive
of Fannin County for a number of
year* ami a Republican, TheBlue
Ridge Post at tn it time published
Dugger’s picture and a sketch ot
his life. The people of Fannin
County are yet ptoud of Ben Dug
g er -
The first election we remember
was in 1884. Cleveland andBlaine
were candidates for President.
Blain tried for the nomination in
1880. Henry T. Farrow, of Porter
Springs, was Chairman of the Re¬
publican delegation from Georgia,
and asked .Mr. Blaine to give him
1 Cabinet appointment. Blaine re¬
fused and Farrow and his influence
voted for Garfield's nomination
Blaine would not sell out his ap
poiutments and when he was nomi
tutted in i 884 was defeated. The
above was told to me by a promi¬
Let’s see, we were trying to
study up something for Congres- to
tax and something for the Prest
to voto, or something for ti.e
Democrats and Republicans to
quarrel about. Oh! well, the
whole-shooting-match up at Wash
ington makes us think of when we
were a child. A bunch of children
would get together and play some
fames, but what will we play?. 1
allow, hide and seek. 1 won’t
play that said another, but I will
play kitty want her corner. Well,
said another you all w ont P ‘'^ I
nothing I’m mad at you all. So by
that tune the old folks called an j
adjournment and nothing played.
Well, we wont say anything more i
about Congress nor the president
right Begosh, , , , lets , see, was
t | lere OIle elected last time? Oh!
let’s see. ah, shoot! if we could
j think of anything he’s done we
; might think who he was. Oh.
j j Lordy this ! time. shorely we huin't bin out
Wheat harvest is right on hand
and small grain seems to be fairly
good, so if we can grow something
t0 eat ‘ wh v worr >' ?
News is very scarce down this
way and we hate to just jump right
up and tell about something hap¬
pening anywhere around here
when it nsver happened.
The Baptist W. M. U. met with
Mrs. Wylam May 24th in honor of
Mrs. Fenington and Mrs.Terrell,ot
Forsyth, Ga.
An interesting program was
j by Mesdames Robt Ayers Isaac
fackson and W. L. Allison. Mrs.
Tereil gave an interesting and in
spirinf talk on stewardship and
which was thoroughly enjoyed b\
Three new members present and
we were glad to have Mrs.“Tatum.
Miss Jeffords, Mas. T. J. Me-,
DonMd.JMrs. Ferrell Peniog-t-on and Mrs. '
as visitors.
After a p easant social hour the
ostess, assisted by her daughter,
iss Majorie, served very delicious
eshrnents. Our next meeting
B be with Mrs, jess Paimour on
te 8th.
8clu*(lule of Ned Gap lius
Line From Cleveland
South Bound
4:15 P. M. 8 :2o A. M.
Nortli Bound
4 -I5 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 10 A. M
Subscribe For The Courier
j Several Jersey cows; fresh iu.
For sale cheap.
J. B. R. Barrett.
Call and see our line of proprie*
tnry medicines and we have a small
of groceriesi Toilet articles.
We have the Ailted Drug products
for sale. Also Allied fiy spray,
kills bugs, roaches and bed bugs.
Safeguard your health and get
rid of tlie fly. They carry germs,
front one place to another,
Legal Advertisements
Georgia, White County.
will l,e sold hetore the court house door
ill said county on the tirst Tuesday in
■lane, between the legal hours of sale, to j
the highest and best bidder to r cash, th
following real property :
“Ascertain tract or parcel of land situ,
uteri, lying and being in White County, 1
Georgia, in lot of land No. 1 51 in theiind
District, containing Hit acres of land and ;
hounded as follows: On the North by!
lands of li. K. Gerrsls, on Fast by Ed- '
wards Skelton, the South by lands of :
(}. I!. Barrett, on the Wes) by the lands
>1 G. Ij. Barrett, being the South part of
laud sold to ll. (a. Gerrclt by Mrs. Rachel
The above and foregoing levied on
under and try virtue of a ti fa issued up¬
on a judgment from the Superior Court
of Whi e County, Georgia, April Term
t932, in favor of Industrial Credit Com¬
pany ami against G. B. Barrett, being a
-pedal Lien on s&id above desoribed pro¬
This and day of ilay 1932.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff.
person. The great trouble
is that officers buy the
ot the people, and the people
sell their votes.
Prof. B, P Gaiilard, of the N,
College, told u last October
he was was fit years and had
teaching 58 years. What
reco r d!.
The first street car we ever saw
in Rome, Georgia, and was
by two horses. At th, t
liipe we saw our first steam boat
down the poosa river. Our
father went into a store and hand
the clerk twenty-five cents for
matches. The clerk rolled up the
matches in a package and my fat fi¬
looked into the bundle on reach¬
ing home and only found J2 boxes,
He always believed the clerk made
a mistake, tnougli the price ol
matches might have come down.
Matches were then in wooden box
The first time yve ever ss the !
Nacoochee School building we
were'ciiarmed with its location,
and will have to include this among
our reminiscence.
The first skelton we ever saw
was in the Medical College in At¬
lanta While sitting in the college
recitation room we turned out
bead and when we looked in front
! cf us again there hung a skelton,
vve liked to have jumped up.
VVe wellt with our '' riend < uot tlu
skelton) to his boarding house and
:lte dinner with him. In his study
j rooni be had a skull lying on the
tl( ble and this got on our nerves. ]
went with him to the table and ale
but as I was about to closa ont the
lady told the negro waiter to bring
a clean plate and on it was what
they call a desert, (I had eaten one
:l * ew months belore) glass of
water was handed me, I had
1,eard “bout another boy taking up
the water and drinking it when it
was intended for him to wash his
fingers with I wondered if the
woman wanted me Vo wash my
bands as I might have had hold ol
that skull. I watched the voting
doctor that Saturday by me. Well,
I will never forget the first human
skelton 1 ever saw.
The first tractor engine I evet
saw was one guided by two oxen
driven by Mr. Julius Adams. Tl e
tractor traveled about ns fast as the
oxen. Improvements have Miice
been made on the tractor,
Thos. \Y, Hardwick and John
N. Holder joined the list of candi
dates for governor Tuesday which
brings the number to nine. The
other seven are : John I Kelley,
Lawrenceville ; Abit Nix, Athens;
Hoke O’Kelley, Logansdille; F
B. Summers, Jonesboro; Arlie D.
Tucker, 11 . B. Edwards, Eugene
Talmadge. Peter S. Twitty, state
game and fish commissioner, is aiso
expectad to enter the gubernatorial
race. The entries close today.
Hon. John 1 . Kelley will open
his campaign wijLlx an address at
Sylvester Saturday afternoon at 3
o’clock. Mr. Tucker will speak at
id 2 o ciock on the same day
The Exception
Psychologists state that while tell¬
ing a lie sensitive men always have
the hands slightly clenched. Anglers,
04 the other hand, invariably have the
hands fully extended.—London Pass¬
ing Show.
White County.
all to whom it may eoneem ;
C At.Cooley having in proper form »p- :
to me for Permanent Letters of.
on the estate of .1, I’.
lat* of said county, this is to cite
ill and singular the creditors and next
kin of J, P. Cooley to he and appear
it my offiee within the time allowed by
ami show cause, if any they can,why
Permanent Administration should not be
to C. M. Cooley on .1 P Cooley's ;
Witness my Hand and official signature
his ^Ih day of May 19j2.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary
To all whom it may cornier 11 :
Notice is hereby given that application
will be made to the Court of Ordinary of
White County, Georgia, at Die next
regular term, which is the June term of
said ooirrt, for leave to sell the land be¬
longing to the estate of J. H. Palmer,
late of said county, deceased.
This 2nd day of May 1932.
Mrs. Turn Palmer, Administratrix.
Estate of J. Ii. Palmer, deceased.
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in June 19X2 within the leg-ill hours of
sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described property to wit,
Certain Town Lots iu the Town of
Robertstown, Georgia, and known as
the lots on which the residence of B. F.
Can dell was located and where the said
13. F. Caudell lived ou the 3rd day of
April 1922. Said property levied ou as
tlie property of B. F. Caudell to satisfy a
Superior Court execution, issued from
the Superior Court of said court in favor
of Albert Wilbanks and against B. F.
Caudell and John Robinson.
This NLay 11 . iffyj.
W. A. Jackson, Sheriff
White Court- of Ordinary—At Chambers
May 10 th, 3932.
The appraisers upon application of
Mrs. Maggie Palmer, widow of saidEben
Palmer for a twelve months’ for herself;
anrl 7 minor children, having Hlad their
return; all persons concerned hereby j
are cited to show cause, if any they have j
at, the next regular June Term of this
court, why said application should not
be granted.
A. L. Dorsey. Ordinary.
Notice To Wholesale Grocers.Meat
Packers and Stock Feed Mills
and Dealers
Sealed bids will be received by the
State Highway Board of Georgia, 2 Capi¬
tol Square, Atlanta, Ga.. until lo o’clock
AM May 24,1932 for furnishing groceries
supplies and feed for the month of June,
to the six convict, camps maintained by
said Board. Bid blanks and full infor¬
mation as to puantities and delivery
points can be obtained from the Purchas- j
ing Department at the above address.
Our bid blanks must |l>e used in sub- I
mi.ting bids. Payment to be made 30 i
days from date of delivery and aceep- j
or lartce better of goods; than that ^ Goods used must by the Highway m ]
Board and found satisfactory. Right is
reserved to reject any or all bids and to
waive all formalities. Mark envelope
•Sealed bid to be opened May 24th”,
This notice is in accordance with the Act
of the General Assemlby of Georgia.
proved August 15, 1923. Chairman; j
J. W. burnett, j
W, U. Vcreen, Member,
.1 P. Wilhoit, Member, i
May 10, 1932
A beautiful composition import
necklace ... a pleasing tint, f oc,
Ciystal Bead Co., Jio* '
Dublin, Ga.
Your Subscription Now ,
» i
Notv a
on the Monitor Top
To Pay Balance
Now after 20 years of research, General Electric
offers to each new purchaser of a General Electric
Refrigerator a four-year cost-free service contract
on the Monitor Top Mechanism. For four full years
offer ends soon. Visit our store now.
If didn’t lake a depression to bring electric rates down.
They STAYED down, while prices of other things were
sky-rocketing. And they are lower today than ever.
Mr. Will Blalock has been on
the sick list lor the past week.
Several from a round here at¬
tended the singing at Clarkesville
Mr. J. N. Blalock gave a sing
ing Sunday nigln, which was
joyed by all present,
Mg Roy Heftier and [[family, of
Greer, S. C , and Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. H.filer, of tie ir Clarkesville,
Visit:d relatives here Saturday.
Don’t forget preaching at Yonah
Sunday at 3 P. M.
Little Misses Dorothy and Vel¬
ma Chambers, of Nacoochee, are
spending the week with their
grandp irents, Mr. and Mrs. Bart
Misses Ethel and Mary Ailison
tccotnpanied uy Marvin Purdue
and sisters attended a party at Mr.
J. II. Youngblood’s Friday nigh'.
Mrs. Porter Sosebee, of Nac io
chee. speut a few days last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.W.
B. Freeman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H Stovall am;
Raymond visited relatiies in South
lodl,a ^ as *- Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Claude Tatum spent t he
weekend , , with . , . his . cousin, Mr. El
bert Parker, tier Clarkesville;
Miss Mary Freeman spent hut
with Miss Estelle Whit
Mr. Paul McCollum speii lust
night _ with Mr. JJomei
Mr. l>adi McCollum spent last
night with Mr, Homer
Mr. and Mrs. 1 ). J.Freeman and
y ancl Mr. and .Mrs. Millard
and children visited re
at Mt. Airy Sued ,y.
Mistoric Table
A table that was used by Andrew
Jackson at his headquarters near New
Orleans in 1815 tit the time of the
battle of New Orleans, is now in use
in the home f M. Williams at
Altus, Okla. The table was bought
hy Williams' great-grandfather, who
was with Jackson’s army. It is a
round mahogany table with a marble
Telephones for Lapps
Now the Swedish Lapps may install
telephones it. their tents of reindeer
skins, Tite nomads of the frozen
arctic have for some time enjoyed the
radio, but have not been able to com¬
municate with the outside world. The
government has made arrangements
to string a telephone line over north¬
ern Lapland.
Shoal Creek boys slaughtered the
Vlt. View boys in a baseball game
Saturday afternoon. The score be
tng 36-0 in favor of Shoal Creek,
They are planning on giving the
Crackers a challenge if they con¬
tinue to win like that.
Former Congressman William
Schley Howard, famous criminal
lawyer of Atlanta, has just about
tossed his hut into the senate race
‘gainst Senator Walter F. George,
Schley Howard has many warm
mends in W hite county and can
expect to get a flood vote. It will
be a rear pleasure for you to hear
him speak during the campaign.
Miss Clara Lothridge spent lust
Friday wite Misses I.)ula Belle and
Georgia McCollum.
Miss Mary Lee Litem spent the
weekend with Misses Ida undCiem
tnie Moore at Toccoa 1 '
Mr. Coyt London was tlie din¬
er guest of Mr. Carl Whioworth
Several from here attended the
at Clarkesville Sunday.
Rev. Homer Thomas will fill
regular „p;o n n,ent at Blue
next Saturday and Sunday.
lias an invitation to