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Cbc dlevelanfc Courki
Ofinal Organ of White County. G
i'nbURhmi Weekly *1/ CleveWuuA (in.
•J.vs. 1 *. Davidson, Editor.
Rir ■veil »t Hie l'ost tlHue at Cleveland
Ha., as second class mail maUer.
Mambei Ninth District Press Awooiaion
“ Georgia Press
44 National Editorial
It Pfett Co«g*e&« Of The World
Subscription, * 1.50 per year
in advance
I am opening a meat market
the C. D. Warwick old stand.
wiil have extra quality iiesh fish
Friday afternoons and Saturday s.
Will carry a full line of
pauts and work pants and dres
and work shirts, caps and
Will accept produce in
Your patronage will be appre
1 II. Campbell,
White Court nf Ordinary. June,
The appraisers upon the
of Mrs. J. P. Cooley, widow of said J.
Cooley, for a twelve month’s support
herself, having tiled their return;
persons concerned hereby are cited
show cause, if airy they Have, at
regular July term of this court why
application should not be granted.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary
By virtue of an order from the
of Ordinary ot White County will
■sold at public outcry on the lirst
day iu July iiJ32 at the court house
in said county, between the legal
of sale, the tract of land in said
, known as „ the , home place, . ot J. u K. u t ,
being a part of lands deeded 1 >y
Potts heirs to J. li. Palmer and a part
tine N. W. Jackson place. * Bounded
follows: . ,, by , Colley .. property .
on east
Ed Palmour on south by Ed Palmw
M. L. Allen estate on west by A.
on the north by the lands of
& Edwards. Containing 2o0 ae.res,
or less. Terms cash. July 8,1932.
Mrs. Tara Palmer-, Administratrix.
Estate of J. R. Palmer, ileeeased.
Southern Railway System
June 18,1932, Is the Date
Father.' Mother! Sister!
Brother! You^ cannot af¬
ford to miss this great bar¬
gain redaction. Make it a
family matter. Get ac¬
quainted with a train ride.
Visit relatives, friends, go
to the city, go to the coun¬
try, go for the simple pleas¬
ure of a train ride! Follow
the crowd! Safer than
staying at home!
NIGHT, JUNE 26, 1932
These tickets will be honored
on all trains (except Crescent
Limited) and will be accepted
lor passage in sleeping and par¬
lor cars upon payment of Pull¬
man charges.
This exceptional reduction in
fares is offered in commemora¬
tion of the thirty-eighth anniver¬
sary of the formation of the
Southern Railway Company, al¬
so to afford the young folks an
opportunity to enjoy the thrill
of their first train ride.
Buy your Train travel tickets
well in advance; it will enable
us to provide extra cars and
extra trains for your accommo¬
Remember these tickets will
be sold from all Agency Sta¬
tions to all stations on the
Southern Railway System. Also
to many points on other lines.
Make your sleeping car reser¬
vations NOW. Consult Passen¬
ger Traffic representatives and
Ticket Agents for full informa¬
Passenger Traffic Manager
Southern Railway System
L®sal News
Rev, II. II. Humphries will
preach at Mt. ViewChurch Sundiiy
night at 8 o’clock. Prayer service
before preaching. The public is
cordially invited to attend.
The Methodist Society Jadies
held an interesting meeting at the
J home of Mrs. Ben Allison, Monday
j afternoon, June 6, The devotion
J al service was given by Mrs. Hen¬
derson, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs.
Rutland. The Citizens Responsi
j bility for Crime” was presented by
Mrs. Telfotd and Mrs, Whitmire.
A poem'of interest by Mrs. S. W.
Reynolds. The society has arrang¬
ed a program especially for the
ladies of the church who are invit
^ {[) , neet w it ft tfie society at the
| 0Imreli Wednesday afternoon,June
^ ut 3 0 > cioC k. Mrs. R. T. Ilor
an( j Miss MildredRutland were
J welcomed visjtors .
Misses Mary Lou Nix and Hazel
j Meaders are attending Summer
School at G. S. T. C. Athens.
The Kelluxt’s are at their sum
mer home in Blue Ridge district
for the summer.
Messrs Frank Bell Meaders and
; Arthur Humphries left Monday to
aUend c M> T q Camp McClel¬
lan, Ala.
Messrs L, P. andll.M, Stephen
of Atlanta, were in town Salurdaj
Mrs. A. H. Church and family,
of Atlanta, are spending the sum
mer at their cottage at the foot ot
Low Rock mountain.
Miss Bessie Westmoreland lefi
Monday for Athens to enter Uni
versity . ot ,. Georgia ,, ,. bummer School „ ,
J 0
where she will get her Master s
Degree at the close of the term.
T Dr. , c Steward , , R. ,, T Roberts . , and , Mi
Mitchell, of the Iraveler s Ins. Co.,
Atlanta, spent Saturday night al
the jjlenimer Lodge.
A girl whs born, to M r and Mrs
T. V. Glover Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Cooley,
Atlanta, visited relatives in Cleve
11 SIX B | UYERS everywhere are comparing
low-priced * Lifting hoods.
Counting cylinders. And the
result? An overwhelming verdict for
CYLINDERS or the SIX more six, CYLINDERS. in cylinders. preference to No cars more—No of fewer
less!” And America backs up that con¬
NO MORE¬ viction by purchasing more six-cylinder
Chevrolets' since January 1st, than
the combined total of all fours and
eights under $1000.
NO LESS," With more than six cylinders, you sacri¬
fice Chevrolet's famous economy of
gas, oil and upkeep— the greatest
economy in today’s motor car market.
With less than six cylinders, you sacri¬
America fice the built-in smoothness that
says But makes with driving a six really enjoyable. Chevrolet Six—•
— a
nothing is sacrificed. You get smooth¬
% ness AND economy.
And power — 60 horsepower. And
speed— 65 to 70 miles an hour, easily!
% And pick-up— from a standstill to
35 miles an hour in less than 7 seconds!
You also get Free Wheeling; Syncro
Mesh gear-shifting; big, spacious Fisher
Anything more and you bodies. So, when buying
a new low-priced car,
sacrifice economy— settle the question of cylinders RIGHT,
and you can’t go WRONG. Take
anything less and you America’s word for it: “SIX CYLIN¬
DERS. No more—No less!”
sacrifice smoothness. CHEVROLET Division MOTOR of General CO., DETROIT. Motors MICH.
\ All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan. Special equip¬
ment extra. Low delivered prices and easy
G. M. A. C. terms.
bncVKULcT PUEUDni pt SIX 151 %jr 445 ji AND F. 0. OP, B.
land and Mossy Creek district 1 he
past weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul.VJauney spent
the weekend with relatives ">
Union county.
Cols. T. S. Candler and Pat
Haralson, ot lllaiisville, were in
town Monday on legal business.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fur
guson a son Tuesday morning at
(| ie home of her parents, Mr.
Mrs. E L. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Outer L. Sisk, of
Nucoochee Valley, were visitors iti
town Saturday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Hob per, ot Mossy Creek district, a
hOI, ‘
Mr. W. VV. Lot bridge brought
to our office ^Tuesday a beet that
measured 17 inches in circumfer
ence and weighed 2 lbs and 12 ozs
Mr. J. L. Pepper, of
viile, Gu., committed suicide Mon
day and was buried at Maysville
Mrs. W. A. Nix has been vert
ill for the past week, but is itg
proving now.
Mrs. Hannah Warwick, (of Cor¬
nelia, is visiting her son, Charlie,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Adams left
Tuesday morning for Fairmont
Mr. Adams has been
agent of White County Bank
he and Mrs. Adams made main
friends in Cleveland and
county during their stay here
best wishes go with them to theii
new location, Mr. J. H.
has been appointed
agent to succeed Mr. Adams at
White County Bank.
A sure enough barbecue will be
held at Unicoi Gap July 16. being
sponsored by Wnite and Town
Mrs. H. A. Allison is in Atlanta
for observation and treatment un¬
der Dr. Steward Roberts.
I No Fishing and Tresspassing o,n
I L ° ud P r °P ert * P rohibited -
R. K. Reaves, Agent.
Congressman Crisp i s a^^inst
paying off the bonus
Lhe house passed it Saturday, but!
j it is not expected to pass the senate
Alderman J. C. Murphy, of At¬
lanta, of Atlanta, is organizing a
campaign throughout Georgia for
the reduction of electric rates. The
new tux law levies a 3 per osnt tax j
on the electric rates for the con-
sutner. Murphy contends that the j
electrical companies should p U y |
this tax. lie will seek a reduction !
of electric rates not only to the; I
amount of the tax but to exceed I
this as he declares the rates are far
too hi{jh even wilhout the taXi that
the expenses of the companies have
been cut down but the electric con
j I sutner has to pay the same hign
rate as when times were more pros
j porous.
tt; :■ ■ •
I Saved a Quarter of a Penny
“All I had to do was to turn out one of
the electric lights the children were using
— and in an hour I had saved a quarter of
a cent. Isn’t that marvelous!”
You probably never have heard a state'
ment like that, but there are some people who
do not realize how little their electric service
actually costs them. Skimping on lights is
That’s electric the rate way goes! your The something no mother would do—at the ex
more you use, the lower pense of children’s priceless eyes. And
your rate. there’s no need for it when a 50-watt bulb
will bum 20 full hours and not add more
than five pennies to the electric bill.
Georgia rowEx C0JMMW need. in tric Don’t history. service Its waste price It’s is higher electricity, is lower, today the but than quality use ever what of before elec¬ you
- v one modern blessing we all
still can afford in abundance.
Notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed bids will he received by the
S,H ' H Uigl, ' vay " l Ge *"'K< *Capi.
to 1 Square, Atlanta, Heorgin, until 10
o’efock A. M. June 27th, i932 for fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed for.
the month ot July, to six convict camps,
maintained by said Board. Bid blanks
and full information as to quantities arid
delivery points can be obtained from the
Purchasing Department atthe above ad
dry as. Our bid blanks must be used in
submitting bids. Payment to be made
days from date of delivery and accep
tanee of goods. Goods must be equal to
or better than that used by the Highway
Board and found satisfactory. Right is
reserved to reject any or all bid* and to
waive all formalities. This notice is in
accordance with the Act of the General
Assembly of Georgia, approved August
li), 192a. Mark envelope “Sealed bid
to be opened June 27th.”
J. W. Harnett, Chairman
VV. C. Vereen, Member,
J- P. Wilhoit, Member.
June 13, 1932
Antiques Wanted.
Listen folks, if you have any old
furniture, dishes, brass or puter
candle molds, puter spoons and
bowls. Eli 'Perrier wooden works
clocks, brass andirons and smooth
irons. Well folks, it you have any
ot them see or write me at once.
I’D trade new furniture puy
cash for same.
Ctrl F. Sutton.
I lie Forestry Department ot the
Sta:e University is located for its
summer session at Greear's Lodge,
Helen, Ga. Prof. J. M. Tinker is
in charge of the camp. The boys
attending camp are from five states
Modern Definition
Necessity— A luxury you can get on
the installment plan.—Boston Tran¬