Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXI 1 U, No. 50
Just from the Mountains.
Looked like it would always!
rain Sunday, but lias cleared Oft
again and all the ucrons are on the
Mr. S.un Chastain and Mrs. Icie
Kinsey, of Bean Creek, were down
his way last Fiiday.
Mr. Lai Vandiver was passing
through last Tuesday.
Messrs Charlie and VV ill \\ Lite,
of Helen, were In this sectionTues
Where is the city fellow who
didn’t know the difference between
wheat and oats who could go out
in Kansas in harvest lime and get
$6 a dayr
Nearly all the wells went dry
last fall, but if there is a few more
eastern gales, water will be plenti¬
ful this fall.
Cotton went to toe a pound
sometime \h-.u: k but now has
dropped back to the depression
price. This is nothing but a gam¬
.Mr. Youngblood will move to
the B. F. Allen farm from the
Mauldin*! arm.
Old man depression was accused
tried and condemned by the Ki
wanis of Gainesville last Thursday
night. After a mock trial he was
took out and hanged.
This country is land poor. In
Europe the farms average from
■if to acres. 1 hey keep it from
washing washing away and build
it up. The common people plow
their covitsTind milrj them twice a
day. They haven't gone wild
about machinery. They live at
A freight train passed through
Tuesday. It attracted some atten¬
tion as it has been awhile since it
If you don’t want to vote for
Roosevelt or Hoover you can vote
for Uupshaw. lie doesn’t expect
to be elected hut would like to have
your support.
Messrs Oilie Turner and Fred
Gilstrap carried otl a load apples
last weekend.
Messrs Charlie Thurmond and
Charlie Harper were out in tins
part the first of the week.
Mr. Martin Abernaty passed
through with a cow belonging to
Mr. Henry Davidson Tuesday.
If there are any chestnuts in the
mountains they are on the ground
mow but they will soon be gone.
They are getting along fine with
their road work in l nicoi Gap.
Mr. Homer Westmoreland, of
D.diionega, visited homefoiks
Mr. VVhitener, of Oklahoma,
was in this section last week.
Success to The_Courier and all
of il» readers.
If you desire to contribute
to Governor Roosevelt's vic¬
tory you should make your
contribution to ( ol.A. II. Hen
deisoo or Jas. 1\ Davidson by
5:30 1\ M. Friday. Oct. 21, as
it is necessary to make a re¬
port that n ; ght. Do j our best
in making this contribution if
you want Governor Roosevejt
Land-Locked Nations
There are 15 nations which have no
seaemist. They are landlocked people.
They become wholly insular in their
thinking and living. They have not
before them that boundless, living,
resiles -. ever changing immensity, sym¬
bolized by the sea, to touch their souls
with the" lust of adventure, t 5 » lure
of the unknown, the magic of alien
Devoted to the Agricultural, CommefClal and Industrial Interests or White County
Family of Six Burn To Death
Wednesday Near Cool Springs
Six children of Joe Harris.color¬
ed, were burned to death Wednes
lay evening about ^ight o’clock in
the Fork District, when their house
was destroyed by fire.
The father, Joe Harris, slated he
had gone to a neighbor's about
ihree-fourths of a mile away, and
while there noticed the fire. On his
arrival the house was almost com¬
pletely consumed and no evidence
of any of the children being alive.
The charred bodies of all six of
the children, whose aged ranged
from five to sixteen years, were
found among the ruins,
After investigation by officers it
was stated that tbeie were no evi¬
dence of violence or foul play,—
Fri-County Advertiser.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L Allison
-pent last week visiting liieii child¬
ren in Atlanta.
Mr. Will Thurmond and Hubert
Turner made a trip to Gainesville
Mr. Ben Nicevvanger has a job
in Atlanta.
Mr. Herbert Hefner is spending
1 few days with homefoiks,
Mis. Laura Meeks, of White
Creek,is visiting her une'es.Marion
and Marlin Palmer, (his week.
Mr. Joe Black and family, of
Atlanta, visited relatives here'Sun¬
Messrs Oilie Turner and Fred
illllstrap made n trip to Atlanta
with a truck load of apples Friday.
Messrs Grady and MurvinPardtie
fun Hood, Red Smith, G. V. Hef¬
ner and sons, Albert and Robert.
Unicoi Gap chestnut hunting last
Friday, but found nothing but
acorns. They say there are no
chestnuts this year,
Rod Cross .Meeting
There will be a meeting of the
members and friends of the White
County Chapter of the American
Red Cross at the Cleveland High
School auditorium on Tuesday
night at 8 o’clock.
Officers will render reports al
his meeting. The method of dis¬
tributing the flour milled from
Government wheat, and the clcth
md clot Ling manufactured for dis
ribution by the Red Cross from
government cotton will be ex
ilained. The cloth has been order¬
'd and the application approved
White County. An application
mother car load of flour has been
ent in and t:n application for
Jothing was forwarded to Wash
ugton several days ago. The
netnbers of the various School
;onimunity Red Cross Committees
ire especially urged to be present
Tuesday night.
J, Cooper Morcock, Jr.
Chapter Chairman.
WANTED. Reliable man he
ween ages ot 25 and 50 to supply
• Id esf.tbiis.hed dem md for R iw
eigh Products in Wnile and Hull
counties. Other good localities
ivailabte. Surety Contract re¬
quired. Company furnishes every¬
thing but the car. Good profits
for hustlers. Write \V. T. R ivv
leigh Company, Memphis, Term.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Nix arrived
in Cleveland Monday on business,
Mrs. returned immediately toTatn
pa and her husband will remain
here to make repairs on their prop¬
erty here.
Grand Jury Pressa meafmeHtSi
White Superior Geart
Georgia. White County. ,
We, tiie Grand Jury;* selected
chosen and sworn for th<8..
regular Oct, Term 1932 of VVIi
Superior Court, beg leave to make
ihe’foliowing pre-entmems; “.‘V
We have received the report pf
1 he finance committee appointed, tt
1 lie last term of court and have ap¬
proved and adopted same as a part
of those presentments. 1
We have receiver! the reportChi
the various county officers and ImW
approved and adopted same as -n
part of these presentments.? if
Through proper committee ap¬
pointed we have inspected the pub¬
lic buildings of the county and s
them in fair condition,’ ,* excep
some windows in the jail fire 091
and recommend they tie repaired.
We have examined the dockets
>f tlie Justices of Peace and Noth
ries Public and find that only legal
fees have been charged.
We have examined the p&pets
list and recommend the following
changes 'therein :
Lou -Shubert reduced to *12 pier
month, Bill Davis be added to the
iist and be paid Jf»3 per month,
vliina Barrett be added to list and
>aid $3 per moth and Joe London
0 look after this for her; Nancy
Yllison be added to the list and
raid #2 per month ; Polly Tanner
ie added to list and paid $1 50
nontli, M
We have elected as a finance
committee to report to (h«-Thexi
Grand jury 5 '. S. Blackwell, j K«
Kenimer and R. L. Kytle and that
hey be paid $1,50 per day.
We recommend that our Fore
nan, S. L. Brown, and our Clerk,
vV. A, Stover, and Bahff, Eli Aden
each he paid fiifty cents per day
extra for their services rendered
this body.
We fix the per diem for jurors
md eourt bailiffs at $1 50 for next
We recommend that these pre
-entmonts he published in t he
county paper at an expense not to
exceed $12 and for less if possible.
We have appointed the follow¬
ing J. P’s. and N. P.’s:
J. L. Brown for gffs Dist.
D, L. Payne for 1441 Dist.
W. II. Clark for 1 ly7 Dist.
A. A. Dorsey for 426 Dist.
Marvin Chambers for 427 Dist.
Mont Wheeler for 439 Dist.
We have elected Charlie Head
as County Commissioner to suc¬
ceed the unexpired term of Barney
lead, and also elected him to the
following full term.
We recommend that the county
ulopi the Australian Ballot System
We, as a body, urge that the
parties responsible see to it that
the law is enforced and regarded
m the matter of our registration
nooks for voters ot the county and
But this be done at once to prevent
1 lot of trouble and expense to the
county later.
In eakitig leave of the Court, we
wish to extend our appreciation for
die very able charge given this
oody by the Hon. B. P, Gaiilard
md our thanks to our Solicitoi
General, McMillan, lor his ser¬
vice-, and thank our Baiiiff, Eli
Alien, tor his faithful performance
of duties.
Respectfully submitted,
S. L. Brown, Foreman
W. A. Stover, Clerk.
G. M. Vandiver, J. M. Sagebee,
VV. I. Humphries, D. L. Payne,
R. A. Alexander, R. VV'. Ash, D.
B. Black, M, II. Giilstrap, Y. S.
Blackwell, James Burke, D. E.
Bentley, D. L. Fain, Virgil Hunt,
C. VV. Reid, S. A. Hamilton, J.
5 . SmiiC Alien,C L.Gailey
Read The Courier
). M. Allen, W. I. Stovall and W.
L. Jackson.
Finance Committee Report
To the Grand Jury of White SuneriorCourt
October Term 1932,
We, the finance committee, appointed by
the Grand Jury of White Superior Court,
herewith submit onr report:
Clerk, Ordinary and Sheriff
We have examined the books and records
in the oliices of the Clerk, Ordinary and
Sheriff and find them neatly kept.
We find that the report on audit of
Clarence A. YVhciche] showed outstanding
warrants, as of January 1, 11132, to be $15.-
453.21. Warrants have been issued since
January 1, I932 amounting to .^12,^85.03,
making a total of $28,330.2-1. County
aiders paid since January 1, 1932 amount¬
ing to $12,897.oS. leaving warrants out.
standing aR of October 1, I932 #15,033.15
We have checked the amount of notes
payable and find the amount of unpaid
notes to be $4,813.75. 'I he notes outstand¬
ing plus outstanding warrants amount to
We find the amount of county bonds now
due to be $3700.00. We are informed
that arrangements have been made with
the Citizeus Bank of Gainesville, Ga., to
take care of the bonds due until taxes are
collected this year.
We find that there is still tied up in the
White County Bank 157,137.99 which
amount Jif collectable would reduce the
amount of the comities indebtedness.
As of Sept. 27, 1932
Hank balance of Of January 1. 193a
$852 I3
Received state gas tax $7,804 04
Received from Tax Collector since
Jan. 1, 1932 5,467.90
Received from Y. 8. Blackwell settlement
bond account 175.oo
Received fiom Mrs. J. L. Nix for land
redemption S 361
Total ♦14.352.64
fPaid out on cornug orders $12,797.08
Jury scripts ami county ordeTs 301.54
Interest paid 330.62
l’aid on Treasurer’s salary bo.oo
Hank charge at Citizens Bank 50.00
Balance in hand of Treasurer $793-20
Tax Collector
We undertook to make an examination
of the books and records of the Tax Col¬
lector but found tiie books not finished on
account of holding outstanding tax ti fas
tux making proper returns so as to enable
her to bring her books up to dale- We are
therefore unable to make a cortect report
of her acDounts until she is able to get the
necessary information together to enable us
10 go into details, and for this reason we
do not undertake to make a report and do
not think it wise to take the time at the ex¬
pense of tire oounty to make a report with
the information now available to us. We
do find, however, that the Tax Collector
has to her credit in the First National
Bank, Gainosviile, Gu., $1985.92 collected
on I93I tax fi fns.
We are informed by Miss Allison that
she. w'U insist on those handling the out¬
standing fl fas to make proper returns im
mediateU so that she can bring her hooks
up to date and make proper distribution
of monies on hand.
Respectfully submitted,
J. F. Glover
B. L. McGee
Chaa. W, White
Finance Committee
Ordered that the within general present¬
ments be spread upon the minute and pub¬
lished as recommended. Oct. I5, 1932
J. H. Hawkins
Judge Superior Court Presidiug.
Robt. McMillan
Solicitor General.
To say I don’t need the church is
mere bravado. I needed it when
my father died. 1 needed if when
my father died. I needed it when
we were married and when our
babies were taken from 11s, and 1
shall need it again, soouer or later,
and need it badly. J uni in good
health now, and 1 could, 1 suppose
get along nicely for a time without
a clergyman or choir or even with¬
out a ciergvman or even without
prayer. But what sort ot a man is
ne who scorns and neglects anu
despises bis friend until his houi
of tribulation?—Edgar A Guest.
I have 1500 bundles of good fod¬
der for sale for cash,as I must meet
a payment at Newton-Ward & Co ,
Gainesville, and the price will be
made low. If you are interested
see tne at Leaf, Ga.
Emory Freeman.
Real Hard Times Noted
In Sale Back In 1850
Arl>adelphia, Ark., Oct. i 4 —
(AP). The fellows who have’had ;
to sell their automobiles, radios, j
e'ectric fans and a few every day I
things might get a bit of encourage- j !
ment . f Irom the , plight ... ol .. Joe r Cooley ,
a Kentuckian, whose 80 year-old
notice of sale has been unearthed
Joe got tired of hard times a
‘knockin’ at the door of his old
Kentucky home so he sold out and
went to Missouri. There were
rumblings , ot - .
war in the oftmg and! j
the , Missouri Compromise , was
the ... making, fro’ks
were talking ~ i
hard times so Joe had .the follow¬
ing notice posted :
‘■1 , am going to move to the , state 1
ot Missouri. . I , will , sell public 1
tour miles south at of Harris j
burg, Ky., on Saturday, Septem
her 26 , 1850, year of our Lord fol¬
lowing property to wit :
“One buck negro, weight 215
“Four negro wenches age, IS to
“ Three robust negro boys, age 6
s eors
“Thirteen hoes.
“One pine sled.
“Six yoke oxen, well broke.
‘•Two six-inch tired ox carts.
* ‘Ten ox carts,
“One saddle pony.
“One side saddle.
“Eight double shovel plows.
“One extra fine saddle mare.
. “T>v.euty,fi,ve, Jjue-Kallwt jugs
good liquor.
“One hundred gallons good ap¬
ple cider.
“Twenty gallons good sorghum.
“Twenty-five gallons good
Scotch whiskey.
“Three barrels lye soap.
•‘Terms cash in hand. 1 need
the money.”
Rlue Ridge Dots
Mi. J. JL. Hogg, of Madison
county, were up this way last week
“Uncle John” Robinson is quite
with dropsy.
Syrup making is the order of the |
lay here now.
Several with of our people are troubl-J
ed sores.
lt has been a bad time to save
hay here.
Mr. Chalmer W ilkins and Miss
Ethel Nix were united in
motty Sept llth. \\c wish them
t happy future.
Jay’s Price Slashing Sale Now In Full Blast
75 Men's winter weight union suits 49c
$L60 Grade Men's work shoes 98c
1-25 Grade children shoes lined 5 to 2 98c
8 oz. feather ticking, extra heavy, 15c
1,000 Sweaters on sale 49c up.
300 Men's suits on sale 4.495 up.
79c Ladies wash dresses, long sleeves, fast colors 16 to 46
at 49c
One Spool lily thead, 400 yds. 6c
Jay's Dept. Sto^e, Gainesville, Ga.
r ADVERTISING is like liniment. U 1 ♦
cant be applied effectively with a U
powder puff. It needs rubbing in
And the harder the rubbing the better
the results.
RUB IT IN HARD—Increase your aevertis*
ing—put in the sales pressure—create enthusi¬
asm and enrgy and optimism throughout your
organization —andwatch the progrss you make
Cleveland High School
The following pupils made the.
honor roil lor the second month of
school. These pupils were neither
absent nor tardy and all making
eighty-nine in their subjects: Jen
tiings ‘""{T Mauney, "‘.‘‘“‘"’m Donald nT'" Crisp,Min
tin franklin, Billy fitulkner, Billie
Miller, Dorothy Jean Neal, Her¬
Glover, Gerald Cook, Edita
Alice Rutland, VVilriu
Nell Trotter, U. G. Moore, Madge
Tow. Esto Lopez, Mary Ruth Bar¬
rett James Reynolds, L, G. Neal,
Robert Miller, Robert Kenimer,
Ernestine Reynolds, Elena Nix,
Mary VI Allen, . . Alwayne Miller,Marv ..
Ivulli , JDoisey, mine Jvimsey, ... lvuilt T >
Saxon, Sft vml Elena ■>, H I A 11 1 1 Thacker, I ll o A b ar I CorenejNix A rti n at tx l\i .. * V
Ruby Stovall, Ralph Jnrrarn, Mil
died Dixon, Faye Dead. Alberta
Henderson, ,, , Florence j, Mender-, . .
C ^ lorene jvjiHer.
The enrollment tor this month
is 398, somewhat above -last month
Parents, please look over y oji r
child’s report card and if there are
any D’s on it, the child is not pass¬
ing in that subject. The superin¬
tendent will be giud to talk with
any parent concerning the cntld’s
reC()rt j •
The basketball teams are spon¬
soring John Beam, the magician,
Saturday night for tTie purpose of
gening uniforms. 'The program is
going to be interesting and the
teams will appreciate your helping
them eut this much.
VV. L. Bowen.
Raymond Barrett,, son oFMj . J •
B. R. Barrett, has been promoted
to the rank otSergonnt in theCadet
Corps of theReserve Officers Train¬
ing Corps of the North Georgia
College and is assigned to the staff
for duty, Raymond received this
promotion in recognition of his
efficient work in the military de¬
part ment.
Mr. Barrett is a member of the
Decora literary society of the col¬
lege and is pledged to the K.ex
(Jiub. He is a candidate for the
degree of B ichelor of Science in
North Georgia College won the
proficiency cup during the last en¬
campment of the Re erve Officers
'Training Corps of the colleges that
maintained infantry units in the
Fourth Corps Area at Fort Me¬
Advertising is the oil that lubri
c;t | es ,| )e machinery of business,
-p rj . j,_