Newspaper Page Text
t. 'C Cleveland Courici
( iai Organ of White County. G
, bltahed Weekly a'. Cleveland Ga.
: VS. l\ Davidson, Editor.
*ns”t st Ike Pus »ffiee at Cleveland
Ga., an second class mail ma’-ei.
Mttnibei Ninth District Pres* A.isociaio
*» Georgia Press
u National Editorial
l PteM Congrew Of The World
: ascription, >1.50 per year
in advance
Advertising the power ol an
i multiplied. Other powers
t: by expansion. Steam only
, ben confined. Electricity,radial
t tnd diffused, becomes nothing.
,und dies with distance. (ire,at
vs pale into invisible stare and
r power ot light itselfas lost in
inite space. But the strange
power of advertising increases by
expansion. Diffusion is ils life.
Jt grows by what il imparls.
Samuel Harden Church, presi¬
dent of (lie Carnegie Institute and
and h lifelong Republican, Satur¬
day announced he will vole for
Franklin D. Roosvelt lor P’esideni
•1 am making this choice not as
Republican or a Democrat,”
' tsurch said, “but as a libera
\ *hington‘warned his country
nan over and over again, in the
S’ i re well uddrests, to disregard tin
claims of party when the interests
w e-re at slake.”
Taxes soar above $i i,000,000,
o » per year lor municipal, county
sue and federal operations ol
oveniinenls. There just must bt
unit to our operations of all
Jgovercinents else the people
; j’t continue to meet the exorbi
t taxes placed on them, certain
when conditions are like they
- now. How can this be dont
■ lo si ish to the bone? Why
• louldu’t it be done?
Cleveland must pay out every
>nlh $’}2 40, which includes mar
il salary, lights and clerk salary,
is is just one frustration of whai
going with your lax money.You
; l find after close scrutiny that
‘ branches of our government is
cted in a like inminar, II those
authority doti’t remedy the situu
1 you might not be surprised to
- e a revolt.
*=* =3
Mrs. J. W. Whitworth ant
v' ildren, Carl and Ovlsllpvre spent!
mg a tew' days with relatives at
' Toccoa,
The music at Mr. Dock Free¬
man's last Tuesday, Oct. id, was
enjoyed by a large crowd.
Miss Georgia McCollum ami
tsses Estelle Jand Resell* Whit
• orth spent the weekend with
lisses Cleat is and Barrett
- White Creek.
Miss Beau tali Johnson spent hist
'Tursday night with Miss Ruby
Mr, Garnett I’ruilt is spending
few days with relatives here.
Don’t forget the singing at Him
•eek next Sunday afternoon, Oct.
Everybody lot* an invib'tioi
come here and help sing.
Feature “Pelorus Jack”
There is u reference to “Pelorus
•lack" in \V. 1). Boyce's book “Aus¬
tralia and New Zealand." He states
that this was a 14-foot dolphin which
r ade its home in French pass, a chan
tiol between the South island of New
Zealand and a small lsluntl off Its
a them coast. This channel for years
Tad "a singular claim to distinction
h'" a use through its waters ships were
< ‘'ti piloted hy Pelorus Jack, which
et the ships and accompanied them
rough the pass, diving and plunging
• 1 aind ; heir keels. Parliament passed
- 1 act (in liXM) to protect him, but
ivi-rus Jack has disappeared. A
v haling steamer operated in the vi
oity of the puss a few years ago and
e dolphin was never seen again.
1 re were many strange stories told
him; the Maoris declared that he
■ s not less titan two hundred and
> ty seven years old.” Other books on
w Zealand mention various Maori
■ end* of this dolphin, which i»
rued after Pelorus sound nearby. To
a Maoris, he Is a taniwha, or oe**jp
fc J, a baMfiewt deity, ..
L®eaS News
Misses Josephine Edwards,Jame
Barrett and Mae Head spent the
past weekend in Atlanta.
Miss Loretta Edwards, of Monti
tellty, Ga.. visited her aunt, Miss
Josephine Edwards, last week.
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt
will be in Atlanta SunduX and
Monday, OJt. U3 2g. Atlanta is
making preparations for the great¬
est demonstration ever staged there
number of people from this
county plan to hear Ins address
Mr. John A. O’Kelley, of Shoal
Creek district, is very ill.
The Grand JJury returned 25
(rue bills. t
The Editor is indeed grateful to
Vlr. Bob Roberts for the nice Irish
tnd sweet potatoes he gave us last
Mr. Frank Carroll has been con¬
fined to his bed since las Saturday
with flu.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henderson
eft Wednesday morning for a visit
»f Mrs. Henderson’s parents, Mr.
tnd Mrs. A. K. Wofford, at Tali
tinn, Okla. Mr. William Allison
s carrying his mail while he is
1 way.
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Dorsey anti
vlr. Major Dorsey left Wednesday
or Cleveland, Ohio, where they
tave found worh.
“Uncle Benton” Trotter return
:d to Atlanta Wednesday Mtfter a
visit with his son, Ed.
“Uncle Solomon” Shofieitt, ol
.umpkin county, was in town
Saturday on business.
Mr. Joe Stover, of Town Creek
iistrict, was in town Wednesday
mil informed The Editor be lias a
.mall animal lie would be glad for
omeone to give it a name.
The freight come up Tuesday
vtth some coal and empty box cats
U made everybody feel good and
tope that its trips may be more
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Horner
.pent last week visiting friends in
Jievelund, Tenn,, and South
“A man never quarrels about
he price of tobacco, gasoline or
whiskey,” observes The Monroe
\dvertiscr, “but when the pticeol
sugar, bacon and calico goes up he
is sure to kick.”
The contest for runover for Rep
esentatives will be held net Wed¬
nesday. The contentions will be
wrought out in this contest.
Miss Muriel Bulgin, of N. C.,
tnd her sister, Elizabeth. ofMacor,
Ga., with Mr. and Mrs | T. Ed
wards, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bulgin,
>f Monticello, Ga., spent the weel -
2nd with Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Pay Your Subscription Now
An unusually interesting pro
gram was rendered by the members
•resent of the Methodist Society at
1 meeting held at the boms of Mrs
Bob Johnson Wednesday afternoon
Oct. 12, at 3 o’clock.
Worship service was: “Finding
God Where Jesus Found Him In
Facing a Decision as to His Life’s
Work, and, also in Facing Defeat
and Death.” A study made of
woineu’s work in China by the
Methodist Espicopal Church.
Those present were: Mesdames
Rutland, kenimer. Sutton, Whit¬
mire. Head. F. G. Maunev, Rey¬
nolds, Tom Udderwood, Cooper
Morcock, Mrs. H. A. Ja*rard and
Mrs. C. II. Edwards.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, Mrs. IJohnstm. AH the
ladies who with to help make a
quilt to sell are asked to meet at
Mrs. W. S. Reynolds next Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
next meeting of the
Society will be with Mrs. Robert
Kenimer on Wednesday afternoon
Oct 2 o, at 3y\-luck
The United States
vs. No. 84 At Law
960.02 acres of
land in Union, Proceeding to
Fannin and White condemn land.
Counties, Georgia.
J. IT Abernathy, et al.
W. W. Barnard; Blood Moun
tain Lumber Company; F. S. Chap
man; D. F. Chastain; W. J. Chastain;
Henry C. Eldridge; Louis A. Elridge
or Eldridge; G. T. Garrett; Mrs. Jane
Garrett, widow; N. B. Garrett; Mrs.
Carrie Gooch; Arthur Klein; Mrs.
Orline A. Leonard; The Lookout Mica
and Manufacturing Company, a cor
poration; Charles D. Matthews, Jr.;
Aicy Meera; Dovie Meers; Morse
Brothers Lumber Company; Smeth
port Extract Company; Ernest B.
Warden; Mrs. C. H. Ellis, formerly Mrs.
John W. Johnson; Arthur E. Martin; j
A. E. Westmoreland; B. F. Westmore
(a) The following persons or theiT
heirs at law, whose names and resi¬
dences are unknown, to-wit:
A. M. Blake; Arthur M. Blake; Mrs.
H. Blake; George Cathy; Cyrus P.
Craig; Julia A. Crumley; Benjamin F.
Dutton; Harry Dutton; S. B. Felker;
Jasper Holcomb; E. Hunt; T. R.
Jones; Doola Kindel; W. S. Klndali;
John D. Leonard; O. H. Leonard;
Amgnda Meers Long; W. C. Martin;
R. C. Mauldin; C. 0. Mears; Amanda
Meers; R. J. McCamy; James Mc¬
Clure; T. I. McNeil; J. P. McRee;
James H. Nichols; J, B. Orton; R. i.
Peak; Johnathan Pearson; H. V. Res
pess; M. A. Rhoades; Barthena
Rhodes; Mrs. Barthemy Rhodes • • Mrs
Washington Tohomas or Thomas; is: M.
L. Vandiver; W. H. Van Hiss; J. ,R
Westmoreland; David. W. Wilson;
Cooper’s Creek Lumber Company, sue
cessors or assigns; Nacoochee u y
draulic Mining Company, Incorporated,
successors or assigus; J. Newton
Peck, trustee or successor; Frankie
Holden; Howard Westmoreland; Cobb
& Smith Timber Company, successors
or assigus;
(b) Heirs at law of the following
named persons, whose names and res
ldences are unknown, to-wit:
Henry Barker; Little Berry; E. M.
Burnett; M. J, Camden; Oeorge H.
Cobb; Mrs. Ruth H. Cobb; James
Comer, Senior; Mrs. Abbie Cornell;
James E. Crawford; Dr. Josiah Curtis;
Jefferson Davis; Charles Day; Eliza¬
beth Duprlost; L. G. Edwards; John
Eidson; William Ellington; James
Ford; Joseph B. B. Frankum; Henry
Gaither; E. L. Garrett; William God
frey; B. S. Holden; Theopilus Hors¬
ley; Cynthia Ladson, widow; Barnard
or Bauard Long; A. J. Mears; As
berry Meers; Samuel Mitchell; Sarah
McFarlln; John McGahee; Robert Me
Millan; William C. Pararnore; James
Sanders: H. M. Sea bolt; John Sprague;
Reaves Westmoreland; Jacob White;
Charles L. Williams; Albert Yl. Wy
ley; Edward Wyley; James R. Wyley;
Moses W. Young;
to all and every person unknown or
non-resident, who claims any right,
title or interest in said described lands
or the funds which may be paid into
Court as the result of this proceed
lug, whether tinder or in right of
any of the above named or other
quired and admonished to take no¬
tice that the United States has filed
a petition in the District Court of the
United States for the Northern Dis¬
trict of Georgia, Gainesville Division,
to condemn 958.02 acres of land in
Union, I-annln and White
Geosgia, being in the land lots, Dis¬
tricts and Sections of said Counties,
as follows: Being in parts of land
lot 130, District 7 ; and part of land
lots 252 and 319, District 10; and
part of land iot 197, District 11 Un¬
ion County, Georgia; and part of land
lots 101, 102 . 238, 267 and 276, District
7, Fannin County, Georgia; and part
of land lot 35, Disctrict 3; and part
of land lot 9, District 5; and part
of land lots 26 and 32 and part of
land lots 10 and 17. District 6 , White
County. Georgia; and part of land
lot 132. District 7. Fannin and Union
Counties, Georgia, and pan of land
lot 729, District 11. Union County,
Georgia; all of said lands aggregating
a total of 958.02 acres, more or less,
and being known a* the lands of J.
U Abernathy; W. a, Brooksber; fi.
l. Garrett; Ben Harkins; t. h. Toth
erow; Clian Woody; A. C. Cruse; Roy
Davis; J. A. Adams; J. L. Craig; Rob
ert Frankum; Mrs. R. T. Logan; Mrs.
0. H. Leonard; and others.
This matter will he heard in the
United States Court Room at Atlan
ta, Georgia, on the 9th day of No
vember, 1932, at 10 o’clock, A:M. If
you or either of you have any rights
in the premises, or desire to be heard
in the matter, you are required then
and there to make known your ob¬ -
jections, if any, your claims as to
the value of the property or your re¬
spective interests therein or in the
funds arising therefrom, or any oth¬
er matters material to your respective
rights in the property sought to be
condemned; otherwise, the Court will
proceed as to law and justice may
appertain. i
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set my Hand and affixed the Seal of
the said United States District Court
at Atlanta, Georgia. This 19th day
of September, 1932. ;
(SealJ O. C. FULLER, I
Clerk United States District Court,
Northern District of Georgia. ;
C. A. McGREW, I |
Deputy Clerk.
______________________ ;
Georgia, White County.
To All Whon It May C.-neern:
John Skelton, having in proper form
applied to me for Permanent Letters of |
Administration on the estate of V. 0.
Skelton, late of said county,this is to cite I j
all and singular, the creditors and next |
of kin of V. C. Skelton to be and appear
at my office withtn the time allowed , iy j
j aw an ,j show cause, if any they can,why
permanent administration should not be !
granted to John - Skelton . on V. Skel
ton’s estate. Witness my hand and of
ficial signature this 3rd day of October j
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary I .
Georgia, White County.
To Ail Whom It May Concern:
Mrs. Kate Drake, havimg in proper
form, applied to me for Permanent Let¬
ters of Administration on the estate of
Tom Turner, late of saiti county, this is
to cite all and singular,the n creditors and j
next of kin of Tom Turner to be and
pear at my ofiS :« within the time allowed ,
>’>' l»w, and show cause if any they can.
] wl,y Pcwitnent administration shoald :
granted to Mrs. Kate Drake <«'1
I 1 0,11 estate * ^ itnw my h.« Gt W I-, l j
11,1 ' a y
A, L. Dorse , Ordinary j
....... im
j Schedule of Neel («ap Huh j
Uue From Cleveland !
| I
j South , Bound i
\ 1 : 3° lS:I 5 ^ j
] North Bound
LeaveAtlaiUa AM iqd’.jl j
12 : 1 5 |
, Northboui)d from Gainesville j
’ 3:3(1 P. M.
j 8 "50 P. M. 1 I
! j
Detroit’s Future Seen |
j by George Washington j
’ Among other evidences of the fore
sight of Beorge Washington, newly j
1 .
brought. to light, is the recognition of t
j ,, the Importance , „ , of Detroit 11 s a water- ,,
way center in the development of the ;
| I nation. As early as 1784. according j
to documents in the possession of the 1
' Clements library of the University of ;
Michigan, Washington clearly foresaw
and stated that Detroit—then a fron¬
tier village of a few hundred inhabi¬
tants—was "a point through which the
trade of tire lakes, Huron and all
above it, must pnss, if it centers in any
state of the Union."
Since he could not have foreseen the
I importance of railways, Washington
concentrated his attention on water¬
ways as a means of making the North¬
west territory available and proposed
ti series of them to connect the Great
Lakes with the Atlantic. In support i
of his plan he carefully computed dis¬ I
tances from Detroit to eastern points. j
Including Albany, Montreal, Philadel¬
phia and Richmond. j
M»r Clearest the Earth
The nearest fixed star is Alpha Cen
tf}uri, whose estimated distance is 25,
000,000,000.000 miles. At the rate of
180,400 miles a Second its light re¬
quires four years and 128 days to
reach the earth, while sound would
take more than 3,000,000 years. It is
said that an express train starting
from the star and moving uninterrupt¬
edly at a uniform velocity of 37 miles
an hour, would not reach the earth in
less than 75.000,000 years.
Queen ‘‘Pretty Thing” Found
Dr, Selim Hassuu found in the new¬
ly discovered fourth pyramid at Gizeh,
Egypt, the funeral chamber of "Pret¬
ty Thing.” She Is believed to have
been the wife of the Pharaoh Khafra,
the fourth king of the fourth dynasty,
who ruled from 2S67 to 2811 B. C.
Investigations revealed an opening to
the tomb large enough to enable a
man to enter, and that robbers hat!
removed all of the queen’* mummy
except the bead.
s i’i ti tting a prop -sed amend.,nentto
the Constitution of Georgia to be voted
on at the General Election to be held on
I ttesday, November H, 1033, amending
Article six. Section 7 of the Constitution
of Georgia, so as to authorize theCounty
of Richmond, as provided in Section 7
of Article 6 of the Constitution of this
State, to abolish justice courts and the
office of justice of peace and of notary
publis ex-officio justice of the peace; and
for other purposes.
By His Excellency,
Richaril li. Kuesell. Jr., Governor,
State of Georgia
Executive Depar tinent,
August 18, 1932.
WHEREAS. The--General Assembly
at its session in 193t proposed an amend
ment to the Constitution of this State as
-et forth in a Resolution approved
August 2 . 7 , IO3I to wit:
Richmond County Justice Courts.
No. 13.
To propose to the people an amend
meat to the Constitution of ------ the State of
by striking from Section VII ot
Article It, of the Constitution ofthisStatt
the following proviso at the end of said
-Section, to wit: "Provided
that nothing herein contained shall apply
to Richmond County", so as to authorize
the. County of Richmond as provided in
Section VII, of Article 6 , of the Cons i
tutiuii of this State to abolish Jusfict
Courts and the office of Justice
Peace and of Notary Public ex
uffimo Justice of Peace, and for other
Be R resolved by the General Assembly
of the State of Geoigia that there is here
h * v sul,mit,e<1 to tU « J ,eo P 1<! " f ,h " S,at ”
“ proposal to amendthe Constitution «.
1 il<; * ' tor F la *’)' elr,king ti 0111 the
1 ntl ,,f Stvt)on vl1 ’ ,,f Article 6 of said
( Constitution !ttnul ititt w»n I the Itu Inliittvinir following proviso, lAUmiun tit. to
wit: •Provided that nothing herein
Contained shall apply to Richmond
County", so that when amended Section
vu, of Article t; of the Constitution ol
Hits Slate shall read as provided in tb.
Act of the General Assembly of 1927,
proposing an ammiluient to said Section
and article of the Constitution, with the
xception that the proviso quoted alicivt
is eliminatcd-
8ECT10N 2
H« it further resolved by tlie authority
atoresani, , . , that . , when , said . , amendment ,
hal , be agl . eed l() ,, y
twt) _ lhirijt , (f f h(} el(;cted t ,
^ H)>U(M . ( jt sliaJ1 , )e u ,, 0 „ Ul ,
j 0lirna | of House, with the yeas
an d na y 8 thereof, and publishetl in on.
|WW r Co feri . CHSloua1 iy }H .
p, gaidBtatc for twomoutueprevious
M the time for holding tne next general
election, and shall at the next general
election be submitted to the people 01
the state for ratification. All persons
v.-ting at said election in favor of adopt
ing the said proposed amendment to tin
Constitution shall have written or print
ed on their ballots the words, ‘’For rati
treation of amendment to Article tj. Sec
lion 7, of the Constitution, striking from
saidSeotion 7 the la.-t sentence thereof.
to-wit: “Provided mat nothing contain
ed shall apply to Richmond County."
and ail persons opposed to B tiie adop'ion
if said amendment shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words,
“Against ratification of amendment t<
Article 6 , Section 7, of the Constitution,
striking front said Section 7, the last
sentence thereof, to-wit : “Provided
that nothing herein contained shall apply
to Richmond County", and if theniajor
^ llift y , ect( „. B qualified to vote for
tnemiRis of tnc General . Assemblv,
lue •’
voting thereon elmll vote for ratification,
the Governor shall, when he ascertains
[ ho same from the Secretary of State, to
vhom 1 lit returns from said election
snail be refer red in the same manner as
in cases of election for members of the
General Assembly to count and ascer¬
tain tin-result,-,, issue his proclamation
for one insertion in tme daily paper of
the State, announcing such result and
declaring the amendment ratified.
Approvctl August 25, 1931
NOW. THEREFORE, I, Richar d B.
Russell, Jr., Governor of said State, dc
issue this my proclamation hereby de¬
claring that lite proposed foregoing
amendment to the Constitution is sub
nitted, for ratification or rejection, to
tile voters of the State qualified to vote
for members of the General Assembly at
be General election to be held on Tues
.iay, November 8 . 1932
tobn B. Wilson.
Secretary of StaleJ
No Substitute for Coni
The wind and the tide are of no
economic importance, says Samuel S.
Wyer of Columbus, Ohio, consulting
engineer. Wood is too limited to be
a factor. Petroleum gives one-fo«rtb ,
of our energy. Alcohol costs more and j
! ts fuel worth is less thau oil. If all
he water powers of the United States
were developed they would not equal
the stationary power we are low us¬
ing, let alone the enormous quiutltie*
of energy used for heating and loo
motive purposes.
Legal Advertisements
By virtue of an execution issued from
! ll >e Superior Court -f White County
Georgia,in favor of thePIRST NATION
; against F. G. Jones anti the property
* hereinafter described, will be sold be¬
1 fore the court house tloor of said county,
‘ ,n the first Tuesday in November 1932,
within the legal hours of sale to the high
vst and best b tider for cash, the foil,,ve¬
ing described property to wit:
Part of iot of land number 39 in the
; second land district of said county con
j mining about cme-baalf acre ami being
107x!5>0 feet, lines running and tlcscrili-.
ed as follows : Commencing at a stone
conditional corner on a street N. \V. of
the Perry Saxon house; tinner nearly
east a straight line I 67 feet; thence uear
ly south 130 feet a straight line; 'thence
nearly west 167 feet to a stone corner:
thence nearly north I 3 O feet to the be¬
ginning corner, and generally known as
the Perry Saxon house anti lot. Also
town lots in the Town of Cleveland as
follows. Lot No. 15 5(1x107 feet, lots
numbers 16 , 17, 18 , each 50 xl 00 feet and
being a part of the Underwood
livision in said town and being in Block
“A" of said sub-division; all of said lots
lying sooth of the residence
copied by F. G . Junes and known as the
ferry Saxon in said town ami lining the
same lots bit! off by K. G. Jones at the
A. W. McConnell sale J u j y lt) th jiq->
said lots described in Book -V“ deeH
record of said county.
Also the following" described land in
White County, Geoigia, to w j t B e
ginning at the bridge across (hr branch
on Shallow Kurd road, thence down the
branch along the line of M. A.
fine to the fork of the branch, thence in
northerly direction along the J M
Dooley, now the J. p. Cooley line to the
road, thence east along tig the the toad
:o a branch, thence up I he branch *
covered ditch, thence up the ditch to the
old branch 1 un, thence along said run to
jj ^ up F 1 branch to a
popular tree near an old saw 111 11 place.
tbenee Blackwell nearly south along Mrs” ’ 7 ' D.
line to an oak stump tlo
north side of the public road them-e
along V west
said roa.i to U, - beginnhm ,
-aid tract ' '
containing seventy fit (75 J
acres , -
more , or less awl , being the proper¬
ty bought from At. A. Cooley |, v p
Notice of levy being given to tlefen
n* m execution anil tenant in
. ion as required by posses¬
I his 6th tlay of October, 1 132
W. A. Jackson.
Sheriff White County, Georgia,
Ry virtue of an execution issued from
be Superior Court of White County,
reorgia. in favor of tlreElRS'p NATION
mi against J. M. GA.,
Gooch anti the property
aero "after describe,I, will be sold be‘
tore the court house door of sard Countv
m the first Tuesday in November
Vithtn the legal hours of sale lo the high¬
's! bidder for cash, the following de
■embed property ng
to to wil:
Rai l of lot of hum number twenty-nine
[ > 111 ,lle ti ™I land district of said
ounly beginning at a rock corner on the
■ng.nal l,„e. being the «** comer ot
“Id lot, thence north to the creek,thence
• 1> the branch to the beginning
containing corner
one hundred (tOO) acres more
Also thirty ( 3 (j) 'acres more
'ess of Lot or
No. 4 5 i„ s ai( | district,
•egmrnng at a rock corner on the orwi
aai h„e, thence west to black
a gum.
hence south to a post oak, thence
to Ida,-k east
a oak on a conditional line,
thence on (he conditional line to fo. kof
the branch, thence east up said branch
t<> the original line, thence north toorigi
nal line, thence lo the beginning
and being cor¬
ner, the same land bought
I'-ont J. A. Palmer by J. >[. Gooch and
described in a deed from J..A, Palme, to
to J. M. Gooch dated December 22
Notice . 1923 .
of levy being given to tleien in execution and tenant in
sion required posses¬
MS by iatv.
This 4th day of October, 1932
" • A. Jackson.
-Shenff White County, Georgia.
notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed bids will 1 R - received by the
State Highway Board of Georgia, 2Capi
tol Square, Atlanta, Georgia, until
Clock 10
" A M. Oct. 25, ,932 for fur
nwiling ........rivs, supplies and feed for
the month of seven convict
maintained by saiti camps
Board. Bid blanks
ami full information as to quantities ami
-el,very points can be obtained from ,bc
i u,chasing Department at the above
tress. Our aJ
- bid blanks must be used in
suomitting bids. Payment t , be made
30 days from dare of delivery and
tance of goods. Goods accep¬
must be equal to
U ‘* u t! ‘« used Jiy the Highway
Board and found satisfactory. Right is
reserved to reject any or all bids and to
waive all formalities. This noliceTT^,
iccortiauee with the Act of the General
Assembly of Georgia, approved A tiguat
- Mark cnveiojie ••Sealed bid
‘ -'eiq-t-ned Oct. 25, 1932.
J W. Barnett. Chairman^
" - C. V erven, Member.
J. I . \\ ilhoit. Member.
8, ls32