Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
V'VL. xxxv, xo, n
•List from the Mountains.
The planting is being delayed on
ai:feouut oi the continued rains, bu
don’t bu uneasy the re will be
plenty of dry weather after awhile,
Several from here attended the.
sale at the Dude Ranch farm last
Mr. and Mrs J. H. Youngblood
gave the voting people a pound
supper last Friday night. Whet
the table vvus set it Un ked then
!- d never been any depression
/•-I set supper the-, had Mr. Young
I a>cl to join the Chicken Society,
Proud this or: Ire is expecting
hois of chicken gizzards. This
society is different from the 4 13
Club. It stands for the head.
in- art, hand and health.
The last grand jury is the only
one but what has found something
•a rung with the court house a long
lone. They use to find a hollow
■ill nest to ’.In- po-t office. They
wanted to have it fix d and run
the poor litt:e blue bird* out in ths
A few years: ago they were mak¬
ing new counties everywhere, but
; hr. pendulum is now swinging
other way and they are. qow
lag to c mbi:ra CornuY* and help
b fiance 1 lie budget. In ■ the fast
: nt 1920 when the goose
I: itiging Idgii this might have suit¬
ed the people. Hut from the pres
eat signs of the times the most oi
II • will be plowing and hauling
with steers. From now on until
1040 you will see a slow age. Die
ni st of titer South believes in a
local self-government; by . the peo
;ile and for the people.
Mr. J. R. Alien is "expecting to
visit this section soon.
The earl ii is now being clothed
in living green. Ceres, the
. -N of veg. tat ion, has
from the dark from the dark reals
of Pluto. She brings good
b auliiul flowers, warm
and April showers. She is calling
■, ■ , to the great outdoors. Don’t
u hear, don’t you see
Five forest r mips are to be con
structedin the mountains. Most
e-vetvbody 1 iK-n.dmg a job. The
age limit will deb ir a great many
of us. In days past \ .u weie tolo
vou didn’t have enough beard cm
your lace to hold down a job and
now you have too much beard or
y air face to hold down a job title.'
i.o.v you have too much beard.
Mr. M. T. Sanders, a big heart-
1 .. broad-minded and influerpia
lurniiute dealer of Commerce, Ga..
by the suggestion ot Mrs. J. II
Youngblood, has donated to the
c lurch at LoudsClIe an orgau,L-isi
Sunday the entire church gave Mr
Sanders a rising vote uf thanks foi so thoughtful of them. They
a so extended to him a most wel¬
come invitation for bin) to be wit!
them at their annual campmeetiog
in August. They also promist
him good preaching and singing,
plenty of watermelons and corn 01 1
lire cob.
“Lonely Little Liza Loa”
Junior Play At
Ciesieiaiid High Scijool Auditorium
8 P. M. April z8 Admission j-vioc ;
Also hear some of the new popu
lar songs.
Elmer surely knows how to hunt
“b’urs” un-.i raise pigs. ■
Day Your Subscription Now
Advertising is tiie oil that lubri¬
cates the machinery of business.
Try it,
Mr. Billy Robinson and daugh¬
ter, Jessie Mae, of Habersham
Mills, were the weekend guests o
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McCollum.
Mr. Arthur C 10k and Mrs. Jen¬
nie Cannon spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. ) II. Stovall.
Mr. and Mrs. Linton Aikens, o
Helen, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
Sbelnutt Sunday.
Miss Bonnie Lot bridge spun,
one night iast week with Miss Ann
; Mr. Jesse Anderson, of Leaf
j -pent Sunday night with Mr. Car,
YV bit worth.
| Severai from here attended th
play, ‘’lie’s My Pal,” at Union
Grove last Wednesday night.
Misses Irene and Eula Bo 11 She!
■ nut were the guests of Misses Mary
I Lee and Ruth Tatum' Thursday.
Rev. Claude Hood will preach
at Blue Creek next Sunday, Apri
~o, 11 o’clock. Rev. Hood is 1
voting preacher just, starting
and bus only preached at tills place
once but from the reports we huvt
been hearing, he seems to be ;
very popular one;* So let us ai
come out and give him good at
’ enhance for he needs is all t he cm
I .'uur igement he can get get wit ii thi
no lilts undertaken, Sand ;iV Sul)o.>
every Sunday at ten o’clock.
Mibscribe For The Couriei
A meeting of the White county
Bi-centegiml Committee will meet
with Mrs. Chas. VV . W hite at her
come in Helen ,,Mi*y
tst, at 7 130 P. YL, at which t,,nt
details will be worked out tin
White bounty’s participation in the
celebration of Georgia’s bi-celi
Airs. While states that several
programs have been put on by tin
ihurches and schools, and, it. is
toped, we think b\ all that an in
spirallional program will be pro
Up-to-date over 3 000 pageant
tave been put. on m Georgia by
die schools-- and ci-urche-. I hi
•chooi children will sing two Geor
;ia songs over radio at the samt
itne President R.-osoveit aoeuks ii
V t i a u t a.
The Courier pleads with
me to give Mrs. White then lays
11 pport.
Hooper Brakes jail
Ira Hooper, Dewey llenson,
ibout 29, who is imprisonment
tom Union county, on a charge 0!
)uglarly, 18 months, and
■.Lack, of North Carolina, |ivhb i
mprisoned lor Union county fo:
•ne year on bugiariy, escaped from
he run-aronud about dark by "saw -
tig a bar and tieingjilie necessary
■equirements to release thernseive
rom the imprisonment. Blooi:
lounds were soon secured from the
,'iu.coi ! chain gang but were un
tbJed J to be oi anv service, suppos
- ‘
idly due to the . pri.sononers making
be necessarry prepratious before
ideasing themselves fiorn the
uud-arouud. None ot tlie pi Doners
tave been apprehended thus far.
>ut Sheriff Vandiver has a hot trail
m them, and it is expected they
•viH soon he ’ iipppreiiendcd ana
will soon be lodged' behind th,
oars io the ceil, Ne defiuate clues
nave yet Deeu made known ol
either of those that broke jail.
Have you paid your sense
tion to The Cuuriesr It’s about
ime you were making arrange¬
ments about it.
HERE amo
I stood on the step* of a Maseru:
in the city of Cairn, Egypt. ,YL
guide was an intelligent Mohnmme
dan. He said to me. “Doctor, be
lore you leave the city I sbouh
ike to take you into a museum ant
■noiv you statues that will tell vc,
ibe story of Egyptian depravit
thousand* of years ago.” I 1
plied, ‘I do not wish to see tlios
tatui-s of perversity. I’ve beepffti
Rome, and in tiie midst of the
crumbled ruins of that civiiizatioi
there were statuej of psrversity.
have been to Athens, and in tii
midst of the wreck and ruin o
Athenian culture there were statue
of perversity. Phis city of Cain
is built upon the ruins of otln
j cities whose inhabitants,
were s<
j wicked that God wouldn’t let then:
live.” Then I thought of Amerie
. On the walls of public buildings ii
. ibis will find the'sunn
country \ 011
statin-.- of perversity and the sain,
neture.* of depravity that you
‘ind among the ruins ot nation
i hitCi > ou de-'i roved,
Cod i- u >.ier no obligation ;f
i Ytperic-i. A nation his no rig! 1
0 live unless it lives right. The
last of 11.-centuries blows ovei
: lie bones <d dead nations who liven
j ike wv have began to live.
; America has done in a few years
vhat it has. taken other nations
v-nturie* t-«- do. ■Aftntffi'Cir- -h'a* "r
I 1 big. percentage of her populutioi.
a the Cities We have in thost
iries some of the same elements of
degeneracy and dec ly which
wrecked Rome and destroyed j
1 11 eece and sent to hell oilier mi- ;
ions iVho at one time vvi: power
ions who at one time were pewer-j
fui. !
“The plowing of the wicked (
sin.” I v w surprised V’ to find that j
atemeru in the , Book ;. of , f Proverbs.! tj... , ,..i,. !
rhis mei|uS U)Llt cVeu ti »e legimate |
o,k of a wicked man is sin. The |
reason is plain, A wicked man j
iltnvs God’s dirt, Lis cultivates
Lid , soil. He depends upon on i
rod for sunshine and rain to make
1 cop, but he never stops to tec- :
-nize God. lie plows for him
elf. The mb of building lhe;
lower of Babe! was the sin of the I
pint of the people who built it. 1
' Go to, let us build us t tower find
1 city ,” is what they said. I’het *
* 10U ' d have said, ‘ Go j t ,,T
mild for GodT.i tower mid city
lad they built in that spirit u^j
ity would have stood. It is a si. j j
10 build a city without recognizing
Lid. It is a sin 10 do ligtimati 1 without having a God :
rT 1 lave you p ud . , y ur subscripuoi. ,
Ae continue to send . it .. ti
OU, SO It you lilt it to keep , Visit
' '
each week . the , only tiling ,
ug you
for you to do is to pay up NOW.
rehedule of Neel Gap Dus
Line From Cleveland
South Bound
4 130 L\ M , 9 :oo A M.
North Bound
i.eaveAtlapta 7 :oo AM ie :30k’A
.Northbound from Gaitiesvilie
10:15 P. M.
3 35 F - M -
Dr. T. A. Penlusllegon
In Barrett Bidg., next to Central
Cleveland, Ga.
Easter has parsed over and
ijtck frost yet. We hope summer
time is here We see some
taking out .their cattle to the
e would be glad to see some dry
weather us it is time for planting
, Court is all over arid some of
-air neighbors have got back hone
I from a weeks vacat ion. We
ways have more or iess who
I ieai business away cturing court.
Our Judge did some real bu-i
less during this couit. If
! people in White county had bean
j h home with their wife and babies
| they would not have put up some
hi the roads in the gang. Good
old sugar liquor was the cause of U
■ ill.
Gov. Tolmadge said only the
Editors of the newspapers wante
beer. You might add to that lisi
tie red noses also. It all the peo
■lie in Georgia who want beei
would unite together to put down
die liquor traffic it would be Deal
mt like a chip of lightning out ot
Georgia. What is the use fo -
Georgians! to cut their throat be
••line om neighbors h is cut his uni
jump in a uosty beer keg because
\ C. S C. and Fin inis jump c
11 one. You know if the legtsia
tit re could get Gov. Tnfmndge ti
:u!l that extra session and get back
o tile capital we don’t know wlnu
-vould happen and no one else ex
cept God Almighty. Let’s get li
tuff out of White-county and we
vont have anymore rape case to b*
ried in Cleveland. Y\'e h ive
-ame good men in White county
who stands for the right thing.
With best regards to The Couriei
old i! readers.
■ ‘ Liie editoi of tin’s pa; er lias re
eived a letter from Dr. Bob Jones, j
’lie founder and president of the in- j
erdenominatioual, ce-educul ional.
orthodox, Bob Jones College !
whose appeur w ee By in
this P“P er . 8a y'»K ,h;,t the U,e I B,> “ rd I
f 1 Trustees irus,,?es of 01 the U!c Bob °' JU J Jones 0K « S Col
,e « e Live vmed t0 ,,cce P l tlie iu ‘ :
vitution of the Chamber of Com
merce in Clevebmd, Temiessee, 10 j
now the Bob lories College to ,
Cleveland next lad. The Boh;
Jones College vviil move into the j
leiiiuifui buildings ii-nneriy oc j
upied by the Centenary College j
The coffege will open on Septum -1
•>er 6. Dr. Jones says, “Out
’tudenU in the Bob Jones College
me from all parts of tlie world.
Mllege Point, Florida, is ratiier in
ixessible. We ure moving to
Jleveland, Tennessee, where we
vili be more accessible to our com
tilue » c >'‘” Tiie colle 8 e wlli bove
’"^quarters in Cleveland, Tenn.,
'^ er J uue
The Sunday School and gooes i
aeople of Loudsviile settlement j
> th ink Mrs, J. H, Youngblooe j
or tier kindness in getting oui i
liurch an oigm. YY e can nevei
01 get this goi d woman,
Mf. Will Hood is very sick at
this writing wit an infected.
Mrs. Frank Purdue was visiting;
Mrs. Hershei Pardue one day thisj
u r eek. !
Mr. Lambert Menders, of Cieve-j
and, visited Mes-rs Porter and I
john Glover one day this week, i
The tacky party given at the j
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gill 1
imp was enjoyed by all present.
Rev E. E Vickery delivered a j
line sermon at Loudsviile Sunday!
to a large congregation. j
Pay Your Subscription Now I
[PKK E * 1.50 A YF il IN ADY V
’ Yh V J WOP tllMOJ - mhbki";.;-...
3-- snjml* j.o 3u-. ' tr
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, 3>ltfd 3H1 VtO J 'Al VJ i J
j mmm. Jtft ‘
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1 bs
j c ant ap”
i powder puff it
And the hat, ths
the results.
i RJB IT IN HARD-Increase y.;..
\ ing—put in the sales p essure -ore
; asm and enrgy and op . ntsm through-,
, organization —andwatc the progrss y.
us® 1 * h Shi V; ' m
1 , ^ ^ '''' | LLJ
M & f- J x. p
fiastcGiy ,
XWERE is an actual opportunity to make youe
dollar do double duty. Twice Tivic as much for
your money is no small matter when yon
Consider the well balanced assortment of standard
joyable ipofeiications in the which widest ate variety. entertaining, We instructive, have made and it en¬
for —-si ply select the club easy
yon n you wane and send o?
bring this coupon to our office TODAY.
Club No. C-3
Proeresalre Farmer, t year ALL SIX
Dixie Poultry Journal, j ,ear FOR ONLY
Country Home Friend, i year
The F’erm Home, 1 year $ 1 J 9
AND THIS Journal, 1 year
One Year
Club No. C -4
Southern Agriculturist. 1 year ALL SIX
Everybody's Poultry Mar -..e, 1 year FOR ONLY
Gentlewoman Magazine, : ar
Country Home, 1 year
Illustrated Mechanics, 1 ar
For One Year
1 *
! m mn mm m m n m & m tt
CLIP this Yes •MR. EDITOR, Send Barzatn Ho -t»S
Coup° n Name „
Town _
to-00 ► Brinjp State or mail this Coupon to oor JR. office F. today—NOW D._
Chefs hr i
realms wa^jld he the rap- neve is one more -orl tone
ouU, the cr-eofea, the Spanish thi dish—especially good fer tii.
aad- the fiaiiau that—not even ro . ar!y spring months:
dwell on the dilemmas of salad.- i OTKato and Oauliflo’cer Pure
and sauces. Cook one medium c.niiUioiver :
M although ripe luscious, to til tender, and press through
amoes, fresh from the garden, or sieve. Press contents of one '
Jdpe luscious tomatoes fresh from I! call ot tomatoes through a si
the cap are delicious, whether o: and add to the cp.uii'Lwer v
sot a chef ever waves his ms Me contents of one can of cooso-ir
spoon over them, she chef th :t end one cop v .-m K: fng fo f-.
tobbed of his staple ieeie-A -nt
tomatoes, would find life had, in
deed, lost its flavor.
And Housewives, Too!
The housewife, too, kr. v. the
healtdiiui ctualities of the tomato, and cook until creamy.*