Newspaper Page Text
c Cleveland Coin ter
/.// Organ of IVhiu Count). G
fidiahwl Weakly at Cleveland Ga.
I AS. l J . Davidson, Editor |
, ,-nat tee I’ofit illicti at Clevnlaili
Oa., as second claws mail matter.
.'lembei Nfinth District Pr-;.=> Assouai^ J
“ “ National Georgia Editorial Press |
%t Press Congress Of The WorU <!
bacription, »l-B0 per year
in advance
It is indicated that Miss Stella
Aiken, prominent Savannah at
, r.iev, and politically active, is to
be appointed an assistant attorney
(ener,1 1 of the United States. Tiv.
other Georgians have been honored
!>v appointments by the new ad¬
ministration, they are: tlarlKr.
inch, executive assistant to tin
s.tmaster general, and L. V'
oberts, Jr., assistant secretary
i reasory, both ot Atlanta.
The appropriation to state tnsti
iutions has been sliarply cut. The
state sani.Uirium at Milledgevillt
sustained the greatest loss with the
State College of Agriculture
with all other institutions affected
6jme. State Auditor Wisdom re
\ anted that the legislature mad
n reduction by striking out ap
• priatmus which iiad no contract
> 9th Dist, A- & AT. at Clarkes •
.e was cut out along with all the
1 ers
____ ___ , ..
i’lie quarterly budget of jt,fce
oh way department was returned
the governor unapproved and
luauding many changes, among
: ;rn being a reduction in the en
j budjet, and cutting the
ifficials, beginning witii Chair
m Barnett and going on
-o discharging B. B. McVA
bet engineer; S- B. Slack, E. N
, jymour, L. B. Ackerman,
:/j 11 |. Friedman. He suggest
- i a ^reduction of $225,000
(.tarter in the budget.
At a meeting of tile hoard VV ed
-Miay Captain Barnett and Mr
ereeu wrote tile governor ti*e
iey could not agree with him
.1 his suggestions, whereupon
vvernor replied immediately ask
,.t thev resign unless they
nforin to Ins wishes.
Aith false rumors ot the
federal office.-, to be filled
■aits are swarming the
aily seeking jobs, says
iratich, executive aosistant to
-istmaster general, lie says in
ing tbtf.,e job seekers a re ,a:
,g in their own way id psa ve
ing the c aigre-sineu irom ooii
things they- should by
them with applications. iltr
dares that tlie purpose ot the ion is not to put out
republican office holders, but.
where it is necessary and will
the carrying on ot tire program
ably begun by .President
A congressional
headed by Senator Giass, of
h is about completed a bank
bill which they have been study
.or two years, having discussed
bill recently with Bresident
velt, and agreed upon in
changes he suggested.
The bill provides for
on deposits in Federal
member banks. ^'Ilie
suggested that 100 per cent
rirance be limited to deposits
£10,000 or less.
Another measure provides
the liquidation of unlicensed
and tne organization ot met#
- tonal banks, ;So. tlti-n, we
eel very hopeful that pel
.unking laws will probably
assed during the .-e-sio-n.
■John 'Da\,-t-exv ll will .- in* ole
taut hunting Vcte in Oregon.
elephants are fossilized, hut neverthe
1 s are hunted as en:husinst'ieally
dentists in the tamed John Day do
■ its as are the live ones of Ike
, nn jungle. A "rush” into the
incurs every - r Sabertooth
nd other old lm: . arc also "bagged.’
L®<e®S N®w§
.Mrs, T. V. Cantrell U *>ck in 1
Hospital in Gninese ille. j
The Baptist. W. M. ri. met at , I
chfirdi 1 uc*d i> v\ onio^, * *d J1 “ I
A11er the business niee 1 .in ■ i
Arele, No. 2 had charge of
with Mis- Brown a
There were nine preseut
Group No. 2 and four on Group
l. The neAt meeting will b
Tuesday, May 2, with Mrs. T.
Cantrell and Mrs. \V. J. M >
The Boys ami Girls Ciul) of file ,
J i
. Society ■ met ,
Methodist .Missionary . ,. , ,
«,, !
Thursday J afternoon, April . .
Misses Helen 1T , and . Henrietta j, i |
with '
and Alexander Davidson .... when , un
enjoyable program was put on t[!U ,
delicious refreshments were enjoy
ed. The next meeting will be with
Miss Virgie and I 1 . M. ur q j
Meaders on May 4th. '
The following boys were i-eiec
ed Wednesday by the V\ iiitc coun
; ty relict coumnuee to enter the
forestry camps?
VY'lson, Nacoochee ^ 1 ^
jack ; ‘ rancis
i Byars and John Houstcr, Chatta
booebee; Curl Smith, J owuCrcek .
j Howard Buhner and jjurnett.
j Mossy Creek; William Bentley.
I White Creek; Claude
j Shoal Creek; Loy Cash, Mm
J Creek ; Austelie 1 ‘ aruier, Llti» iui-
1 tier and Riley Harper, M t. If onah
| These boys will find out then tip
| plicattoii blanks which will be ioi
I warded to Mr. DeLuRerrie a cnice
j for acceptance, then the boys wn
1 be ordered to go to v,....-.....- --
a physical .exammutiou. U they
| pass th.ey will be entramed to 1
: Benning for iweeks
tioning” training beiore
| the foiestry camps,
j Work will be started at once
the camp in White county, w
is located on Smith Creek,
Mrs. L. G. Neal and
visited in Atlanta a day or
last week. Mrs. I 4 . M, Neal, l)
Neal’s mother, returned vviih
| for a few days visit.
Mrs, ErnestGills!rap m.d
of Idaho Falls, Jdallo, „i ri
day on a visit ait, r being
from the county aroyn.d IS year-.
Messrs Robt. Kemmer, B.
Allison and Ernest Crane
purchased ifieClevelatid
Mr, A, B. Beil, of
lias p. uriJhasep fjop) the
Brothers tine property where
lie Tdrtier is operating.
CougresMtian John S. W ■
states that it is ills ue.-ire ti
another examination be cubed
Bostniaster at Cleveland before
permanent appointment is
Miss Dieie Thomas, of
G eorgia, is visiting her sister.
n Fred Buhner, and brother,
to Lew is Thomas.
Mrs, Hubert McDonald
children, of Atlanta, spent
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
• C Craven.
Postmaster A. S, Hardy
,- wife, of Gainesville, were
land Sunday afternoon.
Mrs Bob Johnson
the Methodist Society
afternoon. Following the
ness session an interesting
was presented. ‘"May we
neighbors, indeed, giving ol
oi selves to those in need vocal m
Mrs. Bob Johnson, B:b!e
“Neighbors to ail.” Mat.
by Mr. Robert Keniiner,
(Jortvz Turns Biotestant by
H. A- Jarrard, “Giving Youth
Chance ’ S. VV.
“The who w.ii.te.djo be become
Deaconess” Mrs. j. Li.
l ... lit no solo , Mis. ,, k ,, .> ,, Miller, , cat-, ,
- prayer by Mrs. VVliit Whitmire, m ire.
irig the social hour Alls,
served deligbMwJ refreshments
the members. The Bible
meet with Mrs. Robert
May iSth at g tyyy.
Let Fred Tell it
'i-giu, White County.
All It. May Conrtei::
C. M Cooley, as administrator of tb
of 1. P. Cooley, deceased. having j
to me by petition for leave to
the real relate of Haiti deceased, this
s to notitie t the credit 01 s and kindred
said application will be passed up
at the May term ot the Court, of
of said county, lil 3 ii, and uu
-ss cans,- then shown to the contrary
id leave will be granted. This itrd day
April VJ33.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, . W lute Count.
b .'
by virture ot an order from In. j
Court ^ ot Ordinary / or said county A
will be sold on the public 1 J V
Cleveland, Ga., on the 29th day ol
April, 1933, within the legal hours j
jf sale to tiie highest bidder for
cash the he following; of persona^proper 1 Cooley, j
ty of ! estate J . 1 ’. !
! ; .
deceased ;
The entire stock of general met j
, ehandise, consisting of groceries,!
,p oes> sweaters, clothing, notions, j
! hardware, etc., and all fixtures,
r \!so tvvo , n j| c |, cows, one Ford!
p i c kup, Model 25, 011c B. C. Turn
i n g pt| w . Also j|i, jointly one half owned interest | j
, j„ a 8 y rup m by
1 t jie depeaspd and (be heirs of Nish j
^nRHi, an( j located pn the Tolivei
Smith place, AH the above proper
t y f or f a ] e t0 be delivered upon tie
( , tjaare in Cleveland, Ga., except
1 t |, e interest in syrup mill, which
, w jj| p e located -as above mentioned i
j (lie jjrth day ot April *933. j !
q M.Cooley, Administrator of tin.
Estate of J. B, Cooley .
Read The ( ourier
We \\ 1 •; accept irotn farmers any
| kind of pr-Muce jgrowu on then
j farm for renewal of lheir subscrip
j tion or to be added to our list as a
| hew subscriber. We .trust
propo ition will appeal to
ivEREan Wants Data cn
State’s Old Sod
Topohn. Kan.—Kirk Meehem,
tary of the Kansas State.
society, is in a dilemma. Ho
to build a sod house and doesn’t
. how.
The history books say that
Kaa-.s prairies were clotted
sod houses and that thousands
earl.'.-day Kansans lived in them,
Meehetn, whose job calls for
familiarity with the history books,
cided to build a sod house incite
museum. But now he can’t had
one who knows what the
were like.
Other slates have log houses,
houses, and other types of
structures in their state
but Kansas wants one of the
a "noddies.” But how to build one
the question,
How thick Were the walls and
what were the root's made?
kinds of windows and doors did
sod-Tes have, and were the
plastered inside? What kind of
makes the best sod and what time
year should the sod be cut?
Mix Personalities in
G. College Who’s Who
Kalamazoo, Mich.-—Students of
amazoo college apparently are
ly interested in their scholastic
ties and devote little attention to
of the day, a questionnaire reveals.
Among replies given a ‘•Who’s
■ questionnaire were:
I Jimmy Walker is governor of
Franklin D. Roosevelt js
j of the Philippine islands,
b 1 Andrew, Mellon is secretary of
Charles G. Dawes was described
lo | being the present ‘‘foreign
of France and also the present
President of the United States,
New Weapon Combines
Arrows and
a Oakland, Calif.—A
ing the features of arrows and
a was Invented remply by Dean
son, Oakland artist and archer.
; arrows, on which he has sought
are equipped with
tip- which, lie says, will kill
same they strike. The arrows may
retitled with tips riftcr once used.
j Boston F.““n Keeps faith
Vt-Yili City’s
, Bostoi., --'the Bo,-;fon city
oi' :i, R:rough ;t typographical
li-'ici! Dm-miny Judge rjli^Il'es' Henry
l)or.aht;e as a Supreme ,<kiurj
the directory seems ,to hard been
' t>, for Judge Donahue was eie
vatcU to o t!i:> the Supreme Knnrer tB nmiw court hr.,,,a. bench.
4 T
fnvfr 1
HU r \I
\Q If Wm
o„ I VwxS
V^: \
m-’: ------
accommodating date, for¬
gives foolish people an
portunity to be as foolish as r
like. A party's the thing, am
gure to forgot the addresses of .
the sensible people you know,
cause they wouldn't care to eo.
apyway. 4
Send along a, gay little pn
clown iu a red envelope, to s->
uron your guests and write on
balloon !
A’o w is the time for all good fe.
To. put their »igs|'S Upon t
Dress in your raiment of cap e
Come, and fee yourself.
favorites with tha men. w!
girls like to wear red and W !
us a rule. So give the men uk
balloons with a Haok-snd-tvi:
picture of autttn wmedittn out
a mastaMiio, and give the ;,
red baUooup with a photo?;:-:
y£ a partner for one of the p
t ures on the men’s balloon. I
example such well-known ee-.,
ns Wheeler and Wooisey, Un:
and Allen, I5d Wynn rad :
"horse,” two of the Marx hrotho
etc. These may be supper par: r
or partners for the gran i ■
Which is dege ViiU Oeore
uVighS- lively amj ualS prove- a V
way to begin tint thnr ,
A foolish but very oxcHint :
|"v fj « P
A i K'&S •
TL, gss
W' V
7 i-rxc«BWrBT.-SH:«: a
A pr JL i J Ui i 'V :■ JL/ FNER i&t*
Us hOMB in and take pot, luc!-:
was the old invitation f
a most informal dinner
and only the most conventions
person could say that "imi iui-;
wasn’t the best luck in the wort
Some say the expression origin
ted from peasant heartnsic!
where the pot always bubble,
away, and some days it
more of this, while another era
more of that—and one took ti
ifiek of the pot. Others associ.
the poker signifies ace of the ter:
! 'i<qt. : ‘. 49 juatte.r where -
came from -ira "pot luck” jus
the same.
And just now. Pot Duck dinners
are very much in vogue, because
they offer a sparkling, spot:
tancons sort of evening with
fi:rmaj restrictions. Here is t.L
way one lit tie group worked
« out. They were congenial autpi -
who dined together once a wee
at the country club in good g ,
weather. Aiyd then, came win’s >
—as the movies used to say. So
to speed winter on its way, or
young matron, who liked lots
fun with little- fuss, suggested a
once-ti-weck pot luck dinner at ..
different house each time, wit:
each couple bringing a oaur
And Whst s Dinner!
TJ}e hostess served the mar,
coursu, because planked qter-.l
and such things dislike l.o i,
dashed around ore? miles of rot.
to get to their dti-tui-uions, an.:
t|ie guests brought good-natured
fy'gvfclers such as soups, salad
desserts, tic, And what a diem
this first pot hick jpeal tprnei
out to be! Very approptilidnly.
almost everything came in pots
the son that are easy to coo:.
in. easy to carry aud easy to
ayi •••:• from.
The first ccurat? v/ns a, cocktail,
and it came cold a-ul frosty at; ,
the cracked-ice iha 111,01- ol‘ cook
tails; then there was onion sou
in those little French oniui so--;
howls v lib h h.„-:: t lid; Tm
soup canto Hi 0 hig crock nttrt :
heated a>>d thetr poured into tlm
little ho-.vls—which the tjum
course guest brought along with
her—since goep must ba pipln
hot. Than followed veal nv n 1
lions and nsparngue with Hollou
dulse sauce, which was the mate
course contribution of the ho:
teas: someuiio else brought ilv
3 1
dunce, is lo pi'. Vide -' QUO With
a Will nogerY eewNiy Ln r. and a
rope and let !:’ M l ! F,; pc rta'er
with whom lie ill'OU (rviliCG , Y, ;!!]0
her e'M.arinrr c’V j iiT's tl'U lariat.
A crack jr-c: livg relay is also
good for p en y of iL'nr.ii Tiie
men line, up ou cm a siv't of the
room aud tl givlsi o*,i t:l 0 QppO
site side, Son c one shoo .3 a toy
pistol and hey’ro cB. Each
map jiiiist eat two CXCP.SC vs, run
,-> tin., girl opiP.-itc, ml aud
'vlFsfle a tun c vrhicli he girl
vecogniiies. A. rriDH’v v. Ll '■ re the
, race Starts, 'winner
takes a!!.’’ a s i . t w o. nlo
j that !y„< Fv^Tri tO*
; oat, or kes a in for ex
’ walk around |)q V:. Iz.
1 A M vry
A ;ii-,-rry lo- 0 trbbo msty lie
j 1 r-et using rod edboard
j Kcat’vrt- d <y, ;-r a t.H/ In
the cent-r pi- co n cfovvu h wMce
1 c.l 0 Wil.ll red ! (vv.“ v rs for I ie hrNii.
I 1 When the cap I;; iiftod til e comer
of the lie :s v ).vim 2?i fill r:d noth
j seetir.m. iv.’Jt'h every0: oi. 'Q tvn on
j lha floor to “it toroUi;: r, after
I l-iu'-ny the slim)-;-;. UvYor inalco
ubpvv-. (ui, or u lily-pops
i w'. . U bodies
| atlil aum-diV;
! Hsci ami V- its
Here is a fit
j ' A ™
j I d : :
j j ff '
m i
b J
j -w-'V'-vV TFiv. - '1 v
1 'iyx'p..
■Hmp > /' . ■'•■A ...Af' j
a: j
*i. ■ : . pp 1
y-ypp-MiP , '. a " ■ A-; j
■ ■ j
: : ^
mp ,
' ' |
:■ '( ■>,..} ‘; , v s
( ; -J j
Had -dt
r kings and fools—-and no
jlin’. The recipes serve eight.
Clown Cocktail
I hit Rosas Celery Curls
Chicken and Ham Shortcake
Grapefruit , Cucumber and
Pimiento Salad
Deep Dish Cherry Tarts
Cloven Cocktail: Simmer one*
, iid cup of sugar aud one-half
ri rvaler for three minutes. Add
* syrup from two S-ounce cans
■ pineapple tidbits and one-fenrth
;• lemon juice, and chill. Halve
■! seed one cup of white grapes,
combine with the tidbits In
'-'lit cocktail glasses. Pour over
syrup, and chill. Before serv
add three or four tiny wedges
cranberry jelly to each glass.
'iilclccn and 11am Shortcake:
V. a white sauce of two table
butter, two tablespoons
.-nr, cue and one-half cups of
ik an.l the contents of two 6
mce cans of evaporated milk.
.1 tar slightly beaten yolk of:
• egg; then add she contents
one 12-yttnce can of chicken,,
■0 cup of diced cold boiled ham
■s’ -l two tablespoons, diced pimi
Aud two. cups eooking
?w.v, and season tv taste. Serve
'v.e»n and- on tep of split hot
bus-powderod hfscuits, which
re been buttered.*
t-hormos jug, An-Btb«r guesfe
>uriHi a delicious charlotte; for
^ctl, and also a can of co&e&
■ -icli she made into delicious
ji coflee just he?ore s^rvisg-,
- i* prates and napkins w-we a.
thought because ihoy eliiu-*
lt d the aftermath at after din
■' d'.ahes and linea.
Parad-sv. Cocipnl: Drain the
n! ‘- ot ora: No. 1 can. of peara
• ! c «t t'r-'.i fruit in small cubes
' omi cup orange palp. Mash
:e tablespoons mint jelly, four
fi-poons fresh lime juice, twa
L cup of orange juice ami
"d from the pears. Heat until
K’iiy is. melted. Chill and
r ‘,-.v-r the fruit. Serve tc»
i.i cocktail cups with a gar*
u 1 o: sprigs of fresh mint. '
i! Soup: Saute two. caps
O' sliced onions in four table
03 butter until a golden
and partly tender.; Add
and one-half quarts of bed*,
'■■o'or and two cans of fcouil
- Cook gently until the unions
done. Season, to taste, hi
; : oi:d ij°at ha, ed op® pieces or two small
■ . of toast,
:l - cov-creti with Tarmvs&n
a iu qi'.ch serving,
• of 'Jrdutyens: three e«t the eotn
(-ounce cans of
■ Joaf iu eight even pieces,
a pa and pat carefully with
: anda into uiqe ronud
. Add gruts-d cheese to
a- .1 mashed potatoes, mm
• ally m round mounds on
• :=al patties. Place a thick
I : of nice ripe tomato ou top
h, and sprinkle with salt,
■r and paprika. Bake in a
'•vgu—too Uagt'oes- -lur about
icy minutes.
, iV'ctte Russ.c u 1‘Orleans:
:■:< ' and otm-fotirth table
■gelatin iu four tablespoons
- - • : fivat lour css yolks
-A iabiiNii'imv, ^ -;ucar. add
-u:--- scalded milk and cook
-a ■■■s': ■ a;b ; iiiuil creamy,
fic A" A: apd nlr until dis
; one Aust-fh paitU-.i Of
.esc, niamrooiis and eight
' and sot aside
: '-at. Vv’h-t! about to
, . I'uicup of moist co
- ''"'I -A d ir. o>'i> cnfi of
>■ Girl: ui ice box
: ■ t: jii’td in
' j‘ ■' i i- 'U' whipped