Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXV, No. 39
Mrs. H. A. Tatum spent Sun¬
il iy with Mr. and Mrs. \\ . B.
Mr. Raymond Stovall, of Wuy
nesville, X. C , visitad liometolks
awhile Sunday afternoon.
Mr. W. 15 . Freeman and son,
Ai tliur, and Mr. Tom Burke visit¬
ed friends and relatives in Hender¬
sonville, X. C , a few d;t>s last
Rev. Homer Thomas began re¬
vival meeting at Blue Creek Sun¬
day night. At the present time
they are having good services and
good attendance.
M ss Ann Stovall lias returned
home after a week’s visit with re¬
lative* in \V aynesville, N C.
Mir. Floyd Shelnutt had the
misfortune of getting bit by one of
bis dogs that had gone mad last
week before be even knew there
was anything wrong with it. This
i- just another warning to be care¬
ful about dogs.
Sunday ended the ‘"Hood deed a
day” contest that was put on by
the young people’s class in Blue
Cieek Sunday School. Miss Lula
Bell McCollum won the prize for
doing a “good deed every duy’
for a month. l'lte prize was a
Otble, which was presented by her
Sunday School teacher,OdellW hit
Mrs. Anna Ziunerman, ot S.C.,
is visiting Mr. J. 11 . Stovall and
Mr. j. W.Whitworth and grand
salt, Hugh Chandler, are visiting
'datives at Toccoa litis week,
Mrs L G. (Johnson is spending
a few days in Atlanta.
An invitation is heartily tender
ed to every Sunday School Super
intendent and Officer and to every
pastor of a church in White county
and to every teacher interested in
religious education to meet Mon
ay, August 14, at 7:30 V. M. at
Helen Presbyterian church.
Plans are to be made for the
annual meeting of White County
Sunday School Asssociation.
Mrs. Gitas. W. While.
Notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed bids will be received by the
State Highway Board of Georgia, 2Capi
tol Square, Atlanta, Georgia, until It
o’clock A M. Aug 32, l«3S for fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed toi
the month of Sept- to nine convict camps
maintained by said Board. Bid blank
and full information as to quantities atm
delivery points can be obtained from tin
Purchasing Department at the above ad¬
dress. Our bid blanks must tie used ii
submitting bids. Payment to be madi
BO days from date of delivery and acce.p
lance of goods . Goode must tie equal Ii
or better than that used by the Highway
Board and found satisfactory. Right is
reserved to reject any or all bide and t<
waive all formalities. This notice is ii
accordance with tire Act of the Genera.
Assembly of Georgia, approved Angus
lo. lMf. Mark envelope “Sealed bio
to he opened Ang. 32, 193d.
J. ,i. Maugham, Chairman: Max J,
McRae, Member, \V. E. Wilburn, ^Mem
Read Law At Home.
Winder Law School, one o( tin
six chartered law schools ofGeorgi
others a thorough law course at
low price and on convenient term
Wbile our course is shorter that
that of oilier law schools, w»
guarantee that out graduates «n
be able to pass the Georgia Bar
Tins course may be taken by
correspondence with as satisfac
tory result* as by attending the
school in person. If interested
write :
Wiuder Law School, Iuc.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
Examination For Postmaster
At Cleveland
To fill the vacancy in the posi¬
tion of postmaster in Cleveland,
Ga., the United States Civil Ser¬
vice Commission lias announced, at
the request of thePustmasterGener
al and in accordance with an order
of the President, an open competi¬
tive examination.
To be eligible for the examina¬
tion, an applicant must be a citi¬
zen of the United States, must re
side within the delivery ot the post
office for which the examination is
held, must have so resided for at
least one year next preceding the
date set for close of receipt of ap¬
plications, must be in good physi¬
cal condition, and within the pre
scribed age limits. The eompeti
lion is open to both men and
Under the terms of the Execu¬
tive order, the Civil Service Com
mission will certify to the Post -
master General the names of the
highest three qualified eligibles.
if as many as three are qualified,
from which tlie Postmaster General
may select one for nomination by
the President. Confirmation by
the Senate is the final action.
Applications will be required to
assemble in an examination room
for scholastic test-s, and will also
be rated on their education and
business experience and fitness.
1 ’he Civil Service Commission will
make inquiry among representa¬
tive business and professional men
and women of the community con
cerniug the experience, ability
md character of etvch applicant,
and the evidence thus secured wil
be considered in determining the
ratings to be a ,signed to the ap
The Commission states that
presidential postmasters are not in
the classified civil seivice and that
its duties in connection with ap
pointments to such positions are to
hold examinations and to certify
the results to the PostmusterGener
i!. The Commission is not inter¬
ested in the political, religious, or
fraternal affiliations of any appli¬
Full information and application
blanks may be obtained at the post
office lor which the examination i#
held, or from the United State*
Civil Service Commission, Wash¬
ington, I). C,
All ipplicutions must be in
Washington, D. C., by Sept. )
' 933 -
The examination will be held
ibout Sept. 15, 1933.
The salary of the office is .$1,500,
llns i5 '}c for the balance of 1933
Blue Ridge Dots
The cemetery at Mt, Pleasant
will be cleaned off Saturday. Come
There will be an all day singing
and dinner on the ground at Tes
ivatee church Sunday.
Miss Mary Lou Nix was hert
recently vi-itiisg friends.
Have you paid your subscrip
tion to The Couries? It’s iibom
time you were making arrange
meuts about it.
Schedule of Neel Gap Dus
Leave Atlanta 7 A, M. 4 P. M.
Arrive 10: 55 A. M. 6 P. M.
Leave Gainesville 10 A. M 7 FM
Arrive 9:10 A. M. 3. 58 P. M
Leave Cveveiand 10:45 A. M
7 145 P. M. Arrive 8:15 A. M.
2 : -*5
Leave Young Harris 12 :15 A.M
6:15 P.M. Arrive 6:45 A. M.
1 .15 P. M.
Messrs G. S. Scott and J. P.
Thurmond visited the latter’s
brother at Buford last week.
Charlie riturmond, Jr., is visit
ing parents here at present,
Mr. Paul Allison is in Atlanta
pre*etit where he hopes to secure
Rev. and Mrs. B. F. I)uh,can
spent Monday night here and
preached at ttie home ot Mr. J. N.
Blalock. A large crowd attended
tlie service.
Miss Francis Black spent a few
days last week up with Iter aunt,
Mrs. Zena Thurmond.
Mr. and Mrs A. F. Vandiver
and daughter, Mrs. Mary Broxton,
and Mrs J. H. Vandiver and
children, of Gainesville, visited L.
V. Hefner and family Sunday
Goad fodder, see
Mrs. C. C. Jarrard.
The County
went to Atlanta Tuesday to
an ppeal to the State
Board for some construction work
in the county.
by the widest margin
in its history
CHEVROLET, AMERICA'S NUMBER 1 CAR-47.99%* of all low-priced cars sold
NUMBER 2 CAR—26.74%*
NUMBER 3 CAR*—19.21%*
♦Based on the latest retoil registration figures from R. L. Polk &
ALL OTHERS 6.0#%* Company (all states for five full months). Since January first
Chevrolet has sold in excess of 370,000 passenger cors and trucks.
People have come to expect Chevrolet to
lead the world in automobile sales. But this
year Chevrolet has done even more than that.
According to the latest available figures, Chev¬
rolet alone has sold almost as many cars this year
as all the rest of the low-price field combined!
When a car looms above its field like that, there
can’t be any argument about it. It must be
an all-round better buy. And that’s exactly
what Chevrolet offers you. Fisher bodies, with
the new ventilation system and the strongest
and quietest body construction of the day—
solid steel over a sturdy hardwood frame. * A
valve-in-head six for
*Steel alone is no! enough.
C. (’. (’. Camp News.
All road work is moving along
All the boys are busy this week
| getting their bedsacks, pillow
cases and blankets dean for a]
general inspection by Captain
A supply train of 5 Army trucks
arrived here Tuesday from Ft. Me
1’herson with food, clothing and
i other supplies.
Our Mess Sergeant says he will
i buy from any one person i.oixt lb*
of irish potatoes or 6 to 10 bus
| of sweet potatoes. This is a supply
for only one week. (Jome to see
him if you have any to sell and
you will get top price for your
There were only 21 boys in camp
over last weekend as all the rest
had gone home.
Athens, Georgia, August 10
.Mis* Bess Westmoreland, ofCleve
land, will be a candidate for the
degree of Master of Arts and Mis*
t Clara Cantrell, also of Cleveland,
for the degree of Bachelor of Aris
in Education, at the commence
meat exercises of the thirty-first
summer session of the University ol
Georgia, to be held next Friday
evening, August tl, iu the Univer
sity chapel at 8 130 o’clock.
economy . . . Cushion-Balanced to blot out
vibration . . . full of snap and vigor—altogether
the most efficient engine in the low-price field.
Then there’s Syncro-Mesh with Silent Second,
the Starterator, Simplified Free Wheeling, the
Octane Selector, long, parallel-mounted springs—
more advancements than we have space to
describe. And Chevrolet prices are as low as $ 445 .
Don’t guess—buy from the leader. Get a car that
has been proved sound and dependable by more
owners than any other automobile you can buy.
All prices f. o. h. Flint, Mich. Special equipment extra. Low
delivered prices and easy G. M. A. C. terms.
is the master key of our civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highw
efforts of its craftsmen. {.
The Cleveland Courier <<■
Commercial Printing of Every Description V\
Pay foai SiMlnlion low
As Prosperity Returns
THINK STRAIGHT. Losses have destroyed $,ooo,oo© 00
(Two Hundred Hillions) of national wealth. Two and a hail
per cent, of this was lost in banks. The rest of that immense amount
was lost in stocks, bonds, lands, and otliei things.
Cornelia, Ga.
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