Newspaper Page Text
l>«gal &&Mertinem«nts
G *• iriciii, White Count}' ■
'ic i;l whom it may concern:
l eo. Palinour having, in proper form,
&Vi'bmd to me tor permanent Getters o
Ad ‘ini stmt ion on the estate ot ,1. M.
Pai tour, late of said county, this is to
cite all an I singular the ereditoi’H and
next ot kin of J. M. Pahnour to he ami
&'> ear at my office within the time j
lowed by Jaw and show oioise, it «rry
ti - emi, why penuiueut admiutstration
should not be granted to Fred Palmour
on ,1 M. Palmour’s estate. Witness my
ha id and official signature, this and day
of October 1J 33 .
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
T ergia, White County.
'I' Vll Whom It May Concern:
G. Head, as administrator of the
« . ,e of Mrs V. E. Head, deceased,hav
i ipplied to me by petition for leave
t 11 the real estate of said deceased,
tl i. - to notify the kindred arid credit¬
ors t.nat said application will be passed
to on at the November term i ('33 of the
t '.rt of Ordinary of said county, and
uu use cause is them show to the con
t uy, said leave will be granted. This
hr day of October 1933<
A. L. Doi’Sey, Ordinary.
• r gia, White County.
To tne Superior Court of said ^County.
Tb • petition of Neel trap Hus Line,Inc.,
shows to the Court:
1. That by order of the SuperiorCourt
< : said County petitioner was on the 7;h
i v of December 193i gianied a charter
i d created a body corporate the
i.mne and title of Neal Gap Bus Line,!no
i. That said charter has been tic
c pted amt said corporation duly oj camz
t } thereunder,
a. That the capital stock of said co»
/ ation is Five (5,0110.00) Thousand Dol¬
lars, divided into htth shares of the par
value of One Hundred (100.00) Dollars
. ach.
4. Petitioner desires that an amend¬
ment to said charter authorizing it to
increase said capital stock from Five
fh-iusand Dollars to Twenty Five
in meant! Dollars, divided into Two
Hi Hired Fifty Shares of the par value ot
• . Hundred (LOO.UU) Dollars each.
Petitioner shows to the Court that
i mu increase of its capital stock and .this
i pi rication for air amendment to its
. ter has been duly authorized by the
. • i limuus vote of ail the stockholders
-t a meetiug duly neld for that purpose
on the of October 1953 and tu
oeuted to in writing by all the h riders ol
stuck in ti.e corporation.
Wherefore Petitioner Prays, thatmftci
foul- weeks puolioauon of this
tion, as required by law. an order
p it- a amending the charter of petition
i urd increasing tts capital stock
twenty Five Thousand ($25,00b)
lars as herein above petitioned for
• jt forth..
Edwards & Underwood.
Petitioner’s Attorneys
Jeorgia, White County,
iidtoe ot the Clerk of the Superior
ol said county, October the 4th, 1933 .
I, W. Jt. Hulsey, Clerk of the
Court of White County, hereby
th .1 the foregoing is a true aud
copy of the application to amend
as tire same appears of die in this
W. H. Hulsey
“Clerk Superior Court.
Qeoi-giw, White County.
Will be sold before Hie court
-.our in said eou«ly on the first
in November 1933 within the legal
Of sale to the highest bidder for cash
following described real estate to
Part of lot of land number 102 in
second laud district of said county
miriing fU* acres of land more or
and being the same land arid fully
i„.ibed iu a deed from J.U. M. Bmi
,0 J. H- McClure dated April 20,
2 nd recorded in the Cler k's office of sa
county in record of deeds book "L
.rages 404-405.
also another tract of land in su
county and district and being part ot
of land No. lt>3, containing tid no; e <
land more or less and fully described
deed from the said J. H. M. Brnitii
j. H. McClure dated April 20, IDdy
"corded as above -u deed booh -’L
pages 405 - 405 .
also another tract deeded to the
.'antes and signed by the same party
ne same date and recorded as above
name book aud same pages,
six acres of land moie or less.
Also still smother tract of lauil in
county and district aud being part of
of land number 135 in said diutrict t;i
taiuiug six or seven acres more or
Lite las; thiee tracts above
lie ia one body and has two
houses and other improvements
All the above tract of laud being
described in out- deed from J. H.
smith to J. li. McClure dated April
1 S 37 and all recorded as one deed
record oj deeds of said county and in
Clerk’s office, iu deed record Book
pages 404-4UO io which recorded
reference is nude for description of
the above described tracts.
bald land levied ou as the property
J. H. M. Smith to satisfy a
Court li fa issued from the
of said county against J. H. M. Smith
and in favor of L H. McClure. This
October 11, 11)33
Lat Vandivei, Sheriff,
Georgia, White County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in said county on the first Tuesday
in November 1033 within the legal hours
. f sale to the highest bidder ror cash the
following described land to wit i
Part of lot of land number DJI in
fourth land district ot said county con
mining about 30 acres of land noire or
less and being the name land ami fully
described in a deed from T. H. Turner li. H. Turner to L. P. Stephens,dat¬
ed September 33, J hit) ami recorded in
the Clerk’s offico of said county in record
of deeds book ‘*N” page 193 to which
reference is prayed fur description here¬
Said land levied ori as the land of the
Luther P. Stephens Investment Company
to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by Arispah
Allison, Tax Collector of said county,
tor state ami county taxes for the year
1032, Said levy made by E. S. Alien,
L. C., and turned over to me lor the pur¬
pose of advertising anp sale.
Lat Vandiver, Sheriff.
t. C. C. Camp News.
This camp is constructing a
now that will i, pan ior view one Q f
the most wonderful seenries in the
State of Georgia, what is known
as the Tray mountain road. This
road starts at Indian Grave Gap,
to what is known as the Cheese
Daiiy, around Tray mountain,
through three gaps and three smal¬
ler mountains, and coining out at
McClure Creek oil the Chimney
mountain road, being io miles long
with a 40 feet bed. Phis work i
being done - with :i r.giit-of-\v oy
crew, trail builder, jack hammer,
dynamite, . , picks ■ , and j si, ove.s. -o *4,, ■ ;
far 16 cases of ffynymne 1 has been
used on this routl, * wju ' be .^
great help iti case of forest , fires „
and also provide unsurpassed
-ceiiry for tourists.
We are sorry White County
didn’t get one of tlie 55 camps that
ate being moved from the North
to the South for the w inter. Ten
thousand b.oys will be moved,muk
mg 50,000 boys that will be in the
South this winter.
j Two million dollars will be gseo
in constructing wooden shelter foi
the corps in the area. Over hul
it million doliors will go into the
markets each month to buy foot,
for -file 50,000 men. Army head¬
quarters said $2,300,000 would be
added lo business channels in
equipping ibe 50,000 men with
necessary clothing. Men in the
rtoutnerii camps will receive* ^1,
-’,00.000 in pay monthly, all ol
which is placed immediately in cir
dilution. Ootber figure- given out
by the Fourth Corps
to show the effect of the camps in
purchasing power each mouth in¬
cludes :
Bacon aud pork,01 the meat from
26,142 hogs, 56*2,5000
beef or the meat from 1.563 steers,
937.000 pounds; butter,
pounds; wheat, 1,125,000 pounds,
For clothing, the men require too,
000 pair or shoes at a co-t of &22f,
000; underclothing,
jumpers and working
$133,000; woolen coats, $271,0011;
fl mnel-hirts, $340,00(1 and
Mr. Sam Canup, of Helen,
in New Holland Oct. lfith after an
illness of a long duration.
He leaves a widow an
children and a host of relatives
friends to mourn hi* departure.
He sent for Air. C. N.
before leaving Helen two or
weeks pi ior to his death and
him he wanted too go to a
Mr. Maloof made the
and had him placed in
hospital, where he only
for a few days, because they
miere-ted in him und Air,
that nothing could be done for
lie wusu Word wai
and had spent "sometime in the
Veterans hospital in Atlanta. He
was a member of theM asonicLodge
;tt Helen, who performed the
solemn ceremony at the grave, as,
sisted by the Cleveland Lodge,
Revs. II, H. Humphries audGeo.
M. Vandivrr officiated. Inter
rnent was in Chattahoochee ceine
tery, Roberlsto iv n, last Friday.
Subscribe For The
L®<£&1 ®w$
The weekend guests of .Mr. and
Mrs, H. A. Jarrard were: Mr
and Mrs. RussellHoscIi and. dough
ter, and Sam Fjeemim and Cause
Roberts, of Hoschtou Mrs. Eltntr
Fountain, und Mr. and Mrs Henry
Husch, of Atlanta ; gr. and Mrs.
W. Hill Hoscli ami daughter
and son, of Jefferson. Mrs. Jarrard
and Iter guests went to Nucoochee
Saturday for the unveiling of the
totem pole.
Misses Ibelle Dorsey, Ronnie
Lothridge, Anna Lou Hooper, and
| Messrs Hoyt True'ove and Barnett
|lant were the diniier gue-ts Sun
day ot Mrs. LeuDorsey und daugh¬
Mrs. Chlore Mauney is
relatives in Fttirmon, Ga.
We are requested to .state by
ud g e iJor! ; B .V that the Government
j Loan in Cleveland man lias changed liis day
be from Tuesday t
Thursday of each week.
Mr. E. L. Russ: II is moving int
nis new place today.
Mr. T. Roy Turner, one of At.
lanta's fireman, attended the
monies of the unveiling of the
totem pole at Nucoochee last Satur
day and spent a J short time in
Mr. Robert Ay*ers is ijecovering
f rom a very bud infected foot.
Contract for paving , the 2.7 miles
’ r between " Cleveland Gleveland and . md ]
Gainesville yyill be let Nov 7 «The |
paving a will be concrete and calls'
for completion 1 of the project > with
Pot S (lf%
1 when you use an
Pots and pans, roasters and kettles, frying
ano broilers black and pans
never get sooty when used
on or in an Electric Range. You can take your
daintiest handkerchief, rub it on the bottom of a
| pan that’s just been used, and not soil the im¬
maculate linen in the (east. Electric Cookery is
clean electric as
! as light!
Cleanliness, of course, is just one of Electric
'; -lOokery s man y outstanding advantages. Accu¬
rate, fast, convenient, simple, healthful, today’s
modern Electric Range is the answer to your
cooking problem. Investigate it immediately!
$15*00 Old-Stove Allowance
During our Fall Sale—which ends November II—we
will allow you $15.00 for your old cook-stove credit
Universal as
j on any new or Hctpoint Electric Ranve in The October
liberal our store. offer—NOW NOW is the time to take advantage of this Light Parade Is On
1 is the time to trite advantage of Buy your lamp bulbs by the carter.
low prices. (Range models low ,5128 cashf less 0 f six.
as as and save ten per cent. At any of otffi stores,
v 15.00 old-stove allowance.) Visit our store today. or from any employe of this Company dur¬
Begin cooking Electrically! ing this Inst week of the October “Light
I’arade.” The special discount -rwt .-w
j 5 % Down 24 Months including applies to 75-watts. all .sizes up to and _JJ| fyf
I Per carton,
j Have You
j Seen the PIN-IT-UP
j LAMP? Simple, 2 ° U sin,ply convenient. pin U With “9 where you want it.
coid „ . and . 10 , A -mch . , shade, 50-watt bulb, 8 -fcait
$ 1 . 49 .
Mr. John W. So'ehee and sister,
Vlr*. O. L. Sisk, of
ley, were in town Tuesday on
A large delegation of
from Cearlie Turner’s to Buck
head on state highway No. 9 ap¬
peared before Governor Talinadge
vvbs in behalf of paving it, which
the Governor stated would be com¬
pleted within a year,
Mr. L. (J. Stovall moved to
Doualsonvillo, Ga., Thursday,
where he will make his home,
We are requested to state that
Sheffield Quartet of Gainesville
will sing at the Baptist church
Sunday night, Nov. 7.
T Donald , , , r, 1 aimer, 1 little ... , 2 year old . ,
son of Mr |J nd Mrs. Ed r' r> Palmer 1-.
died Monday and was buried at
j B'ue Creek. Rev. II. II.
phries officiating.
Mr. Z. D Cravey, T’ax Collec
tor Telfair County, lias been ap
pointed by Governor Talinadge to
succeed Peter S. Tvvitty as Game
and Fish Commissioner.
Mr. Lambert Menders is ini pro v
iug splendidly.
An old time fiddlers convent ion
will be held at the court hoit -e in
Gainesville Oct. 27 and Uct. 2N. ^
All fiddlers, guitar and banjo pick
are urged to be present.
The Epitor is indeed very ap
preciative of the several fine svvset 1
potatoes brought h us by > Mr. W J'
Presley. Many thunks, Mr. -’ j
\\ e wish to express our deep ap
preeiation lor the many deeds of
boldness and words of condolence
given us during the sickne-s and
death of otir dear mother, sister
and aunt, Mrs. Jeaneiie Leonard
and Mrs. Susanna Howard.
May God’s richest blessings bl¬
and abide wirh von are our prayers
Leonard k Howard Families
1 "• ~~ 7s; j VTr----
.. . i
’Uncle John” lohn” Robins,,., Robinson di-d died
Thursday morning. fie would
have been 95 year- old in Match.
! Mr. and Mrs. J. B. R Barrett
attended the funeral of t licit great
nephew in Greenville, 6. C., Tues
a,,,. %vl , '° "'ed ,• , r from hydrophia. ,
He was bitten by a bun d 'g about ]
! the lace. j
ltead The Courier
j Schedule of Neel Gap Lius j i
Leave A,Ian,a 7 A. M. 12 *0 P.
Leave Arrive Gainesville 11 A. M. 6:55 A. 1 J M • M. J
10 3 *30i
Arrive to A. M 6 P. M ]
Leave Cveveland 9: A. M.;
4 .-5 p yj Arrive Arrive 10 10:45 • ^ A. \ \j i
to .
.4 .3°
Leave Voting Harris 7:15 A.M i
3 :I -p. Arrive i3;jq PM
^ y. yy
----——-----------~-=~ j
Have you paid your subscription]
VVe can’t if if continue to to send send it it to to; | j
you, you, so so so if yoy joy yog want want want u it u to to to keep keep keep . visit visit v.s,t |
you each week the only thing
for you to do is to pay up NOW.
November 6, 1933
j. U. Jarrard’* Store 9 to 9:30 A. St.
Robinson Mill Ip 10 1.-30 “
W. N. Turner’s Store 11 to 11:30 “
Jim Fulmer's Mill 12 to 12:45 “
•Sliiml Creek Law Ground 1 to r :3c F,M.
Ashmore’s Store 1145 to 2:10 “
IL I■ Chumbler's Store 2:45 to 2:50 ‘’
f*. D. Whitfield’s Store
Qiarlic Mon’* Sum;
Meldean Station 4-0 to 4:40
\V. M. Hamilton's Store 4-00
November 7
Oakes Chapel School House 8530
Stovall’s Store 9 to 9130 “
Leaf Post Office 9:45 to 10,45 “
Barrett Mill 10:55 io 11.10 “
A. B. Tomlin's Store 3 J : 1 5 to J1130 “•
Holcomb's Store 11 : 4 () to 13 :t() “
While’s Si,we 12:20 to la:25 “
Presley's Store ld.q.i to 1:1 5 P. Jtf,
L. If. Alexander's Store 1 :20 to ) .50
Halsey’s Mill’s 2:10 to 2 :4o “•
Wofford’s Store 2:45 to 3 : 16 *>
Albert Doisey’s 3:30 to 4 *<
November 8
Glover’s Store 9 to 9:30 A. ,W.
Asbestos Station 9:45 |to 4° “
^^7 ££ 2 uT S
Maloof's Store ll.aotol? “
Kimsey’sStore 1j:os to line RM.
Hickory Nut School House 1 to 1:30 “
Stovall 'j ili, f ^ 4 ^ 45 “
Hood’* „ Store _ 2:35 3:15
Sautee Fust Office 3:30 10 4 ■
1 \ L. Hood’s Store 4:05 to 4 J!o
n \ Cooley, T. C.
VVe will accept from farmers any
kind of produce grown on their
for renewal of their subsettp
or to he added to our list as a
subscriber. We trim this.
will; appeal every