Newspaper Page Text
5 iU ? ©e&l News
J\ n cl M r Marviti Allison t>
, 1.1 1> > rln? \kn* |
*"* «imi to see White Cmtmtv
lotting 'Hitt >'n. t e
Marvin has Countless friends i
coiiiitv who vvaimly congiatti
V,, i. /Vt’ .on l is "till deserved
ill H ' * t •
The flinnets in tins county have
bout completed harvesting then
,„t wondetful crops, which me
best in years. If we only had
pay roll operating thing* wwiU
not be so bud. Intact, they ate
much better than they w« re L-v
year. Most of our people hurt
■u-oiy to eat and till, didn't have it
last year.
He particularly careful about fire
,no this dry season. Think
. ..
•niy before you put out fire.
, »r. T. G. Underwood, of May*
vilie, is visiting his brother, Judge
.. W. H Underwood. Dr. Tom
• ill join a party ol Cievelandei
:,o expect to leave Sunday for >
sint of a few days in the (>kelem
\!r. and Mrs. .Hubert. McD nuilff
\f‘,tiHu. spent Su.Kiay wi-'
Mr.,. G. C. Graven.
( ). inspector Fietntug. of Allan .
win m town a clay or two th 1
w.- * on business.
Mr-. G. C- Adams, of Alpliuret
t.i, Li., spept the weekend wit
\1 I >. G. ilead.
Mr. Cuarifis Davidson spent tin.
_M.c-.nd m Atlanta with sisters,
s. Evan Taylor ami Mrs. L. L
Ji: .ck.
A e ate requested to announce
i hat m all-day singing will L
, : M at RoberlstownBtiptHtCliurc 1
- jiid . v. November 19. TfieQ.u*ei
v Quartet, of Gainesville, «n
■ • ;.-r good singers vviil be present
erviiody invited.
1'iir- Editor is very grateful H
,’r. Bob Roberts for a nice mess c
.urnips. Mr. Roberts always
mes around this season of tin
. ar and brings Us soniethiug gooi
Miss Enla Sue Keninier, o
( niiersiiy of Georgia, spent th
end with parents, jPustmaste:
mi -jVlr'-.. Robt. Keninier.
The G. A. mel Wednesday after |
» at the Bapiirt church and 9
. pte-eid. T.he next meeting
.it be Nov. 22. A Thanksgiving
- run is being arranged and a
, . audience i> expected lo hem
i.--e young people.
Mr. liilni House, sonjof Mr. j
House, of Akron, Ohio, i.*
, 1 ng seuauirship in an orguniza
- ot the Goodyear Company
has iieeit . ..................,.....y with the company < - v
,r. His Iriends in Clevehurc
• Wlme County wishjtim mucl
. .ick.
1 -old milling in this county is
right along. Everybody is
o these men ami are pulling
mt 1 he> ail bud big paying de¬
rnmmm -
i’he Cleveland Hi quiutel met j
defeat, at the hands of the fast,j
D ■ 'ulii team on the Uycula court
Saturday ,
last night. The local]
boy* were handicuped by some oi j
he regulars. j
“ -• |
, , vtr shoots iiEui pigs i
- • •’ •» nojiic nice
m sale or exctptnge for their value !
• peas, pot.uues or produce. ;
R. T. McGahee
Cleveland, G:i•
-t is u sin [o tio Jigtiinate 1
11 & I -ohi without* having it ('Hid*
v nrly So Lius Maybe So. \
Heart The Courier
Naooochee News
Rev. Simpson, ol C'Jarke'vill' I
;i\e t . ;l it j^'ooti j^xui inessiijfi £>uod-<y ■■ I
I'rt'sijt teriuu cliutch.
T((e UJie „ of t | u , p«.st>> te. i.v.
are littving a M is-iuit Stunt
Tucxd.ty atiot uoon during
Misses Mabel and Lillian Cason
of Commerce, spent the weekend
Lit their cottage in the Valley.
Miss Virginia Dobbins, who
hits been in the Valley all suiniriar,
left last week to visit her father in
Mri, \\ . B, Luttl-den cpn a
her SOU, Tommy, to Atlanta Moil
day 10 an eye specialist.
Miss Isabel Ltansdeu, of Pied
in out College, span the weekem.
at home with her parenlr, she h ..
as her guest MissPucketi.ol Butcii;
Mr. Buster \V right, ol Album .
-pent awhile with Mr. a ..
Mrs. K. B. Mi.ler. 1
Mr, and Mrs. Waller B minim,
and son, of Gainesville, spent vSm.
day with parents, Air. ami Mr-. G
B. Logan.
Miss Annie Glen spent las
weekend in DvCttlur with Rev. am:
.ills, Richards.
The Methodist Society met with
Mrs. A. 11 . Henderson Wednesday
ilteriiooii, .Nov. b. (bbset v.mce ol
.he Week of Prayer program:
Song "Sweet Hour o! ptayci.
Devotional Out' Week of 1 'i'uyc
special Mrs. Henderson. Gou
Free Offer Mis. Reynolds G d -
Gifts .Mrs. Ray Miber, Four Te-i
if Acceptance .Mrs. Telford, \V 1
Cult Accept the Offer Mrs. N-'u,
NalviiUiuns lor the W or IdProbicUi
Airs. Bill Russell, Memorial Hos¬
pital, Oliliija bli.otv, China; -Mis
Jurrard and Mrs, Rpinour. Clo»
mg by inn The V\ ay u! the Gt'os
Leads Home and prayer.
Wednesday,Nov. \\ ednesuay,Nuv. 22, 22, at at 3 3 o’clock « uoa
•«‘«l with M‘ S . 11 . A. J irtrafil to.
the .Mission Study prt.grjat
•rim UuiLiished Task ot Evan
^elisin in China.” "Family Lite’
Mrs. Miller "CU.hU.uod
Ymiih” Mrs. Neal hail Marsha
M Poverty M.s, ie.lo.d Re.t^iou
Heritage Mrs. Head luclustna.
Rcconstruciwu Mis. Ivemmer t Ag
ncuiturai Reconstruction Mrs. Pai
mour .'spiritual and Social Re
construenon Mrs Mrs ! 1 ? ? >'B >'li Rtusek
Cnrisl ianity jnComjaoi i iigDisesse
and Illiteracy Mrs. Milisou aim
-vlrs. Henderson ^ llllu
iVclfure Association Airs.
Education 111 the Home Mrs. Uu
,.ei wood CliribUttu Societteft Mm.
johusou Christian Education 11 ‘
Schools Mrs. Mauuey. Eaucatim
111 Municipal Government^ Mrs
j Stovall. Reioluicemeiits \V ,uiu...
M or ihe UulinisUeu i risk Mrs. U.
A. Jurrard, j
Mr. |. T. Hendrix happened
the mistmTiina of breaking Jjjs
wtieit he stumbled over n rock a,
H,aWassr-.e Wednesday night.
There were tour
wrecks , . White County , HmtcL'. c .
afternoon. Ihe ., first was the ,
of George Davidson when a
blew out. George
tlwee ,
two or severe
from glass and the other
\VL L. Reid, Hainp While an:
Frank Nix received bruises
lacerations* I cuit» *kiu , , ;t , 'Jcnu ,
on noar the campground and
Ervin Ledford, of Gainesville, w
painfully injured when the cat
which he was riding plunged
an embankment near
at the Campground,
'J’hat peculiar atmospheric
dition here Monday afternoon
due to the terrific winds in
mid-Western states after the
nuns had sowed their wheat.
was so bid in Chicago that
ilraet lights had to be turned on a,
2 U. M.
Mr. Marion Gannon has
into F ^ Mr. \ t ». Frank IT - W L Kenimer’s IU At \ r tl 1 si* «• / si IHUIvP
near Mr. C. E. Head’s.
Mr, Comer Edge bas moved in
to the log bungalow across
from Mrs. fl'.ex Davidson.
iturcimsc a. x*ie concern wrote mu.-ii
that It hail tried the recipe, hut could
make nothing out of it (it for eiisiom
ers' appetites. Much coneevued, the
woman went to the manager of tin
hotel ami told her story. He sent for
the chef.
“Oh, that I” exclaimed the chef. "11
j was not good, so 1 used an old recipe
of niy mother's. She made beautiful
i soup.”
j + * *
1 There Is publication devoted to
j I the doings of taxi drivers has its in Now of
York, and each issue news
holdups. One bandit finally was ar¬
j rested who confessed that lie preyed
only upon drivers of taxicabs. He had
j robbed 25 taxi men in Hie space of a
few days. A taxi driver told me fl¬
i eetly Unit some men hailed him who: -
appearance he didn’t like. They
stopped him on a busy portion of
Broadway and told him to drive Unb.i
to an address far uptown, it was at
. nighf and lie knew that at that hour
the part of the city to which they
demanded t" be driven would be dark
and lonely. He let them get in the
cub. started, and then pulled out Hi"
choke. The engine sputtered and
“Sorry," lie said. “I’m out of gas
You’ll have to take another cab.”
They climbed <nit. grumbling. T
j Ibis day, he doesn’t know wlieiher o:
not. they were bandits. But (hat wa:
i quick thinking.
♦ * *
Arthur S. Verna.v, many of who:-,
trophies are in the Museum of N'ai
j urai n'story, was telling Hie • tiier ik
of his journey to Hm Malay slates i
seardi of a one-horned Thluneero:
He traveled 25.000 miles ami .spent ;
good many months ill the under!A
ing. When he arrived he got just ram
shots before lie came home again. Bn 1
with one of those shots he got n'.f
Logs*.! Advertisements
Gao 1 .triii, Whitt- County.
l-V virtue of nil 1'j‘ilw Ivan tlm Omul
of Ui ihuiu-y oj Whin- County will In- s--ld
11T juihlin onti-rv on the Tnes-.lny IlltiH >n
1 tic 1 nui-l Jmiiso ilimr in said county, he
Horn the legal lorn s of sain the timet of
filial in enni o,,unti (h.-scritied as follows.
All that, tract iir paic'l of land lying and
beitii; in tin.- 2nd land district, of While
County, (emi-giu, mol being part of h t
of land 115 in said district Ling in
northwest, collier of said lot and hound, d
as follows: Cojinnim-ing ill the. original
niM'Uiwertl eov“ei- of said lot, thence east
(he original line M) rods to tin: public
road at the O. P. t^uilliaa old home place
I lieiivie do\vn said road 11C rods to a. 1:011
diliomd corner, thence west a com) tj ni¬
di line, llit) j- ds to conditional rook cm
(h:i- on the original line, thence north
the original line to the beginning eoi-rnu
and being the property known as the V.
H. Head place, containing 68 neves.
Utove 01 less. This 6th day of Nov. lll.'ki
I). C. J lead, Administratoi of
Mrs: V, C. Head, L>e.i-ease.(l
Oeorgi.i, W hite County.
Will be aold before tho eouil hmi-<
limn-in said i.-mmiy 011 the livtit 'J’ucSihi.i
in Dt-.a-mbei l'.KW next, within the leva
In.ora of sale to to the high**’ bidder for
cash the following deserihed personal
1 rnpei-ty to tvit; One mouse o-.-lo cil
house mi,la nine years old. weight nbcoj,
POi/ lbs., one spoiled cow tea years old,
one Jersey cow dehorned three years
three years old, one syrup mill and e
vapoiator, one set blacksmith tools com
posed of one anvil and forge, one olu
two-hors a wagon. Said property levied
on as I lie jij-i perty IJ. K. Souther to
satisfy <1 Superior Court execution issued
from tin: Superior Court of lJniouOotmly, |
lieorgia, in favu.i of F. C. Duckworth,
administrator and against Lh I- Soullier.
FyaneisR. t.’-dlis and .1. C. Collins
l’liis November bth, Ib-io,
Lftl Vandiver. Slim iff.
One male, foxhound, lS month*
tld; black \v Lite breast »nfl stml
while rtreak in lace. Collar Oi
v\ i■ li L. C. Stovall. Notify.
A. L. Mauuey
\Y tregtel that out space
n(j( pc . rmlt 0 , to give „ )e people o)
w , |ite County iu this issue some
iptcresiing correspondence. thn>
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ( -
N] , HCock _ wlu) , by ,ite way,
| cbairma,) of ihe White Couat-v
CpmiJ!iUee , ,„d Mr. Rolan.!
ChairM)ilIi () f !1)# Georg,
j ReJief Cominissiotl) AUauta. Jiotv
| | we do nol wanl to ket , p yt . u
.^ t>Uspea - e< Uierc f nve we tvi.
lvla e goine of , he nigh
I Ot
j The Editor had a telephone tails
^ tb R;l|| , 1)ini >y hiclt
j , inHe length, over the repor’s m
:he djspS ., lifefttctl . Jtt of He Rebel
■ ,),
j Adl|lil)islraljoll j„ ls county, aim
|-1 R ltHo;11 directed lli-it we St
j r e from Mr. Morcock the rebel
: roUiu \ V hUe County, which ivt
| ,-equested by N-’V. T o. But Mr
| A .j ol cock wrote us a loiter aim
| state( j Hut "we consider the names
:o! loose on rebel us confidential.
In the letter The Editor \vrou>
Mr. Morcock we also included that
Mr, Ransom void ms to ask him
c- me to Atlanta Monday, Nov. | j.
j to meet before lire Georgia Relivi
Com. This meeting was called of,
,, Mr, R . . \\ 7 , will ... try . to
oy tnsom. e , .
; 1
: give you tnote neyt ivcck,
] ““ '
! has reached iu»t
A rumor u* a
we go to .....,, press that , Miss A , T Ida , A
:ison litis 1 esigned her position in
iu: office with ifie \v bjte County
| s lluUet CoiViinuUie.
Mr. J. C. Alien nus returned
home after a few weeks with het
I -am, C'aude, in Cleveland,
j The Red Cro, s Roll Caff is now
j on _ Mr. Joe {Stover is chairman
j uud is »eeMug a re-eiljistmeut o!
the present, an weii as new tncm
nets, lor a greater service lor tyfil
j Mr, titover desires your active co
operation in this great moveuif.nt.
There were 80S bains ol cotton
u White County, from the crop oi
i 13 prior to November ist, 1B33
. cotnpare d witji 5(11 bales gitnieu
November v \ i&l,
co 193^.
Have you paid your
lion to Tire Counts r Iris about
time you were making
meuts about, it.
[ ERE is an actual opportunity to make youe
dollar do double duty. Twice as much for
your money is no small matter when you
consider the will balanced assortment of standard
publications which are entertaining, instructive, and en¬
joyable in the widest variety. \Ve have made it easy
fot you—simply select the club you want and send 0 $
bring this coupon to our office TODAY.
Club No. C-3
Dixie Progressive Poultry Farmer, Joum-t, 1 year ALL SIX
Homo 1 yea* FCIl ONLY
m m Friend, l year
Cou-itry tlame, 1 year
The Farm Jouront, l ye»r
For One Yosr
C!ub No. C-4
Southern Agrlcnlttirbt. sgaatne, t rear | ALL SIX
Everybody’s Poultry ?<■ 1XMIT FOR ONLY
Gentlewiiaan Masaiico, 1 year
Country Home. 1 year M
111u.-trated Mechuiiiee, I -ear
For Oil* Year
EDrroa * Sa ° i N °——^ijil is
JR. F. D._
BxIng or roolT th Is Coopon to oor office today—NOW ,
89 tt 0 as 3 iaafs« 0 «Gssai£i^ mm
™ ..... " ' -.....'
Guard the » el Yowl: it fill
Eyestrain, the forerunner of perma¬
nently impaired vision, all too often has
its birthplace in the home.
Children especially, do not know how
to care for their eyes. It seems second
nature to them to choose the floor, or
gome other spot just as badly lighted,
for their reading, their study or their
play, It is our duty to see that they
have good light wherever they use their
eyes, In their carefree years, it is out
duty to help, them preserve the only two
eyes they will ever have,
Proper lighting in the home costs so
little it is a tragic mistake to “skimp”
on light, And, quite often, pooi lighting
can be changed into good lighting with¬
out any added cost to you at all. Be¬
sarily cause proper lighting does not neces¬
harmful mean more light. Ypu can get rid
of glare through use of wisely
chosen shades. “Spotty” illumination
can be avoided through even distribu¬
tion of lights, Often all danger of eye¬
strain for both children and grown-ups
can be avoided by a simple re-arrange¬
ment of the lights you already have.
tk *
r T n O HELP you with these problems,
X this Company has recently organ¬
ized a Home Lighting Division. Its
members are specially trained; they
have made a serious study of home light¬
ing—not only from the standpoint of
preserving sight, but from that of beau¬
tification, as well. They have learned of
the alarming prevalence of defective
eyesight and have found out how to.
combat it.
They will tell you, for instance, that
at* ages beyond 60, 95 per cent of all
people have defective eyesight. Of all
children of elementary school age, even,
5 per cent have “bad eyes,” This pro¬
portion grows until—hard as it is to
believe—40 p:r cent of students of col
lege age suffer from impaired vision,
A great pari of this trouble begins in
the home, often in the home of parents
who believe their lighting is adequate
and proper. Wouldn’t you like to be
sure your horn s is properly lighted? Es¬
pecially when it costs absolutely nothing
to find out?
Call our office, ask for the home light¬
ing specialist, and a personal appoint¬
ment will be made to call at your home
and discuss your lighting problems.
-it * *
This simple-looking little affair, the sight
meter, can tell you whether or not the lighting
^n jf 0 \ Is right in any spot in the
' room—all in a jiffy. It is
¥?/ or >e of the instruments
/ used by oar Home Light¬
Wyjy ing without Division shadow to measure, of
doubt, the efficiency of
lighting in the homes of
oar customers. Each lighting specialist has
one, You will be interested watching it. work.