Newspaper Page Text
. - „ r
of Ma W.
> uembly of 1»3.. )AM» of IfW.M
approved granted to by t ie the ot (governor, ““‘ * " '■' [*o»^«> '
“!rr£ . .
dew for a penon o
JLr«r .
inif restoc wli ? e n,? w ^ ’
VUIRREAS, the Act above
eo co further iU provides 1 that when deer aM
vsieased tu any connty u
wuny > t ’ >‘C suiroum n.g ooa
.** ! » th e hUntK f r
..sera* ha Commwstonef r n ntij m
» eccs8a: >• for th ? protecti<m ° f tU deW
*Act Jt further provides
£ notice shall be posted on the bulk
“ll board Court House, and notice
( be published in the newspaper of
, , i„ 00 i,i tr for
log and the length of time to be cioied;
and peti¬
WHEREAS, it appearing from s. Wild
tion duly likd with the Director of
life that in the counties of Fannin.
Lumpkin, Murray, Rabun, Town®,
Unfonaari White, 196 deer lace been
released for the purpose of restocking;
krai it further appearing that it is uecea
„ry Hlit for the protection of the deer eo
aied that the above named counts
be closed to hunting and killing of deer
k.r a period of three years; and
WHERE AS, it further appeuakg
irons said petition that for the protec -
tion of the deer so liberated it is ntwes
wry to close the surrounding counties
of Whitfield. Dawson, Gilmer, Haber
»haw. Pickens, Hail and Banks for
k~WM.I Mitchell,
Now therefore, I, Joe J).
Director, Division of SSii4Ufe, in pur
nuance of the power aud authority
vested in me, do hereby close aii o-'tiu
aboved named counties to the hunting
and killing ef deer for a period of three
years, beginning November 15,,1938 and
osdiog November Iff, 1841.
Provided, however, that this
,hali not bucoma •. effective in &b
named counties until it shall have
posted on the bulletin board a*,
Court House in each of scad counties,
and published in the newspaper
greatest circulation in each of
counties once a week for four weeks
tore the closing of county xtr comities,
&ay person hunting or killing deer
above mentioned counties during
:4oacd season des'guajtad in this
fihail be guilty of a misdemeanor,
j;o ordered, prescribed and
*hia the 20th day of September, 1W58,
Joe If. Mitchell
Director, Division of Wild
‘•Asainst ratification of
of article 7, scctJoni 7, paragr»®ii
of the Constitsrlcn, aut,
City of EftEtruan to Jsrae
bonds." And if a nuijcrity of
electors qnattflcd to vote tvr
bers Of the General Assembly,
thereon, shaft be consolidated tm vmm
requhed by taw in election, for
bers of 'the Genera! Assembly,
said : mendments shaf! become A
of ariide 7, section 7, paratpaok 1,
of the Constitution of the flttate,
tire Governor shaH make
tion therefor, a* provided by tetr.
AJB bwa and parts *’f taws ?*
flt« herewith are hereby repealed,
Joe Boone,
John W. Hammond,
3V,y V. Harris, <f j*,
Juts. E. Spivey, v. ■
aovsXHo*. & ». .mmau, *.s ,-j
'iw« JWte «3asr of January, ISOt.
era, Sorarnor «f said, state, &s kmmt
this as? tndMuUor. hereby iAClav
w« ®Uat th* provoaed fevegatou aiaesad
roent to the CJoonUtuttou la cwbaj«**d,
far ratincattea or reject!or,, f» thn
voters *i_ the State etsallOed to vote
for memtisra of the UenesM Ajw*a«*i.r
at tfee Atoawai Keetion te bo beid wft
Tuesday. Wo nmbxr t, !*W.
ff.. V StrVKJusv
W5 ~w
One five-room residence whore I
now live. Plenty of outbuildings
Contains 2 acres of land. House
viretl for lights. Good well
fi »e me at once for a bargain.
Dr. T. j. McDonald
Cleveland, Ga.
Red Coral Always Prized
It is red coral that is and always
has been prized, not solely for jew*
elry and buttons, but as a charm to
bring safety, heslth and'secrets not
revealed to the ordinary person. At
ancient Gauk rushed headlong tn
to battle, they trusted their safety to
their swords, strength and the
•'magic** coral imbedded id their
shields or helmets. Many Italiars
end Indians regard coral as jlpotea
tion against the “'evil eye.” The
worjd’a red coral comes front live
; reefs off the Mediterranean east# of
AtTica, Bays the Washington P<tst,
«fsd i« abtained diiefly by Italians,
Georgia, White County.
I 1^^ BU *’ 3 of default in the pay went
J 4y (dawd October SI, 1836, and record
I td ifJ j^ ok AA) J)age8 473 . 474t Superior
Court Clerk’s Records of White Connty, J
°^!*r , rr-% ufc r
J the entire imlebteiincsa doe and Le payable, con!
? «* «tlng under the power of
J tained in said security deed, will sell ' on
^ . h«« iuesdsy m January 19 3 9,dur- „
lug the legal bonrs of eale, at the court
hot»e iu said White County. Qepjgia.
t sell tJ at public outcry, to the highest bid
cash, the lands described in saul
d _ d to wit
All that tract or parcel of land, situat
<}***««* ^ **“» Wa J» fJ** tllt! ™ ?. »*•
>f »“« 170 “»' J *»«>«“? •**»«*«
Kiumngo, a conditional rock corner on
Gi® booth ipde of tbis.tvftcl oti Hie
,25-j-jrssr northeast to a conditional rock
then co North to a rock corner;
went to ft rock corner on the Nattoocbee
road; tbecce North along efiid ro«j to
rock corner; thence with tbu Old Ridge
road, near the lop of the ridge to a rock
corner at the foot of Yonah Mountain;
thense south course with the fens*, u
^o«0»erly . rock
course to a corner; thence
j f course tc.a While Oak in the
^ks of the branch; thence south to a
| ««* corner oi ltuid the conveyed beginning being point. ISO The
a. i es
more or 1 ms.
A deed will be executed to the pur
chaser aa authorized by the afo.emen
tioped security deed. This November
"kh, 193$.
A, C. CJaridy
\ |»aiwa«, Ga. Atlfiruey
;• ...---------------------------------------——
{Georgia, White Cesaty.
■ Pursuant to ax: older passed by the
j [ Ordinary ike September of Hall County, 193S of the Georgia, Court at of
? Ordinary of said Hall county held on the
| first Monday I538 in September fSept. 7tli,
t 1938) will be sold before the court
j house door ia said Whiteieounty ou
first Tuesday in January, 1939 within
j | the lawful hours cash, of the sate to the
bidder for following real
j {Jar«* tate to known wits Thirty-seven tha ). W. acree Warwick more
j j home pitied in White Georgia, Creek district
White County, and bounded as
j follows: On the north by the lands of|J.
j g. Keniraer, on the en,Bt by C, W. Jack
|e«n f on the soutb by G. B, Barrett and
' ou the west by A, F. Kenimer. Said
j above described land to be ;so!d as the
j Jane belonging to the estate of Mra. J.W,
i Warwick for the putpose of paying debts
! t of the estate and for distribution. This
November 71M988.
C. T. Skelton
A Jr\ Kenimer
) AdminieuufC'ji' of the estate 0$
i J. W. Warkiek.
j A. H. Renderfton,
j 1 Also at the wit time and place 1
j sell sil the bglsncc of the J. W.
; \ _j WI,UC1 oi t lQ ft,, r v ( . .t
J said county containing 85 serf.* more
| Jesson to be announced at sale, Nov
) iw '
j A. F. Reuiuiar.
j ' ..... ~
j \ Georgia, Will bn While sold befow County. the
court bouse
©aid county ou tha £i«t Tuesday in
January 1339, w'iihin Urn legal hours
sale to the highest and best- bidder
cash the following property to wit:
One McCormick 6 Dcering
P-13 Motor Number FKS 86 () 6 .
1 Alcdg. No, 49 Hew with Discs. One
’ 10A Mcdg. T. A. Tractor Harrow.
All Purpose Truck j,wiih TougV.e
tractor hitch and; .3 One No. 53 -Medg.
Boil Paiverk-sr.
Levied on es the .property ‘of # d, c.
Dugas to satisfy an executiup
from the Bupeiior Cenrt of Whiu-County
Georgia, on the Uth day of October 1938
in favot of International
I Company^aud against G. C, Dugas, Loud
i Gold Mince Inc. B ud certain property,
AT his 101k da y of November, 1938.
- 2Z , VJiadivcrT”Sheriff
; , A :
j &veryboc>y
j Christm KJJmys ana Seats uses
j as
j j
being cut almost in half as compared
with the same period last, year, it has
fcssn reported that the decline in ex¬
pert and fcnpflrt trade was definitely
clacked in the middle of 1933 and re¬
placed during the last half ef the year
by a auh.tunt'ial re^very lactars moram«nt
Among favorable is the isn
proved condition of the banks. It It
£ppb.t!e*e true that the bankine stro
m .""" '• 1
/Tomatoes Give
|l * ¥*■ Timely Tip
T> fj ACKLESS might take bathing tip, at this beaut!, 3
a a- i
eon, from no less an autfer
Tty than the popular love-r e j.
R'omatoes, scientists tell ns, ninth
| redder it the suit is not t< bo .
j 1 If you get hot and b -ervl
about the sun on the tea . j. it is
nice to know that there are sun
oils and sweet-smelling agents
far every sort of skin. Sat if
you are content to "ripeu'" sloivJv.
Ilka the lovely tomato, you will
choose some spot where the sun
2s not at Its hottest and there
develop that rich rosy sun-tan that
■yau covet ,
Scientists Study Blushes
Scientists of the United State.:
Department of Agriculture who
have made a careful study of to
inato varieties iz. connection with
tints identilicatior of the principal
commercial var ties, found that
the ideal red color of a vartoty
does not, however, always develop
to the Bane extent in different
regions. Under abnormally high
temperatures, or when the fruits
are exposed to tire direct rays of
the sun withou; shade from
leaves, the characteristic rich rwit
may not develop. Varieties that
are of a rich brilliant scarlet is
the centra! and northern regions
of the country tend toward a
j grenadine color under' the higher
temperatures of the 'South and
Canned Tomatoes Right Color
The rich red of canned tomatoes
testifies to the fact that growers
{ ‘ who have produced these perfect
tomatoes for canners’ use, have
coddled their crop, allowing them
to grow under conditions which
are best suited to their com
plcxioKB. Not only have their
flavors developed at their best,
under these conditions of proper
growing, but their health-giving
contest has also increased.*
| 4- I -
i iSST
. .
, re:-, ■
Aerograph diowlng main highways which lead tim Hew ftney, *
Vwtiaowftirt Lftiww ww*
. L
dtauirf*i 1 it W
Xb* y**y w* ***
rf ; -t , t'- Vv]
; ' ''
. 1 rf? - . 1 ■ - ■% »
^T'HE slogan’of the
X Power Company came into
being spontaneously— because it
r tells the truth simply end quickly. I
V' v
This Company inteepre^s
citizenship in eacb iccmtnuikfe*itll
serves as an opportunity to1auik£
that community, to give it the r
best possible serviceiat the lowest \
possible rates—and ^to work in
every ~ way ’ with 4 other good
/■ *
[?' / ^ y
i/ Geo
bfc .