Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests o t White County
Tilt* ('ml roversy
Mi . Fililor :
A great ambi ion of mini* is i !
Advance lilt- rails,' of I* .Ills';' 1 soil, | ■
mill lo inijirovL* tlir .Hiiimiis rat: ve
lnitcliinei v of our schools. \ yj
honest convict inn is:. that t io ,
Superintendent i of i i.c cornu LA
should be elected by t fount \ Hoards]
in our slate instead nt bv tip: voters
Many Superinleiidents build up
pttlitic.ul vole so as lo le ap in of¬
fice and llii* cause of education is
1 am convinced that County
1 Cards of lCducati- :i • ■ aid ele
the teachers and not delegate iiie
authority to Iruslees, who are nor
on oath and who are idfluenced l.y
kinship. K inI ol 1<S I a deb irrei ■ !
from serving on the jur\ , even o. ]
oath, and win should : i . .ar< be'
allow to elect tlteir kin a "labels
The litter of Mrs. O A. O Kel¬
ley in last week's Couri, : was ve \
ludicrous. She wrote: "lie i
alvvays kicking hist state, county
community, church, school and
neighbor. 'As to the -tr.t", 1 pay
my taxes and i duve a i glit to
kick. As to tlie C'Utily v> •• In j
to uphold H in its liaauci t . ondi
tion and L kick again. As to th,
community. ( Phis a sv. r iin
Editor refuses to | ubush because
it is repugnant to good etlocs is it
is enltrely too per -omil in its m.i tin
and we do not permit sucii articles
to appear in The Cornier.) Km
vviote: "lie kicked at the sc boo
trustees and didn’t think enough
of the school to hiep build it up.’
When a member of 1 Cmuoy
Hoard of Education 1 st- od will ;
the other members in trying to dig
uj) something thut-wouid justify t:
in ask-idg/tor Stale Aid to:
Shoal Crook and other sct.o, is Slu
wrote: "lie didn’t think euoiigl
of White County to move i is cit
/.eiislup until he had lived in it
some three or four years. ' L’sinp
kin was holding c iiiuy .vidi
election every ve u and 1 k my
self so 1 could vote lor Ion . i
the stock law carried thousands o
acres grazing la ml would be takei
from tin* people and too poo.
would loose much ol tin ir milk
butter mil mu a sheep c ni'.il S
kept and many <* 1 the \ - ■ w>■ ,
jeans clothes and Unity so rt a
dresses, f.,> t i, ; ■ *\ ny 1 i ep u,
citizenship in 'Lumpkin so tong
and when the question was limi’l*.
settled 1 registered in \V lute jSl
wrote : ‘' Tin: only t itne y mi si, |
him at church is at -a funeial v
when they get some little distin
banco in the cliurch. Mrs. ()
Kelley tell me what chinch yoi
want rne to visit Have you bee,
disappointed in not seeing me a
church ? I did not know 1 wa
that good looking. Look out Mu
O’Kelley when yo; r church a
Clermont investigates the repot
that a dance wa- heal at your Iioum
L may go down there. 1 am ;
memher of 1‘leasant Mill churcl
where I joined 37 ye us ago an
have always helped ir. 'lie churcl
finances. A few years ago whet
our membership wanted to build .
new church house i gave then
privilege to get timber from 111
13S acres ol land and saw inti
hull iter for use and .1 pay my pas
tor without having to pass Vtie col
lection plate around. She wrote :
1 * 11e takes everything hut give,
nothing in return but a bad name
.people make their own them
selves by what they really are am
not what others may say about
them. Lie.ise tell the readers ii
the next Courier the names ol a
tn,it advised you in the composi
tton of your letter.
J will briefly scan the letter ol
W, L. Jackson who wiote; “Wt
constructed a new school „ house
building 1 2 years ago and the peo¬
ple ol Shoal furnished tfciuoo. \\ as
the money r.u»ed by a local tax,
Mis- Ann Stovall has returned
alter a lew weeks visit with
sister, Mrs. Ilub Head, at Cler¬
■Mr. and Mrs. Elbert I’.irker and
of Clarkc-svilie, visited rela
ives here one day la-t week.
Mr. Farrell Stovall, of Y oung
School, spent the weekend
Air. and .Mts. J. 11 . Stovall
Mrs. \V. L. Freeman and son.
of Hendersonville, X.C.,
isiled friends and relatives here
ast week. -
Proceeds from the box supper al
house Friday n 1 gtitgiimnunl
•d to -T1?5, which will go to the
eiiefu of the school. We wish to
hunk all who did their pari in
this box supper a success.
Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. Millard
a son, Feb. tilth.
( levplaiul 1\ 1. A.
Cleveland L. T. A. met last
111 the school auditorium
he president, Mrs. F. 1 . David¬
pre-dded Mrs. R. A.Griffin,
r,, gave an interesting talk on
> *••• gia. l'lie F. T. A. song and
ieorgialand were sung. Mr.
M ans, principle of High School,
poke on citizenship. Fourth
irade won the book for
lie most mothers present.
A candle lighting ceremony was
riven commemorating the thirty
event Ii anniversary of the found
ig of the National Congress ol
T. A. hv Mrs. Alice McLillun
and Mrs. I’noebe Apper
>' 11 'He.irSi. "'me candle ill the
enter of tlie cake was lighted in
nernory of Mrs. Limey and Mrs.
! list while Miss Eula Hulsey
ea ! “A tribute” accompanied bv
drs. Griffin, pinuost. Etch meru¬
it-r pia sent lighted a caudle. There
'ere 37 to be lighted and Little
Telford enjiyed blowing
iiem out after which refreshments
■ ere served and enjoped by all.
Thu; next meeting will be held
I’hursday , .'I ircli 1st, at 3 I*. M. at
he school auditorium, All cli v>l '
urged to bo [iresent j
in rons are
My Your Subscription Nod
.Mi Lois Henderson was eiect
aide Mrs. Greear and i
l as an to
resigned high school teacher :
1 as as
vji s Clara Cantrell was elevated 1
ONjlier place and Mrs. Jas. I’. j
>.vid-ou was elected to teach her:
;n. de.
r~~r. ---—c— r
— !
Nunn Dist. Girls tournament |
vill be held Friday night 10 10 I’, j
d. Cleveland will play Oakwood
larch 2, 1934.
1 helped to pay that lax, and
uue more more than than a a penny penny in the
muse. Did the County Hoard np
ropii.ite any funds to help build?
so, t helped to pay the 50 cents
.ountvvvide tux so as to get tlie
quaiiz ition fund if the money was
ukeii from that source and so 1
mist have several pennies in the
louse. Did tlie people make up
lie $1200 by private subscription?
so, Mr. Jackson, give the names
amounts in next week's issue
L'lie Courier, it would be a
to then, and it you
what will the people think
you? Yes, yes 1 have no kin
and 1 timed the ticket in
but if I’m not permitted
do my best on tiie inside. I will
my best on tlie outside and
.1 have done my best in this
I’m ready to depart.
|olm L. Simmons.
n i aw . yn:;. arri»»:
HERE amo
Several years ago the famous ])r
M ivo of Rochester. Minn., spoke
to the students of the Lob Jones
College. It was a m >st interesting
address. "1 have seen many j eo
pie die/’ said Dr. Mayo, "and 1
have heard more dying people
quote the twenty third l’salm than
any o'her literature.” I do, not
remember anytliing"else that, Dr.
Mayo said and 1 am sure that most
>1 our students and faculty have
forgotten practically all lie said.
However, every student and even
member ol the faculty sat with
open ears and listened lo Dp.M ayo
speak. The reason was because
Dr. Mayo is a great authority.
When Jesus Christ was on earth
1 lie i outig people *. heard him glad v
because , lie spoke with . , autharit .
\ ,
,, 1 eople always , listen to the , til
who has an authoritative message ;
L'lie trouble with the pulpit is ttii- . ,
L'lie note of authority lias lafga.K
gone out of tie ministry. The
world is too busy to listen be a j
man who doesn’t know what.he
anting about. j
I heard a great preacher say re-,
(due real fact is better :
tlian a dozen theories/ It is a
good idea to st art with something j
we know. Some of us know that !
one time we met Jesus Christ. We
don’t know just how lie did it, but |
He changed our lives. We began, j
10 love tilings that we used Debate i
and we gegan to hate things
used to love. We know that
whereas we were once blind, we
1 am dictating in my ollice at tIn
Lob Jones College in Cleveland,
I'ennessee We have in our coi
ege a very bright boy who lias
been sick for several days. He re¬
ceives every attention and there i
nothing seriously the matter with !
1 he boy. L just note his motile 1 |
' u K across the campus walking '
Hurriedly toward the college.When
children are sick mothers have a !
teeiing that they know just what j
to do and nobody can do anything
is we’d as they can. i
Nowhere in the Ldde do 1 find u
for mothers to love their
1 think 1 know why.
who made mothers and who
understands a mother’s heart,
knows it isn’t necessary to tell a
normal mother to love her child. 1
find no command in the Lible
lor men to pray to be saved. 1
find examples where men did
pray and were saved. I can find
to repent, to bel'eve, to
the gospel, etc., but no com
to pray to be saved. I think
I. know the reason for this. God,
who made the human heart, knew
was not necessary to tell peni¬
men to pray. When we have
troubled conscience, when we
that God loved us and je-us
for us, it is as natural for men
pray as it i- for birds to sing,
as it is for a Jlower to bloom,
just made us that way.
Roy Lleuct is sponsoring a
project for tiie erection of a
House ou tiie Cieve
High School grounds. l'lie
was brought forward b\
Henry Davidson and received
active support of I lie I’ost. Tlu
will cost over $8,000, but
scltool wijj only put up ¥800
was sent to Atlanta Thursday
favorable action is expected at
•lust from the Mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Herscliel | a c k - o 11
returned to In wa Tuesd \ after a
three mouths visit here.
Mr. Joe Fain, ol Kobertslown,
and Messrs Robt. and Lurkerl fen -* j
ny. of Ilortonville, lett a Model T \
Ford here Friday, They brought '
a liaCK saw hack Monday and saw !
ed it up and they had enough to
build three other cars and left frag- ■
ments enough to build an airplane
it a tellow had a high powered
die State Senators race seems to ;
be warming up a little. Hope
somebody will be elected that will
s and tor the rights of the people!
as a whole.
l'lie month el February lias been
winter so far.
Mr . A . C. Loweti passed t his
way going to mill Wednesday
Messrs ,, FaulMaunev ,, i.ndClarence
Cooley passed tins wav lately.
^ ' ie 1111 have lost veiy
ueavily by not having lots ol n t -.
,ou *-° delivered now . Son e
tritized the Secretary ot Agricul- I
bire in his plowing up campaign
lie knew lie wa- doing,
Have been very much interested!
in that, soup discussion on Shoal
Creek. Never did know the vir
tue there is in soup until your pen i
pusher had the honor of setting his j
No. 10 under Mrs. Dick WelcheM
soup table at Dahlouega. She had
reared a large crowd of boys ami!
girls and gave them a college .
education and soup had been a
great asset. She could take a heel !
bone and make setup for two weeks!
When she had used the sum and j
-uhsiance ot that bo re and when n
had become dry as Southern pro j
llibit to 11 she would give it to ili um j
Y mi could see Ilrtino going out ii ;
me field with his tail ail hoisted u
bury that hone. When it had go
ten mellow you could see Ibm go
iujl that way again. He woult j
scratch it up and tooth cleaning.
The dog would meet the children
at the gale on their way Iron,
school and show his white teeth
that had been polished. She couh
'Iso make regulable soup that i>ad
plenty yf pep in it Also had the
high honor of joining the green
squad while there and have nevei
gotten out. They gave that squad
setting up exercises. Lut a fellow
that’s been jerked up on a farm
has plenty muscle without Jail those
exercises. \\ hat lie needs is some !
knowledge in tlie upper story.
Mrs. lien Nicew.mger made a
trip to Gainesville Wed¬
Mrs. J. If. Vandiver and child¬
of Guinesviliet spent last week
with parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. \’
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, ol
were visiting Mr, and j
Paul AHLo.u last weekend,
All persons who have wot paid i
taxes in this Dist. will set
V. Hefner at once as lie lias the
fas and will have to collect at an
Steady Work Good Pay
Reliable Man \\ anted to cail on
in White County. No
or capital needed.\\ rite
NcNess Co., Dept. L.,
It is a sin to do ligtimate
without having a God-
Subscribe For The Courier
W ^ Printing
* jf}
^ is the
master key of ,Tur civilization,
the means through which we have
W achieved art, education and industry,
it is well worth the very hight 1C.-'
yN efforts of its craftsmen.
The Cleveland Courier
Commercial Printing of Ei .cription
Pay Mil Siscripiioii How
^at. Feb. 24
At 9:30 A. M.
Consisting of Hi roe dwolings, good out buildings ;md lMLY
of land divided in small farms, on said land is about
•NO acres of tine bottom land, plenty of saw timber, all dear
land in a high slate of enltivalion.
Said land is located 14 mile ol Leo and Mel Dean Station, f
south of ( levebmd, (.a., and just off the ( levelnnti
highway, adjoining lauds of Dilllard Cooley and
Mei Dean and known as the Kylle Old Home place.
the government is making every possible effort to assist
people in buying farms by making loans and as real estate
the only eomodity that has not made a marked advance.
o speak \\ ith good reason that you will find better time
This is an estate and is being sold for division, R. L. Kvtle
of the C. H. Kytlc Estate.
Selling Agts., Gainesville, Ca.
f (ft ADVERTISING is like liniment,
c ant be applied effectively with a
powder And the puff. harder the It needs rubbing rubbing the better in I
the results
RlJl> II IN HARD—Increase your acvertis
ing—put in the sales pressure--crcatc enthusi¬
asm and enrgy and optimism throughout your
organization—andwatch the progrss you make
Better Breakfasts
B ETTER ! breakfasts mean bet¬
ter coffee, sc we take for
granted, before suggesting
other delicious breakfast foods,
that you are using fresh 100-per¬
cent-flavor coffee, which is now
available to everyone, by buying it
vacuum-packed. And what will you
serve with it? Let’s see.
Something different from the
usual ham-and-egg breakfast is
most desirable at this season when
even the easy - to - please become
finicky. Look over your luncheon
and dinner recipes and see if you
have some light, appetizing dishes
which may serve on breakfast
menus. Chicken dishes are dqlK
clous at breakfast. Trash mint
adds cooling flavor io> your fruit
dish, ripe tomatoes are an inter¬
esting condiment to the main dish
~\yell, suppose you. try this menu:
Orangn Sections uilh Chopped
Fresh Mint
Uendy-tvKiit Cereal
Chicken Hash uitli Sliced Chilled
Dote Muffins
Chicken Hash tcilh Sliced
Chilled 'Tomatoes: Cut the con¬
tents of a 6-ounce can ©f chicken
un tine, and mix with one cup of
cold chopped potatoes. Season
with salt and. pepper, and add.oue
fourth cup aiiiiMk, Brown in a skil¬
let. with plenty of fat, fold to
sctlwnf- like no omelet, and turn:
out onto a hot platter. Surround:
with sliced chilled fresh tomatoes:.
Bate muffins can he made hy
any good muffin recipe, by simply
adding chopped dittos to the bait
ter just before putting it into th*
buttered, twtfflu; pans,.*