Newspaper Page Text
• A \
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial I srests of White Co
XXXVI 1 No. 4
Mr. Zeb Carton, who moved
down into what used to he Camp¬
bell county last year is up on a
visit. Zeb says the people o(Camp¬
bell county are a sick lot oT people
since voting it to merge with Ful¬
ton county. That they are very
much dissatifieJ with (he merger,
but it’s now too late. They de¬
stroyed their county and Can’t get
it back. Zeb says .one will ask
another “why did w*- do it.” The
answer, tie says, generally is :
“D >n’t know, but we played hell”
Zeb s i ,s the people In the city
control! everything. The peop e
what was once old Campbell cuun
tv can do nothing but sir and
whine and regret. — Batiks County
J ou rntil.
—-----il, M— i ■ * ----—
Small Tow n Industry.
Many students of the trend of
industry believe that as it result o'
ever it creasing congest ion in tin
great centers of population, the
next fesv'yeirs wi 1 witness an in
creasing movement of factories t<
less crowded sect ions This move
ment is, in fact, already going on,
and many large m infactiiriny
plants are now located in coinpara
tively sm dl towns. As a cotnple
ment to this, it i- also ilso behevee
tiiat fanners will gradually come to
live more and more in organizer
communities when good road
sliail tnuke it possible to go to and
from their farms with greater facil
ity. Under such a combination ol
conditions, agriculture and indus
try would be brought into closet
contact, to the benefit of both. In
fact, as Henry I‘Vd_mggests. will
file grow diffuse" of 'machine am
electricity on the farm, less labor
will ce required, and a part of the
farmer’s time may be employed ii pursuits, .Something ol
tnis son m iv be the uiiim ite so!u
lion of the farmer’s problems
through increasing his earnin,
capacity and consequently his
standard of living. — Red Will*
(Minu ) Republican.
It there ; s any pe. on in Wnit«
County who has given more tint
for you than-The Editor we wotilr
be glad to have that person's now
You have people who are re¬
ceiving excellent. salaries ti.a),from
our informal ion, will deceive you.
bich has been exerted. That—it
some instances .is only politics—you
know what we mean. Well—
wait and get nothing, il that b
what yon want. There’s a time
coming til every man’s lf$e whet
lie can get an honorable and just
bearing. Those money deamon
who have suppressed the poor are
cast aside and they are desperately
grabbling now for more. Shah
we patiently subdue to their wish
es? Their time is ended, and they
know it. “Give us liberty or give
us death.”
An Army or Goodwill
VCien members ol' the Junior Red
Cross learned tiiat schoolbooks had
been destroyed in the Kentucky Hoods
last August they gave $100 £rotn the
National Children’s Fund to buy new
textbooks for use in the schools. The
maximum membership for the Junior
Red Cross last year was 7,350,280. an
increase over the previous year of
mor than 250,000. They carry on civic
and service programs in their own
communities v/hicli each year bring
c.mfort and pleasure to thousands of
needy and unfortunate people. An in
ternntional friendship is built. ,up
through correspondence with Junior
Red Cross members in foreign coun¬
To Teach Water Safety
Life saving services offering train¬
ing in first aid methods for swimmers
havo been carried on the Red Cross
for two decades. In 20 years, life saving
certificates have been awarded to more
than a half million people who are in¬
terested iti 'vatcr sports. Last year
cnaptera Issued 73,503 life saving cer
tifuyxtea. - ■*
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Head, of Cor¬
nelia, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Pearl Mae, to Wil¬
liam Lawrence Ausmus of Lnox
ville. Term., June 3. ; 1934 at Mur¬
phy, N. C.
Mrs. Ausmus is a graduate of
Cleveland High School and the
Knoxville General Hospital School
of Nursing.
Mr. Ausmus is the son of the
late W. B. Ausmus, of Speedwell,
rent)., who was a prominent poli
1 icaI leader of I hat section. Mr.
Ausmus is with tbeCommonwealth
Life Insurance Co., of Louisville.
Mr. and" Mrs. Ausmus are at
home at 2117 Jefferson Ave,.
Mrs Humphries Father Dies
Mr, B. F. A. Whitmire, of
Gainesville Rt. 6, age 86 years, six
months and six days, died at his
home Friday evening at 7 :1 5 after
111 illness of three weeks.
He was a good man ; a useful
•,itizen;a faithful churchman; a
feucon for over qfi years, and Su
lerinteudent of Dewberry No, 1
sunday School for 46 years. He
vas a devoted father, and a loving
lusband and a friend to all.
Funeral services were held Sun
lay morning at 11 o’c oek at Dew
terry church No. ] and interment
vus in the church cemetery.Funera :
omlucted by his son-in law, Rev.
H, H Humphries, assisted by Rev
II. G. Jarrard
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Mtary Whitmire, and 1 1 children,
uimelv : J>>e, Rev, Lee, Floyd
l-Ioward and Ferd, of Gainesville,
vVilev of D-ihlonega; John of At¬
lanta; Mrs, Lula Waters, ofMtanu;
\[rs. II. H, Humphries of Cleve
laud; Mrs. W. 11 Dyer of Games
. il'.e; and Airs Clc.ufle Hill, of
New Holland, and one sister, Mrs.
-Its. .Aimalia Clark ol Gainesville,
a mourn his death.
No one will be missed more in
lie church and community than
his good m in. He iiad been a
uember of the Baptist Church for
.13 years. We will always think
if you father, Whitmire, as one of
he best, most faithful and truest
Members of our church ; the most
oyai citizen; the most devoted
hither. May the qle-sings of
Jehovah be with the bereaved
fa tnily.
A Fair Question
Stirred by growing tendency ot
his fellow townsmen to use the
lewspaper for everything but ad
vertising, a South Dakota editor
recently asked them pertinently, in
1 page o*ne box :
“If a member of your family
died, would you send out the obit
uhry in a circular letter? If youi
wife entertained, would you run a
hide on the screen ol the movie
show? If you were to enlarge
your store, would you leil folks in
1 hotel register? If you were to
have a wedding at your house,
would would you tack the news
news on a telephone post?
“Then why in the. beck don't
you put your advertising in the
new s pa per, 100 ? ”—(..) k la h ot n a P u b
We will accept from farmers any
kind of produce grown on their
farm for renewal of their subscrip
tion, or to be uddttd to our list as a
hew subscriber. We trust this
proposition will appeal to every
Fay Your Subscription Now
Still on the Atlantic—six days
out from Norfolk. Yesterday
sea was rough. Today then? is ,1
beautiful calm. How like .th:
lCeau of file! Some day! the
storms break in tiled fury,
then the next day the cloud clears;
the sun shines and we forget the
There were no services aboard
tlie ship Sunday, October 7. The
-ea wtis too rough and many of the
passengers were sick. On deck
Sunday evening our little group of
six sang many of the old hymns
winch we sing at the Bab Jones
College. Nothing can soothe the
heart so much as the good old
hymns, “Rock of Ages”. ••How
Firm a Foundation”, “Jesus.Lovet
of my Soul”, “There’s a Wideness
in God’s Mercy iike the Widenes
of the Sea.” One of our group
-uggested that we sing “ jesu
Savior, Pilot Me,” Some one
raised tlie tune und memories cann
crowding into mv mind. When J
was seventeen years old in a Birth
simple country home my fathei
Cal ed me to his dying bed. “VIi
son I am going home ” I e said
“I want you to {promise to meet
tie in heaven.” He began to S1UE
Jesus . Savior, . pilot . ate ... ,
• me over
tern pestuous sea V; U
tie reach* :se vvqr.
ast i r > 46 - VM> v i . - -
ful bre at d
peacef* hi;
,<m g t Jins h-,
: losei II line,
“I am , to; 'Chi istiati
[don’t get excited \urv easily.”
A famous physician said that as In.
walked away from the bedside of a
riend ot mine who had (just died.
“But I don’t see how a do'cloi
eouid be a skeptid. i have sect,
-00 many people die. I have
practiced for twenty years.
is something about a Christian’s
death that you don’t find in the
death of a sinner. Tiiat something
must be Jesus.” The doctor wip
ed away a tear, and went down
the hall.
Man Wanted lor Ravvleigb
Route of Soo families. Write im
mediately. Ruwleigh Co,, Dept
GA—125—SAMenipIns, L'enu,
Have you paid your subscription
We can’t continue to send it t<
you, so if you want it to keep visit
ing you each week the only thing
for you to do is to pay up NOW
Advertising is the power of an
idea multiplied. Other powers lose
by expansion. Steam is powei
A consolduiion of the office, it
that is clear, of the White County
Relief office was made effective
by Miss Wilson, Dist. Supervisor.
She held that no one could be ap
pointed if any political alignment,
now employment, or who do not
have a four year college course, 01
diploma. When they make a
concrete and fair uualysis of those
who should be uolt lie relief rolis
White County The Courier
gn\e cooperation. What we ask
is to do shoot straight. Don’t
one person one thing and
another the same thing.
Read The Courier
Just from the unlains.
Tlie voting in tin
tion here was very
Mr. and Mrs. H
were pa-sing throu:
Mr and Mrs. I.
were passing this v
jack Frost cmm
bit- all things gic.
Three Stringer
Creek, were out t
.Messrs J. II. Lb 1
Will 'I'm ner we
Messrs Henry ;■ am! Will
Freeman p issed th
Mr. Ed Palmer, o.-sy Cret k.
drove bis cattle Ir mount -.
Llrougb this part
Mr. Bob Cavern' of Union i
county, is now iu t: section.
The Holiness in was large
G attended Sund :- it..
Mr. Will Lothrid: c 'Compan 1
ed by Rile Richard went uitei
their iitt ie \eariing- catly.
Mr. and Mrs. I 1 Black and
VIr. and Mrs. Stric ■I, of For
syth county, went t u
lately. I> . er is * , imrii here
He took the etfg- under hi
Grandma Chair,b oil! -a [ \
goose and put little • -.! pebble
under lier. She », ' .: i i C h 1 i ■
mas and wore all t!. athers from
'-er breast The: me a cohH
; . spell ,, and , tr, ze her !■ all;, L'i en
. they sung a little ‘ Oe in d
dt Aunt Salbe-Dei •5
grey gQO&e
I- vmg to
I make a feather' bed.'
M r Du n bar is tr . - 111 s 11 a i
-hovel I torn the C.- inn Creep
( jer; y M ingo) phi' : 11 the off
Luin.deu mine o.. , :cs Creek
Vl r. Jludson h os b -I mg We I
tor quite awhile ■i tie. H
recently tunnu a ,1 1 3 1 i>-“
uyvveigh;. ntigget- us grouru
tias been worked o b c t o r e.
Through the iidlu of Pros'
dent Roosevelt and r. Fiemiiu:
Mr, Schvvabe, a F . mien, v. in
hails from Savin- a . will sot'll be
gin to hunt for 'gold 1 he S, X.
Cox place on a lai _ male. He
lias Messrs Gordon nd Georgi
Leonard doing 1 , preparatory
work. The steam - '1 i - on till ;
way. He intends ti 1 a day andj
night shift. It Me Cc oi geCar- j
rojjl and John Clan mid make !
wages here, a steam '•el ought
to pay in an abu- ■•ce. John
Clardy was also a l, 1 eater. It
is toid that he ate 40 - ousting ears
uid a hundred bunt' A fodder
He became founder vi his fui
ger and toe nails al 1 arus came
off. There is gold these hill
and if they keep or. gng they
will find another 5c. i vntiy weight
SIXTY 013”
ti I 0
NATION HtXS 5 5 afj WF 'ii
Red Cross Spend ' 760,000
To Help Vi' of
In a year of great r, - tune caused f
by- economic depress v ... which ttc
American Red Cross tied heavy
burdens of relief for i iiti, mplayed.
the organization a’, ..ponded to
emergency needs in 1 ■ -. rs in the
United States and it -,Iar posses
Burins the twelve iths ending
June 30, 1932, the R, ■ ,s gave oh:
t.o 75,000 families tot- 333,000 indi
vidua Is, with expend,' 3 of ?2,7C0,
785. These people we-t distress be
cause of. drought, flood, ' -rest tire, tor
nado, snowstorm, min r.ylosion, 01
other similar great disu...r.
( PRICE #1.50 A Y F. ! IN
a \f
nting \V
is the master key of our civilization
die means through which vo- un¬ NY E-
achieved arc, education and in.! - fry, N
It is well worth the very high..;, <
efforts of its craftsmen.
Cleveland Coukiku
.mercial Printing of Ei . crLfnion
dVER IISING is like liniment. It
-inf be app.ied effectively with a
I ,owder ind the puff. harder the It needs rubbing rubbing the better m
Rtj IN HARD—Increase your aavertis
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Ts ’ • nrgy and optimism throughout your
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Care r—rkYi:., , Cbemiatry— t Ruilding,— UoMing- awaiiaaaaswvawrAe Feats—rthe amazing Engi¬
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Special departments are devoted to the
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enthusiast has a large sect ion filled aiQi •
helpful information on construct 1 ;i and i.
tenancc of both transmitting a:.,! ret-
sets,. hints l r or lighten the housewife, there are xc -
to her daily t asks ...It
magazine everyone in your t ■: u!y « , t
At All Newsstands 2 Ae
or by Subscription $2.50 a Yv t r
Stop nt your favorite newsstaod
look over the current issue. If .
• newsdealer is sold out, order di« ■
200 E. Ontario. St Dept, h Ahk,^.
X. MU Dinner for ■I. J
■arr-:’"c &■'* .: v»
A Uk'' -
V''. *
A An-"■' fiteYd J ^0V
if/ rv • 3$ - M l )\Wfjfi ... *
f -r
i / /a Ail ' o, '
l\;' te ft
K.c "-L ite M
UY.kj'. / V .P ,4 s
/ tr 4 -* M 0x 1 a/.',
If w Ar hit''
IY: ’ '^“l' V
eve a
goo-. . It’s more than
en ' 'keep a bird
aiivi hi' ■i keeps four per
spns ver ve and hapjiy.
and cost - buck.
C: ' .7'
01 Tomato
■J 9 $
rt . ’. Vo
Pea «■ Salad N'.’
li>. iSutter lie
Stra .* ■■ trlcakf 23c
ca 4 c
Deviic Tomato Knurr:
Hard c e, ■ remove shells
and eu lengthwise. IU
move 11 season highly
■with bu: P ipper. paprika.
ran star.. h u iuluu Add
mayr.tiBaise to moi ■ n
o.ntit «r* amy. r. oil I .v>
pioce the dovo
vidua! shallow h: :
'n a frk ■; pie
bnJPr.s dish. P■■■• ,
one I n : ■
ffround i be m ■. • . v* .. ,
nn- overed. Sprinl ie - •' i.' i.iu
tfired crumbs end plnn. in a, u->
oveii until the p; la.p’Pi
and the crumbs bro
Pro o.nd TMtitm ' Draif:
one cup of cunin-d p-r.
mile in two tal-i ; no
dresstng lor at lcart an h •
one-fourth cup choppi i
three-fourths cup Hm
lettuce and one-fourth , :i i
aaise .and mix lUditly togv.