Newspaper Page Text
United States Produces
Little, Uses Mtich
The world’s annual production
tin has varied in the last ten
from about 143,000 to 186,000
tons. About ope-tliird of this is
duced in the Federated Malay
a British possession in
Asia; next in importance are the
mines of Bolivia and the
Hast Indies, and less important
ducers are Nigeria, China, Slam,
gian Congo, Tasmania and some
the European countries.
The United States is the
consumer of tin, but our
production of this metal is
ble. Owing to the
of tin in both war and peace
congress has recently
sources of production and
tion of this metal. Its greatest
are to be found in the making
such alloys ns tinplate, solders,
ing metals, bronzes; in the food
ning Industry and as tinfoil for
ping various commodities.
In 1932 the United States
ed 39,998 tons of tin, valued at
473,998 or about 20 cents a
during 1933, however, the price
up rapidly to about 50 cents a
The temporary relief children get
from unwise dosing with harsh
cathartics may cause bowel strain,
and even set-up irritation in the
kidneys. A properly prepared liquid
laxative brings a more natural move¬
ment. There is no discomfort at the
time and no weakness after. You
don’t have to give the child “a double
dose” a day or two later.
Can constipation be safely relieved
in children? “Yes!” say medical men.
“Yes!” say many mothers who have
followed this sensible medical advice:
1. Select a good liquid laxative. 2.
Give the dose you find suited to the
system. 3. Gradually reduce the dose,
if repeated, until the bowels are mov¬
ing naturally without aid.
An approved liquid laxative (one
that is widely used for children) is
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. The
mild laxative action of this excellent
preparation is the best form of help
for children — and grown-ups, too.
The dose can be regulated for any
age or need.
Your druggist sells Dr. Caldwell’s
Syrup Pepsin.
IF you lire easily -
why not reason out the cause of
this unnatural condition?
Your first thought may be, “I
must eat more.” That’s not all. You
should enj oy what you do eat. Fre¬
quently, the blood cells are low...
and this, perhaps, is wiiat makes
you feel weak. If this is your trou¬
ble the stomach may not be calling
for sufficient food. Zest to eat may
be lacking. But what a difference
S.S.S. makes when taken just before
meals. Just try it and notice how
your appetite and digestion improve.
S.S.S. stimulates the flow of gas¬
tric juices and also supplies the
precious mineral elements hemo-glo-bin so neces¬
sary in blood-cell and
up-building. Do try it. It may brush be
tiie rainbow you need to
away present discouragement over
your health condition.
Do not be blinded by the efforts of a
few unethical dealers who may sug¬
gest substitutes. You have a right to
insist that S.S.Sw be supplied you on
* fe*. request. Its long years of preference
is your guarantee of satisfaction.
f|$f 'great ^medicine hewld blood ' s
Skin irritations
If you suffer with pimples, eczema, other
rashes, chafmgs, eruptions or
distressing skin trouble, begin today
to use Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment. Bathe the affected
parts with the Soap, anoint with the
Ointment. Rel ief comes at once and
healing soon follows.
Soap 25c. Ointment 26c and 60c.
Sample each free.
Address: “Cutlcura,” Dept. 1SS,
Malden, Mass.
mi j mm
For Men and Women who will learn
Let MOLER SYSTEM give you a real start
in life. Earn while you learn. Write today
for our FREE booklet No. 40 W. and learn
how we can help you to a good paying posi¬
tion or a business of your own. Write
MOLER SYSTEM, 431 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
1— Jennie’s folks were musical.
2— Her father came of a long line
of bass drummers.
3— Her mother played the brass
4— They decided to give Jennie a
musical education whether she liked
it or not.
5— They chose to make her a harp¬
ist, Jennie being too young to resist.
(5—Jennie’s first major recollection
was seeing a harp for the first time
and thinking it was the front of an
animal cage.
7—She developed a fear complex
through spending her entire child¬
WILLIAM POWELL, Motion Picture Star
“I had always believed that all
ghost st-ories were explainable as
natural phenomena, until I visited a
small island near Tahiti in the South
Pacific,” said William Powell, “That
visit left me doubtful. Some day I
want to revisit the island to see
whether to believe tny senses or my
“In Tahiti, I met Albert Berne,
Swedish pearl diver, who, through
his own efforts over a period of 15
or 20 years in the South seas, iihs
amassed sufficient resources from his
diving activities to head a small but
profitable company of native divers.
“In the course of the yarns which
Berne spun, a certain island, well out
of the beaten path of tramp steam¬
ships, was mentioned again and
again. Tiie island was ‘taboo’ among
native divers, although Berne and
others knew that in its vicinity were
some of the richest pearl oyster
beds in the whole Tahiti group.
“Pressed for details as to why tiie
island was feared by native divers,
Berne confessed that lie did not know
exactly, but that the island, a sul¬
phurous volcano patch, was un¬
doubtedly ‘queer.’ He added that lie
had never found native wisdom in
these matters unfounded and that
lie was content to gather pearls in
other fields.
“1 learned, however, that tiie na¬
tives could be persuaded to visit the
island under promise that the party
would not attempt to remain there
overnight; and that no single diver
would, under any circumstances,
enter tiie water in search of pearls
in the island’s vicinity.
“I laughed at Berne’s theories of
native knowledge of ‘ghosts’ and
haunted islands, and finally extracted
a promise from him to take me to
tiie island for a first-hand examina¬
tion of its peculiarities.
“The trip was made in one of
Berne’s small boats with native
To cleanse the throat and remove accumulated mucus ||p dissolve two teaspoonfuls
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hood fearing that the harp would fall
on her.
8— But her parents never let up
and Jennie became the child wonder
of tiie community.
9— Everywhere that Jennie went
her liar]) was sure to go.
10— That was the tough part of it.
11— But it meant that Jennie never
got into any informal, jazzy parties.
12— One day Jennie disappeared
from home, leaving her harp behind.
13— Nothing was heard of her for
some years.
14— Then it was found she had
eloped with a young man who had
sailors, fearful, but resigned, as the
only companions for us two white
men. The party landed in a small
boat, high up on a black and evil
sinelling beach almost at high tide.
Under instructions from the natives
we sat down to wait for whatever
phenomena might occur.
“Darkness approached before tiie
tide had receded far enough to
demonstrate what the natives said
would be tiie most tangible sign that
the island was ‘queer.’ As twilight
fell and the tide receded, strange
phosphorescent lights began to dance
about the beach and occasionally
shoot out of the tops of palms massed'
in a green-black bank behind us.
“I refused to be impressed by
these alarming signals, however,
knowing that tiie volcanic origin of
the island and the obvious presence
of sulphur and other free minerals
about was explanation enough for all
“But under instructions from tiie
natives, translated by Berne, an in¬
terested but somewhat apprehensive
observer, I spent the final two. hours
before low tide watching I he black
beach before me. Tropical darkness
fell and was replaced shortly by
brilliant moonlight. I was positive
I neither slept nor took my eyes off
tiie beach before me for a single
instant and yet—
Skin Ibrmenf
15 ching, roughness.
Crackinsj.easily and improved relieved with
Resinol soothing
■ mm
been an assistant keeper in the hip¬
popotamus house at the zoo.
15— They had lots in common.
16— When located, Jennie had be¬
come a harmonica devotee. Her hus¬
band made a living carving orna¬
ments out of acorns. They put in
the long winter evenings together
writing the Declaration of Independ¬
ence on tiie head of a pin.
17— They had one son, Emil, a
dwarf, who became a student of the
MOItAL—Let the kids develop
their own way.
“At the moment tiie natives sig¬
naled me to follow them down the
beach I knew that it was smooth
and clean with the washing surf.
Halfway down toward the water,
which at that moment had appar
entl.v reached the lowest point of
ebb tide, the natives stood still and
motioned for me to continue.
“Then I saw before me, where tne
water had been, the unmistakable
footprints of a human being, gigantic
barefoot marks along the beach
where no one could possibly have
walked without my seeing him; tiie
footprints of a man who must
teen of enormous stature.
•--“At the same moment the
phurous lights of tiie island behind
me seemed to be loosed all at once
as though the receding tide had
lifted a tremendous pressure from
f(eeps $kin Young
Absorb blemishes and discolorations using
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WNU—7 45—34
feel tires, AMY
“ML mil SIT!”
Get Rid of Poisons That
Make You 111
TS a constant backache keeping
-“■you miserable? Do you suffer
burning, scanty or too frequent
urination; attacks of dizziness,
rheumatic pains, swollen feet and
ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous
—all unstrung?
Then give some thought to your
kidneys. Be sure they function
properly, for functional kidney dis¬
order permits poisons to stay in
the blood and upset the whole sys¬
Use Doan’s Pills. Doan’s are for
the kidneys only. They help the
kidneys cleanse the blood of health
destroying poisonous waste. recommended Doan’s
Pills are used and
the world over. Get them from any
Housewife's Idea Box
To Keep Moisture From Polished
Moisture will not affect the pol¬
ished surfaces of furniture if they
are given the proper treatment.
After you have polished tiie surface,
rub a little linseed oil over it.
Then rub with a soft cloth. r Fhis
treatment is just as effective on
varnished surfaces.
Copyright by Public Ledger, Inc.
WKU Service.
the washed beach. The natives broke
and ran and I am not ashamed to
admit that I ran after them.
“They told me later that these
same footmarks can be seen at low
tide around the entire island; that,
although some have tried to explain
them as porous places in tiie coral
and lava foundation for the beach,
the natives have always considered
the foul-smelling and sulphurous
island ‘taboo.’
“I do not blame them.”
Copyright bv Public Ledger, Inc.
WNU Service
Their Lot a Hard One
Blessed are the peace makers:
but their lot is discouragement.
genuine bayer aspirin!
NOW—Pay Less and Get Real BAYER Aspirin I
been denying yourself the speedy
action and quick relief of BAYER
ASPIRIN, in order to save a few
cents, here’s Good News for you:
We’ve reduced the prices on all
sizes of Genuine Bayer Aspirin to a
point that makes it unnecessary
to ever again accept an unknown
brand in place of the real BAYER
People by the millions, as you
know, have long been willing to pay
a higher price in order to enjoy
Bayer’s remarkably fast action in
relieving headaches; neuralgia, and
pains of rheumatism or neuritis.
Neglect Care of Eyes
A fact gatherer has pointed out
that the average family spends as
much annually for chewing gum as
Learn From Doctors
How to Treat Colds
Four Points to Remember
As colds cause more loss of time
: and money than any other disease,
every one should learn w'hat modern
medical science teaches as to their
proper treatment. Your doctor has
the following objectives:
First—To relieve the congestion in
the nose and throat, thus aborting, reliev¬
or lightening the attack and
ing the symptoms caused by the
congestion.—Calotabs, compound the improved
calomel attesting tablets, accom¬
plish this by the excess
blood to the boweik.
Second—To help the kidneys wash
out of the blood the cold-poisons
v/hich cause the chilly sensation,
feverishness, aches, and mean feel¬
ing.—Calotabs are diuretic to the
ludneys, assisting them in ridding
the blood of the poisons.
Third—To expel the germ-laden
mucus and toxines from the bowels,
Grasshopper Control
Insect parasites and fungus dis¬
eases are helping control the grass¬
hopper pest in infected regions.
who has made
this change
The average mother
gives family any laxative be using, the
while family doctors
give faxative children a liquid
of suitable
ingredients, in suitable suitable strength, and
If you want to know just what a
tremendous difference this means to
mother any youngster, who has tried just inquire of any
She knows that a bilious boy or
girl when _ needs constipated, a genlle liquid little laxative less if
and a
dose is repealed until bowels seem to
without be moving regularly and thoroughly
need of help.
Use a liquid laxative containing
senna (a natural laxative). California
Syrup of Figs has the right amount
for children’s use, and this rich, fruity
syrup does not harm or upset a
child’s system.
Get a bottle of the real California
Syrup of Figs at agreeable any druggist’s. All
children like its taste, and
it agrees with them. No need to give a
child anything stronger. This indeed, fruity
syrup is laxative enough;
many adults use it in preference to
pills and tablets.
THE “LIQUID laxative TEST.” the First:
select a liquid of proper
strength for children. Second: give
the close suited to the child’s age.
Third: reduce the dose, until the
bowels are moving without any help.
An ideal laxative for this purpose
is the pure California the word “California” Syrup of Figs, is
but be sure
on the bottle.
without thought of price.
Only 15c Now for 12
25c For Tu o Full Dozen
Remember this next time you go to
buy aspirin. You now' actually pay
less and get Genuine Bayer Aspirin.
So never ask for it by the name
“aspirin” alone; but always say
“BAYER ASPIRIN” when you
buy and see that you get it.
On sale now at new low prices—
including the 100 tablet bottles,
•which have again been lowered iu
price—at all drug stores through¬
out the United States.
for the care of its eyes, and this in
spite of the fact that four out of ten
people have uncared for defective
thus preventing their absorption into
the blood.—Calotabs accomplish thi*
Fourth—to keep the bile of th®
liver flowing freely through and out
of the intestines, thus relieving the
biliousness and constipation, which
attend and aggravate a cold. As
Calotabs contain calomel, they pro¬
mote the flow of bile.
Thus, Calotabs meet these four
important objectives of medical
treatment for colds. One or two
Calotabs at bed time, with a glass
of sweet milk or water, is usually
sufficient; but should be repeated
the third or fifth night if needed.
The milk tones down the action,
making it milder, if desired.
Why risk doubtful or make-shift
remedies? Get a family package of
Calotabs, containing full directions,
only twenty-five cents; trial package
ten cents, at your dealer’s. (Adv.)