Newspaper Page Text
Just from the Mountains.
Its nrw paying up for that
weuthor we had last fall.
Fred, who is one of the
men of these mountains, hit the
nail on the head and got down to
hrass tacks. The twelve apostles
had a wonderful faith. They
muds tiie blhid to see, the deaf
hear and the lame to walk. Today
when you go out among snake*,
typhous and boas, having faith
about as large as a mustard seed,it
may be well to take along a little
sugar liquor too.
Saw an acroimt of the death of
Julius Dayton to the
Eagle last week. He had several
relatives in While County and
sot), Sam, married a daughter of
Mr, Simeon Adams.
Mrs, A. X. Jackson, who
iiad 11 a for sometime, is much im¬
Judge A. L. Dorset gave
woodchopping last Thursday.
Mr. Thomas, of Nucoochee.
mii'ved this way to the Dockery
farm lost week.
Mr. John Soeebee, Hen
at d two of Johnson Knight:’*
were down this way recently.
When we get a letter with
ddresa neatly written with
es and shades we know its
George Davidson. It’s a joy
receive a letter with its i’s and
dotted, the punctuation and
ization well atted to. You
timas receive letters carelessly
written. It often loe-ks like they
have put »ome ink on the rooster’s
feet and run qitil across the page.
Since the typewriter has come into
use writing is becoming ;t lost art,
George sent us six views clipped
from the Detroit Free Press. They
were: tourists eating rattlesnake
m Texas, Uncle William Butler,
(col.), of Nashville, Ga., who i
i2i and recently attended the tair
in Chicago, and attributes his long
life to cornbreud, grits and a little
whiskey now and then, the Catho¬
lic ptiest going to miss in his flnv
ing robe, one part trailing to feet
.behind held from the ground Ijy
hoy. lie asked the question :Hwi
w'ou d he get along on ttie muridv
loa’rf* of the South? A Cauad»ai '4
ttaii/* wrecking and killing fiftee-ii.
hoiid ty seekers; 2298 miles- ia
2qoo manutires is a stunt set for ri
new traJMi; ibe electric train passes
and two* ttaaip* tell that somebody
is gettin g up something new to
make Jileiutore complicated.
John C srn, of Union- eounty.
wa» in • Uievehuid late Thursday’
afternoon consulting with his.
“big” boy 's. We wonder wliac
the cou vet sntiou could have been,
on'. If th. ;y, and John, too, caiv,
make some t good reasons for being!
against Fr. jsideot Roosevelt it wib
never be k; lawn , unless the Re.
publicans a -gain come into power—
which they hope to make appoint¬
ments. B Jt, hoys, yours is
history. ? dr. Hoover wili teii you
can’t get n nwhere. Your politics
w iH get y 'o>m nowhere in Whitit
County, us this county is Demo
Have you prtjd y®ur subscription
We can’t eoutuiue to send it to
you, *0 if you want it to keep visit
ing you each week the only NOW thing
for yt>u lo do is to pity up
Road The Courier
, M *Wki i £ifiSS
Agricultural, commercial aud Industrial Interests oi White Cou ;
Devoted to the
Established Farm Census
Office For This District
Farm census headquarters ftw :
the (No.) 2 Census District ■of| It
Georgia halve been established at:
207-208 Jackson Bldg., Gaines-;
ville, Ga., according to an an¬
nouncement by \V. L. Not ton, chs
• trjot census wperyisor. This din
trict includes the counties of or Ul IT lxuii.t 'll’ I
Habersnam. ,, , Jackson, . , Barrow, ,, I
Gwinnett , Fotrsyth,Dawson .Lump
kin, White, l Tnion, Towns,Rabun, |
Stephens, Bantk*, Fannin, Gilmer. |
Cherokee and Pickens. 1
The actual \ rock of taking thet
census began ] tuiuary 2, 1935. j
William L. . Muslin, Diroctor
the Census, urg **> «U •famBMsr* and
ranchers who httjpes? not received a
sample copy of J the schedule' to
procuro one at the earliest :paesi,bit
moment so th. a they may giRe
careful study to tube questions
be prepared to give -f.itH and act
curate informal iuo ivlhen the enu*
merator calls. Gnp-ie- mi ay
tained by wnti ag to your
The schedii' e. is divided into
eight basic sect itur.-s comprised oi '
one hundred (puestions covering
practically evei y > iphase of the agri
cultural indusn j.. Of course,every
farmer will not lliave to answer answer all all
of these questii ©.as, only those per
raining to his particular line of
activity. The questions will cover
the calendar ye wr .1934.
The euuinert (Derrs will make in¬
quiry as to fan s •.tenure : farm acre¬
age, which iuc tiude* all crop land,
all pasture lan J riiAfarm woodbind;
the totitl value saf it he rural; acre¬
age rural yield Oh eaoh of the priuc-i
pal field erwp- msnd vegetable*' the
iiurnbt'tr of crees and yiieltt of tiie
principal ff.uitis. and tiuvs ; number
and vuJue f eitch chsss of livestock
poultr y a»d eggs ; and.fare* popu¬
Director Austin has Mac.'.a red
that t! p» R the most s-ignificant
farm r iaom ration since ;sie iiuiesui
tion of agt icultural starts;ics kn
1840, 51 rid he earnestly ‘requests,the
coo petratiou of all tat’^wes wild
ranch ter* to the end .that
umi asicurate ;<i..;■>, may be
cured and t,ib,nlii!iiil u die
possible possible utoinent. The
unprecedented! destruction of
and livestock -ed by the
drought aud the a changes
winch have occurred in farms ami
ranches and in tiie [ utilization oi
land due to the depre ssiou of the
past lew year* make ; it imperative
that the farm stututtet be availabir
us saon as possible, il
is to oe assisted is goi ■ g
with other industries.
The Director desires to call
teiUion to the Section 0 f theFfteen
tli Census Act, approve d June 18 ,
1929, which makes it u nluwtui fo.
any person to leiusc Lo answer
questions on the Ce.ns.ta schedule :
Sec. 9. That a sha 11 be the
duty of ail persons ttwti eighteen
years of age wliem iitoq nested by
tiie Director ot the < >-nt -us, or by
any supervisor, er osr.e rator, or
special agent, or oth ;r et nployee of
the Census Olilce, ac ting under the
insltactions of said dires Ctors, to
an answer correctly, to th e best of
tiieir knowledge, ail quests ons on
the census schedules applying to
themselves and to th e, families to
which they belong o r i»tr« related,
and to the farm or ti .mis o.f which
they cr their families •, are the oc
cupants; and any jpetpgon over
eighteen years of ogi ; who., under
the conditions herei ttitefo-Re stated,
shall refuse or willfu Uy neglect, to
answer any of ti- &se Questions
shall be guilty of a itii'isidemeauor,
and upon conviction itUer-eof shall
be fined not exceedii yg $aajc> or be
imprisoned not e: ccaediug sixty
days, or both, and i my such per
son who shall willt 'ttlky give an*
R. R Allison Dead t
R. W. Allison, age 68 years.
January, 6 th, 1935 Juried
ondav. January January 7 7 -h. Hi, at at Roberts ber t
Chattahoochee church conducted »-« 1.«««..-«- f? by t
Revs. H. H. Humphries and Geo,
He leaves a vvife, Mollie Allison,
Rwbertstown; two children, VV,.
I *-■ Allison, of Roberistown ______ ; ytfjjjjf
Mart !ia Cokei, o ,\acoochee; and
brothers, J, L. Allison, of Helen:
J. II., of Commerce ; Frank A 1
lison, Habersham county; one sb
te!, Nancy Allison, of Habersham,
lie joinsd the Methodist church i
1,fe He was a good mat .
il devo'ed father and and an al¬
husband. He was v a
lection ate
hard-working and will he
missed in the coimunr.ity,
uid church. |
Mrs. Riizabetli Davis Dias
/)it January I*L ehijj the death,
;<n ^ el visited our town and agfd toqlyj
onc 0 f our most beloved and
grandmothers, Mis, Elizabeth |
£javis rt., v j s at the age of 96 years, ishv j
had be en in good health up to oC
week v 'lieu -she fell and broke her;
hip. S1,e w,,s born WMXe ^
county yan. al, 1S39. and “ Uirr *' i j
to Joe Dtivis. To this union
boi'J) two childrens* ,vho preceed*^
her to the .grave a »®Jtfc'ber of
bl»e fon.ed the M^dist-.^hrch m
early Til'©. -.She has 23
reii and'a ouwto 0
fifth generation. Sh<? leave*’ ' l
brother • • * l a s s ftp l-P mourn mourn
her goi 1 Silas' Reece,
of VV ; r Lull'
and .**»* '» .
Spivy .
Jans ,j R. K-- Barre i> irre >
mother, 01 G.'evelaudl, bes’des a
hhost of fiiends and rehtti.ves t.
mourn her loss. He As was life
well .[lent, Funterai ser vices vv a»
conducted Wednesday at th.
Methodist church by Rerv. H. il
{(uniphries and burial WWJV itiCieve
,. iud cemetery,
I’ttyNoUr SubscnOllOn . Now
Naeoochee Nows
Mr. John Lumsden has beer.
'l u ’ te
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tliu'rmutul
Mr. and Mis. Coleman Alley
carried Virginia Alley buck Uj i 1
college at Milledgev.iile thi,* week i
Miss Mazte Oakes, who sptii-i !
Christmas with her mother. Mr-. .
, Oakes, returned home Mon* 1
Mr. and Mrs. C. q. Wilson, ot j
Augusta, f)a., have been visiting 1
their si-ter, Mrs. li B. Miller,
Miss Annie Lee it nd Virginia
Hood returned to college Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. John Alley, of
Henna., also Mrs. Alley’s father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Brown,
of Berlingtoii, N. C., spent several
days during the holidays with Mr.
Alley’s mother, Mrs. Katie Camion
Mis* Isabel Lumsden, Mary
Hood, Susan and Mary Glen re
turned to Piedmont Coliege Wed.
Miss Mary Schaffer Williams,
who has been visiting her brother,
Henry Williams, in Chicago, come
home for Christmas.
swers that are false shall be fined
not exceeding ^500 or be imprison¬
ed nor exceeding one year, or both.
W. L, Nurton, Supervisor.
Pinnule Mountain News
Lots of sickness in our settle¬
these days. Mr. and Mrs
Turner have been ill, Mrs.
Mrs. 'Gorman, and Mrs
Everybody is improving
exce p t Mrs. Church, who ts
Mrs. Drew Fields have j
Mr. and •
little son at their home, and so|do
and Mrs. Hartley Hat kins.
Miss Liuise Allison Inis return¬
ed from a visit to Sou;li Carolina.
Mr. Jesse Adams has moved in¬
to .our neighborhood recently.
Miss Hattie Belle Adams is
staying with Mr. and Mrs, Clinton
Asli for awhile.
This rainy weather \- putting ad
the furmejs behind with their work
hope it soon clears up.
1 School is in session agtam after tin ;
Christmas holidaye. j
; Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Ash ai-j
juounce tiie arrival of 1 son at their |
I liome, whom they have named j
j Clinton, U-
Mr. Huff is going to have a I
at the school house on.)
Wednesday. He always give*
good advice and information
Mr- rtud Mrs. F. L. Stansberr*
g p ent t [ ie Christina-, holidays in
^ uud y r , p rsllk Allison an.
the marriage of their
daughter, Magdalene, toM r.Brooks j
M Carolina.
^ lb .pent ' s ^ ottue toe 1 weekend •“ ‘‘ " ' with _ M. . a s. j
Ratg.r)- u *
rTrir ~ '
Jig i^INES
><0 news in this settlement much
1 everybody is on the moving
I list.
Mr J ol,n * ioW *' ,; nd family
; ‘
jj mdv&d i e^;ci 3 i iy to White Creek
I Hi«tirict, Mr. Seas hast 11) Lopez
O Cleveland, moved
sthas house vac at ed by M t
to vsf,d. M VV. H Savage am
r -
Ho have moved io Holly
famii v
x >}r. Can diet
Spring ,
of near Dahionega.
and fam, Ht Ravage vacated.
vod wl. «rs .
uii Garf*R uul family
Mr. Henry w« V-mah. Mr
have moved of J'iwk
Petit and faint v.
b?;a a « yacatec
tain, moved to t Ht,i'. fj 1 ady
by Mr. Garrett. . moved ne
y, *
blood and family h X r Satterlb:
Cleveland' Mr. Ho,
'■.9 «
and family will so6n m
Mr. Yqdng vacated.
Mr. OlJie Ledford built, ha
(n -me near his f.ithet ■ an
mo ved here.
Edwin Ledford, of Wit tb-'
ul last weekend here v Vl
s P° Mrs, T. If. L. *-d
parent K i Mr and
Mrs-’ AD B.. Sealer wa* very
happy -recently to see her bt. the |
she had- »°t seen in several yeacs
Mr, Frnk Yoke, labor manager ot j
Goal dye.11 rubber plant, LosAngle-:
He was accompanied witu two ot ■
his friends, Mr. Mclnlyie, ofRock ;
mart, trnd Mr. Powell, of Cartels :
V ille manage!$ of textile wills.
Server a l ladies of this settlenueW }
enjoyed an all day quilting a! th‘
honne of Mrs. E G. Nix.
Mjrs. J. F. Glover gave the
giiU a quilting last week .
The'little son of Mr, and
Ht-oiry Smith, Sr , is ill with lit 1.
Jf% Heim* -■*• •a**** vrf 3 *
Fill Cl n. 1 JN ,\J '•
? AS &&
it ing jk f
is che the means master throueh we ; not .ave 1, I l
achieved art. educe industry.
It is well wort: ' htghe- <
efforts of its art. l
1 ', Clfa t * YiAi \G
el tii (A
mmerdal Printing 1 ///
'A :■ .. 1 Y's'
f¥’ 1 u a& L-‘S
. 3 l i J
WEEK FROM W/-.. "5 CS 2 •on
The important Place V % 3s ft W FT ‘4 j
r ■
Local nev. gel it in your fav. ■. i t. Jim a cannot
equally v irmcd nn national a id w Tirs ‘ vfcitha
Th 11 that is going oilmen's!
all-impu agricultural situah . ids ' Govern
mental ordt a thousand otin-r 1 S Bu his .'.iiiiiet
you personal . ATS WHAT YOU A 5 t T«
* The true i; lory of wliat goes or :U ; ttt ilerstandabie
and reliable > lation that is ha me . of current,
happenings an . changing what conddi ed ; nd explained
for you—that i ■ ctty the Pali a vt. By all means
order Pathfim 1th this paper in Ui tve arranged
for your bene . -RDERXCAV! T H P 8
\ 1 k
Every Week 11 i-?
52 Issues
$ 1.00 d Pfk » m
gp, ® ft i'a - i ta »s i' n
w: ill % fc-1 •!.:
Zj 3 ! ill |j||i
a \DVER USING is I me am .:.:vAr &
|\ 0: a op ed err; :;c 11 vc with
j f p’owder puh. CCCIS ri . .■ ing A
| JL And the bar dor ' he r. • c ' bet
j the re:, s.
i mg- , n th: sales prs-a ) vtI ‘
asmar :orgy ari.i opdmssr
j organ;- t;on—andwatch th (
| .
nn --*■<" A
b 3
pi‘ Vif;
| __/ I
- J ’
4 - AA- T'U
J;. or! i T> J . : \!
* ij] % i A,
r >/ ( Vv^
r v i\ h
(€ 1% i H 4 m s>-, ( *
-■¥ ' - M
ayc\' '■■ •\ and stir
H r ERE 1 b tv.a irU"" " whites and
goo 1 a. a gs in indi
ono'i; ‘■/etf. ; dishes or
alive,” he it; ktftps i'a'U 1 shadow
■■ i • or
sons very ilivt, •■■: '•■ ■ ■ a - ■ft uts of
©od costs me btt< ii. :ftft! soup
Crisp h Boses '■ ft. yoiks
| I i),, •' il! /.lift '' but
. in hot
296 ft; a
I!: Hire ” i • t. biding
c .'it/--' *-■' n. Serves
Tri i uit ■ . Butter 8c
Bread hortcake * f -i!r ft: Drain
j •a 46 one Clip or pea ■ and mari
Tow at 0 Rmicet j nato in tv > ,;;,ftftis French
}f)eviivd t ft. droftftinp: lo tru-ft ft ■ iv. Add
iird cook . ■ft, r oruo ft ■• - ■' d ivainuts,
H uit.cut in ; lepgthvvia one-four! b ipir
ai 1 season lrittuiy three fouvt ftbrcddeil crisp
m ove yolks pepper, paprijea, lettuce aia rth cup inayon
•w (th butter, juice Add naise and ftftiy together.*
HI aatard am ion