Newspaper Page Text
day for
An earthqua.
Jan. 1st. It wu.
nopcuble tremor.
Our Congressman, Ju.
Frank VVhelclief, lias been use.,,
ed on the Post Ofli and Post
Roads Committee. I"hat fellow
will certainly be hear.. from dur¬
ing hijj tenure in Congress. Keep
i Go-e. watch on him and see if he
goes wrong.
There’s no no use mentioning it,
but folks we have had more ram
in the past week than we have had
d mouths.
According to news reports the
relief will be abounded July 1st
L’he way it has been conducted in
White County it should have never
been inaugurated. Mr, President,
a good tiring would be the fight
Governor Talmadge had Dr,
Swint fired last week as head ot
that state institution for 25 years.
Louis H. Crawford, former U.
S. Marshal of Jibe Northern Dis¬
trict of Georgia, and former Re
publican federal patronage du>
j enter in Geosgia, has been, ap¬
pointed food inspector of the State
Department of Agriculture byTotn
[Linder. Fie certainly ought to
1 know bad food sitting in the gallery
The Georgia General Assembly
[meets next week. What they wilt
do no one can be so informed
to predict. We hope our
and Reprepresentative will so
and vote that they can come
and look every voter squarely
the eyes and teil them they
theis best.
Mrs. C. li Nelms and
spent Sunday with
Paul Muney ami Mrs. jas.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maxell,
Atlanta, ware in Cleveland
day on their way to Young Han
College. Mack ts Vice-Pres.
the Citizens & Southern National
Bank in Atlanta.
The Gainesvil.e Production
Credit A.sociation will meet it,
Gainesville Jan 12, at the Court
House at 1 P. M.
We wish to make it positively
clear that all lagal advertising
must be in our office by Tuesday
for the month you desire the ad to
appear for legal action. We have
been entirely too stack in granting
I this unnecessary privilege hereto¬
fore, but vve want it distinctly un¬
derstood that vve have called a
halt. In most cases it is but pure
negiige.tee. Many limes we have
been forced to work all night to
gel The Courier out on time simply
became of someone - negligence in
waiting un'i! the i.,st minute to
get in the legal advertisements to
us. Also: remember that ail
legal ads must be paid in advance.
The Baptist W. M. U. met Jan.
jst. with Mrs. Clarence Barrett,
Year Book was studied and olbe t -
books discussed. The hostess
service! delicious tefreshinenis. The
next meeting will be with Mis.
B. H. Humphries, Jan. i5.
The next meeting will be Thuis*
day afternoon, Jan xS at 3 o’clock
in 1 lie High School AuhitoriutnJ'^J
,s all breeds. Write
ttd tium or liens. We
our flocks nd pay
dozen premium for eggs,
rtes— Athens Gainesville,Ga
Notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills aud Dealers j
Seated bids will l»e received hy the
State Highway Board of Georgia, 2 Cap- ’
tot Square, Atlanta, Georgia, until ly I
o’clock A. M. Jan, 3.8 jH 3 $ for fur- [
tuotttli limbing of groceries, Feb. various supplies onm-ict and f«ed for j
to camp*
mtuntained by said Board. Bid blank
and full information as to quantities ami 1
delivery points can be obtained from
Purchasing Department at the above ad
dress. Our bid blanks must be. used in I
submitting bids. Payment to be made
iiO days from date of delivery , and aecep
caoce of goods. Goode must be equal t» j
or better than that used by the Highway |
UOHJ-d and found satisfactory. IJuantL j
ties shown jire approximate only and
may be increased or decreased »s the j
Board sees tit Right is reserved to re- -
any and all bids and to waive a !
foi inaliti-S. Contract of parolutne j
awards pursuant hereto to bo binding on i
the State Highway Department us such j
ami not on any employee or individual.
This notice is in accordance with the Act 1
of Hie General Assembly of Georgia, «p-!
proved Aug. 15. 193.2. Envelope musl :
t,e marked “Sealed bid to i,e opened Jan. I
38th”. |
Stale Highway Board of Georgia, j
\\ . ly, Wilburn, Cba, man; Max L.
McRae, Member, John A. Heck, Member j
January 4, t995.
t I Ah*.gam
■ 0 '
! lii’i irf
i* /!
b >? i i
IjilMSTi cw/oyMm
dealer advertisement
THE HEW /CHEVROLET presents the / the low-price field. Both of these
STANDARD CHEVROLET finest cars and biggest values, powered hy the improved THE NEW -
ears are
S.OWEST-FRICED SIX that Chevrolet has ever offered. | Master Chevrolet engine. Both $ i; MASTERiHE LUXE CHEVROLET
Die New Standard Chevrolet .jv|give itk.
UNUSUAL ECONOMY . . remarkable new performance $ NEW STREAMLINE STYLING
FLASHY styled m the traditional Chevrolet | ; j —and both are even more eco- A
ACCELERATION manner which has proved nodiical : TURRET TOP BODY BY FISHER
23% MORI POWER so to operate than previous k"
for Getaway popular. And the new Master De ! Chevrolcts. See these f I KNEE-ACTION
and Hiii-Ciimbing Luxe new cars
BIG, ROOMY BODY BY FISHER Chevrolct * - • beautifully t and you will choose Chevrolet for j- LOGGER WHEELBASE
SMOOTH, POWERFUL streamlined ... the Fashion Car of ^quality at low cost. ROOMIER BODi'tS
C ° mJ,are V**"**’, low dowered f rfc«, atol easy, C.M.A.C. A General Motors BLUE-FLAME
Al A xrr, ) LJ ’ Llst ,. , of New St-undard terms. Value. VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE
, :t Klin! *w- with i/~ NOW ON DISPLAY ( ’ Knee action ojuGnal at small-aiFltinnal cost)
”«•<' and the lock, th* iiM ^ ,ANI> I'P hist price of Raster He LuxeCou
?i2II-GO affiuimnai. Prices pri 8 (£ C £ jfY ' hi nit. M:ch.,f;i 60 With burn
without subfeet to change yiFU - l.iers, spare
* Vjp notice. » n<l <!«••» lock, the list price is fur,.00 ad
ditinmi!. I’l-ices sdiject to change without
,-oui!) of Cleve
• ble 1UC! '"°" ^° r
.uul tourist camp,
Scenic highway
11 net near even! v.
its the old . stun Aunt Shiite Seattle
• too place, ioo to aoo young
L trees. One fair six-room
ouso. Two branches on place.
See L. Bryant, near Frank Wot
lord’s story, or write F. L. Mad¬
dox, Gastonia, N. C., 1 i‘J.
Advertising is iheoi! ‘.hut lubrt
j cates the machinery of buisuess
| Fry it regularly.
Mountain News
j Having a great deal of
presen t.
School opened Monday at Dukes
Mr * Henry Coning left
Monday 1
for I eon., where they i
will make it their home, -
•' lr li lr Ash lost fine I
- “‘ y two
_ last week with cholera.
! j
VVe guess last Sunday was too
- preacher, A lic! |
‘ ' ^ v
- i
to get. out to libs chuache*.
U e hope the weather will settle so I
lie cun nvxke his lound.j
Me Alr wr VV D- iv Adams v I paid n, / j
land a visit last week. j
Tller , ri ................ ® SeeUls lo be , il 8 re! ‘ £ . . f .. ! [
moving going on everywhere. Mr.
Uenrv Garrett has moved to the
j ohl) Ledford la cc, .rear Dukes
^ rcv ‘ c,10 ° '
The flu ;
1S coming around !
W e hope those that have it will i
soon ^ we) ,
Slim Reece wns pacing last
s„ fl ,i ,,, „ n a ^ Ve Ule Wr,ter !1
pleasant call. ,
Clarence Sims spent t| u - W eek
with hotnefolks.
Mr. Emesf Sims ivss very sick
the past week.
Georgia, White County,
U'il! lie w lid lifl'oiu the Cmu t Monwej
’. ,0 '" ’" wn ' 1 >-otn>iy on the first Tuesday
luKul,nml >' P> ;!; > witf|in he legal hours'
,,f f »<d« t<> ,h Hie-highest * I'd,lei '> M* sor cash,
(, ‘ l!invu vvil: ‘f' < 1 soi l 1 1 i irsonul proper-(
° nft :>l<*vrolet Truck. one and one- j
‘ ! one pair hhn-h
, mare mules, weighing: .bout itmo H,s I
| '- a ° b ' OIU “ " f sai,i nm, '- H :lbo,Jt tt! ” years
i <)! ' H ' hI Ule ' ,Uu ' ir !tb<,l, ‘ years old,and j
k "" WU us the liutl, T felu lnut mull.*; one
: wi ,n!lk
! ,M,W with burns rlnml 7 years,
! mi eow wi,b b««rn* -iliont three yrs,
j " ao 10; “ ne *'«• white spotted <-mv
1 ,ll alw ' out nit three ill n-t* years y,.,-crs old; one red heifer
ll,oul |S ell; one two-Worm
"'*«<>». axle. -Umi one undivided j
hi or certain ••Turner” !
'*« mill and equipm*:.,: ttnl one la 11. P.
l ’«'’' ,| e ! « steam engine. Said above de
Hed -property Jevie ! as t-lie prnpei
of J ’ f' 1 ; «*"»>"> '•> Uafy a Superior
1 11 11 1 K, ' ( d I - 1 ’ die Superior J
0ourt ' ,f “ aW coiln, J' ->• M
'non and in tutor . id .1 A. Haines, on'
die toreclosnrv of a <Jh u-l Monigi^,, „„
8,li ° f M 'iy H-a .
bat Vandiver, Sheriff,
White ............. Cimrt <,f Ordinary, January
Termr (Jan. 7tli.) IP 35
'The appraisers upon the applimition „f
0 i‘s. Lillie Menders, widow of said (
M,eiders for n twelve nioutli's support : j
I'm-herself ami six (li) miuoi e.hiUiren,
iiavilig tileu their return. All persons
' ‘' m, - r ” wl iU ' e 7
•tiL-c, it any th«y liavp, 1 } tin* w xt v«gu
; ai- Ft-buary Term l ' Wl1 *' 1 ' his hw '»"« "‘V «**
AjipIiv.atioH bIiouM not. bo gmnteii.
A, L. Ihif&ey, Ofrfiuuvy
” ■ L. ■ T “‘
^ ° u y
1 ’-.’ vviiom it may concei-r:
Notice is licrebi given that Dios, K
t oiienvood, as Administrator of June
Miile.r, deceased, Slaving apjdjed t
by petition for leave L, wl! Hie real cs
i-de of said Jane Mill.u:' deceased ami
that an order was made, thereon at the
dinoary term ISISf) f.n-citation and that,
itatiee issue. All heir,-, at, law and ered-
1 ,e ,SM,i HiUer, deceased.
i.l mke ,
w notice that 1 will upon
-aid application at the Feqrmuy Twin
f ^ - .?‘‘H ? VT', .. ........ ckuko ° i» f *'...... shots-n m,H S j: - '
iontrary at said time s„i,| Icav.ri?
will be granted, Tiii.s tith dut >' f . j • ^
' '
. . twiuos. Onliimry j
r-;u u—__ -----
_ ^
lure bred-biood tested ,, ,
u,,ck G al1 br ecds, lowest prises,
lc P tr ciiick books -your order.
I I itr)iprie»- ' s - Ati,ensA v GamesviffeGa /• - . .
Legal tfWdvs * t < \ f
! Geurgi, White County, ■
Pursuant "of to SKhl"i”(iuul an orris,■ of ,"\vII the c,,„it solci'1,7- () ,- 5
j-Ordinary [-Ordinary fo a,,, Court utsniiil House enmity, \ will lm he nukl l,e
, lt said ,■ nnly
on the first Tuesday in FYb. liKln within
ll '« ^'Ws of sale m tin- hipest
{ *' Wd ‘‘ r f "*' ( ** h ,he f,,1, ‘ nvi ' »> r described
1>rop( , rtv t|) wit ,
Part of lot of land No; 3S in tits second
land district of said count r, ......aiuing
M acres more. or less and P ine the same
land and fully described Pi a deed fvt>m
I. L. Oakes to Milton P, Smith dated tin.
17th day of November IlltlO and n-cerded
in^the Clerk's Office of stud county
mam! of deeds book “Al” page Uy-l to
which recorp reference is nrayed for d<
scripti.>u of the property li-reh, a ,l\er
Used. Said property tot. - .-ole, as tie
property to be sold as the property !
1 he estate of Milton P. ,ilh, late „f
i } said county, devaased, for ( jvnr),<>*.: of ,
pityutg expenses of adm - ste. i.oi mut
for distribution among tin heira of .said ;
estate. This Jan. Stli, ]!i *.
J. if. Smith, Adf.o, lor j
the estate of M. I’, mull,;.
Georgia, White Comity,
Puisuan to ail order of the C-.ui-t ,
Ordinary of said county, - ill Is ...Id j.e
foi'e the Court House door in said e nnty
on the first Tuesday in P, . iP.'.o within
tile legal Imtisof sale to loo higii-ist liid
lei* tor cash the foil.e.vjno 1 i
property to wit:
Farts of lots of land uu 5 : u, the !
first laud Uiatrict of Lumpkin tim-iy
^. ¥ ia, comaining in th- ag S r,..„
acres more,or less and -being il.,- ,o
tand and fully dcsi-vib.-u in two
One dated May ittlh, lie ten
acres more 01 - from John 1 -. , .!, to
aud Katlieiin ■ White, -id ieed
record-d in tile Clerk’s Otti e of Lump
County, Georgia, in , ,-d
hook Q -1 pages 3ID & 70 v , which .o-ed
reference is made for s,tid ter. acres.Also
another part, of i t No. »l a said i,mu|
kb) Cihcny, Georgia, coni, injog 7. aCies
mora or less Bud being folly ojibed
in a deed iroiu John yj, : and Law
to John White am wife, t.
Vt bite, said deed dated Noveml.,:.r 21
1325 aud recorded in the Lie; kd i.ufi ■: ,.,
County, Geo,gin. in re,-, ,-p
deeds book “Q-l" page :;,iP t „ n ),m„
last named deed reference is is made foi
the description of the ho. >. uu
Said laud to t.-c sold a . ue proyr v uf
estate oi Johu IJ. White ,for ijm- purpose
of paying debts of the o.-tale and for dis
iribution. This Jan. Stir, iftyj.
Roy Burke, A dm; H.-trator of
the estate of./. 11 While
j ;
: 1
By F. M. LAW
President American Hankers
, Association
TYURtNG the crisis when confidence
v.-ns shat red, hankers were prop¬
erly concerned in liquidity. Their mein
p. m. i .v.v
rlorcd banks will naturally resume a
mm normal u nding policy. Thjs does
not mean C: y will or should extend
loose or unsound credi', but that in the
utmost good faith bankers will per
form their proper part in recovery by
a sympathetic and constructive attl
tude in the making of sound loans. Nor
should commercial banks make capital
or long time loans, for the reason that
their loans ere made from funds de¬
rived from deposits payable for the
mast part on demand.
When the return of confidence is
further on it:; way, business men will
find need for credit in making their
plans. Then good borrowers, who tor
llie most, part have, been so conspicu¬
ously absent from the market, Will re¬
turn. They will be warmly welcomed
by the banks.
Business Men’s Fears
Business men have not yet laid all
their fears. They worry about what
Congress may or may not do. They con¬
cern themselves about a trend toward
control of business by government.
They tear taxes beyond their power to
pay. These are real sources o* worry
and when they are reassured along
these lines they will be more inclined
to take a fresh look at the future and
to make plans to go forward.
As a inattcr of fact there are tangi¬
ble evidences of recovery. The Federal
j Reserve Board officially has stated
’ t!la ‘ l»’iccs,_ wages, business activity
, and production were back to the high
j est peak since early in 1931. Commer
| eial failures in the United States are
’being cut almost in half as compared
-with the same period last year. It has
* been reported that the decline in ex
•port and import trade was definitely
jcliecked in the middle of 1933 and re
during the last half of the year
a substantial recovery movement.
- Among Among favorat favorable factors is the im
I proved condition of the banks. It la
, loubt i ess true that the banking struc-
thought was
prepare to meet
any demand tor
withdrawal of
funds. They were
more interested
therefore In col¬
lecting loau3 than
in making them.
For this they can
not be justly
blamed. It was a
proper procedure.
Now that con
fidence has been
so largely re-