Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agr rc:;'a and Industrial interests of White Cc vty
OL. XXXV11 No. 17
.lust from the Mountains.
Mr. Sparks, ci - ’ 1 r 7 the Hi t
rvj.see Bunk, gave u- ; short cnii
Sund i v.
Mr )ohn S >sei- e i cev«us eiui
mutator for five disir ct-, was lien
Mr. A.via Thom X has moved t
the Boyd Allen farm near iht
M i. Paul E lim i uni son, i> it
\ is, visited r.*l ilivt .vie Sundiy
Mr Gear 'C Sears -pent S.iUtt
dny nig it as i.iur gu;.
That su c- tax :s mother sola m
to souk the poor. 1‘hey 1 1 ; i it vvi
; ot p s- tin- time.
It now looks 1 iu the o M ■ 114 '
j ensi n w 11 pass.
As Uncle Josh to ash v* i
what they we e ait when 1i11 \
kidnapped that Linburgli bati\
Thev didn’t tale imo io
the misery it would bring to ii
parent ; .
They ire now sit'ing up with J
H. V’ utigbhv d lie b night m l
himself a young mare.
Tom Whitnet's brother, former
:t 11 v ol Oklahoma, spent Sunda
night wit h him.
A truck load from 1»1 ue Ridg
nnd TowtiCreek attended the .v ng
ing at the CCC Camp at Robert*
town Sunday.
When the weather gets fait
gain the people will begin t<
think about farming again. That’s
about dll there is to Jo here.
A Kentuckian n.uned Kuo
c '.thin’s knit, to he invented i
knitter and called it the Knot Ken it
ter But the Knot Knitter could
n’t knit knots, so one dny wluo
not kn.tting on the Knot Knitter
Knot invented an attachment ti¬
the Knot Knitter ind railed it tin
Knot Knot Knitter; aid when tin.
Knot KnOtter was attached to th
Knot Knitter no kudo r could knit
knots like Knot kink: on the Knot j
Knitter.—Walton Tribune,
If you and your !
tiiul m) talks like me ■ nd my foik
like y-:u ami your toil-: J here neve
was folks like folk*, like foil
since folks were folks.
A J 1 oilier went intt i a store am I
told the lad) clerk . t h t tie w ilitta
some shorts f-,i his p g. "Lam I
sake'.’’excla Died the ni ng wotna n
Next tiling I know - ju will be
i O iling in and want.! ' bra siere>
(That’s a mis' J 'hie 'ord for »
b cbelor to u-e—h ) for you)
mil ii cows
• ‘What’s your view* on kiss ng.
I a ked a flapper wise ;
Said j lie, ‘i haven't
I always close my eye -Bo-tm
Tr.ll)set ipt.
(Jin CsrUfcate Pool Closed
Febinary to the Gin 11 c
Fool will cl se. After t h
tio more pool certificate s will be
issued except those unc et sped i
grant by the pool, me urgt
all producers who have :otton linn
lias n t beee gmned t ; gin tbeii
cotton and get : licit ceri die lies be
fore Feb. y.
E. J. Huff, Co. Agent
\\’e vvi il accept from farmers any
kind of produce grown on
farm-for renewal ot their aubsenp
tion or to be ruicied to our list as a
hew subscriber. We trust
proposition will appeal to every
Pay Your Subscription Now
Mountain News
Y\’e sine have been having some
cold we a: her this : i-t week,
Mr. and Mrs A i Abernathy
ind family, of Me: n vi-ileil Mr.
uni Mrs. \V D. A dams Sunday.
Mr. Waiter S.m - .pave the young
folks a patty Scut, ay night.
Mrs. Ileurv Ash spent hi t
ilimsdav with M: GroverKathey
Mr. O. W, lloo itl iv is passing
through tins way Sunday.
Mr. \V . D Adams w as onTnw n
eh eek one nig1 1 \ I i - n c v k.
Mr Charlie 11 up ■rand mother
Sirs lv!u 1 laden, t< oil SoiifhCaro
ti a. pa id ft i - tuts ot \\ ilite count \
i visit 1 a .t \\ ee ■< .
Mr 1 ienrv Asli a ■ 1 son, Marmi
was passing tin oitg R.obertstow i
me day hist wee k ,
Nacoochee Mens
The "Womatih Wedding”
vill be presented it (he school
iiiditornim Saturd . ni glit at *] :ai
tUo a ‘ ‘CM ke \\ a HU Ev«i v bod\
is invit ed . Con le uni give tlx
^ci 00 1 v 01 ;r snpp- Dll. IV eeeiU m>
or lhe be ue fit «t the scllOul.
M is* US Label l.u n - ilea, M»n
: lood 1 nd Stimuli Gli t'li me hoim
rom 1 Led-ii out Col it-go for few
.Mr. Rttssell Buteh and son, i ■■
Yt 1-antu, visited Mi, Junes G.ei
vet the weekend.
Mrs. W diet' liranii ut and son.
Waiter, Jr,, and I.eOna Login
pent last" Thursday wit It the u
nolber, Mrs S. B. 1 ,ngm.
Mr and Its. U T I! Lumsdei
pent Sunday in \ 11 mt a M rs.
Lumsden’s father, h . Turk, liar
Mieuinortn in Athiuti at his sou’",
Dr. Newton L'urk.
Mr. Luther R tm si i. I) iving
.linn: more work don. at his lioroi
n tie V alley Me -; at the week
•mu with Misses Ann and Lvzzu
Jounfy •Gommitteem&n
Elected B} Growers
Under the Hites ami regu! itions
f the Agiicujutrii Adjustnieril
Yaniini-! i t ion lhi community
i ■ iiimitteemeti ate elect' d by the
•lembers of their av.V'f, st ion. The
ominunity Couimittee en in turn
led they county coinu : i t teem a n.
This election is betel in White
un'y WediljgS'.htv, i auuary 30.
L mil member ot the association
s allowed to vote and is eligible
■ re- mm't t> emeu r ■ o \ id.ed he has
ducat tonal a .l van t .*g vs and the
ibtiit) to carry on ttie work utidei
lie rules and regul itio: is of ihe as
■ ociat on. On v coot ■ act signers
re niembers ot the ■ --ociat ion,
Til is election was he id YVednes
lay, Jan, 30 at the cnuri hou-e
nd Hie fohowmg were : elected :
Dist. No. 1 M.«ssy 1 reek,
a eek , 1 own Creek \\
. M. D vids,m, \V. L.
■ ml F. C. TiUeiove Dtsi,
.Vii te Creek, B ue lire k,
Tonah, Te-natee, T. H.
N. M. Keif tner J. D. iaturn
titer n te C, A. Skelto
Cotnmitteenien : Y\ . j.
A’. B. Robinson and j. K.
Hatching eggs all or eds.
ating bred nd numb r liens.
dood-test your fLcks .nd pay
cuts per d-.'.sn premium for
l iicli.-nts- A 1 hens G 1
•OKGIA. FEU. 1. 1985
'I'll.- writer knows sumelhing
ibout brotherhoods However, he
is convinced (hit the gleale-l
brotherhood in the world & t lie
or. thei hood of s iints. We hav
■cen Christian groups in (many
tncK There ate no ties as ytionp
is | he lies of real Cluistiau ex
aerience, A man who know'
lothing of Christi m couitesy does
iot know any thing bait ifl'ow
ship w i b lesus A ■ is!, our Hod
Recently the had tie
ileasitre of visiting the home o
f oh ii Wesley in the City off Lot¬
ion, Wesley was n t only *gt<‘ t
preacher, but he w n a staleamai .
Some of the modern Is speifk < I
YVesley as a modernist. llt^ w, s
not a modernist \\ ■ -ley tofck tin
>e- pe to an a til hoidt it n e
Bible ami to real Ch: i aim ejfperi
Mice. Wesley was per>ectit|^ b
■ he :eal le ulws of lr.£jda\.
Now lie is honored b) men %ri:iy
vlieie. WesIey w:i-, no itikibi.
sustained by the le 1 :.. w ship iffijiv'
le had with the liUle gtoufi In
gathered 'about him—the jjruyii
.vho had had a similar experffnc
•ml who understood vvhat YY’jk.e
In one cemetery in London sie|ip
he dust of Banyan, o, JLs»ac W'u'jUi
if Sus Hint! We-ley, and hlipo
great Chris iaii leader- **1 walked
recently among these tombs. Tin
lay before 1 had been to YVesI
ninister Abbey where sleep man
if England’s illustrious dead When
the trumpet sounds at d the dead
ire raised Runyan, 1 lac W atts,
vVesley, and other saints like these
■vnl take the front seats and many
d the kings and statesmen o
nutb will s; ind in •• real— s
hey arc ‘ mi.
Ti , mdd\
net v ■■'■■“■
| 111.
001 . i: -.
I!i I 1 -eder
on ■ .a t) --op ogram
was a s mg, ‘Tie Lilt >d Me,” by
vIr■. Arthur Cook. Bible reading
ind c mm;lit Mrs E (j. Neal;
Dialogue ‘-The Wells Our Father's
Digg d” by the following: Mrs.
Xeniiner Mrs. Telford, Mrs. Rey¬
nolds, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Russell,
drs. Ttiderwood in d Miss Ida
Allison. Met hod i-t Pioneer and
Founder in the Oregon Country
■ Irs. Guest, Song ‘ Je us Lover
if My Soul”; closing prayer by
firs. Bertha Manney. During the
lefresinnent hour .Miss yLouise
Underwood favored t e Society
vith a piano selection. Me next
neeting will be vritli Mrs. Jiil
Russell Feb. 13 at 3 p m.
Mr. 11 . U. W iley’s Sunday
School Class is sponsoring ‘’Bill
; Gatins and Mis (Jug Baud,’' Fridiy
J fight, Feb 22 ' . Thi-y a e u
; modernized Hill Billy , inc udes a
: little bit of everything ■. the way
J of clean amun-ements. Co ■ e and
| hear liiil Gaten ‘‘blow a jug”
something we have heard. 1 lie
roceeds is to go for painting the
n-ide of the Methodist Church.
Let us honor Mr. Wiley by having
1 large attendance.
Ture bred-blood tested
Chicks, all breeds, low st
xc per chick books your order.
The writer and his yvife with
(fuss Evans ate dinner with CHf
foid Sutton Tuesday. Mrs. Sut
uti Tuesday prepared a splendid
dinner and we comp imented the
Mrs. Aila Barker Evans is in
feeble health.
Mrs. Annie Stiinger tel timed
from a visit to her daughter tesid
jng in Mall county.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Early have
been confined to their bed with fl< .
Mr. John Brown is ttonbled
high blood pressure.
Mr. l’oin Dav dson census emi
aerator for the farms was down
this way recently.
Mr. Jim Turner has moved on
t \e f in of Miss Neelu Bowen.
Mr. Ben Ingram has moved oi
he farm of Brice Anderson.
Mr. Lester Ingram has moved i n
the farm of Marcus Gilreath.
Pinnule Mountain News
Mrs \V . 1 ). Harkins is not so
we l this week. We hope she will
soon be able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L Stansberry,
if Atlanta, spent the weekend at
lit ir farm.
Mr. aad Mrs. Drew Fields liavv
lamed their son, Homer Lee.
Mrs. Joe Harkins has been iP,
but is better now.
Mrs. Gorman has been spending
some time in Atlanta,
We have to mention our Sunday
School every week, for we are
very proud of it. Attendance was
wenty-eight last Sunday, and we
think that is very good for the
weather weather we have been
iu ing.
We saw our first snow for this
biter last Wednesday
Mi John Sosebee was in t his
n one day Iasi week taking
bo Cal 111 census.
M, s |. II. Westmoreland is
„,me better after being very sick
fnj the past few weeks.
Mr. Charlie Nix has \ Ut Up a
.tore at his home in this section,
ion, and we hope he makes good.
Several from this section attend¬
ed the singing at the UCC Camp
as Robertstown last Sundry.
Mrs "Fierce Shuler, of Union
count A, is visiting parents, M .
aid Mrs. J, C. A leu.
Mr,. J C Alien visited rela¬
tives at Cleveland last S inday,
Mr. E. J. Huff and Mr. 1 . V
Cantrell were around o see some
of the cli.b boys and girls last
Mr, George Winkler and son-in
lam, Joe Wood, are getting tie
lumber ready to build Mr. Wood u
A. the weather is so cold most ol
the folks in this section spend most
of their time getting wood and go
ing to mill.
216 acres ofi land in White County
seven miles from Cleveland, ten
miles from Clarkesvilie. Bart in
cultivation. Fine timber.
Blanche Wiilbauks,
Clarkesvilie, Georgia.
Advertising is the oil‘.hat iubri
cates the machinery of buisness
Try it regularly.
Pi />
l n t i n g h*
is the master key of xtr civilization,
the means through which we hav<# NM
athieved education and industry. \*
It is well worth the very htghcs
efforts of its craftsmen.
{ wy
r»'i. Cleveland Cot; -
in hr Vs
nmmercial Printing of Et . ■. script ion fa
l N
— ■ rnw 'i
y You Deposit Your Money
Money is dep ?<><! for safe keeping, to Su* paid back whei
depositors vv : it. Had banking buys business by payinjt
hi^lt rates for posits. Iiiveatigate our sound banking prart*
Pan in SuMmi Now
r ADVERTISING is like liniment. lw
c int be app.ied effectively with a • It
0 owier puff. It needs rubbing in w
F\.nd the harder the rubbing the better J*
the resul s.
RUB i IN HARD—Increase your aavertis
ing—p n tJae sales prssur;--create enthusi
asman.; trgy a*ri optimism throughout your
organization—and watch the progrss you make
l ‘A 75,00 Dim-267’ for 4‘
,- m //*‘\ 4%
a ,2 , 5%: 2 my “‘4‘ ’ 2 c::/, .3 w
~. W“? \... 4&0 4.: k??? iv ’ KWM 3
- :.
, .> .1 g ‘ 7/ M ”m ’T;":.'.;‘ a”? ’ 7*
TTERE’S a 1 eye view of a
Li good diti/i It’s more than
enough 'keep a bird
alive,” however keeps four psr
sons very mu< ■ ve and happy,
and costs on'. : buck.
Crisp ii- Hoses 5<t
Deviled i: in. Tomato
S,. ... Id
Unite. ■ ice 8c
Pea and i Salad 2-ic
Bread '.Iter 8C
Strawberr y rtcake 23$
e l< : , itf
Deviled Ego Tomato Payee'.
Hard cook six '.move shells
and cut in hal . ngthwise. Re¬
move yolks a ason iiiglily
with butter, sa; iiper, paprika,
mustard and 1 juice Add
mayonnaise to moisten and stir
until creamy. Refill whites and
place the deviled eggs in indi¬
vidual shallow baking dishes or
in a glass pte plate or shallow
baking dish. Pour contents of
otic 1014-ounce can tomato soup
around the eggs, leaving the yolks
uncovered. Sprinkle with but¬
tered crumbs and place iu a hot
oven until the soup is bubbling
and the crumbs brown. Serves
four. ^
Pea and Lettuce, Salad: Drain
one cup of canned peas and mari¬
nate in two tablespoons French
dressing for at least an hour. Add
one-fourth cup chopped walnuts,
three-fourths cup shredded crisp
lettuce and one-fourth cup mayon¬
naise and mix lightly together.*